6,615 research outputs found

    Neurophysiologie de l’hypnose

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    We here review behavioral, neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies of hypnosis as a state, as well as hypnosis as a tool to modulate brain responses to painful stimulations. Studies have shown that hypnotic processes modify internal (self awareness) as well as external (environmental awareness) brain networks. Brain mechanisms underlying the modulation of pain perception under hypnotic conditions involve cortical as well as subcortical areas including anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices, basal ganglia and thalami. Combined with local anesthesia and conscious sedation in patients undergoing surgery, hypnosis is associated with improved peri- and postoperative comfort of patients and surgeons. Finally, hypnosis can be considered as a useful analogue for simulating conversion and dissociation symptoms in healthy subjects, permitting better characterization of these challenging disorders by producing clinically similar experiences

    Winning versus losing during gambling and its neural correlates

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    Humans often make decisions which maximize an internal utility function. For example, humans often maximize their expected reward when gambling and this is considered as a "rational" decision. However, humans tend to change their betting strategies depending on how they "feel". If someone has experienced a losing streak, they may "feel" that they are more likely to win on the next hand even though the odds of the game have not changed. That is, their decisions are driven by their emotional state. In this paper, we investigate how the human brain responds to wins and losses during gambling. Using a combination of local field potential recordings in human subjects performing a financial decision-making task, spectral analyses, and non-parametric cluster statistics, we investigated whether neural responses in different cognitive and limbic brain areas differ between wins and losses after decisions are made. In eleven subjects, the neural activity modulated significantly between win and loss trials in one brain region: the anterior insula (p=0.01p=0.01). In particular, gamma activity (30-70 Hz) increased in the anterior insula when subjects just realized that they won. Modulation of metabolic activity in the anterior insula has been observed previously in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies during decision making and when emotions are elicited. However, our study is able to characterize temporal dynamics of electrical activity in this brain region at the millisecond resolution while decisions are made and after outcomes are revealed

    Kognitive Neurophysiologie des Menschen - Human cognitive neurophysiology Vol.1 (2008)

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    Vorwort zur ersten Ausgabe. W. Skrandies: Die Bedeutung der Wavelet-Analyse bei physiologischen Untersuchungen. G. Kutyniok: Zeit-/Frequenzanalyse. T. Sauer: Wavelets und FilterbÀnke. A. Klein: Wavelet- und FourierkohÀrenz in Theorie und Praxis

    Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain : A laser-evoked potentials study

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedSocial support is crucial for psychological and physical well-being. Yet, in experimental and clinical pain research, the presence of others has been found to both attenuate and intensify pain. To investigate the factors underlying these mixed effects, we administered noxious laser stimuli to 39 healthy women while their romantic partner was present or absent, and measured pain ratings and laser-evoked potentials to assess the effects of partner presence on subjective pain experience and underlying neural processes. Further, we examined whether individual differences in adult attachment style, alone or in interaction with the partner's level of attentional focus (manipulated to be either on or away from the participant) might modulate these effects. We found that the effects of partner presence versus absence on pain-related measures depended on adult attachment style but not partner attentional focus. The higher participants' attachment avoidance, the higher pain ratings and N2 and P2 local peak amplitudes were in the presence compared to the absence of the romantic partner. As laser-evoked potentials are thought to reflect activity relating to the salience of events, our data suggest that partner presence may influence the perceived salience of events threatening the body, particularly in individuals who tend to mistrust others.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Citation classics in systematic reviews and meta-analyses : who wrote the top 100 most cited articles?

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    Background: Systematic reviews of the literature occupy the highest position in currently proposed hierarchies of evidence. The aims of this study were to assess whether citation classics exist in published systematic review and meta-analysis (SRM), examine the characteristics of the most frequently cited SRM articles, and evaluate the contribution of different world regions. Methods: The 100 most cited SRM were identified in October 2012 using the Science Citation Index database of the Institute for Scientific Information. Data were extracted by one author. Spearman’s correlation was used to assess the association between years since publication, numbers of authors, article length, journal impact factor, and average citations per year. Results: Among the 100 citation classics, published between 1977 and 2008, the most cited article received 7308 citations and the least-cited 675 citations. The average citations per year ranged from 27.8 to 401.6. First authors from the USA produced the highest number of citation classics (n=46), followed by the UK (n=28) and Canada (n=15). The 100 articles were published in 42 journals led by the Journal of the American Medical Association (n=18), followed by the British Medical Journal (n=14) and The Lancet (n=13). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between number of authors (Spearman’s rho=0.320, p=0.001), journal impact factor (rho=0.240, p=0.016) and average citations per year. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between average citations per year and year since publication (rho = -0.636, p=0.0001). The most cited papers identified seminal contributions and originators of landmark methodological aspects of SRM and reflect major advances in the management of and predisposing factors for chronic diseases. Conclusions: Since the late 1970s, the USA, UK, and Canada have taken leadership in the production of citation classic papers. No first author from low or middle-income countries (LMIC) led one of the most cited 100 SRM

    BetÀtigungsfokussierte Gruppenedukation bei Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen : ein Literaturreview

