7,935 research outputs found

    Neural networks-on-chip for hybrid bio-electronic systems

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    PhD ThesisBy modelling the brains computation we can further our understanding of its function and develop novel treatments for neurological disorders. The brain is incredibly powerful and energy e cient, but its computation does not t well with the traditional computer architecture developed over the previous 70 years. Therefore, there is growing research focus in developing alternative computing technologies to enhance our neural modelling capability, with the expectation that the technology in itself will also bene t from increased awareness of neural computational paradigms. This thesis focuses upon developing a methodology to study the design of neural computing systems, with an emphasis on studying systems suitable for biomedical experiments. The methodology allows for the design to be optimized according to the application. For example, di erent case studies highlight how to reduce energy consumption, reduce silicon area, or to increase network throughput. High performance processing cores are presented for both Hodgkin-Huxley and Izhikevich neurons incorporating novel design features. Further, a complete energy/area model for a neural-network-on-chip is derived, which is used in two exemplar case-studies: a cortical neural circuit to benchmark typical system performance, illustrating how a 65,000 neuron network could be processed in real-time within a 100mW power budget; and a scalable highperformance processing platform for a cerebellar neural prosthesis. From these case-studies, the contribution of network granularity towards optimal neural-network-on-chip performance is explored

    A geographically distributed bio-hybrid neural network with memristive plasticity

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    Throughout evolution the brain has mastered the art of processing real-world inputs through networks of interlinked spiking neurons. Synapses have emerged as key elements that, owing to their plasticity, are merging neuron-to-neuron signalling with memory storage and computation. Electronics has made important steps in emulating neurons through neuromorphic circuits and synapses with nanoscale memristors, yet novel applications that interlink them in heterogeneous bio-inspired and bio-hybrid architectures are just beginning to materialise. The use of memristive technologies in brain-inspired architectures for computing or for sensing spiking activity of biological neurons8 are only recent examples, however interlinking brain and electronic neurons through plasticity-driven synaptic elements has remained so far in the realm of the imagination. Here, we demonstrate a bio-hybrid neural network (bNN) where memristors work as "synaptors" between rat neural circuits and VLSI neurons. The two fundamental synaptors, from artificial-to-biological (ABsyn) and from biological-to- artificial (BAsyn), are interconnected over the Internet. The bNN extends across Europe, collapsing spatial boundaries existing in natural brain networks and laying the foundations of a new geographically distributed and evolving architecture: the Internet of Neuro-electronics (IoN).Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Principles of Neuromorphic Photonics

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    In an age overrun with information, the ability to process reams of data has become crucial. The demand for data will continue to grow as smart gadgets multiply and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Next-generation industries in artificial intelligence services and high-performance computing are so far supported by microelectronic platforms. These data-intensive enterprises rely on continual improvements in hardware. Their prospects are running up against a stark reality: conventional one-size-fits-all solutions offered by digital electronics can no longer satisfy this need, as Moore's law (exponential hardware scaling), interconnection density, and the von Neumann architecture reach their limits. With its superior speed and reconfigurability, analog photonics can provide some relief to these problems; however, complex applications of analog photonics have remained largely unexplored due to the absence of a robust photonic integration industry. Recently, the landscape for commercially-manufacturable photonic chips has been changing rapidly and now promises to achieve economies of scale previously enjoyed solely by microelectronics. The scientific community has set out to build bridges between the domains of photonic device physics and neural networks, giving rise to the field of \emph{neuromorphic photonics}. This article reviews the recent progress in integrated neuromorphic photonics. We provide an overview of neuromorphic computing, discuss the associated technology (microelectronic and photonic) platforms and compare their metric performance. We discuss photonic neural network approaches and challenges for integrated neuromorphic photonic processors while providing an in-depth description of photonic neurons and a candidate interconnection architecture. We conclude with a future outlook of neuro-inspired photonic processing.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Memory and information processing in neuromorphic systems

