14 research outputs found

    New bounds on the number of frictionless fingers required to immobilize 2D objects

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    This paper develops new lower bounds on the number of frictionless fingers or fixtures which are required to immobilize planar objects. We study in detail the case of objects with smooth boundaries and polygonal objects. Analogous results for the case of piecewise smooth objects follow directly from the analysis presented herein. These results have obvious applications to fixture planning and grasp planning, as we show that it is possible to immobilize objects with fewer fingers than was previously thought possible

    New bounds on the number of frictionless fingers required to immobilize 2D objects

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    This paper develops new lower bounds on the number of frictionless fingers or fixtures which are required to immobilize planar objects. We study in detail the case of objects with smooth boundaries and polygonal objects. Analogous results for the case of piecewise smooth objects follow directly from the analysis presented herein. These results have obvious applications to fixture planning and grasp planning, as we show that it is possible to immobilize objects with fewer fingers than was previously thought possible

    Flexible Object Manipulation

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    Flexible objects are a challenge to manipulate. Their motions are hard to predict, and the high number of degrees of freedom makes sensing, control, and planning difficult. Additionally, they have more complex friction and contact issues than rigid bodies, and they may stretch and compress. In this thesis, I explore two major types of flexible materials: cloth and string. For rigid bodies, one of the most basic problems in manipulation is the development of immobilizing grasps. The same problem exists for flexible objects. I have shown that a simple polygonal piece of cloth can be fully immobilized by grasping all convex vertices and no more than one third of the concave vertices. I also explored simple manipulation methods that make use of gravity to reduce the number of fingers necessary for grasping. I have built a system for folding a T-shirt using a 4 DOF arm and a fixed-length iron bar which simulates two fingers. The main goal with string manipulation has been to tie knots without the use of any sensing. I have developed single-piece fixtures capable of tying knots in fishing line, solder, and wire, along with a more complex track-based system for autonomously tying a knot in steel wire. I have also developed a series of different fixtures that use compressed air to tie knots in string. Additionally, I have designed four-piece fixtures, which demonstrate a way to fully enclose a knot during the insertion process, while guaranteeing that extraction will always succeed

    PuzzleFlex: kinematic motion of chains with loose joints

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    This paper presents a method of computing free motions of a planar assembly of rigid bodies connected by loose joints. Joints are modeled using local distance constraints, which are then linearized with respect to configuration space velocities, yielding a linear programming formulation that allows analysis of systems with thousands of rigid bodies. Potential applications include analysis of collections of modular robots, structural stability perturbation analysis, tolerance analysis for mechanical systems, and formation control of mobile robots.Comment: Accepted at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Grasping and Assembling with Modular Robots

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    A wide variety of problems, from manufacturing to disaster response and space exploration, can benefit from robotic systems that can firmly grasp objects or assemble various structures, particularly in difficult, dangerous environments. In this thesis, we study the two problems, robotic grasping and assembly, with a modular robotic approach that can facilitate the problems with versatility and robustness. First, this thesis develops a theoretical framework for grasping objects with customized effectors that have curved contact surfaces, with applications to modular robots. We present a collection of grasps and cages that can effectively restrain the mobility of a wide range of objects including polyhedra. Each of the grasps or cages is formed by at most three effectors. A stable grasp is obtained by simple motion planning and control. Based on the theory, we create a robotic system comprised of a modular manipulator equipped with customized end-effectors and a software suite for planning and control of the manipulator. Second, this thesis presents efficient assembly planning algorithms for constructing planar target structures collectively with a collection of homogeneous mobile modular robots. The algorithms are provably correct and address arbitrary target structures that may include internal holes. The resultant assembly plan supports parallel assembly and guarantees easy accessibility in the sense that a robot does not have to pass through a narrow gap while approaching its target position. Finally, we extend the algorithms to address various symmetric patterns formed by a collection of congruent rectangles on the plane. The basic ideas in this thesis have broad applications to manufacturing (restraint), humanitarian missions (forming airfields on the high seas), and service robotics (grasping and manipulation)


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学