889 research outputs found

    Routing design for less-than-truckload motor carriers using ant colony techniques

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    One of the most important challenges for Less-Than-Truck-Load carriers consists of determining how to consolidate flows of small shipments to minimize costs while maintaining a certain level of service. For any origin-destination pair, there are several strategies to consolidate flows, but the most usual ones are: peddling/collecting routes and shipping through one or more break-bulk terminals. Therefore, the target is determining a route for each origin-destination pair that minimizes the total transportation and handling cost guaranteeing a certain level of service. Exact resolution is not viable for real size problems due to the excessive computational time required. This research studies different aspects of the problem and provides a metaheuristic algorithm (based on Ant Colonies Optimization techniques) capable of solving real problems in a reasonable computational time. The viability of the approach has been proved by means of the application of the algorithm to a real Spanish case, obtaining encouraging results

    A grid-based ant colony algorithm for automatic 3D hose routing

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    Ant Colony Algorithms applied to difficult combinatorial optimization problems such as the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and the quadratic assignment problem. In this paper we propose a grid-based ant colony algorithm for automatic 3D hose routing. Algorithm uses the tessellated format of the obstacles and the generated hoses in order to detect collisions. The representation of obstacles and hoses in the tessellated format greatly helps the algorithm towards handling free-form objects and speed up the computations. The performance of the algorithm has been tested on a number of 3D models


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    One of the most important challenges for Less-Than-Truck-Load carriers consists of determining how to consolidate flows of small shipments to minimize costs while maintaining a certain level of service. For any origin-destination pair, there are several strategies to consolidate flows, but the most usual ones are: peddling/collecting routes and shipping through one or more break-bulk terminals. Therefore, the target is determining a route for each origin-destination pair that minimizes the total transportation and handling cost guaranteeing a certain level of service. Exact resolution is not viable for real size problems due to the excessive computational time required. This research studies different aspects of the problem and provides a metaheuristic algorithm (based on Ant Colonies Optimization techniques) capable of solving real problems in a reasonable computational time. The viability of the approach has been proved by means of the application of the algorithm to a real Spanish case, obtaining encouraging results.

    Anti-pheromone as a tool for better exploration of search space

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    Many animals use chemical substances known as pheromones to induce behavioural changes in other members of the same species. The use of pheromones by ants in particular has lead to the development of a number of computational analogues of ant colony behaviour including Ant Colony Optimisation. Although many animals use a range of pheromones in their communication, ant algorithms have typically focused on the use of just one, a substance that encourages succeeding generations of (artificial) ants to follow the same path as previous generations. Ant algorithms for multi-objective optimisation and those employing multiple colonies have made use of more than one pheromone, but the interactions between these different pheromones are largely simple extensions of single criterion, single colony ant algorithms. This paper investigates an alternative form of interaction between normal pheromone and anti-pheromone. Three variations of Ant Colony System that apply the anti-pheromone concept in different ways are described and tested against benchmark travelling salesman problems. The results indicate that the use of anti-pheromone can lead to improved performance. However, if anti-pheromone is allowed too great an influence on ants' decisions, poorer performance may result

    Fuzzy Expert Ants to speed up big TSP Problems using ACS

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    Ant colony algorithms are a group of heuristic optimization algorithms that have been inspired by behavior of real ants foraging for food. In these algorithms some simple agents (i.e. ants), search the solution space for finding the suitable solution. Ant colony algorithms have many applications to computer science problems especially in optimization, such as machine drill optimization, and routing. This group of algorithms have some sensitive parameters controlling the behavior of agents, like relative pheromone importance on trail and pheromone decay coefficient. Convergence and efficiency of algorithms is highly related to these parameters. Optimal value of these parameters for a specific problem is determined through trial and error and does not obey any rule. Some approaches proposed to adapt parameter of these algorithms for better answer. The most important feature of the current adaptation algorithms are complication and time overhead. In this paper we have presented a simple and efficient approach based on fuzzy logic for optimizing ACS algorithm and by using different experiments efficiency of this proposed approach has been evaluated and we have shown that the presented concept is one of the most important reasons in success for parameter adapting algorithms

    Stagnation control using interacted multiple ant colonies

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    Stagnation is a common problem that all ant algorithms suffer from regardless of their application domain.This paper proposes a new algorithmic approach that can effectively be used to tackle combinatorial optimization problems with a good chance to control the stagnation. The new approach utilizes multiple ant colonies with certain techniques that efficiently organize the work of these colonies to avoid the stagnation situations. Computational tests show that the proposed approach is competitive with other state of art ant algorithms