7,411 research outputs found

    Toward the Design and Implementation of Traceability Engineering Tool Support

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    Requirements of a system keep on changing based on the need of stakeholders or the system developers, making requirement engineering an important aspect in software development. This develops a need for appropriate requirement change management. The importance of requirements traceability is defining relationships between the requirements and artefacts extracted by the stakeholder during the software development life-cycle and gives vital information to encourage software understanding. In this paper, we have concentrated on developing a tool for requirement traceability that can be used to extend the requirement elicitation and identification of system-wide qualities using the notion of quality attribute scenarios to capture the non-functional requirements. It allows us to link the functional and non-functional requirements of the system based on the quality attribute scenarios template proposed by the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Apart from this, the paper focuses on tracing the functional and non-functional requirements of the system using the concept of requirement traceability matrix

    Benefits, Limitations and Best Practices of Online Coursework…Should Accounting Programs Jump on Board?

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    The evolution of online teaching has evolved as quickly and vivaciously as the adoption of the World Wide Web. While there were and are skeptics, research shows that not only is online learning more convenient and makes educational available anytime and anywhere, it has the potential, in some cases, to be an improved tool for educating. To ensure maximized learning outcomes, and to experience the blessing and not the curse of online coursework, it is critical that universities embrace it wholeheartedly and follow online pedagogical best practices in developing and executing online courses. In addition, there are some courses where special forethought should be made to ensure online learning is effective. Courses that are more computational necessitate this consideration. This document serves to provide strategies and best practices on how to obtain excellence and maximized outcomes from online education. It examines research to date and outlines: the benefits and challenges of online learning, strategies and best practices for online educating, and considerations for online accounting coursework

    Simulation and optimization for an experimental environment to wildfire resource management and planning: firefight project modelling and architecture

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    Firefighting resource management is crucial to contain and extinguish wildfires. Resource optimization in wildfire containment can help to reduce the dangers and risks to both human (firemen and area inhabitants) and natural environment. The use of simulation to predict wildfire evolution combined with optimization techniques can lead to an optimal resource deployment and management to minimize natural and human risks. This article proposes a simulation and optimization architecture; a well-defined data format to represent firefighting resources and an experimental platform to simulate wildfire spread, wildfire containment, resource dispatching and management and resource optimization. The simulation and optimization environment will be tested in the Catalonia region (Spain) in collaboration with Catalan Firefight Department.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Interoperable Simulation and Serious Games for creating an Open Cyber Range

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    The paper proposes an open architecture to support the creation of a synthetic environment devoted to simulate complex scenarios related to the protection of cyber-physical systems. The proposed approach is based on applying the combination of interoperable simulation and serious games to develop a framework where different models, as well as real equipment, could interoperate based on High Level Architecture standard. By this approach, it becomes possible to create a federation reproducing a scenario including multiple physical and cyber layers interacting dynamically and reproducing complex situations. The authors propose an example of specific case study conceptually developed to apply this approach

    Sharing system of learning resources for adaptive strategies of scholastic remedial intervention

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    [EN] This paper presents a model for school remedial, focusing on improving the digital materials sharing process for the diversification of tutoring strategies. The model involves the characterization of materials for automatic assessment shared within a community of tutors. The characterization expects materials to be linked with natural language descriptors explicating their intended instructional objectives. The possibility of implementing a recommendation system on the basis of natural language processing techniques is discussed taking in consideration an analysis of the application of the model within a local-scale project. Clustering techniques searching for materials that have the same educational purposes but involve the activation of different cognitive processes are proposed, in order to continuously extend the database of shared materials in favour of the effectiveness of ongoing tutoring actions. The results collected from questionnaires submitted to students, tutors, and teachers involved in the project are shown, and clustering data are discussed highlighting the feasibility of the application of the model.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Barana, A.; Di Caro, L.; Fioravera, M.; Floris, F.; Marchisio, M.; Rabellino, S. (2018). Sharing system of learning resources for adaptive strategies of scholastic remedial intervention. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1495-1503. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8232OCS1495150

