15 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan sampah menjadi masalah yang belum terselesaikan dengan baik, khususnya di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dikota-kota besar berbanding lurus dengan produksi sampah yang dihasilkan. Jika proses pengangkutan sampah tidak ditangani dengan baik maka akan menyebabkan penumpukan sampah. Sudah semestinya pengelolaan sampah harus semakin diperhatikan karena berhubungan dengan efisiensi biaya serta dampak terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi, perlu kiranya memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut untuk mengatasu permasalah sampah.Pembuatan teknologi smart waste management system  ini dibangun dengan menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things dalam mengumpulkan data data sampah serta teknologi berbabasis Kecerdasan Buatan dalam pengolahan data. Integrasi kedua teknogi tersebut dipergunakan untuk memberikan sebuah usulan penanganan sampah dari mulai penentuan tempat pembuangan sampah semantara (TPS), armada angkut sampah sampai ke penjadwalan pengangkutan sampah. Penanganan sampah dilakkan optimasi sehingga diperoleh efisiensi dan efektifias dalam penanganan sampah perkotaan.Prototype yang dihasilkan mampu memberikan kemampuan pengumpulan data TPS, pengelolaan data, dan prediksi. Sistem dapat dikembangkan dalam banyak hal, diantaranya adalah optimasi jalur dan jadwal armada angkut sampah, optimasi TPS berdasarkan sebaran warga dan volume sampah dan lainnya.Kata Kunci : Internet of Things, Sampah, Kecerdasan Buata

    IPv6 flood attack detection based on epsilon greedy optimized Q learning in single board computer

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    Internet of things is a technology that allows communication between devices within a network. Since this technology depends on a network to communicate, the vulnerability of the exposed devices increased significantly. Furthermore, the use of internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) as the successor to internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) as a communication protocol constituted a significant problem for the network. Hence, this protocol was exploitable for flooding attacks in the IPv6 network. As a countermeasure against the flood, this study designed an IPv6 flood attack detection by using epsilon greedy optimized Q learning algorithm. According to the evaluation, the agent with epsilon 0.1 could reach 98% of accuracy and 11,550 rewards compared to the other agents. When compared to control models, the agent is also the most accurate compared to other algorithms followed by neural network (NN), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), decision tree (DT), naive Bayes (NB), and support vector machine (SVM). Besides that, the agent used more than 99% of a single central processing unit (CPU). Hence, the agent will not hinder internet of things (IoT) devices with multiple processors. Thus, we concluded that the proposed agent has high accuracy and feasibility in a single board computer (SBC)

    Securing fog computing with a decentralised user authentication approach based on blockchain

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    The use of low-cost sensors in IoT over high-cost devices has been considered less expensive. However, these low-cost sensors have their own limitations such as the accuracy, quality, and reliability of the data collected. Fog computing offers solutions to those limitations; nevertheless, owning to its intrinsic distributed architecture, it faces challenges in the form of security of fog devices, secure authentication and privacy. Blockchain technology has been utilised to offer solutions for the authentication and security challenges in fog systems. This paper proposes an authentication system that utilises the characteristics and advantages of blockchain and smart contracts to authenticate users securely. The implemented system uses the email address, username, Ethereum address, password and data from a biometric reader to register and authenticate users. Experiments showed that the proposed method is secure and achieved performance improvement when compared to existing methods. The comparison of results with state-of-the-art showed that the proposed authentication system consumed up to 30% fewer resources in transaction and execution cost; however, there was an increase of up to 30% in miner fees

    Guidelines to develop demonstration models on industry 4.0 for engineering training

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    [EN] Industrial digitization is currently a great challenge which involves continuous advances in tech-nologies such as automation, robotics, internet of things, cloud computing, big data, virtual and augmented reality or cybersecurity. Only those companies able to adapt and with qualified work-ers will be competitive. Therefore, it is necessary to design new environments to train students and workers in these enabling technologies. In this paper, a set of guidelines is proposed to develop a demonstration model on Industry 4.0. Following these guidelines, an existing manufacturing industrial system, based on an electro-pneumatic cell for classifying pieces, is updated to the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The result is an Industry 4.0 demonstration model where enabling tech-nologies are added in an integrated way. In this manner, students do not only train in each technology, but also understand the interactions between them. In the academic year 2020/21, this demonstration model has been used by engineering students in a subject of a master’s degree. Impressions and comments from students about the structure and management of the environ-ment, as well as the influence on their learning process are collected and discussed.SIThis work was supported by the Spanish State Research Agency, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under Grant PID2020-117890RB-I00. The work of José Ramón Rodríguez- Ossorio was supported by a grant of the Research Programme of the Universidad de León 2020. The work of Guzmán González-Mateos was supported by a grant of the Research Programme of the University of León 202

    Exploring Data Security and Privacy Issues in Internet of Things Based on Five-Layer Architecture

