56 research outputs found


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    and Computing 11. The results of 143 references depend on computer algorithms. The references are ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author, and where multiple papers have the same first author they are ordered by the last name of the second author, etc. We preferred that all work by the same author be in consecutive positions. Unfortunately, this causes that some of the abbreviations are not in alphabetical order. For example, [BaRT] is earlier on the list than [BaLS]. We also wish to explain a possible confusion with respect to the order of parts and spelling of Chinese names. We put them without any abbreviations, often with the last name written first as is customary in original. Sometimes this is different from the citations in other sources. One can obtain all variations of writing any specific name by consulting the authors database of Mathematical Reviews a

    Some Multicolor Ramsey Numbers Involving Cycles

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    Establishing the values of Ramsey numbers is, in general, a difficult task from the computational point of view. Over the years, researchers have developed methods to tackle this problem exhaustively in ways that require intensive computations. These methods are often backed by theoretical results that allow us to cut the search space down to a size that is within the limits of current computing capacity. This thesis focuses on developing algorithms and applying them to generate Ramsey colorings avoiding cycles. It adds to a recent trend of interest in this particular area of finite Ramsey theory. Our main contributions are the enumeration of all (C_5,C_5,C_5;n) Ramsey colorings and the study of the Ramsey numbers R(C_4,C_4,K_4) and R4(C_5)

    Semi-algebraic Ramsey numbers

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    Given a finite point set PβŠ‚RdP \subset \mathbb{R}^d, a kk-ary semi-algebraic relation EE on PP is the set of kk-tuples of points in PP, which is determined by a finite number of polynomial equations and inequalities in kdkd real variables. The description complexity of such a relation is at most tt if the number of polynomials and their degrees are all bounded by tt. The Ramsey number Rkd,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_k(s,n) is the minimum NN such that any NN-element point set PP in Rd\mathbb{R}^d equipped with a kk-ary semi-algebraic relation EE, such that EE has complexity at most tt, contains ss members such that every kk-tuple induced by them is in EE, or nn members such that every kk-tuple induced by them is not in EE. We give a new upper bound for Rkd,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_k(s,n) for kβ‰₯3k\geq 3 and ss fixed. In particular, we show that for fixed integers d,t,sd,t,s, R3d,t(s,n)≀2no(1),R^{d,t}_3(s,n) \leq 2^{n^{o(1)}}, establishing a subexponential upper bound on R3d,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_3(s,n). This improves the previous bound of 2nC2^{n^C} due to Conlon, Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk, where CC is a very large constant depending on d,t,d,t, and ss. As an application, we give new estimates for a recently studied Ramsey-type problem on hyperplane arrangements in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We also study multi-color Ramsey numbers for triangles in our semi-algebraic setting, achieving some partial results

    Bipartite Ramsey Numbers and Zarankiewicz Numbers

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    The bipartite Ramsey number b(m, n) is the minimum b such that any 2-coloring of Kb,b results in a monochromatic Km,m subgraph in the first color or a monochromatic Kn,n subgraph in the second color. The Zarankiewicz number z(m, n; s, t) is the maximum size among Ks,t-free subgraphs of Km,n. In this work, we discuss the intimate relationship between the two numbers as well as propose a new method for bounding the Zarankiewicz numbers. We use the better bounds to improve the upper bound on b(2, 5), in addition we improve the lower bound of b(2, 5) by construction. The new bounds are shown to be 17 ≀ b(2, 5) ≀ 18. Additionally, we apply the same methods to the multicolor case b(2, 2, 3) which has previously not been studied and determine bounds to be 16 ≀ b(2, 2, 3) ≀ 23

    Ramsey numbers for set-colorings

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    For s, t, n ∈ N with s β‰₯ t, an (s, t)-coloring of Kn_n is an edge coloring of Kn in which each edge is assigned a set of t colors from {1, . . . , s}. For k ∈ N, a monochromatic Kk_k is a set of k vertices S such that for some color i ∈ [s], i ∈ c(uv) for all distinct u, v ∈ S. As in the case of the classical Ramsey number, we are interested in the least positive integer n = Rs,t_{s,t}(k) such that for any (s, t)-coloring of Kn_n, there exists a monochromatic Kk_k. We estimate upper and lower bounds for general cases and calculate close bounds for some small cases of Rs,t_{s,t}(k)
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