    Persistence deployment automation

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    La ciberseguretat és un camp que cada cop té més importància, ja que any rere any creix el nombre de ciberatacs a tota mena d'organitzacions. Atès que l'impacte d'aquests atacs és cada vegada més gran (la qual cosa es tradueix en majors pèrdues per a les grans empreses), és fonamental invertir en equips, eines, personal i/o serveis de seguretat per estar el més protegits possible davant de tota mena de ciberamenaces. Dos dels serveis de ciberseguretat més comuns són les avaluacions de seguretat als equips d'usuari i a les xarxes, on es posen a prova els programes antimalware contractats pel client, davant diferents tècniques utilitzades en atacs reals, com les classificades com a \textit{persistència}: procediments per tornar a executar un fitxer o una comanda, o per tornar a establir la comunicació amb un servidor remot, després de que l'ordinador s'hagi reiniciat o de que el procés hagi finalitzat. Durant les intrusions, entenent "intrusió" com un atac que ha aconseguit accedir a ordinadors de la xarxa interna d'alguna empresa, les tècniques de persistència són crucials, donat que perdre la connexió amb l'equip compromès podria posar en risc tot l'operatiu. Aquest projecte recopila informació sobre els diferents mètodes per desplegar persistència tant a diversos sistemes operatius (Windows i Linux) com en serveis (com el de Directori Actiu), centrant-se en les tècniques més usades als atacs d'avui dia. Aquesta informació també es troba a Internet, però està dispersa i de vegades escrita en un llenguatge molt tècnic, fent-ne difícil la seva comprensió. A més, s'ha desenvolupat una eina d'automatització per poder fer el desplegament de la persistència de forma ràpida i senzilla. Aquesta eina es compon de diversos scripts, adaptats a diferents sistemes operatius, i pot resultar molt útil quan es realitzen les avaluacions de seguretat esmentades anteriorment. En resum, l'objectiu final d'aquest projecte és posar a disposició una gran quantitat de recursos que poden ser emprats durant les auditories de seguretat, per ajudar a identificar millor els problemes de seguretat dels equips, i aconseguir així sistemes millor protegits.Cybersecurity is a field that is becoming more important over time, as the number of cyberattacks on all kinds of organizations is growing every year. Since the impact of those attacks increases in time (which translates into greater losses to big companies), it is essential to invest in security equipment, tools, people and/or services in order to be as protected as possible against all kinds of cyber threats. Two of the most common cybersecurity services are endpoint and network security evaluations, where professionals test a company's antimalware software against different techniques used in real-life attacks, like the ones classified as \textit{persistence}: procedures to re-execute a file or a command, or to reconnect with controlled servers, following reboots or process terminations. Persistence techniques are used regularly because they are crucial in most intrusions (when an attack has succeeded in accessing internal computers of an enterprise), since losing connection with the compromised machine can make the whole operation fail. This project collects information about different ways of deploying persistence in diverse operating systems (both Windows and Linux) and services (Active Directory), focusing on the most used in recent attacks. This information is already on the Internet, but it is scattered and sometimes written in overly technical language, making it difficult to understand. Additionally, an automation tool is developed to deploy persistence easily and faster on computers. This tool is composed of several scripts, depending on the base operating system, and could be very useful when performing the aforementioned security evaluations. In short, the final goal of this project is to make lots of resources available that can be used during security assessments, to help identify flaws and thus achieve better protected systems

    Playing in the sandbox: state building in the space of non-recognition

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    For unrecognised states in the international system recognition of sovereign statehood is the ultimate goal. Not being ‘a state’ means being excluded from global networks. However, even in the most basic definitions and criteria for unrecognised states there is a period of relative autonomy accorded due to non-recognition. This is a period when political actors can use isolation to establish the state’s narrative, identity and structure. It is this period that provides the foundations for external interaction. It is in this period that the state is born. This article examines another side to the politics of recognition: the politics of non-recognition. Drawing on the contemporary examples of Somaliland and Kurdistan, the article assesses the benefits as well as the costs of non-recognition
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