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    A striking difference between brain-inspired neuromorphic processors and current von Neumann processors architectures is the way in which memory and processing is organized. As Information and Communication Technologies continue to address the need for increased computational power through the increase of cores within a digital processor, neuromorphic engineers and scientists can complement this need by building processor architectures where memory is distributed with the processing. In this paper we present a survey of brain-inspired processor architectures that support models of cortical networks and deep neural networks. These architectures range from serial clocked implementations of multi-neuron systems to massively parallel asynchronous ones and from purely digital systems to mixed analog/digital systems which implement more biological-like models of neurons and synapses together with a suite of adaptation and learning mechanisms analogous to the ones found in biological nervous systems. We describe the advantages of the different approaches being pursued and present the challenges that need to be addressed for building artificial neural processing systems that can display the richness of behaviors seen in biological systems.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of IEEE, review of recently proposed neuromorphic computing platforms and system

    Asynchronous spiking neurons, the natural key to exploit temporal sparsity

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    Inference of Deep Neural Networks for stream signal (Video/Audio) processing in edge devices is still challenging. Unlike the most state of the art inference engines which are efficient for static signals, our brain is optimized for real-time dynamic signal processing. We believe one important feature of the brain (asynchronous state-full processing) is the key to its excellence in this domain. In this work, we show how asynchronous processing with state-full neurons allows exploitation of the existing sparsity in natural signals. This paper explains three different types of sparsity and proposes an inference algorithm which exploits all types of sparsities in the execution of already trained networks. Our experiments in three different applications (Handwritten digit recognition, Autonomous Steering and Hand-Gesture recognition) show that this model of inference reduces the number of required operations for sparse input data by a factor of one to two orders of magnitudes. Additionally, due to fully asynchronous processing this type of inference can be run on fully distributed and scalable neuromorphic hardware platforms

    Characterizing Self-Developing Biological Neural Networks: A First Step Towards their Application To Computing Systems

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    Carbon nanotubes are often seen as the only alternative technology to silicon transistors. While they are the most likely short-term one, other longer-term alternatives should be studied as well. While contemplating biological neurons as an alternative component may seem preposterous at first sight, significant recent progress in CMOS-neuron interface suggests this direction may not be unrealistic; moreover, biological neurons are known to self-assemble into very large networks capable of complex information processing tasks, something that has yet to be achieved with other emerging technologies. The first step to designing computing systems on top of biological neurons is to build an abstract model of self-assembled biological neural networks, much like computer architects manipulate abstract models of transistors and circuits. In this article, we propose a first model of the structure of biological neural networks. We provide empirical evidence that this model matches the biological neural networks found in living organisms, and exhibits the small-world graph structure properties commonly found in many large and self-organized systems, including biological neural networks. More importantly, we extract the simple local rules and characteristics governing the growth of such networks, enabling the development of potentially large but realistic biological neural networks, as would be needed for complex information processing/computing tasks. Based on this model, future work will be targeted to understanding the evolution and learning properties of such networks, and how they can be used to build computing systems

    Homogeneous Spiking Neuromorphic System for Real-World Pattern Recognition

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    A neuromorphic chip that combines CMOS analog spiking neurons and memristive synapses offers a promising solution to brain-inspired computing, as it can provide massive neural network parallelism and density. Previous hybrid analog CMOS-memristor approaches required extensive CMOS circuitry for training, and thus eliminated most of the density advantages gained by the adoption of memristor synapses. Further, they used different waveforms for pre and post-synaptic spikes that added undesirable circuit overhead. Here we describe a hardware architecture that can feature a large number of memristor synapses to learn real-world patterns. We present a versatile CMOS neuron that combines integrate-and-fire behavior, drives passive memristors and implements competitive learning in a compact circuit module, and enables in-situ plasticity in the memristor synapses. We demonstrate handwritten-digits recognition using the proposed architecture using transistor-level circuit simulations. As the described neuromorphic architecture is homogeneous, it realizes a fundamental building block for large-scale energy-efficient brain-inspired silicon chips that could lead to next-generation cognitive computing.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol 5, no. 2, June 201