486 research outputs found

    Virtually Lossless Compression of Astrophysical Images

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    We describe an image compression strategy potentially capable of preserving the scientific quality of astrophysical data, simultaneously allowing a consistent bandwidth reduction to be achieved. Unlike strictly lossless techniques, by which moderate compression ratios are attainable, and conventional lossy techniques, in which the mean square error of the decoded data is globally controlled by users, near-lossless methods are capable of locally constraining the maximum absolute error, based on user's requirements. An advanced lossless/near-lossless differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) scheme, recently introduced by the authors and relying on a causal spatial prediction, is adjusted to the specific characteristics of astrophysical image data (high radiometric resolution, generally low noise, etc.). The background noise is preliminarily estimated to drive the quantization stage for high quality, which is the primary concern in most of astrophysical applications. Extensive experimental results of lossless, near-lossless, and lossy compression of astrophysical images acquired by the Hubble space telescope show the advantages of the proposed method compared to standard techniques like JPEG-LS and JPEG2000. Eventually, the rationale of virtually lossless compression, that is, a noise-adjusted lossles/near-lossless compression, is highlighted and found to be in accordance with concepts well established for the astronomers' community

    Remote Sensing Data Compression

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    A huge amount of data is acquired nowadays by different remote sensing systems installed on satellites, aircrafts, and UAV. The acquired data then have to be transferred to image processing centres, stored and/or delivered to customers. In restricted scenarios, data compression is strongly desired or necessary. A wide diversity of coding methods can be used, depending on the requirements and their priority. In addition, the types and properties of images differ a lot, thus, practical implementation aspects have to be taken into account. The Special Issue paper collection taken as basis of this book touches on all of the aforementioned items to some degree, giving the reader an opportunity to learn about recent developments and research directions in the field of image compression. In particular, lossless and near-lossless compression of multi- and hyperspectral images still remains current, since such images constitute data arrays that are of extremely large size with rich information that can be retrieved from them for various applications. Another important aspect is the impact of lossless compression on image classification and segmentation, where a reasonable compromise between the characteristics of compression and the final tasks of data processing has to be achieved. The problems of data transition from UAV-based acquisition platforms, as well as the use of FPGA and neural networks, have become very important. Finally, attempts to apply compressive sensing approaches in remote sensing image processing with positive outcomes are observed. We hope that readers will find our book useful and interestin

    Segmentation based coding of depth Information for 3D video

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    Increased interest in 3D artifact and the need of transmitting, broadcasting and saving the whole information that represents the 3D view, has been a hot topic in recent years. Knowing that adding the depth information to the views will increase the encoding bitrate considerably, we decided to find a new approach to encode/decode the depth information for 3D video. In this project, different approaches to encode/decode the depth information are experienced and a new method is implemented which its result is compared to the best previously developed method considering both bitrate and quality (PSNR)

