34 research outputs found

    Networks of Bio-inspired Processors

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    The goal of this work is twofold. Firstly, we propose a uniform view of three types of accepting networks of bio-inspired processors: networks of evolutionary processors, networks of splicing processors and networks of genetic processors. And, secondly, we survey some features of these networks: computational power, computational and descriptional complexity, the existence of universal networks, eciency as problem solvers and the relationships among them

    Simulating accepting networks of evolutionary processors with filtered connections by accepting evolutionary P systems

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    In this work, we propose a variant of P system based on the rewriting of string-objects by means of evolutionary rules. The membrane structure of such a P system seems to be a very natural tool for simulating the filters in accepting networks of evolutionary processors with filtered connections. We discuss an informal construction supporting this simulation. A detailed proof is to be considered in an extended version of this work

    Generating networks of genetic processors

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    [EN] The Networks of Genetic Processors (NGPs) are non-conventional models of computation based on genetic operations over strings, namely mutation and crossover operations as it was established in genetic algorithms. Initially, they have been proposed as acceptor machines which are decision problem solvers. In that case, it has been shown that they are universal computing models equivalent to Turing machines. In this work, we propose NGPs as enumeration devices and we analyze their computational power. First, we define the model and we propose its definition as parallel genetic algorithms. Once the correspondence between the two formalisms has been established, we carry out a study of the generation capacity of the NGPs under the research framework of the theory of formal languages. We investigate the relationships between the number of processors of the model and its generative power. Our results show that the number of processors is important to increase the generative capability of the model up to an upper bound, and that NGPs are universal models of computation if they are formulated as generation devices. This allows us to affirm that parallel genetic algorithms working under certain restrictions can be considered equivalent to Turing machines and, therefore, they are universal models of computation.This research was partially supported by TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215.Campos Frances, M.; Sempere Luna, JM. (2022). Generating networks of genetic processors. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 23(1):133-155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10710-021-09423-713315523

    Developing Tools for Networks of Processors

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    A great deal of research eort is currently being made in the realm of so called natural computing. Natural computing mainly focuses on the denition, formal description, analysis, simulation and programming of new models of computation (usually with the same expressive power as Turing Machines) inspired by Nature, which makes them particularly suitable for the simulation of complex systems.Some of the best known natural computers are Lindenmayer systems (Lsystems, a kind of grammar with parallel derivation), cellular automata, DNA computing, genetic and evolutionary algorithms, multi agent systems, arti- cial neural networks, P-systems (computation inspired by membranes) and NEPs (or networks of evolutionary processors). This chapter is devoted to this last model

    Desarrollode un simulador de redes de procesadores que evolucionan (NEPS) en la nube (SPARK)

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    Máster Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (i2-TIC)The natural-inspired computing has becomeone of the most frequently used techniques to handle complex problems such as the NP-Hard optimization problems. This kind of computing has several advantages over traditional computing, including resiliency, parallel data processing, and low consumptionof power. One of the active research areas of the natural-inspired algorithms is Network of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs). A NEP consists of several cells that are attached together; at the same time the edges of the graph are to transfer data between the nodes in system, while cells are representing the nodes.In this thesis we construct a NEPs system which is implemented over the Hadoop spark environment. The use of the spark platform is essential in this work due to the capabilities supplied by this platform. It is a suitable environment used solving some complicated problems. Using the environment is a possible choice in order to design the NEPs system. For this reason, in this thesis, we detailed on how to install, design and operate this system on the Apache the spark environment is used because it has the capability to implement the NEPs system in a distributed manner. The NEPs simulation is delivered in this work. An analysis of system’s parameters was also provided in this work for the system performance evaluation via the examination of each single factor affecting the performance of the NEPs individually. After testing the system, it become clear that using NEPs on the decentralize cloud eco-system can be thought as an effective method to handle data of different formats and also to execute optimization problems such as Adelman, 3-colorabilty and Massive-NEP problems. Moreover, this scheme is also robust that can be adaptable to handle data which might be scaled up to be big data which is characterized by its volume and heterogeneity. In this context heterogeneity might be referring to collecting data from different sources. Moreover, the utilization of the spark environment as a platform to operate the NEPs system has it is prospects. This environment is characterized by its fast task handing chunks of data to Hadoop architecture that is used to implement the spark system which is mainly based on the map and reduce functions. Thus, the task is distributed on NEPs system using the cloud based environment system made it possible to have logical result in all of the three examples investigated and examined in this method

