9,127 research outputs found

    Semantic multimedia remote display for mobile thin clients

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    Current remote display technologies for mobile thin clients convert practically all types of graphical content into sequences of images rendered by the client. Consequently, important information concerning the content semantics is lost. The present paper goes beyond this bottleneck by developing a semantic multimedia remote display. The principle consists of representing the graphical content as a real-time interactive multimedia scene graph. The underlying architecture features novel components for scene-graph creation and management, as well as for user interactivity handling. The experimental setup considers the Linux X windows system and BiFS/LASeR multimedia scene technologies on the server and client sides, respectively. The implemented solution was benchmarked against currently deployed solutions (VNC and Microsoft-RDP), by considering text editing and WWW browsing applications. The quantitative assessments demonstrate: (1) visual quality expressed by seven objective metrics, e.g., PSNR values between 30 and 42 dB or SSIM values larger than 0.9999; (2) downlink bandwidth gain factors ranging from 2 to 60; (3) real-time user event management expressed by network round-trip time reduction by factors of 4-6 and by uplink bandwidth gain factors from 3 to 10; (4) feasible CPU activity, larger than in the RDP case but reduced by a factor of 1.5 with respect to the VNC-HEXTILE

    An Overview of Computer Graphics Industry Standards.

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    This paper presents the status of the family of computer graphics standards that have been under development in recent years. In order to take advantage of the graphics standards, the industrial communities should be aware of what standards exist, and the relationship of the standards to each other. Since it is also beneficial to understand the process for the development of standards, the role of organizations in the standards-making field and the standardization process is presented. This discussion will provide an introduction and reference source for the computer graphics standards for those who have a need to understand the emerging standards, but have no technical involvement in their development. A level of understanding is provided which will assist in determining whether or not a particular standard would be appropriate for an intended application, and if further research into the standard might be required

    GEANT4 : a simulation toolkit

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    Abstract Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics. PACS: 07.05.Tp; 13; 2

    PREMO : an emerging standard for multimedia presentation

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    ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 are developing a standard for the presentation of multimedia objects, called PREMO (Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects). PREMO is aimed at application developers who want to include multimedia effects into the applications, but do not want to restrict themselves to model of multimedia documents, which is prevalent in multimedia applications today. This report gives an overview of the current status of PREMO


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    This paper presents the software for comprehensive processing and visualization of 2D and 3D electrical tomography data. The system name as TomoKIS Studio has been developed in the frame of DENIDIA international research project and has been improved in the frame of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Project no 4664/B/T02/2010/38. This software is worldwide unique because it simultaneously integrates the process of tomographic data acquisition, numerical FEM modeling and tomographic images reconstruction. The software can be adapted to specific industrial applications, particularly to monitoring and diagnosis of two-phase flows. The software architecture is composed of independent modules. Their combination offers calibration, configuration and full-duplex communication with any tomographic acquisition system with known and open communication protocol. The other major features are: online data acquisition and processing, online and offline 2D/3D images linear and nonlinear reconstruction and visualization as well as raw data and tomograms processing. Another important ability is 2D/3D ECT sensor construction using FEM modeling. The presented software is supported with the multi-core GPU technology and parallel computing using Nvidia CUDA technology.W artykule autorzy przedstawiają ƛrodowisko komputerowe do kompleksowego przetwarzania i wizualizacji tomograficznych danych pomiarowych. Oprogramowanie  TomoKIS Studio powstaƂo w Instytucie Informatyki Stosowanej PƁ w ramach projektu DENIDIA i zostaƂo rozwinięte w ramach projektu MNiSW nr 4664/B/T02/2010/38. Zbudowane oprogramowanie jest unikalne w skali ƛwiatowej, gdyĆŒ integruje w sobie proces pozyskiwania danych pomiarowych, modelowanie numeryczne oraz proces konstruowania obrazĂłw tomograficznych, z moĆŒliwoƛcią adaptacji dla rĂłĆŒnych aplikacji przemysƂowych, w szczegĂłlnoƛci dla potrzeb monitorowania i diagnostyki przepƂywĂłw dwufazowych gaz-ciecz. Architektura aplikacji oparta jest na zestawie niezaleĆŒnych moduƂów, ktĂłre pozwalają na w peƂni dwukierunkową komunikacją, konfigurację oraz kalibrację dowolnego urządzenia tomografii elektrycznej z otwartym protokoƂem pomiarowym, akwizycję i przetwarzanie danych pomiarowych on-line, liniową oraz nieliniową rekonstrukcję obrazĂłw 2D i 3D w czasie rzeczywistym, a takĆŒe wizualizację surowych danych pomiarowych i tomogramĂłw. Istotnym elementem systemu jest moduƂ numerycznego modelowania czujnikĂłw pojemnoƛciowych wykorzystujący metodę elementĂłw skoƄczonych, oparty na autorskich algorytmach generowania siatek MES komputerowych modeli czujnikĂłw pojemnoƛciowych. Architektura prezentowanego systemu zostaƂa zaprojektowana przy uĆŒyciu obliczeƄ rĂłwnolegƂych na procesorach graficznych, z wykorzystaniem technologii Nvidia CUDA

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    A user experience‐based toolset for automotive human‐machine interface technology development

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    The development of new automotive Human-Machine Interface (HMI) technologies must consider the competing and often conflicting demands of commercial value, User Experience (UX) and safety. Technology innovation offers manufacturers the opportunity to gain commercial advantage in a competitive and crowded marketplace, leading to an increase in the features and functionality available to the driver. User response to technology influences the perception of the brand as a whole, so it is important that in-vehicle systems provide a high-quality user experience. However, introducing new technologies into the car can also increase accident risk. The demands of usability and UX must therefore be balanced against the requirement for driver safety. Adopting a technology-focused business strategy carries a degree of risk, as most innovations fail before they reach the market. Obtaining clear and relevant information on the UX and safety of new technologies early in their development can help to inform and support robust product development (PD) decision making, improving product outcomes. In order to achieve this, manufacturers need processes and tools to evaluate new technologies, providing customer-focused data to drive development. This work details the development of an Evaluation Toolset for automotive HMI technologies encompassing safety-related functional metrics and UX measures. The Toolset consists of four elements: an evaluation protocol, based on methods identified from the Human Factors, UX and Sensory Science literature; a fixed-base driving simulator providing a context-rich, configurable evaluation environment, supporting both hardware and software-based technologies; a standardised simulation scenario providing a repeatable basis for technology evaluations, allowing comparisons across multiple technologies and studies; and a technology scorecard that collates and presents evaluation data to support PD decision making processes
