6,174 research outputs found

    The Two Faces of Collaboration: Impacts of University-Industry Relations on Public Research

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    We analyze the impact of university-industry relationships on public research. Our inductive study of university-industry collaboration in engineering suggests that basic projects are more likely to yield academically valuable knowledge than applied projects. However, applied projects show higher degrees of partner interdependence and therefore enable exploratory learning by academics, leading to new ideas and projects. This result holds especially for research-oriented academics working in the ‘sciences of the artificial’ and engaging in multiple relationships with industry. Our learning-centred interpretation qualifies the notion of entrepreneurial science as a driver of applied university-industry collaboration. We conclude with implications for science and technology policy.University industry relations; Collaborative research; Contract research; Academic consulting; Science technology links; Engineering

    Smart working technologies in industry 4.0 : contributions to different manufacturing activities and workers’ skills

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    A Indústria 4.0 é considerada a quarta revolução industrial porque utiliza uma ampla integração de tecnologias de informação e de operação na fabricação industrial. Apesar dessa perspectiva tecnológica, diversos estudos vêm evidenciando a importância de considerar o fator humano para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de manufatura inteligente. Nesse sentido, a dimensão denominada como Smart Working precisa ser melhor investigada, uma vez que entender como as tecnologias afetam os trabalhadores e as habilidades desses são cruciais para o bom desempenho das fábricas. Em razão disso, o objetivo desta dissertação foi entender como as Smart Working Technologies (SWT) podem contribuir para as atividades e as habilidades dos trabalhadores da manufatura. Para tanto, primeiramente foi realizada uma análise abrangente da literatura para identificar as SWT e seus impactos nas capacidades dos trabalhadores em suas atividades de manufatura. Deste modo, foram analisados 80 artigos que relacionam as SWT em oito atividades de manufatura. Posteriormente, foi selecionada uma das SWT mais relevantes conforme a literatura, os robôs colaborativos, para identificar os efeitos das tecnologias nas habilidades dos trabalhadores. Deste modo, foram analisados 138 casos de aplicação reportados por uma das empresas fornecedoras líderes mundiais, bem como três entrevistas com empresas adotantes da tecnologia. Os resultados apontam que existem 15 SWT que podem ser implementadas nas atividades de manufatura e relacionadas às capacidades dos trabalhadores. Além disso, os resultados também apontam que podem existir quatro efeitos das SWT nas habilidades dos trabalhadores. Estes achados demonstram que de acordo com a estratégia da empresa uma SWT pode impactar de diferentes formas os trabalhadores.Industry 4.0 is considered the fourth industrial revolution because it uses a broad integration of information and operating technologies in industrial manufacturing. Despite this technological perspective, several studies have highlighted the importance of considering the human factor to develop a smart manufacturing system. In this sense, the Smart Working dimension needs to be further investigated since understanding how technologies affect workers and their skills are crucial for factories' good performance. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation was to understand how Smart Working Technologies (SWT) can contribute to the activities and skills of manufacturing workers. To this end, firstly a systematic literature review was carried out to identify SWTs and their impacts on workers' capabilities in their manufacturing activities. Thus, 80 articles relating to SWT in eight manufacturing activities were analyzed. Subsequently, one of the most relevant SWTs according to the literature, collaborative robots, was selected to identify the effects of technologies on workers' skills. In this way, 138 application cases reported by one of the world's leading supplier companies were analyzed, as well as three interviews with companies that adopted the technology. The results show that there are 15 SWT that can be implemented in manufacturing activities and related to workers' capabilities. In addition, the results also point out that there may be four effects of SWT on workers' skills. According to the company's strategy, these findings demonstrate that an SWT can impact workers in different ways

    Skills for jobs, today and tomorrow, the National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010. Vol. 1, Key findings

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    Umjetna inteligencija i robotika kao pokretačka snaga modernog društva

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    In synergy with other technologies, the AI significantly accelerates the scientific and technological development of human society. New possibilities of the application of technological achievements are constantly opening up – in industry, healthcare and everyday life. AI-based robotics is the main driver of the present industrial revolution. Robots have already played an important role in production and changed the production economy over the past decade. New generations of smart robots, or smart technical systems in general, are turning to new applications, especially in service industries, medicine and home use. In the future, autonomous and mobile robots will be able to assist the elderly and immobile, help with household chores, act as caregivers and perform repetitive, tedious or dangerous jobs in nursing homes, hospitals, military environments, disaster sites and schools. The potential benefits are great, but they pose significant ethical challenges too. Our autonomy may be compromised and social interaction obstructed. Expanded use of robots can lead to reduced contact among people and possible restrictions on personal freedoms. Machines of these kinds shape the new world radically, leading to significant economic and cultural changes, creating both winners and losers on a global scale.U sinergiji s drugim tehnologijama AI značajno ubrzava znanstveni i tehnološki razvoj ljudskog društva. Neprestano se otvaraju nove mogućnosti primjene tehnoloških dostignuća, kako u industriji, zdravstvu tako i u svakodnevnom životu. Robotika temeljena na umjetnoj inteligenciji glavni je pokretač sadašnje industrijske revolucije. Roboti su već odigrali važnu ulogu u proizvodnji i promijenili proizvodnu ekonomiju tijekom posljednjih desetak godina. Nove generacije pametnih robota, ili općenito pametnih tehničkih sustava, okreću se novim primjenama, posebno u uslužnim djelatnostima, medicini i kućnoj uporabi. Autonomni i mobilni roboti u budućnosti će moći pomagati starijim i nepokretnim osobama, pomagati u kućanskim poslovima, djelovati kao njegovatelji i obavljati ponavljajuće, dosadne ili opasne poslove u staračkim domovima, bolnicama, vojnim okruženjima, mjestima katastrofe i školama. Potencijalne prednosti su velike, ali također predstavljaju značajne etičke izazove. Naša autonomija može biti ugrožena, a društvena interakcija opstruirana. Prošireno korištenje robota može dovesti do smanjenog kontakta među ljudima i mogućih ograničenja osobnih sloboda. Strojevi ove vrste oblikuju radikalno novi svijet, što dovodi do značajnih ekonomskih i kulturoloških promjena, stvarajući jednako pobjednike kao i gubitnike na globalnoj svjetskoj razini