    Desarrollo de entorno online de programación para computación natural

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    Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (i2- TIC).This work proposes a natural computer programming (for CA and NEPs) environment platform using Blockly. The platform is a web-based tool that provides simulators for two well-known natural computing systems: Cellular Automata (CA) and Network of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs). CA programming blocks presented in this work provide the ability to design and implement several types of CA including Elementary cellular automata, 2D cellular automata, and nD cellular automata. The tool also provides a graphical representation of CA’s grid through projection for any CA that has 3 or more dimensions. A NEPs Blockly programming environment is presented in this work. It provides the ability to design and simulate NEPs. Blocks are used as flexible user interface to enter NEPs specifications. The blocks automatically generate a standard XML configurations code which can be sent to the server side of the simulator for implementation. The tool also provides a graphical representation for the static topology of the system. Both CA and NEPs Blockly programming environments have been tested in several rather academic examples. The work presents an online simulation platform for natural computing algorithm using visual programing tool, namely Blockly. The proposed platform provides software engineering tools for setting up algorithms and also ease of use especially for teaching of these algorithm. The software engineering tools has been implemented on the NEPs as there is much more software tools already presented for cellular automata. The software designed for NEPs are a set of blocks to implement several types of connections between nodes. These blocks reduce time and complexity in setting up NEPs with fully connected nodes, for instance. In the other hand, cellular automata algorithm has been chosen to test the ease of the process of teaching and learning natural computing algorithms as they are much better-known model. The test has been conducted with students, teachers and researchers. Results of the experiment showed that the CA Blockly simulator outperforms traditional manual methods of implementing CA. It also showed that the proposed environment has desired features such as ease of use and decreases learning time. The NEPs part of the system has been tested against several applications. It showed that it provides a flexible designing tool for NEPs. It outperforms traditional XML coding methods in terms of ease of use and designing time. In addition we have designed specific high level constructs that automatize in some way the specific of complex NEPs’ topologies by hand. They could be considered as embryonic software engineering tools to program NEPs. Our tool is considered a generic platform for web-based implementation. It has desired features and wide range of properties that could attract the scientific community to adapt and develop in the future

