1,127 research outputs found

    Convex and Network Flow Optimization for Structured Sparsity

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    We consider a class of learning problems regularized by a structured sparsity-inducing norm defined as the sum of l_2- or l_infinity-norms over groups of variables. Whereas much effort has been put in developing fast optimization techniques when the groups are disjoint or embedded in a hierarchy, we address here the case of general overlapping groups. To this end, we present two different strategies: On the one hand, we show that the proximal operator associated with a sum of l_infinity-norms can be computed exactly in polynomial time by solving a quadratic min-cost flow problem, allowing the use of accelerated proximal gradient methods. On the other hand, we use proximal splitting techniques, and address an equivalent formulation with non-overlapping groups, but in higher dimension and with additional constraints. We propose efficient and scalable algorithms exploiting these two strategies, which are significantly faster than alternative approaches. We illustrate these methods with several problems such as CUR matrix factorization, multi-task learning of tree-structured dictionaries, background subtraction in video sequences, image denoising with wavelets, and topographic dictionary learning of natural image patches.Comment: to appear in the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR

    Interactive volumetric segmentation for textile micro-tomography data using wavelets and nonlocal means

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    This work addresses segmentation of volumetric images of woven carbon fiber textiles from micro-tomography data. We propose a semi-supervised algorithm to classify carbon fibers that requires sparse input as opposed to completely labeled images. The main contributions are: (a) design of effective discriminative classifiers, for three-dimensional textile samples, trained on wavelet features for segmentation; (b) coupling of previous step with nonlocal means as simple, efficient alternative to the Potts model; and (c) demonstration of reuse of classifier to diverse samples containing similar content. We evaluate our work by curating test sets of voxels in the absence of a complete ground truth mask. The algorithm obtains an average 0.95 F1 score on test sets and average F1 score of 0.93 on new samples. We conclude with discussion of failure cases and propose future directions toward analysis of spatiotemporal high-resolution micro-tomography images

    Data mining based learning algorithms for semi-supervised object identification and tracking

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    Sensor exploitation (SE) is the crucial step in surveillance applications such as airport security and search and rescue operations. It allows localization and identification of movement in urban settings and can significantly boost knowledge gathering, interpretation and action. Data mining techniques offer the promise of precise and accurate knowledge acquisition techniques in high-dimensional data domains (and diminishing the “curse of dimensionality” prevalent in such datasets), coupled by algorithmic design in feature extraction, discriminative ranking, feature fusion and supervised learning (classification). Consequently, data mining techniques and algorithms can be used to refine and process captured data and to detect, recognize, classify, and track objects with predictable high degrees of specificity and sensitivity. Automatic object detection and tracking algorithms face several obstacles, such as large and incomplete datasets, ill-defined regions of interest (ROIs), variable scalability, lack of compactness, angular regions, partial occlusions, environmental variables, and unknown potential object classes, which work against their ability to achieve accurate real-time results. Methods must produce fast and accurate results by streamlining image processing, data compression and reduction, feature extraction, classification, and tracking algorithms. Data mining techniques can sufficiently address these challenges by implementing efficient and accurate dimensionality reduction with feature extraction to refine incomplete (ill-partitioning) data-space and addressing challenges related to object classification, intra-class variability, and inter-class dependencies. A series of methods have been developed to combat many of the challenges for the purpose of creating a sensor exploitation and tracking framework for real time image sensor inputs. The framework has been broken down into a series of sub-routines, which work in both series and parallel to accomplish tasks such as image pre-processing, data reduction, segmentation, object detection, tracking, and classification. These methods can be implemented either independently or together to form a synergistic solution to object detection and tracking. The main contributions to the SE field include novel feature extraction methods for highly discriminative object detection, classification, and tracking. Also, a new supervised classification scheme is presented for detecting objects in urban environments. This scheme incorporates both novel features and non-maximal suppression to reduce false alarms, which can be abundant in cluttered environments such as cities. Lastly, a performance evaluation of Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) implementations of the subtask algorithms is presented, which provides insight into speed-up gains throughout the SE framework to improve design for real time applications. The overall framework provides a comprehensive SE system, which can be tailored for integration into a layered sensing scheme to provide the war fighter with automated assistance and support. As more sensor technology and integration continues to advance, this SE framework can provide faster and more accurate decision support for both intelligence and civilian applications

