56 research outputs found

    Intelligent Adaptive Filtering For Noise Cancellation

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    Abstract: In current scenario of modern technology, we are facing a necessity of noise removal in signal processing. Various approaches are used for the same. This paper describes an intelligent adaptive filtering for noise cancellation. Here ANFIS method is being used for removal of noise from audio speech signals. An audio signal contaminated with noise is taken and inspected with eight types of membership functions: bell MF, triangle MF, Gaussian MF, two-sided MF, pi-shaped MF, product of two sigmoid MF, difference of two sigmoid MF and trapezoidal MF. Finally using ANFIS, the original audio speech signal is restored. The major advantage of this system is its ease of implementation and faster convergence rate

    A “Salt and Pepper” Noise Reduction Scheme for Digital Images Based on Support Vector Machines Classification and Regression

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    We present a new impulse noise removal technique based on Support Vector Machines (SVM). Both classification and regression were used to reduce the “salt and pepper” noise found in digital images. Classification enables identification of noisy pixels, while regression provides a means to determine reconstruction values. The training vectors necessary for the SVM were generated synthetically in order to maintain control over quality and complexity. A modified median filter based on a previous noise detection stage and a regression-based filter are presented and compared to other well-known state-of-the-art noise reduction algorithms. The results show that the filters proposed achieved good results, outperforming other state-of-the-art algorithms for low and medium noise ratios, and were comparable for very highly corrupted images

    Neuro-Fuzzy Based Intelligent Approaches to Nonlinear System Identification and Forecasting

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    Nearly three decades back nonlinear system identification consisted of several ad-hoc approaches, which were restricted to a very limited class of systems. However, with the advent of the various soft computing methodologies like neural networks and the fuzzy logic combined with optimization techniques, a wider class of systems can be handled at present. Complex systems may be of diverse characteristics and nature. These systems may be linear or nonlinear, continuous or discrete, time varying or time invariant, static or dynamic, short term or long term, central or distributed, predictable or unpredictable, ill or well defined. Neurofuzzy hybrid modelling approaches have been developed as an ideal technique for utilising linguistic values and numerical data. This Thesis is focused on the development of advanced neurofuzzy modelling architectures and their application to real case studies. Three potential requirements have been identified as desirable characteristics for such design: A model needs to have minimum number of rules; a model needs to be generic acting either as Multi-Input-Single-Output (MISO) or Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) identification model; a model needs to have a versatile nonlinear membership function. Initially, a MIMO Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System (AFLS) model which incorporates a prototype defuzzification scheme, while utilising an efficient, compared to the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) based systems, fuzzification layer has been developed for the detection of meat spoilage using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The identification strategy involved not only the classification of beef fillet samples in their respective quality class (i.e. fresh, semi-fresh and spoiled), but also the simultaneous prediction of their associated microbiological population directly from FTIR spectra. In the case of AFLS, the number of memberships for each input variable was directly associated to the number of rules, hence, the “curse of dimensionality” problem was significantly reduced. Results confirmed the advantage of the proposed scheme against Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) techniques used in the same case study. In the case of MISO systems, the TSK based structure, has been utilized in many neurofuzzy systems, like ANFIS. At the next stage of research, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AFINN) has been developed for the monitoring the spoilage of minced beef utilising multispectral imaging information. This model, which follows the TSK structure, incorporates a clustering pre-processing stage for the definition of fuzzy rules, while its final fuzzy rule base is determined by competitive learning. In this specific case study, AFINN model was also able to predict for the first time in the literature, the beef’s temperature directly from imaging information. Results again proved the superiority of the adopted model. By extending the line of research and adopting specific design concepts from the previous case studies, the Asymmetric Gaussian Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AGFINN) architecture has been developed. This architecture has been designed based on the above design principles. A clustering preprocessing scheme has been applied to minimise the number of fuzzy rules. AGFINN incorporates features from the AFLS concept, by having the same number of rules as well as fuzzy memberships. In spite of the extensive use of the standard symmetric Gaussian membership functions, AGFINN utilizes an asymmetric function acting as input linguistic node. Since the asymmetric Gaussian membership function’s variability and flexibility are higher than the traditional one, it can partition the input space more effectively. AGFINN can be built either as an MISO or as an MIMO system. In the MISO case, a TSK defuzzification scheme has been implemented, while two different learning algorithms have been implemented. AGFINN has been tested on real datasets related to electricity price forecasting for the ISO New England Power Distribution System. Its performance was compared against a number of alternative models, including ANFIS, AFLS, MLP and Wavelet Neural Network (WNN), and proved to be superior. The concept of asymmetric functions proved to be a valid hypothesis and certainly it can find application to other architectures, such as in Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network models, by designing a suitable flexible wavelet membership function. AGFINN’s MIMO characteristics also make the proposed architecture suitable for a larger range of applications/problems


