38,657 research outputs found

    On the Criticality of Adaptive Boolean Network Robots

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    Systems poised at a dynamical critical regime, between order and disorder, have been shown capable of exhibiting complex dynamics that balance robustness to external perturbations and rich repertoires of responses to inputs. This property has been exploited in artificial network classifiers, and preliminary results have also been attained in the context of robots controlled by Boolean networks. In this work, we investigate the role of dynamical criticality in robots undergoing online adaptation, i.e., robots that adapt some of their internal parameters to improve a performance metric over time during their activity. We study the behavior of robots controlled by random Boolean networks, which are either adapted in their coupling with robot sensors and actuators or in their structure or both. We observe that robots controlled by critical random Boolean networks have higher average and maximum performance than that of robots controlled by ordered and disordered nets. Notably, in general, adaptation by change of couplings produces robots with slightly higher performance than those adapted by changing their structure. Moreover, we observe that when adapted in their structure, ordered networks tend to move to the critical dynamical regime. These results provide further support to the conjecture that critical regimes favor adaptation and indicate the advantage of calibrating robot control systems at dynamical critical states

    Reconstruction of Kauffman networks applying trees

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    AbstractAccording to Kauffman’s theory [S. Kauffman, The Origins of Order, Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993], enzymes in living organisms form a dynamic network, which governs their activity. For each enzyme the network contains:•a collection of enzymes affecting the enzyme and•a Boolean function prescribing next activity of the enzyme as a function of the present activity of the affecting enzymes.Kauffman’s original pure random structure of the connections was criticized by Barabasi and Albert [A.-L. Barabasi, R. Albert, Emergence of scaling in random networks, Science 286 (1999) 509–512]. Their model was unified with Kauffman’s network by Aldana and Cluzel [M. Aldana, P. Cluzel, A natural class of robust networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 8710–8714]. Kauffman postulated that the dynamic character of the network determines the fitness of the organism. If the network is either convergent or chaotic, the chance of survival is lessened. If, however, the network is stable and critical, the organism will proliferate. Kauffman originally proposed a special type of Boolean functions to promote stability, which he called the property canalyzing. This property was extended by Shmulevich et al. [I. Shmulevich, H. Lähdesmäki, E.R. Dougherty, J. Astola, W. Zhang, The role of certain Post classes in Boolean network models of genetic networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 10734–10739] using Post classes. Following their ideas, we propose decision tree functions for enzymatic interactions. The model is fitted to microarray data of Cogburn et al. [L.A. Cogburn, W. Wang, W. Carre, L. Rejtő, T.E. Porter, S.E. Aggrey, J. Simon, System-wide chicken DNA microarrays, gene expression profiling, and discovery of functional genes, Poult. Sci. Assoc. 82 (2003) 939–951; L.A. Cogburn, X. Wang, W. Carre, L. Rejtő, S.E. Aggrey, M.J. Duclos, J. Simon, T.E. Porter, Functional genomics in chickens: development of integrated-systems microarrays for transcriptional profiling and discovery of regulatory pathways, Comp. Funct. Genom. 5 (2004) 253–261]. In microarray measurements the activity of clones is measured. The problem here is the reconstruction of the structure of enzymatic interactions of the living organism using microarray data. The task resembles summing up the whole story of a film from unordered and perhaps incomplete collections of its pieces. Two basic ingredients will be used in tackling the problem. In our earlier works [L. Rejtő, G. Tusnády, Evolution of random Boolean NK-models in Tierra environment, in: I. Berkes, E. Csaki, M. Csörgő (Eds.), Limit Theorems in Probability an Statistics, Budapest, vol. II, 2002, pp. 499–526] we used an evolutionary strategy called Tierra, which was proposed by Ray [T.S. Ray, Evolution, complexity, entropy and artificial reality, Physica D 75 (1994) 239–263] for investigating complex systems. Here we apply this method together with the tree–structure of clones found in our earlier statistical analysis of microarray measurements [L. Rejtő, G. Tusnády, Clustering methods in microarrays, Period. Math. Hungar. 50 (2005) 199–221]

    Coevolution of Information Processing and Topology in Hierarchical Adaptive Random Boolean Networks

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    Random Boolean networks (RBNs) are frequently employed for modelling complex systems driven by information processing, e.g. for gene regulatory networks (GRNs). Here we propose a hierarchical adaptive RBN (HARBN) as a system consisting of distinct adaptive RBNs - subnetworks - connected by a set of permanent interlinks. Information measures and internal subnetworks topology of HARBN coevolve and reach steady-states that are specific for a given network structure. We investigate mean node information, mean edge information as well as a mean node degree as functions of model parameters and demonstrate HARBN's ability to describe complex hierarchical systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The Influence of Canalization on the Robustness of Boolean Networks

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    Time- and state-discrete dynamical systems are frequently used to model molecular networks. This paper provides a collection of mathematical and computational tools for the study of robustness in Boolean network models. The focus is on networks governed by kk-canalizing functions, a recently introduced class of Boolean functions that contains the well-studied class of nested canalizing functions. The activities and sensitivity of a function quantify the impact of input changes on the function output. This paper generalizes the latter concept to cc-sensitivity and provides formulas for the activities and cc-sensitivity of general kk-canalizing functions as well as canalizing functions with more precisely defined structure. A popular measure for the robustness of a network, the Derrida value, can be expressed as a weighted sum of the cc-sensitivities of the governing canalizing functions, and can also be calculated for a stochastic extension of Boolean networks. These findings provide a computationally efficient way to obtain Derrida values of Boolean networks, deterministic or stochastic, that does not involve simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Nested canalyzing depth and network stability

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    We introduce the nested canalyzing depth of a function, which measures the extent to which it retains a nested canalyzing structure. We characterize the structure of functions with a given depth and compute the expected activities and sensitivities of the variables. This analysis quantifies how canalyzation leads to higher stability in Boolean networks. It generalizes the notion of nested canalyzing functions (NCFs), which are precisely the functions with maximum depth. NCFs have been proposed as gene regulatory network models, but their structure is frequently too restrictive and they are extremely sparse. We find that functions become decreasingly sensitive to input perturbations as the canalyzing depth increases, but exhibit rapidly diminishing returns in stability. Additionally, we show that as depth increases, the dynamics of networks using these functions quickly approach the critical regime, suggesting that real networks exhibit some degree of canalyzing depth, and that NCFs are not significantly better than functions of sufficient depth for many applications of the modeling and reverse engineering of biological networks.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
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