3,979 research outputs found

    Performance of an Echo Canceller and Channel Estimator for On-Channel Repeaters in DVB-T/H Networks

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    This paper investigates the design and performance of an FIR echo canceller for on-channel repeaters in DVB-T/H network within the framework of the PLUTO project. The possible approaches for echo cancellation are briefly reviewed and the main guidelines for the design of such systems are presented. The main system parameters are discussed. The performance of an FIR echo canceller based on an open loop feedforward approach for channel estimation is tested for different radio channel conditions and for different number of taps of the FIR filter. It is shown that a minimum number of taps is recommended to achieve a certain mean rejection ratio or isolation depending on the type of channel. The expected degradation in performance due to the use of fixed point rather than floating point arithmetic in hardware implementation is presented for different number of bits. Channel estimation based on training sequences is investigated. The performance of Maximum Length Sequences and Constant Amplitude Zero Autocorrelation (CAZAC) Sequences is compared for different channels. Recommendations are given for training sequence type, length and level for DVB-T/H on-channel repeater deployment

    Using RGB colour combination in coloured quick response (QR) code algorithm to enhance QR code capacity

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    A Quick Response (QR) Code is a two-dimensional barcode that stores characters and can be read by any smartphone camera. The QR code has the capability to encode various data formats and languages; nevertheless, existing black and white QR code offers limited data storage. Even though there exist research on coloured QR Code to increase the storage capacity, requirement for larger data capacity by end user keep increasing. Hence, this thesis proposes a coloured QR Code algorithm which utilizes RGB colour combination to allow a larger data storage. The proposed algorithm integrates the use of compression, multiplexing, and multilayer techniques in encoding and decoding the QR code. Furthermore, it also introduces a partial encoding/decoding algorithm that allows the stored data to be manipulated. The algorithm that includes encoding and decoding processes is based on the red, green, and blue (RGB) colour techniques, which are used to create high capacity coloured QR code. This is realised in the experiments that store American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) characters. The ASCII text characters are used as an input and performance is measured by the number of characters that can be stored in a single black and white QR code version 40 (i.e. the benchmark) and also the coloured QR code. Other experiment metrics include percentage of missing characters, number of produced QR code, and elapsed time to create the QR code. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm stores 29 times more characters than the black and white QR code and 9 times more than other coloured QR code. Hence, this shows that the coloured QR Code has the potential of becoming a useful mini-data storage as it does not rely on internet connection

    Insomnia : the affordance of hybrid media in visualising a sleep disorder

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    The integration of visual and numerical abstraction in contemporary audio-visual communication has become increasingly prevalent. This increase reflects the evolution of computational machines from simple data processors. Computation and interface have augmented our senses and converged algorithmic logic with cultural techniques to form hybrid channels of communication. These channels are fluid and mutable, allowing creatives to explore and disseminate knowledge through iterative media practice. Insomnia is an auto-ethnographic case study that examines the affordance of merging Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and node- based programming software (TouchDesigner), as a hybrid media system (McMullan, 2020). As a system, Insomnia compiles my archived brain activity data and processes it through a custom designed generative visualisation interface. Documenting and ‘processing’ a sleep disorder is filtered through key concepts of media archaeology, cultural techniques, and practice-led research allowing Insomnia to inform discussion of the affordance of hybrid media. Insomnia is presented as a virtual exhibition with a supporting exegesis. The methodology and outcomes of the project form a framework that bridges science communication and creative practice and points to continued development for interactive installation design

    Analyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA

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    “To begin at the beginning” is the opening line of the play Under Milk Wood by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. So, we also want to start here at the beginning and start with some information about the history of the analysis software MAXQDA. This story is quite long; it begins in 1989 with a first version of the software, then just called “MAX,” for the operating system DOS and a book in the German language. The book’s title was Text Analysis Software for the Social Sciences. Introduction to MAX and Textbase Alpha written by Udo Kuckartz, published by Gustav Fischer in 1992. Since then, there have been many changes and innovations: technological, conceptual, and methodological. MAXQDA has its roots in social science methodology; the original name MAX was reference to the sociologist Max Weber, whose methodology combined quantitative and qualitative methods, explanation, and understanding in a way that was unique at the time, the beginning of the twentieth century. Since the first versions, MAX (later named winMAX and MAXQDA) has always been a very innovative analysis software. In 1994, it was one of the first programs with a graphical user interface; since 2001, it has used Rich Text Format with embedded graphics and objects. Later, MAXQDA was the first QDA program (QDA stands for qualitative data analysis) with a special version for Mac computers that included all analytical functions. Since autumn 2015, MAXQDA has been available in almost identical versions for Windows and Mac, so that users can switch between operating systems without having to familiarize themselves with a new interface or changed functionality. This compatibility and feature equality between Mac and Windows versions is unique and greatly facilitates team collaboration. MAXQDA has also come up with numerous innovations in the intervening years: a logically and very intuitively designed user interface, very versatile options for memos and comments, numerous visualization options, the summary grid as a middle level of analysis between primary data and categories, and much more, for instance, transcription, geolinks, weight scores for coding, analysis of PDF files, and Twitter analysis. Last but not least, the mixed methods features are worth mentioning, in which MAXQDA has long played a pioneering role. This list already shows that today MAXQDA is much more than text analysis software: the first chapter of this book contains a representation of the data types that MAXQDA can analyze today (in version 2018) and shows which file formats can be processed. The large variety of data types is contrasted by an even greater number o

