5 research outputs found

    A new family of semifields with 2 parameters

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    A new family of commutative semifields with two parameters is presented. Its left and middle nucleus are both determined. Furthermore, we prove that for any different pairs of parameters, these semifields are not isotopic. It is also shown that, for some special parameters, one semifield in this family can lead to two inequivalent planar functions. Finally, using similar construction, new APN functions are given

    On the nuclei of a finite semifield

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    In this paper we collect and improve the techniques for calculating the nuclei of a semifield and we use these tools to determine the order of the nuclei and of the center of some commutative presemifields of odd characteristic recently constructed

    Computational search for isotopic semifields and planar functions in characteristic 3

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    In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of finding new planar functions and corresponding semifields in characteristic 3 by the construction of isotopic semifields from the known families and sporadic instances of planar functions. Using the conditions laid out by Coulter and Henderson, we are able to deduce that a number of the known infinite families can never produce CCZ-inequivalent functions via isotopism. For the remaining families, we computationally investigate the isotopism classes of their instances over finite fields of order 3^n for n ≤ 8. We find previously unknown isotopisms between the semifields corresponding to some of the known planar functions for n = 6 and n = 8. This allows us to refine the known classification of planar functions up to isotopism, and to provide an updated, partial classification up to isotopism over finite fields of order 3^n for n ≤ 8.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Classification and computational search for planar functions in characteristic 3

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    Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    New Commutative Semifields and Their Nuclei

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    Commutative semifields in odd characteristic can be equivalently described by planar functions (also known as PN functions). We describe a method to construct a semifield which is canonically associated to a planar function and use it to derive information on the nuclei directly from the planar function. This is used to determine the nuclei of families of new commutative semifields of dimensions 9 and 12 in arbitrary odd characteristic