4 research outputs found

    A computer model of auditory efferent suppression: Implications for the recognition of speech in noise

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    The neural mechanisms underlying the ability of human listeners to recognize speech in the presence of background noise are still imperfectly understood. However, there is mounting evidence that the medial olivocochlear system plays an important role, via efferents that exert a suppressive effect on the response of the basilar membrane. The current paper presents a computer modeling study that investigates the possible role of this activity on speech intelligibility in noise. A model of auditory efferent processing [ Ferry, R. T., and Meddis, R. (2007). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 3519?3526 ] is used to provide acoustic features for a statistical automatic speech recognition system, thus allowing the effects of efferent activity on speech intelligibility to be quantified. Performance of the ?basic? model (without efferent activity) on a connected digit recognition task is good when the speech is uncorrupted by noise but falls when noise is present. However, recognition performance is much improved when efferent activity is applied. Furthermore, optimal performance is obtained when the amount of efferent activity is proportional to the noise level. The results obtained are consistent with the suggestion that efferent suppression causes a ?release from adaptation? in the auditory-nerve response to noisy speech, which enhances its intelligibility

    Speech Recognition in noisy environment using Deep Learning Neural Network

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    Recent researches in the field of automatic speaker recognition have shown that methods based on deep learning neural networks provide better performance than other statistical classifiers. On the other hand, these methods usually require adjustment of a significant number of parameters. The goal of this thesis is to show that selecting appropriate value of parameters can significantly improve speaker recognition performance of methods based on deep learning neural networks. The reported study introduces an approach to automatic speaker recognition based on deep neural networks and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. It particularly focuses on three parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm: the learning rate, and the hidden and input layer dropout rates. Additional attention was devoted to the research question of speaker recognition under noisy conditions. Thus, two experiments were conducted in the scope of this thesis. The first experiment was intended to demonstrate that the optimization of the observed parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm can improve speaker recognition performance under no presence of noise. This experiment was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the recognition rate is observed when the hidden layer dropout rate and the learning rate are varied, while the input layer dropout rate was constant. In the second phase of this experiment, the recognition rate is observed when the input layers dropout rate and learning rate are varied, while the hidden layer dropout rate was constant. The second experiment was intended to show that the optimization of the observed parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm can improve speaker recognition performance even under noisy conditions. Thus, different noise levels were artificially applied on the original speech signal

    Enhancing the effectiveness of automatic speech recognition

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    V práci jsou identifikovány příčiny nedostatečné spolehlivosti současných systémů pro automatické rozpoznávání řeči při jejich nasazení v náročných podmínkách. U jednotlivých rušivých vlivů je popsán jejich dopad na úspěšnost rozpoznávání a je podán výčet známých postupů pro identifikaci těchto vlivů analýzou rozpoznávaného signálu. Je též uveden přehled obvyklých metod používaných k omezení dopadu rušivých vlivů na funkci rozpoznávače řeči. Vlastní přínos tkví v navržení nových postupů pro vytváření akustických modelů zašuměné řeči a modelů nestacionárního šumu, díky kterým je možné dosáhnout vysoké úspěšnosti rozpoznávání v náročných akustických podmínkách. Účinnost navržených opatření byla otestována na rozpoznávači izolovaných slov s využitím nahrávky reálného akustického pozadí operačního sálu pořízené na Uniklinikum Marburg v Německu při několikahodinové neurochirurgické operaci. Tato práce jako první přináší popis dopadu změn v hlasovém úsilí mluvčích na spolehlivost rozpoznávání řeči v celém rozsahu, tj. od šepotu až po křik. Je navržena koncepce rozpoznávače řeči, který je imunní vůči změnám v hlasovém úsilí mluvčích. Pro účely zkoumání změn v hlasovém úsilí byla v rámci řešení práce sestavena nová řečová databáze BUT-VE1.This work identifies the causes for unsatisfactory reliability of contemporary systems for automatic speech recognition when deployed in demanding conditions. The impact of the individual sources of performance degradation is documented and a list of known methods for their identification from the recognized signal is given. An overview of the usual methods to suppress the impact of the disruptive influences on the performance of speech recognition is provided. The essential contribution of the work is the formulation of new approaches to constructing acoustical models of noisy speech and nonstationary noise allowing high recognition performance in challenging conditions. The viability of the proposed methods is verified on an isolated-word speech recognizer utilizing several-hour-long recording of the real operating room background acoustical noise recorded at the Uniklinikum Marburg in Germany. This work is the first to identify the impact of changes in speaker’s vocal effort on the reliability of automatic speech recognition in the full vocal effort range (i.e. whispering through shouting). A new concept of a speech recognizer immune to the changes in vocal effort is proposed. For the purposes of research on changes in vocal effort, a new speech database, BUT-VE1, was created.

    Robust visual speech recognition using optical flow analysis and rotation invariant features

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop computer vision algorithms for visual speech recognition system to identify the visemes. The majority of existing speech recognition systems is based on audio-visual signals and has been developed for speech enhancement and is prone to acoustic noise. Considering this problem, aim of this research is to investigate and develop a visual only speech recognition system which should be suitable for noisy environments. Potential applications of such a system include the lip-reading mobile phones, human computer interface (HCI) for mobility-impaired users, robotics, surveillance, improvement of speech based computer control in a noisy environment and for the rehabilitation of the persons who have undergone a laryngectomy surgery. In the literature, there are several models and algorithms available for visual feature extraction. These features are extracted from static mouth images and characterized as appearance and shape based features. However, these methods rarely incorporate the time dependent information of mouth dynamics. This dissertation presents two optical flow based approaches of visual feature extraction, which capture the mouth motions in an image sequence. The motivation for using motion features is, because the human perception of lip-reading is concerned with the temporal dynamics of mouth motion. The first approach is based on extraction of features from the optical flow vertical component. The optical flow vertical component is decomposed into multiple non-overlapping fixed scale blocks and statistical features of each block are computed for successive video frames of an utterance. To overcome the issue of large variation in speed of speech, each utterance is normalized using simple linear interpolation method. In the second approach, four directional motion templates based on optical flow are developed, each representing the consolidated motion information in an utterance in four directions (i.e.,up, down, left and right). This approach is an evolution of a view based approach known as motion history image (MHI). One of the main issues with the MHI method is its motion overwriting problem because of self-occlusion. DMHIs seem to solve this issue of overwriting. Two types of image descriptors, Zernike moments and Hu moments are used to represent each image of DMHIs. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used to classify the features obtained from the optical flow vertical component, Zernike and Hu moments separately. For identification of visemes, a multiclass SVM approach was employed. A video speech corpus of seven subjects was used for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed methods for lip-reading. The experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of the optical flow based mouth movement representations. Performance comparison between DMHI and MHI based on Zernike moments, shows that the DMHI technique outperforms the MHI technique. A video based adhoc temporal segmentation method is proposed in the thesis for isolated utterances. It has been used to detect the start and the end frame of an utterance from an image sequence. The technique is based on a pair-wise pixel comparison method. The efficiency of the proposed technique was tested on the available data set with short pauses between each utterance