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    Hintergrund: Die Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen stellt eine grosse Herausforderung mit oft limitierten Erfolgen dar. Aktuelle Evidenz zeigt einen positiven Effekt des multimodalen Rehabilitationsansatzes, welcher unter anderem Edukation beinhaltet. Die Edukation ist ein wichtiger Auftrag der Ergotherapie bei Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen. Ziel: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, betĂ€tigungsfokussierte und edukative Interventionen fĂŒr Klienten mit muskuloskelettalen chronischen Schmerzen zusammenzustellen, welche fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis von Schmerz und der AlltagsbewĂ€ltigung wirksam sind und in der ergotherapeutischen Gruppentherapie angewendet werden können. Methode: Die Fragestellung wurde durch eine Literaturrecherche beantwortet. Drei qualitative und acht quantitative Studien wurden einbezogen, diese wurden zusammengefasst, kritisch gewĂŒrdigt und diskutiert. Ergebnisse: Die inkludierten Studien untersuchen EdukationsansĂ€tze mit verschiedenen themenspezifischen Schwerpunkten: Edukation zur neurophysiologischen Entstehung von Schmerz, Schulung zu Selbstmanagement und Coping, erfahrungsbasierte und betĂ€tigungsfokussierte Edukation und RĂŒckenschulung. Schlussfolgerung: In Zusammenschau aller Ergebnisse konnte sich zeigen, dass Edukation bei Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen wirksam in Bezug auf verbesserte AusfĂŒhrung von AktivitĂ€ten und SchmerzintensitĂ€t ist. Es gibt unterschiedliche evidenzbasierte EdukationsansĂ€tze, welche fĂŒr die Umsetzung im Gruppensetting geeignet sind und unterschiedliche Grade an BetĂ€tigungsbasierung aufweisen

    Effects of a single session of SMR neurofeedback training on anxiety and cortisol levels

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    Objectives: According to some studies, a putatively calming effect of EEG neurofeedback training could be useful as a therapeutic tool in psychiatric practice. With the aim of elucidating this possibility, we tested the efficacy of a single session of Âżsensorimotor (SMR)/Âżtheta neurofeedback training for mood improvement in 32 healthy men, taking into account trainability, independence and interpretability of the results. Methods: A pre-post design, with the following dependent variables, was applied: (i) psychometric measures of mood with regards to anxiety, depression, and anger (Profile of Mood State, POMS, and State Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI); (ii) biological measures (salivary levels of cortisol); (iii) neurophysiological measures (EEG frequency band power analysis). In accordance with general recommendations for research in neurofeedback, a control group receiving sham neurofeedback was included. Results: Anxiety levels decreased after the real neurofeedback and increased after the sham neurofeedback (P < 0.01, size effect 0.9 for comparison between groups). Cortisol decreased after the experiment in both groups, though with significantly more pronounced effects in the desired direction after the real neurofeedback (P < 0.04; size effect 0.7). The group receiving real neurofeedback significantly enhanced their SMR band (P < 0.004; size effect 0.88), without changes in the theta band. The group receiving sham neurofeedback did not show any EEG changes. Conclusions: The improvement observed in anxiety was greater in the experimental group than in the sham group, confirmed by both subjective (psychometric) measures and objective (biological) measures. This was demonstrated to be associated with the real neurofeedback, though a nonspecific (placebo) effect likely also contributed

    Bearing witness: working with clients who have experienced trauma - considerations for a person-centered approach to counseling

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    This paper explores traumatic experience from both a cultural and neurophysiological perspective. An argument is developed to support and challenge the person-centered approach in working with clients who have experienced trauma. Through a case study, elements of theory are illustrated. Drawing from the increased knowledge base in neurophysiology, this paper aims to strengthen confidence in wider empathic attunement and brings attention to safety for both client

    L'usage des systĂšmes d'informations Ă©lectroniques en recherche scientifique : le cas de la neurophysiologie.

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    Nous prĂ©sentons les premiers rĂ©sultats d'une enquĂȘte destinĂ©e Ă  mieux connaĂźtre les pratiques de recherche d'information bibliographique et documentaire chez les chercheurs scientifiques. 64 chercheurs et Ă©tudiants doctorants en neurophysiologie ont rĂ©pondu Ă  un questionnaire portant sur les mĂ©thodes, les outils, et les objectifs des recherches d'information typiques dans leur activitĂ©. De plus, 11 personnes parmi les rĂ©pondants ont participĂ© Ă  un entretien individuel semi structurĂ©. Il en ressort que l'usage d'outils informatisĂ©s de recherche d'information bibliographique (RIB) est dĂ©sormais pratique courante, au dĂ©triment des index et autres sources imprimĂ©es. Les principaux outils utilisĂ©s sont la base de donnĂ©es bibliographiques PubMed et le moteur de recherche Google, avec toutefois de nombreux autres outils plus spĂ©cifiques utilisĂ©s Ă  titre complĂ©mentaire. Les rĂ©pondants mentionnent des objectifs trĂšs variĂ©s, comme l'acquisition de connaissances nouvelles, mais aussi la recherche de techniques expĂ©rimentales, la veille documentaire, l'alimentation du dĂ©bat scientifique, ou l'aide Ă  l'enseignement. Les difficultĂ©s que rencontrent les experts en neurosciences intĂ©gratives dans l'exploitation des outils informatiques de RIB spĂ©cialisĂ©s semblent surtout liĂ©es Ă  l'absence de formation des experts Ă  ces outils. Les chercheurs dĂ©finissent l'outil informatique de RIB « idĂ©al » comme fiable et exhaustif, mais aussi rapide et facile Ă  utiliser et apprendre . De fait, le facteur temps apparaĂźt dĂ©terminant dans leur choix d'utilisation ou non d'un outil particulier. Cette Ă©tude ouvre la voie Ă  des expĂ©riences plus spĂ©cifiques, qui porteront sur les stratĂ©gies cognitives des experts dans ce type de tĂąches