    Picture languages generated by splicing and assembling til·les

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    Idiomes imatge generats per Empalme i Muntatge Rajoles. L'extensió de l'estudi de les llengües oficials sobre el cas string 2 idiomes dimensionals o idiomes imatge ha estat d'interès per molt temps per les seves vastes aplicacions. En la tesi i l'objecte de dues dimensions més comú estudiat és una imatge que és una matriu rectangular de símbols presos a partir d'un alfabet finit. L 'objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra en l'estudi de la generació de les classes d'idiomes d'imatge per les operacions de bio-inspirats saber, `Enllaç' i` Auto-Assemblea 'd'ADN-Computing. És a dir, sistema d'entroncament i enrajolats Regla Sistemes H-Array. H-array Empalme Sistema és un formalisme bio-inspirat estès des H-entroncament de la caixa de cadena, un estudi àmpliament investigat introduït per T. Head. Està estructurat com un mecanisme mitjançant l'estudi de les gramàtiques lineals de dues dimensions correctes. Aquest formalisme és un mecanisme que s'aplica al número finit d'imatges trucades imatges inicials amb determinat conjunt de regles d'entroncament de dòmino de columna i fila. El lloc de context en el qual les dues imatges es tallen en columnes i files es va decidir per la seqüència de dòmino adjacents en el conjunt de regles. I llavors el `enganxar 'de la primera part de la imatge a la segona part de la imatge es realitza mitjançant la columna i fila concatenacions respectivament. L'H-Array Enllaç Sistemes s'aplica sobre llengües 2D-RLG generant idiomes Enllaç H-Array (HASL). A continuació, les classes de restricció definides i d'estudi són acte Creu sobre matrius i llenguatges Empalme matriu simples i resultats incomparables es va demostrar amb 2D-RLG, HASL. No són disjunts i es creuen llenguatges recognoscibles. El segon formalisme principal introduït i estudiat a la tesi és Revestiments Sistema de regles . Aquest formalisme genera la imatge pel conjunt de regles de mosaic, muntatge rajoles. Hem demostrat que la classe de L (TS) (Sistema d'enrajolat, llenguatge reconeixible) està continguda en TRuS. A més, vam demostrar existeixen una construcció del formalisme basat en la generació d'imatges en files o columnes que és equivalent a L (TS). L'equivalència es demostra l'ús de sistemes de Wang. Així que porta a una idea interessant d funcionament bio-inspirat (auto-acoblament) a la generació de la imatge.Idiomas de imagen generados por Empalme y Montaje Azulejos. La extensión del estudio de las lenguas oficiales sobre el caso string dos idiomas dimensionales o idiomas imagen ha sido de interés por mucho tiempo por sus vastas aplicaciones. En la tesis y el objeto de dos dimensiones más común estudiado es una imagen que es una matriz rectangular de símbolos tomados a partir de un alfabeto finito. E l objetivo de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la generación de las clases de idiomas de imagen por las operaciones de bio-inspirados saber, `Empalme 'y` Auto-Asamblea' de ADN-Computing. A saber, sistema de empalme H-Array y sistemas de regla de mosaico. H-array Empalme Sistema es un formalismo bio-inspirado extendido desde H-empalme de la caja de cadena, un estudio ampliamente investigado introducido por T. Head. Está estructurado como un mecanismo mediante el estudio de las gramáticas lineales de dos dimensiones correctas. Este formalismo es un mecanismo que se aplica en el número finito de imágenes llamadas imágenes iniciales con determinado conjunto de reglas de empalme de dominó de columna y fila. El sitio de contexto en el que las dos imágenes se cortan en columnas y filas se decidió por la secuencia de dominós adyacentes en el conjunto de reglas. Y entonces el `pegar 'de la primera parte (o sub-array) de la imagen a la segunda parte de la imagen se realiza mediante la columna y fila concatenaciones respectivamente. El H-Array Empalme Sistemas se aplica sobre lenguas 2D-RLG generando idiomas Empalme H-Array (HASL). A continuación, las clases de restricciones definidas y de estudio son auto Cruz sobre matrices y lenguajes Empalme matriz simples y resultados incomparables se demostró con 2D-RLG, HASL. No son disjuntos y se cruzan lenguajes reconocibles. El segundo formalismo principal introducido y estudiado en la tesis son Revestimientos Sistema de reglas TRuS. Este formalismo genera la imagen por el conjunto de reglas de mosaico, montajes azulejos. Hemos demostrado que la clase de L (TS) (Sistema de alicatado, lenguaje reconocible) está contenida en la TRuS. Además, demostramos existen una construcción del formalismo basado en la generación de imágenes en filas o columnas que es equivalente a L (TS). La equivalencia se demuestra el uso de sistemas de Wang.Picture languages generated by Splicing and Assembling Tiles. The extension of the study of formal languages over string case to two dimensional languages or picture languages has been of interest for long for its vast applications. In the thesis and the most common two-dimensional object studied is a picture which is a rectangular array of symbols taken from a finite alphabet. T he objective of this thesis concentrates on the study of generation of Picture language classes by bio-inspired operations namely, `Splicing' and `Self-Assembly' of DNA-Computing. Namely, H-Array Splicing System and Tiling Rule Systems. H-array Splicing Systems is a bio-inspired formalism extended from H-Splicing from string case, a vastly investigated study introduced by T. Head. In particular it is structured as a mechanism by studying two-dimensional right linear grammars. In elaborate this formalism is a mechanism which is applied on finite number of pictures called initial pictures with given set of column and row domino splicing rules. The context site where the two pictures are cut in columns and rows are decided by the sequence of adjacent dominoes in the set of rules. And then the `pasting' of the first part (or sub-array) of the picture to the second part of the picture is done by column and row concatenations respectively. The H-Array Splicing Systems is applied over 2D-RLG languages generating H-Array Splicing languages (HASL). Then the restriction classes defined and study are Self Cross over Arrays and Simple Array Splicing languages and incomparable results are proved with 2D-RLG, HASL. They are not disjoint and they intersect Recognizable languages. Another and the second main formalism introduced and studied in the thesis is Tiling Rule System TRuS . This formalism generates picture by set of tiling rules, assembling tiles. We have proved that the class of L(TS) (Tiling System, recognizable language) is contained in TRuS . Also, we prove there exist a construct of the formalism based on generating pictures in rows or columns which is equivalent to L(TS). The equivalence is proved using Wang systems. Thus leading to an interesting notion of bio-inspired (self-assembling) operation to picture generation

    Real life applications of bio-inspired computing models: EAP and NEPs

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura: 04-07-201

    In Memoriam, Solomon Marcus

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    This book commemorates Solomon Marcus’s fifth death anniversary with a selection of articles in mathematics, theoretical computer science, and physics written by authors who work in Marcus’s research fields, some of whom have been influenced by his results and/or have collaborated with him