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    Data Security and privacy is one of the serious issues in internet-based computing like cloud computing, mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT). This security and privacy become manifolded in IoT because of diversified technologies and the interaction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) used in IoT. IoTs are being adapted in academics and in many organizations without fully protecting their assets and also without realizing that the traditional security solutions cannot be applied to IoT environment. This paper explores a comprehensive survey of IoT architectures, communication technologies and the security and privacy issues of them for a new researcher in IoT. This paper also suggests methods to thwart the security and privacy issues in the different layers of IoT architecture

    A Vision of the Internet of Things: A Review of Critical Challenges

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    Today, Information Communication Technology has brought many benefits to have a better life. Meanwhile, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), which has transformed the traditional lifestyle into a modern lifestyle and is growing rapidly, is of great importance. This research deals with the critical challenges of IoT. Although not much time has passed since the advent of the concept of the IoT, today the Internet of Things has faced a great deal of complexity in the industry, which requires in-depth studies to realise its potential and challenges. This study introduces and examines IoT challenges including security and privacy, scalability, interoperability, mobility, protocol & standardisation, and energy consumption. In this study, the relationship between these challenges has been clearly defined. Finally, based on the research, some main challenges or sub-challenges considered for these challenges

    Rank and wormhole attack detection model for RPL-based Internet of Things using machine learning

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    The proliferation of the internet of things (IoT) technology has led to numerous challenges in various life domains, such as healthcare, smart systems, and mission-critical applications. The most critical issue is the security of IoT nodes, networks, and infrastructures. IoT uses the routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) for data communication among the devices. RPL comprises a lightweight core and thus does not support high computation and resource-consuming methods for security implementation. Therefore, both IoT and RPL are vulnerable to security attacks, which are broadly categorized into RPL-specific and sensor-network-inherited attacks. Among the most concerning protocol-specific attacks are rank attacks and wormhole attacks in sensor-network-inherited attack types. They target the RPL resources and components including control messages, repair mechanisms, routing topologies, and sensor network resources by consuming. This leads to the collapse of IoT infrastructure. In this paper, a lightweight multiclass classification-based RPL-specific and sensor-network-inherited attack detection model called MC-MLGBM is proposed. A novel dataset was generated through the construction of various network models to address the unavailability of the required dataset, optimal feature selection to improve model performance, and a light gradient boosting machine-based algorithm optimized for a multiclass classification-based attack detection. The results of extensive experiments are demonstrated through several metrics including confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, and recall. For further performance evaluation and to remove any bias, the multiclass-specific metrics were also used to evaluate the model, including cross-entropy, Cohn’s kappa, and Matthews correlation coefficient, and then compared with benchmark research

    Ag-IoT for crop and environment monitoring: Past, present, and future

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    CONTEXT: Automated monitoring of the soil-plant-atmospheric continuum at a high spatiotemporal resolution is a key to transform the labor-intensive, experience-based decision making to an automatic, data-driven approach in agricultural production. Growers could make better management decisions by leveraging the real-time field data while researchers could utilize these data to answer key scientific questions. Traditionally, data collection in agricultural fields, which largely relies on human labor, can only generate limited numbers of data points with low resolution and accuracy. During the last two decades, crop monitoring has drastically evolved with the advancement of modern sensing technologies. Most importantly, the introduction of IoT (Internet of Things) into crop, soil, and microclimate sensing has transformed crop monitoring into a quantitative and data-driven work from a qualitative and experience-based task. OBJECTIVE: Ag-IoT systems enable a data pipeline for modern agriculture that includes data collection, transmission, storage, visualization, analysis, and decision-making. This review serves as a technical guide for Ag-IoT system design and development for crop, soil, and microclimate monitoring. METHODS: It highlighted Ag-IoT platforms presented in 115 academic publications between 2011 and 2021 worldwide. These publications were analyzed based on the types of sensors and actuators used, main control boards, types of farming, crops observed, communication technologies and protocols, power supplies, and energy storage used in Ag-IoT platforms

    Network Protocols, Schemes, and Mechanisms for Internet of Things (IoT): Features, Open Challenges, and Trends

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    Internet of Things (IoT) constitutes the next step in the field of technology, bringing enormous changes in industry, medicine, environmental care, and urban development. Various challenges are to be met in forming this vision, such as technology interoperability issues, security and data confidentiality requirements, and, last but not least, the development of energy efficient management systems. In this paper, we explore existing networking communication technologies for the IoT, with emphasis on encapsulation and routing protocols. The relation between the IoT network protocols and the emerging IoT applications is also examined. A thorough layer-based protocol taxonomy is provided, while how the network protocols fit and operate for addressing the recent IoT requirements and applications is also illustrated. What is the most special feature of this paper, compared to other survey and tutorial works, is the thorough presentation of the inner schemes and mechanisms of the network protocols subject to IPv6. Compatibility, interoperability, and configuration issues of the existing and the emerging protocols and schemes are discussed based on the recent advanced of IPv6. Moreover, open networking challenges such as security, scalability, mobility, and energy management are presented in relation to their corresponding features. Lastly, the trends of the networking mechanisms in the IoT domain are discussed in detail, highlighting future challenges