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    It is well known that typical welding processes such as laser welding are nonlinear although mostly they are treated as linear system. For the purpose of automatic control, Identification of nonlinear system, especially welding processes is a necessary and fundamental problem. The purpose of this research is to develop a simple and practical identification and control for welding processes. Many investigations have shown the possibility to represent physical processes by nonlinear models, such as Hammerstein structure, consisting of a nonlinearity and linear dynamics in series with each other. Motivated by the fact that typical welding processes do not have non-zeroes, a novel two-step nonlinear Hammerstein identification method is proposed for laser welding processes. The method can be realized both in continuous and discrete case. To study the relation among parameters influencing laser processing, a standard diode laser processing system is built as system prototype. Based on experimental study, a SISO and 2ISO nonlinear Hammerstein model structure are developed to approximate the diode laser welding process. Specific persistent excitation signals such as PRTS (Pseudo-random-ternary-series) to Step signal are used for identification. The model takes welding speed as input and the top surface molten weld pool width as output. A vision based sensor implemented with a Pulse-controlled-CCD camera is proposed and applied to acquire the images and the geometric data of the weld pool. The estimated model is then verified by comparing the simulation and experimental measurement. The verification shows that the model is reasonably correct and can be use to model the nonlinear process for further study. The two-step nonlinear identification method is proved valid and applicable to traditional welding processes and similar manufacturing processes. Based on the identified model, nonlinear control algorithms are also studied. Algorithms include simple linearization and backstepping based robust adaptive control algorithm are proposed and simulated

    Synthetic aperture radar analysis of floating ice at Terra Nova Bay-an application to ice eddy parameter extraction

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    In the framework of a study of ice formation in Antarctica, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image acquisitions were planned over Terra Nova Bay (TNB). Thanks to the European Space Agency (ESA) Third Party Mission program, Cosmo-SkyMed and Radarsat-2 images over TNB were obtained for the period of February 20 to March 20, 2015; in addition, available Sentinel-1 images for the same period were retrieved from the ESA scientific data hub. The first inspection of the images revealed the presence of a prominent eddy, i.e., an ice vortex presumably caused by the wind blowing from the continent. The important parameters of an eddy are its area and lifetime. While the eddy lifetime was easily obtained from the image sequence, the area was measured using a specific processing scheme that consists of nonlinear filtering and Markov random field segmentation. The main goal of our study was to develop a segmentation scheme to detect and measure "objects" in SAR images. In addition, the connection between eddy area and wind field was investigated using parametric and nonparametric correlation functions; statistically significant correlation values were obtained in the analyzed period. After March 15, a powerful katabatic wind completely disrupted the surface eddy

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    NASA Tech Briefs, June 1994

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    Topics covered include: Microelectronics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Report

    An investigation into the prognosis of electromagnetic relays.

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    Electrical contacts provide a well-proven solution to switching various loads in a wide variety of applications, such as power distribution, control applications, automotive and telecommunications. However, electrical contacts are known for limited reliability due to degradation effects upon the switching contacts due to arcing and fretting. Essentially, the life of the device may be determined by the limited life of the contacts. Failure to trip, spurious tripping and contact welding can, in critical applications such as control systems for avionics and nuclear power application, cause significant costs due to downtime, as well as safety implications. Prognostics provides a way to assess the remaining useful life (RUL) of a component based on its current state of health and its anticipated future usage and operating conditions. In this thesis, the effects of contact wear on a set of electromagnetic relays used in an avionic power controller is examined, and how contact resistance combined with a prognostic approach, can be used to ascertain the RUL of the device. Two methodologies are presented, firstly a Physics based Model (PbM) of the degradation using the predicted material loss due to arc damage. Secondly a computationally efficient technique using posterior degradation data to form a state space model in real time via a Sliding Window Recursive Least Squares (SWRLS) algorithm. Health monitoring using the presented techniques can provide knowledge of impending failure in high reliability applications where the risks associated with loss-of-functionality are too high to endure. The future states of the systems has been estimated based on a Particle and Kalman-filter projection of the models via a Bayesian framework. Performance of the prognostication health management algorithm during the contacts life has been quantified using performance evaluation metrics. Model predictions have been correlated with experimental data. Prognostic metrics including Prognostic Horizon (PH), alpha-Lamda (α-λ), and Relative Accuracy have been used to assess the performance of the damage proxies and a comparison of the two models made

    Intelligent Systems

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    This book is dedicated to intelligent systems of broad-spectrum application, such as personal and social biosafety or use of intelligent sensory micro-nanosystems such as "e-nose", "e-tongue" and "e-eye". In addition to that, effective acquiring information, knowledge management and improved knowledge transfer in any media, as well as modeling its information content using meta-and hyper heuristics and semantic reasoning all benefit from the systems covered in this book. Intelligent systems can also be applied in education and generating the intelligent distributed eLearning architecture, as well as in a large number of technical fields, such as industrial design, manufacturing and utilization, e.g., in precision agriculture, cartography, electric power distribution systems, intelligent building management systems, drilling operations etc. Furthermore, decision making using fuzzy logic models, computational recognition of comprehension uncertainty and the joint synthesis of goals and means of intelligent behavior biosystems, as well as diagnostic and human support in the healthcare environment have also been made easier
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