388 research outputs found

    Binding of Small-Molecule Ligands to Proteins: “What You See” Is Not Always “What You Get”

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    We review insights from computational studies of affinities of ligands binding to proteins. The power of structural biology is in translating knowledge of protein structures into insights about their forces, binding, and mechanisms. However, the complementary power of computer modeling is in showing “the rest of the story” (i.e., how motions and ensembles and alternative conformers and the entropies and forces that cannot be seen in single molecular structures also contribute to binding affinities). Upon binding to a protein, a ligand can bind in multiple orientations; the protein or ligand can be deformed by the binding event; waters, ions, or cofactors can have unexpected involvement; and conformational or solvation entropies can sometimes play large and otherwise unpredictable roles. Computer modeling is helping to elucidate these factors

    Quantifying the Role of Water in Ligand-Protein Binding Processes

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    The aim of this thesis is to quantify the contributions of water thermodynamics to the binding free energy in protein-ligand complexes. Various computational tools were directly applied, implemented, benchmarked and discussed. An own implementation of the IFST formulation was developed to facilitate easy integration in workflows that are based on Schrödinger software. By applying the tool to a well-defined test set of congeneric ligand pairs, the potential of IFST for quantitative predictions in lead-optimization was assessed. Furthermore, FEP calculations were applied to an extended test set to validate if these simulations can accurately account for solvent displacement in ligand modifications. As a fast tool that has applications in virtual screening problems, we finally developed and validated a new scoring function that incorporates terms for protein and ligand desolvation. This resulted in total in three distinct studies, that all elucidated different aspects of water thermodynamics in CADD. These three studies are presented in the next section. In the conclusion, the results and implications of these studies are discussed jointly, as well with possible future developments. An additional study was focused on virtual screening and toxicity prediction at the androgen receptor, where distinguishing agonists and antagonists poses difficulties. We proposed and validated an approach based on MD simulations and ensemble docking to improve predictions of androgen agonists and antagonists


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    Concerted interactions between proteins in cells form the basis of most biological processes. Biophysicists study protein–protein association by measuring thermodynamic and kinetic properties. Naively, strong binding affinity should be preferred in protein–protein binding to conduct certain biological functions. However, evidence shows that regulatory interactions, such as those between adapter proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins, communicate via low affinity but high complementarity interactions. PDZ domains are one class of adapters that bind linear disordered peptides, which play key roles in signaling pathways. The misregulation of these signals has been implicated in the progression of human cancers. To understand the underlying mechanism of protein-peptide binding interactions and to predict new interactions, in this thesis I have developed: (a) a unique biophysical-derived model to estimate their binding free energy; (b) a novel semi-flexible structure-based method to dock disordered peptides to PDZ domains; (c) predictions of the peptide binding landscape; and, (d) an automated algorithm and web-interface to predict the likelihood that a given linear sequence of amino acids binds to a specific PDZ domain. The docking method, PepDock, takes a peptide sequence and a PDZ protein structure as input, and outputs docked conformations and their corresponding binding affinity estimation, including their optimal free energy pathway. We have applied PepDock to screen several PDZ protein domains. The results not only validated the capabilities of PepDock to accurately discriminate interactions, but also explored the underlying binding mechanism. Specifically, I showed that interactions followed downhill free energy pathways, reconciling a relatively fast association mechanism of intrinsically disordered peptides. The pathways are such that initially the peptide’s C-terminal motif binds non-specifically, forming a weak intermediate, whereas specific binding is achieved only by a subsequent network of contacts (7–9 residues in total). This mechanism allows peptides to quickly probe PDZ domains, rapidly releasing those that do not attain sufficient affinity during binding. Further kinetic analysis indicates that disorder enhanced the specificity of promiscuous interactions between proteins and peptides, while achieving association rates comparable to interactions between ordered proteins

    Thermodynamic driving forces in protein regulation studied by molecular dynamics simulations.

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    Examination of Molecular Recognition in Protein-Ligand Interactions

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    This dissertation is a compilation of two main projects that were investigated during my thesis research. The first project was a prospective study which identified and characterized drug-like inhibitors of a prototype of bacterial two-component signal transduction response regulator using computational and experimental methods. The second project was the development and validation of a scoring function, PHOENIX, derived using high-resolution structures and calorimetry measurements to predict binding affinities of protein-ligand interactions. Collectively, my thesis research aimed to better understand the underlying driving forces and principles which govern molecular recognition and molecular design. A prospective study coupled computational predictions with experimental validation resulted in the discovery of first-in-class inhibitors targeting a signal transduction module important for bacterial virulence. Development and validation of the PHOENIX scoring function for binding affinity prediction derived using high-resolution structures and calorimetry measurements should guide future molecular recognition studies and endeavors in computer-aided molecular design. To request for an electronic copy of this dissertation, please email the author: yattang at gmail dot com)

    Flexible Receptor Docking Method Development and Molecular Dynamics Studies Towards Targeting Dynamic Protein Surfaces.

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    Protein-protein interactions are integral for cellular function, playing a huge role in processes such as cell signaling and transcription regulation. Targeting these essential interactions with small molecule inhibitors is important from a biochemical and pharmaceutical perspective. This dissertation contains chapters on multidisciplinary, collaborative approaches to investigate transcription regulation as well as MHC Class I assembly, which is involved in the immune response. During these projects I applied a variety of computational tools and developed a new docking methodology in CHARMM (CDOCKER). This new version of CDOCKER incorporates receptor flexibility through maintaining selected side-chains in an all-atom representation, while the rest of the receptor is represented as a grid. This version of CDOCKER includes a newly implemented sampling protocol that leads to docking accuracy that is competitive with and even exceeds that of other commonly used docking software in redocking trials. This docking methodology was applied to identify a putative ATP binding on calreticulin (CRT), a chaperone key to MHC Class I assembly and the immune response. This work was a collaborative effort with the Raghavan research group at the University of Michigan and was the first demonstration that CRT both binds and catalyzes ATP. We added further automated functionality to the CDOCKER method to investigate small- molecules covalently bound to receptors in collaboration with the Mapp research group at the University of Michigan. The tethering method was able to stabilize the dynamic surface of GACKIX for crystallization and modeled small-molecules that were identified experimentally but were unable to be crystalized. Finally, we employed GĹŤ-like models to investigate the allosteric signaling between the two binding sites on GACKIX. These studies demonstrated the positive allostery arises from the first peptide paying the entropic cost of binding for the second peptide. The developments in docking methodology within CHARMM allow for targeting of fluid receptors such as GACKIX. A multidisciplinary approach to investigate complex cellular processes such as transcription regulation or the immune response takes advantage of the strengths of the different approaches and leads to advancements in understanding of the process at different size scales, atomistic to in vitro and even in vivo.PHDChemistryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116710/1/gagnonj_1.pd

    Knowledge-based energy functions for computational studies of proteins

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    This chapter discusses theoretical framework and methods for developing knowledge-based potential functions essential for protein structure prediction, protein-protein interaction, and protein sequence design. We discuss in some details about the Miyazawa-Jernigan contact statistical potential, distance-dependent statistical potentials, as well as geometric statistical potentials. We also describe a geometric model for developing both linear and non-linear potential functions by optimization. Applications of knowledge-based potential functions in protein-decoy discrimination, in protein-protein interactions, and in protein design are then described. Several issues of knowledge-based potential functions are finally discussed.Comment: 57 pages, 6 figures. To be published in a book by Springe
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