14 research outputs found

    Discrete Cosserat Approach for Multi-Section Soft Robots Dynamics

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    In spite of recent progress, soft robotics still suffers from a lack of unified modeling framework. Nowadays, the most adopted model for the design and control of soft robots is the piece-wise constant curvature model, with its consolidated benefits and drawbacks. In this work, an alternative model for multisection soft robots dynamics is presented based on a discrete Cosserat approach, which, not only takes into account shear and torsional deformations, essentials to cope with out-of-plane external loads, but also inherits the geometrical and mechanical properties of the continuous Cosserat model, making it the natural soft robotics counterpart of the traditional rigid robotics dynamics model. The soundness of the model is demonstrated through extensive simulation and experimental results for both plane and out-of-plane motions.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamics Modeling of a Continuum Robotic Arm with a Contact Point in Planar Grasp

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    Grasping objects by continuum arms or fingers is a new field of interest in robotics. Continuum manipulators have the advantages of high adaptation and compatibility with respect to the object shape. However, due to their extremely nonlinear behavior and infinite degrees of freedom, continuum arms cannot be easily modeled. In fact, dynamics modeling of continuum robotic manipulators is state-of-the-art. Using the exact modeling approaches, such as theory of Cosserat rod, the resulting models are either too much time-taking for computation or numerically unstable. Thus, such models are not suitable for applications such as real-time control. However, based on realistic assumptions and using some approximations, these systems can be modeled with reasonable computational efforts. In this paper, a planar continuum robotic arm is modeled, considering its backbone as two circular arcs. In order to simulate finger grasping, the continuum arm experiences a point-force along its body. Finally, the results are validated using obtained experimental data

    Design of a pneumatic muscle based continuum robot with embedded tendons

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    © 1996-2012 IEEE. Continuum robots have attracted increasing focus in recent years due to their intrinsic compliance that allows for dexterous and safe movements. However, the inherent compliance in such systems reduces the structural stiffness, and therefore leads to the issue of reduced positioning accuracy. This paper presents the design of a continuum robot employing tendon embedded pneumatic muscles. The pneumatic muscles are used to achieve large-scale movements for preliminary positioning, while the tendons are used for fine adjustment of position. Such hybrid actuation offers the potential to improve the accuracy of the robotic system, while maintaining large displacement capabilities. A three-dimensional dynamic model of the robot is presented using a mass-damper-spring-based network, in which elastic deformation, actuating forces, and external forces are taken into account. The design and dynamic model of the robot are then validated experimentally with the help of an electromagnetic tracking system

    Control of Nonlinear Mechatronic Systems

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    This dissertation is divided into four self-contained chapters. In Chapter 1, an adaptive nonlinear tracking controller for kinematically redundant robot manipulators is presented. Past research efforts have focused on the end-effector tracking control of redundant robots because of their increased dexterity over their non-redundant counterparts. This work utilizes an adaptive full-state feedback quaternion based controller developed in [1] and focuses on the design of a general sub-task controller. This sub-task controller does not affect the position and orientation tracking control objectives, but instead projects a preference on the configuration of the manipulator based on sub-task objectives such as the following: singularity avoidance, joint limit avoidance, bounding the impact forces, and bounding the potential energy. In Chapter 2, two controllers are developed for nonlinear haptic and teleoperator systems for coordination of the master and slave systems. The first controller is proven to yield a semi-global asymptotic result in the presence of parametric uncertainty in the master and the slave dynamic models provided the user and the environmental input forces are measurable. The second controller yields a global asymptotic result despite unmeasurable user and environmental input forces provided the dynamic models of the master and slave systems are known. These controllers rely on a transformation and a flexible target system to allow the master system\u27s impedance to be easily adjusted so that it matches a desired target system. This work also offers a structure to encode a velocity field assist mechanism to provide the user help in controlling the slave system in completing a pre-defined contour following task. For each controller, Lyapunov-based techniques are used to prove that both controllers provide passive coordination of the haptic/teleoperator system when the velocity field assist mechanism is disabled. When the velocity field assist mechanism is enabled, the analysis proves the coordination of the haptic/teleoperator system. Simulation results are presented for both controllers. In Chapter 3, two controllers are developed for flat multi-input/multi-output nonlinear systems. First, a robust adaptive controller is proposed and proven to yield semi-global asymptotic tracking in the presence of additive disturbances and parametric uncertainty. In addition to guaranteeing an asymptotic output tracking result, it is also proven that the parameter estimate vector is driven to a constant vector. In the second part of the chapter, a learning controller is designed and proven to yield a semi-global asymptotic tracking result in the presence of additive disturbances where the desired trajectory is periodic. A continuous nonlinear integral feedback component is utilized in the design of both controllers and Lyapunov-based techniques are used to guarantee that the tracking error is asymptotically driven to zero. Numerical simulation results are presented for both controllers. In Chapter 4, a new dynamic model for continuum robot manipulators is derived. The dynamic model is developed based on the geometric model of extensible continuum robot manipulators with no torsional effects. The development presented in this chapter is an extension of the dynamic model proposed in [2] (by Mochiyama and Suzuki) to include a class of extensible continuum robot manipulators. First, the kinetic energy of a slice of the continuum robot is evaluated. Next, the total kinetic energy of the manipulator is obtained by utilizing a limit operation (i.e., sum of the kinetic energy of all the slices). Then, the gravitational potential energy of the manipulator is derived. Next, the elastic potential energy of the manipulator is derived for both bending and extension. Finally, the dynamic model of a planar 3-section extensible continuum robot manipulator is derived by utilizing the Lagrange representation. Numerical simulation results are presented for a planar 3-section extensible continuum robot manipulator