    Including music and the temporal arts in language documentation

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    This chapter is intended for linguistic researchers preparing to undertake fieldwork, probably documenting one of the world’s many small or endangered languages. Recognising that linguists have their own priorities and methodologies in language documentation and description, I will advance reasons for including in your corpus the song and/or instrumental music that you are almost certain to encounter in the course of your fieldwork. I start by providing an overview of current thinking about the nature and significance of human musical capacities and the commonly encountered types, context and significance of music, especially in relation to language. Since research funding usually precludes having a musicologist tag along in the original fieldwork, I will suggest some topics for discussion that would be of interest to musicologists, and make some suggestions for what is needed on a practical level to make your recordings useful to musicologists at a later date. I comment on the technical and practical requirements for a good musical documentation and how these might differ from language documentation, and also provide some suggestions on a workflow for field production of musical recordings for community use. Examples taken from my own fieldwork are intended to provide food for thought, and not to imply that music and dance traditions in other societies are necessarily structured in comparable ways.Australian Research Counci

    Including music and the temporal arts in language documentation

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    This chapter is intended for linguistic researchers preparing to undertake fieldwork, probably documenting one of the world’s many small or endangered languages. Recognising that linguists have their own priorities and methodologies in language documentation and description, I will advance reasons for including in your corpus the song and/or instrumental music that you are almost certain to encounter in the course of your fieldwork. I start by providing an overview of current thinking about the nature and significance of human musical capacities and the commonly encountered types, context and significance of music, especially in relation to language. Since research funding usually precludes having a musicologist tag along in the original fieldwork, I will suggest some topics for discussion that would be of interest to musicologists, and make some suggestions for what is needed on a practical level to make your recordings useful to musicologists at a later date. I comment on the technical and practical requirements for a good musical documentation and how these might differ from language documentation, and also provide some suggestions on a workflow for field production of musical recordings for community use. Examples taken from my own fieldwork are intended to provide food for thought, and not to imply that music and dance traditions in other societies are necessarily structured in comparable ways.Australian Research Counci

    Web Archive Services Framework for Tighter Integration Between the Past and Present Web

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    Web archives have contained the cultural history of the web for many years, but they still have a limited capability for access. Most of the web archiving research has focused on crawling and preservation activities, with little focus on the delivery methods. The current access methods are tightly coupled with web archive infrastructure, hard to replicate or integrate with other web archives, and do not cover all the users\u27 needs. In this dissertation, we focus on the access methods for archived web data to enable users, third-party developers, researchers, and others to gain knowledge from the web archives. We build ArcSys, a new service framework that extracts, preserves, and exposes APIs for the web archive corpus. The dissertation introduces a novel categorization technique to divide the archived corpus into four levels. For each level, we will propose suitable services and APIs that enable both users and third-party developers to build new interfaces. The first level is the content level that extracts the content from the archived web data. We develop ArcContent to expose the web archive content processed through various filters. The second level is the metadata level; we extract the metadata from the archived web data and make it available to users. We implement two services, ArcLink for temporal web graph and ArcThumb for optimizing the thumbnail creation in the web archives. The third level is the URI level that focuses on using the URI HTTP redirection status to enhance the user query. Finally, the highest level in the web archiving service framework pyramid is the archive level. In this level, we define the web archive by the characteristics of its corpus and building Web Archive Profiles. The profiles are used by the Memento Aggregator for query optimization

    Perception Of Students On Mobile Technology Based Library Services

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    Introduction: Emerging trends in library and information space especially in the academic environment requires remote and boundary less access to library services. Mobile technology has been recognised as the single most embraced technology in the world. Implementing this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to students in University of Cape Coast and the University community in general. The study attempts to investigate the perception of students of University of Cape Coast on mobile technology-based library service. The pilot study involved six management members from the library and fifteen students comprising ten undergraduate and five postgraduate students

    Perception Of Students On Mobile Technology Based Library Services

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    Introduction: Emerging trends in library and information space especially in the academic environment requires remote and boundary less access to library services. Mobile technology has been recognised as the single most embraced technology in the world. Implementing this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to students in University of Cape Coast and the University community in general. The study attempts to investigate the perception of students of University of Cape Coast on mobile technology-based library service. The pilot study involved six management members from the library and fifteen students comprising ten undergraduate and five postgraduate students

    Application of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Atm) technology to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (Pacs): A survey

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    Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (R-ISDN) provides a range of narrowband and broad-band services for voice, video, and multimedia. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has been selected by the standards bodies as the transfer mode for implementing B-ISDN; The ability to digitize images has lead to the prospect of reducing the physical space requirements, material costs, and manual labor of traditional film handling tasks in hospitals. The system which handles the acquisition, storage, and transmission of medical images is called a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). The transmission system will directly impact the speed of image transfer. Today the most common transmission means used by acquisition and display station products is Ethernet. However, when considering network media, it is important to consider what the long term needs will be. Although ATM is a new standard, it is showing signs of becoming the next logical step to meet the needs of high speed networks; This thesis is a survey on ATM, and PACS. All the concepts involved in developing a PACS are presented in an orderly manner. It presents the recent developments in ATM, its applicability to PACS and the issues to be resolved for realising an ATM-based complete PACS. This work will be useful in providing the latest information, for any future research on ATM-based networks, and PACS
