127 research outputs found

    Wireless Communications Challenges to Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANET)

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    The increasing demand for Internet access from more and more different devices in recent years has provided a challenge for companies and the academic community to research and develop new solutions that support the increasing flow in the network, applications that require very low latencies and more dynamic and scalable infrastructures, in this context the mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) emerged as a possible solution and applying this technology in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) was developed the flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) which are wireless networks independent, its main characteristics are to have high mobility, scalability for different applications and scenarios and robustness to deal with possible communication failures. However, they still have several constraints such as limited flight time of UAVs and routing protocols that are capable of supporting network dynamics. To analyze this scenario, two simulations were developed where it was possible to observe the behavior of FANET with different routing protocols both during data transmission and video transmission. The results show that the choice of the best routing protocol must take into account the mobility of the UAVs and the necessary communication priority in the network

    Review of Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs)

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    As a result of recent advances in processors, sensors, communications, and networking technologies, the roles and capabilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have evolved rapidly, and their usage in military and civilian areas has become commonplace. The focus is now changing from the use of one large UAV to that of multiple UAVs that can coordinate to achieve high-level goals. Using the concept of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), new networking paradigms like Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs) have evolved to tackle high mobility and fast topology change. This paper focuses on Static Routing protocols, namely, LCAD, multi-level hierarchical routing and data centric routing. The mobility models employed for FANETs are also addressed. Finally, the future scope of this technology is highlighted

    Routing schemes in FANETs: a survey

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    Flying ad hoc network (FANET) is a self-organizing wireless network that enables inexpensive, flexible, and easy-to-deploy flying nodes, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to communicate among themselves in the absence of fixed network infrastructure. FANET is one of the emerging networks that has an extensive range of next-generation applications. Hence, FANET plays a significant role in achieving application-based goals. Routing enables the flying nodes to collaborate and coordinate among themselves and to establish routes to radio access infrastructure, particularly FANET base station (BS). With a longer route lifetime, the effects of link disconnections and network partitions reduce. Routing must cater to two main characteristics of FANETs that reduce the route lifetime. Firstly, the collaboration nature requires the flying nodes to exchange messages and to coordinate among themselves, causing high energy consumption. Secondly, the mobility pattern of the flying nodes is highly dynamic in a three-dimensional space and they may be spaced far apart, causing link disconnection. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the limited research work of routing schemes in FANETs. Different aspects, including objectives, challenges, routing metrics, characteristics, and performance measures, are covered. Furthermore, we present open issues

    Flying Ad Hoc network (FANET) Communication between UAV's

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    In FANET network communication is one of the major concern, and also communication between multi-UAV frameworks. The communication is established between UAV's and base terminal through satellite or any other structure. This kind of communication create issue between UAV's, the long distance between UAV's can create blackouts in communication, because of these issues the ad hoc network can be used among the UAV's, this kind of communication network is called FANET. In this paper I will discuss the implementation of the network and how the network structure can provide reliable communication ad transfer of data between the unnamed aerial vehicles UAV's and the base terminals

    ASR-FANET: An adaptive SDN-based routing framework for FANET

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    Flying ad hoc network (FANET) is widely used in many military, commercial and civilian applications. Compared with mobile adhoc network (MANET) and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), FANET holds unique characteristics such as high mobility, intermittent links and frequent topology changes, which cause a challenging task in the design of routing protocols. A novel adaptive software defined networking (SDN)-based routing framework for FANET called ASR-FANET is proposed in this article to solve the above challenges. The ASR-FANET framework is mainly composed of three important parts, which are the topology discovery mechanism, statistics gathering mechanism and route computation mechanism. In topology discovery mechanism, the periodic information about network topology is collected, including nodes and links. In statistics gathering mechanism, the status of the wireless network connection and flight statistics are collected. In route computation mechanism, the optimal path is calculated based on link costs. The performance of ASR-FANET framework is also has been evaluated by comprehensive simulations. The simulation results show that proposed framework is much better than other traditional protocols in packet delivery fraction, average end to end delay, normalized routing load, packet loss and throughput

    Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs): A Review

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    INTRODUCTION: FANETs are a type of wireless communication network consisting of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones that work collaboratively to process data and attain optimal results. These networks have achieved significant attention due to their potential applications in diverse engineering fields. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of FANET, covering various aspects related to its classification, architecture, communication types, mobility models, challenges, characteristics, and design. It also discusses the importance of routing protocols and topology in FANETs. Furthermore, this paper identifies and presents open issues and challenges in the field of FANETs, urging researchers to focus on exploring and addressing these essential parameters and research areas. OBJECTIVES: This paper will aims to promote further investigation and advancement in the field of FANETs and similar networks, enabling researchers to explore and overcome the challenges to unleash the full potential of these UAV-based ad-hoc networks shortly. METHODS: The data used in this paper was gathered from various research papers. A brief comparison among FANETs, MANETs, and VANETs has been shown and highlighted the main points. This paper also elaborates the general architecture, mobility models, routing, routing protocols in FANETs. RESULTS: It was discovered that the use of both deterministic and probabilistic techniques is suggested to enhance the performance and efficiency of FANETs. By combining these methods, the paper suggests that better results can be achieved in terms of network reliability, adaptability, and overall performance. CONCLUSION: This paper discusses the importance of routing protocols and topology in FANETs. Furthermore, this paper identifies and presents open issues and challenges in the field of FANETs, urging researchers to focus on exploring and addressing these essential parameters and research areas

    FANET optimization: a destination path flow model

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    Closed-loop routing in flying ad hoc networks (FANET) arises as a result of the quick changes of communication links and topology. As such, causing link breakage during information dissemination. This paper proposed a destination path flow model to improve the communication link in FANET. The models utilized Smell Agent Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms in managing link establishment between communicating nodes. The modeled scenario depicts the practical application of FANET in media and sports coverage where only one vendor is given the license for live coverage and must relay to other vendors. Three different scenarios using both optimization Algorithms were presented. From the result obtained, the SAO optimizes the bandwidth costs much better than PSO with a percentage improvement of 10.46%, 4.04% and 3.66% with respect to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd scenarios respectively. In the case of communication delay between the FANET nodes, the PSO has a much better communication delay over SAO with percentage improvement of 40.89%, 50.26% and 68.85% in the first, second and third scenarios respectively

    Using artificial intelligence to support emerging networks management approaches

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    In emergent networks such as Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G applications, network traffic estimation is of great importance to forecast impacts on resource allocation that can influence the quality of service. Besides, controlling the network delay caused with route selection is still a notable challenge, owing to the high mobility of the devices. To analyse the trade-off between traffic forecasting accuracy and the complexity of artificial intelligence models used in this scenario, this work first evaluates the behavior of several traffic load forecasting models in a resource sharing environment. Moreover, in order to alleviate the routing problem in highly dynamic ad-hoc networks, this work also proposes a machine-learning-based routing scheme to reduce network delay in the high-mobility scenarios of flying ad-hoc networks, entitled Q-FANET. The performance of this new algorithm is compared with other methods using the WSNet simulator. With the obtained complexity analysis and the performed simulations, on one hand the best traffic load forecast model can be chosen, and on the other, the proposed routing solution presents lower delay, higher packet delivery ratio and lower jitter in highly dynamic networks than existing state-of-art methods

    A Specific Routing Protocol for Flying Adhoc Network

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    This paper presents a novel data and timed control routing protocol which is Flying Adhoc Network (FANET) specific. The developed FANET specific routing protocol laid emphasis on the route connectivity in the network by considering the captured data size, minimum allowable distance between randomly moving nodes and connection time. The performance of the proposed FANET specific routing protocol was simulated using NS3. The obtained throughput value for the routing protocol fluctuated between 742.064kbps and 755.083kbps as data are exchanged between nodes. This showed that when all the UAVs are on the network and communicating with one another, the throughput is flatline and not plummet. This implies consistency as nodes join and leave the network. The packet delivery ratio obtained for the FSRP during simulation was 96.13%. These results implied that data is successfully transmitted between the UAV acting as server and UAV acting as client on the network
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