    Robots Hiper-Redundantes: Clasificación, Estado del Arte y Problemática

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    Los robots hiper-redundantes son aquellos que tienen un número muy elevado de grados de libertad. En su uso cotidiano, la redundancia es referida para indicar una repetición o un uso excesivo de un concepto. En el campo de la robótica, la redundancia puede ofrecer numerosos beneficios frente a los robots convencionales. Los robots hiper-redundantes poseen una mayor habilidad para sortear obstáculos, son tolerantes a fallos en algunas de sus articulaciones y también pueden ofrecer ventajas cinemáticas. En este artículo se presentan los conceptos generales para entender este tipo de robots, así como una clasificación de los mismos, su potencial, su problemática y su evolución a lo largo de la historia

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    A New Approach to Dynamic Modeling of Continuum Robots

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    ABSTRACT In this thesis, a new approach for developing practically realizable dynamic models for continuum robots is proposed. Based on the new dynamic models developed, a novel technique for analyzing the capabilities of continuum manipulators to be employed in various real world applications has also been proposed and developed. A section of a continuum arm is modeled using lumped model elements (masses, springs and dampers). It is shown that this model, although an approximation to a continuum structure, can be used to conveniently analyze the dynamics of the arm with suitable tradeoff in accuracy of modeling. This relatively simple model is more plausible to implement in an actual real-time controller when compared to other techniques of modeling continuum arms. Principles of Lagrangian dynamics are used to derive the expressions for the generalized forces in the system. The force exerted by McKibben actuators at different pressure level - length pairs is characterized and is incorporated into this dynamic model. The constraints introduced in the analytical model conform to the physical and operational limitations of the Octarm VI continuum robot manipulator. The model is validated by comparing the results of numerical simulation with the physical measurements of a continuum arm prototype built using McKibben actuators. Based on the new lumped parameter dynamic model developed for continuum robots, a technique for deducing measures of manipulability, forces and impacts that can be sustained or imparted by the tip of a continuum robot has been developed. These measures are represented in the form of ellipsoids whose volume and orientation gives information about the various functional capabilities (end effector velocities, forces and impacts) of the arm at a particular configuration. The above mentioned ellipsoids are exemplified for different configurations of the continuum section arm and their physical significances are analyzed. The new techniques proposed and methodologies adopted in this thesis supported by experimental results represent a significant contribution to the field of continuum robots

    New Dynamic Models for Planar Extensible Continuum Robot Manipulators

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    In this paper, the dynamic model for planar continuum manipulators that was presented in our previous work is extended to include new terms reflecting the effects of potential energy. First the gravitational potential energy of the manipulator is derived. Then, the elastic potential energy of the manipulator is derived for both bending and extension. Finally, the effects of the total potential energy are included in the dynamic model. Numerical simulation results are presented for a planar 3-section extensible continuum robot manipulator. The results show a much stronger match to physical continuum robots than with previously available models