    Advanced Restoration Techniques for Images and Disparity Maps

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    With increasing popularity of digital cameras, the field of Computa- tional Photography emerges as one of the most demanding areas of research. In this thesis we study and develop novel priors and op- timization techniques to solve inverse problems, including disparity estimation and image restoration. The disparity map estimation method proposed in this thesis incor- porates multiple frames of a stereo video sequence to ensure temporal coherency. To enforce smoothness, we use spatio-temporal connec- tions between the pixels of the disparity map to constrain our solution. Apart from smoothness, we enforce a consistency constraint for the disparity assignments by using connections between the left and right views. These constraints are then formulated in a graphical model, which we solve using mean-field approximation. We use a filter-based mean-field optimization that perform efficiently by updating the dis- parity variables in parallel. The parallel updates scheme, however, is not guaranteed to converge to a stationary point. To compare and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we developed a new optimization technique that uses sequential updates, which runs ef- ficiently and guarantees convergence. Our empirical results indicate that with proper initialization, we can employ the parallel update scheme and efficiently optimize our disparity maps without loss of quality. Our method ranks amongst the state of the art in common benchmarks, and significantly reduces the temporal flickering artifacts in the disparity maps. In the second part of this thesis, we address several image restora- tion problems such as image deblurring, demosaicing and super- resolution. We propose to use denoising autoencoders to learn an approximation of the true natural image distribution. We parametrize our denoisers using deep neural networks and show that they learn the gradient of the smoothed density of natural images. Based on this analysis, we propose a restoration technique that moves the so- lution towards the local extrema of this distribution by minimizing the difference between the input and output of our denoiser. Weii demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using a single trained neural network in several restoration tasks such as deblurring and super-resolution. In a more general framework, we define a new Bayes formulation for the restoration problem, which leads to a more efficient and robust estimator. The proposed framework achieves state of the art performance in various restoration tasks such as deblurring and demosaicing, and also for more challenging tasks such as noise- and kernel-blind image deblurring. Keywords. disparity map estimation, stereo matching, mean-field optimization, graphical models, image processing, linear inverse prob- lems, image restoration, image deblurring, image denoising, single image super-resolution, image demosaicing, deep neural networks, denoising autoencoder

    A new nonlocal nonlinear diffusion equation for image denoising and data analysis

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    In this paper we introduce and study a new feature-preserving nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for denoising signals. The proposed partial differential equation is based on a novel diffusivity coefficient that uses a nonlocal automatically detected parameter related to the local bounded variation and the local oscillating pattern of the noisy input signal. We provide a mathematical analysis of the existence of the solution of our nonlinear and nonlocal diffusion equation in the two dimensional case (images processing). Finally, we propose a numerical scheme with some numerical experiments which demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method

    An Algorithmic Theory of Dependent Regularizers, Part 1: Submodular Structure

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    We present an exploration of the rich theoretical connections between several classes of regularized models, network flows, and recent results in submodular function theory. This work unifies key aspects of these problems under a common theory, leading to novel methods for working with several important models of interest in statistics, machine learning and computer vision. In Part 1, we review the concepts of network flows and submodular function optimization theory foundational to our results. We then examine the connections between network flows and the minimum-norm algorithm from submodular optimization, extending and improving several current results. This leads to a concise representation of the structure of a large class of pairwise regularized models important in machine learning, statistics and computer vision. In Part 2, we describe the full regularization path of a class of penalized regression problems with dependent variables that includes the graph-guided LASSO and total variation constrained models. This description also motivates a practical algorithm. This allows us to efficiently find the regularization path of the discretized version of TV penalized models. Ultimately, our new algorithms scale up to high-dimensional problems with millions of variables

    A discrete graph Laplacian for signal processing

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    In this thesis we exploit diffusion processes on graphs to effect two fundamental problems of image processing: denoising and segmentation. We treat these two low-level vision problems on the pixel-wise level under a unified framework: a graph embedding. Using this framework opens us up to the possibilities of exploiting recently introduced algorithms from the semi-supervised machine learning literature. We contribute two novel edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to the literature. Furthermore we apply these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to some computational photography tasks. Many recent computational photography tasks require the decomposition of an image into a smooth base layer containing large scale intensity variations and a residual layer capturing fine details. Edge-preserving smoothing is the main computational mechanism in producing these multi-scale image representations. We, in effect, introduce a new approach to edge-preserving multi-scale image decompositions. Where as prior approaches such as the Bilateral filter and weighted-least squares methods require multiple parameters to tune the response of the filters our method only requires one. This parameter can be interpreted as a scale parameter. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying the method to computational photography tasks that utilise multi-scale image decompositions. With minimal modification to these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms we show that we can extend them to produce interactive image segmentation. As a result the operations of segmentation and denoising are conducted under a unified framework. Moreover we discuss how our method is related to region based active contours. We benchmark our proposed interactive segmentation algorithms against those based upon energy-minimisation, specifically graph-cut methods. We demonstrate that we achieve competitive performance
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