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Complex Media

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    [EN] Nature is nonlinear. The linear description of physical phenomena is useful for explain observations with the simplest mathematical models, but they are only accurate for a limited range of input values. In the case of intense acoustics waves, linear models obviate a wide range of physical phenomena that are necessary for accurately describe such high-amplitude waves, indispensable for explain other exotic acoustic waves and mandatory for developing new applied techniques based on nonlinear processes. In this Thesis we study the interactions between nonlinearity and other basic wave phenomena such as non-classical attenuation, anisotropic dispersion and periodicity, and diffraction in specific configurations. First, we present intense strain waves in a chain of cations coupled by realistic interatomic potentials. Here, the nonlinear ionic interactions and lattice dispersion lead to the formation of supersonic kinks. These intrinsically-nonlinear localized dislocations travel long distances without changing its properties and explain the formation of dark traces in mica crystals. Then, we analyze nonlinear wave processes in a system composed of multilayered acoustic media. The rich nonlinear dynamics of this system is characterized by its strong dispersion. Here, harmonic generation processes and the relation with its band structure are presented, showing that the nonlinear processes can be enhanced, strongly minimized or simply modified by tuning the layer parameters. In this way, we show how the dynamics of intense monochromatic waves and acoustic solitons can be controlled by artificial layered materials. In a second part, we include diffraction and analyze four types of singular beams. First, we study nonlinear beams in two dimensional sonic crystals. In this system, the inclusion of anisotropic dispersion is tuned for obtain simultaneous self-collimation for fundamental and second harmonic beams. The conditions for optimal second harmonic generation are presented. Secondly, we present limited diffraction beam generation using equispaced axisymmetric diffraction gratings. The obtained beams are truncated version of zero-th order Bessel beams. Third, the grating spacing can be modified to achieve focusing, where the generated nonlinear beams presents high gain, around 30 dB, with a focal width which is between the diffraction limit and the sub-wavelength regime, but with its characteristic high amplitude side lobes strongly reduced. Finally, we observe that waves diffracted by spiral-shaped gratings generate high-order Bessel beams, conforming nonlinear acoustic vortex. The conditions to obtain arbitrary-order Bessel beams by these passive elements are presented. Finally, the interplay of nonlinearity and attenuation in biological media is studied in the context of medical ultrasound. First, a numerical method is developed. The method solves the constitutive relations for nonlinear acoustics and the frequency power law attenuation of biological media is modeled as a sum of relaxation processes. A new technique for reducing numerical dispersion based on artificial relaxation is included. Second, this method is used to study the harmonic balance as a function of the power law, showing the role of weak dispersion and its impact on the efficiency of the harmonic generation in soft-tissues. Finally, the study concerns the nonlinear behavior of acoustic radiation forces in frequency power law attenuation media. We present how the interplay between nonlinearity and the specific frequency power law of biological media can modify the value for acoustic radiation forces. The relation of the nonlinear acoustic radiation force with thermal effects are also discussed. The broad range of nonlinear processes analyzed in this Thesis contributes to understanding the behavior of intense acoustic waves traveling trough complex media, while its implications for enhancing existent applied acoustics techniques are presented.[ES] La Naturaleza es no lineal. La descripción lineal de los fenómenos físicos es de gran utilidad para explicar nuestras observaciones con modelos matemáticos simples, pero éstos sólo son precisos en un limitado rango de validez. En el caso de onda acústica de alta intensidad, los modelos lineales obvian un amplio rango de fenómenos físicos que son necesarios para describir con precisión las ondas de gran amplitud, pero además son necesarios para explicar otros procesos más exóticos e indispensables para desarrollar nuevas aplicaciones basadas en propagación no lineal. En esta Tesis, estudiamos las interacciones entre no linealidad y otros procesos complejos como atenuación no-clásica, dispersión anisotrópica y periodicidad, y difracción en configuraciones específicas. En primer lugar, presentamos ondas de deformación en una cadena de cationes acoplados por potenciales realísticas. Aquí, las interacciones no lineales entre iones, producen la conformación de kinks supersónicos. Estas dislocaciones localizadas intrínsecamente no lineales viajan por la red largas distancias sin variar sus propiedades, y pueden explicar la formación de trazas en minerales como la mica. Aumentando la escala del problema, estudiamos los procesos acústicos no lineales en medios multicapa. La rica dinámica de estos medios está caracterizada por la fuerte dispersión debido a la periodicidad del sistema. Aquí, estudiamos los procesos de generación de harmónicos, mostrando como modificando la estructura podemos potenciar, minimizar, o simplemente modificar artificialmente la transferencia de energía entre las componentes espectrales, y de esta manera controlar la dinámica de las ondas y solitones en el interior de la estructura. En la segunda parte, incluimos difracción y analizamos cuatro tipos de haces singulares. En primer lugar, analizamos haces ultrasónicos no lineales en cristales de sonido bidimensionales. En este sistema, las propiedades de anisotropía del medio son ajustadas para obtener la auto-colimación simultánea del primer y segundo harmónico. Así, se obtiene la propagación no difractiva para las dos componentes. En segundo lugar, presentamos haces de difracción limitada empleando rejillas de difracción axisimétricas. Por último, demostramos la generación de haces de Bessel de orden superior mediante estructuras en espiral. En la última parte, estudiamos la competición entre no linealidad y la atenuación y dispersión observable en medios biológicos en el contexto de las aplicaciones de biomédicas de los ultrasonidos. En primer lugar desarrollamos un nuevo método computacional para la dependencia frecuencial en forma de ley de potencia de la absorción característica de los tejidos. Este método en dominio temporal es usado posteriormente para revisar los procesos básicos no lineales prestando especial interés en el paper de la dispersión del tejido. Por último, la resolución de las ecuaciones constitutivas nos permite abordar la descripción no lineal de la fuerza de radiación acústica producida en tejidos biológicos, y las implicaciones existentes con la deposición de energía y transferencia de momento para ondas ultrasónicas de alta intensidad. El amplio abanico de procesos no lineales analizados en esta tesis contribuye a una mejor comprensión de la dinámica de las ondas acústicas de alta intensidad en medios complejos, donde las implicaciones existentes en cuanto a la mejora de sus aplicaciones prácticas son puestas de manifiesto.[CA] La Naturalesa és no lineal. La descripció lineal dels fenòmens físics és de gran utilitat per a explicar les nostres observacions amb models matemàtics simples, però aquests sol són precisos en un limitat rang de validesa. En el cas d'ona acústica d'alta intensitat, els models lineals obvien un ampli rang de fenòmens físics que són necessaris per a descriure amb precisió les ones de gran amplitud, però a més són necessaris per a explicar altres processos més exòtics i indispensables per a desenvolupar noves aplicacions basades en propagació no lineal. En aquesta Tesi, estudiem les interaccions entre no-linealitat i altres processos complexos com atenuació no-clàssica, dispersió anisotròpica i periodicitat, i difracció en configuracions específiques. En primer lloc, presentem ones de deformació en una cadena de cations acoblats per potencials realistes. Ací, les interaccions no lineals entre ions, produeixen la conformació de kinks supersònics. Aquestes dislocacions localitzades intrínsecament no lineals viatgen per la xarxa llargues distàncies sense variar les seues propietats, i poden explicar la formació de traces en minerals com la mica. Augmentant l'escala del problema, estudiem els processos acústics no lineals en mitjans multicapa. La rica dinàmica d'aquests mitjans es caracteritza per la forta dispersió a causa de la periodicitat del sistema. Ací, estudiem els processos de generació d'harmònics, mostrant com modificant l'estructura podem potenciar, minimitzar, o simplement modificar artificialment la transferència d'energia entre les components espectrals, i d'aquesta manera controlar la dinàmica de les ones i solitons a l'interior de l'estructura. En la segona part, incloem difracció i analitzem quatre tipus de feixos singulars. En primer lloc, analitzem feixos ultrasònics no lineals en cristalls de so bidimensionals. En aquest sistema, les propietats d'anisotropia del medi són ajustades per a obtenir l'acte-col·limació simultània del primer i segon harmònic. Així, s'obté la propagació no difractiva per a les dues components. En segon lloc, presentem feixos de difracció limitada emprant reixetes de difracció axisimètriques. Per últim, vam demostrar la generació de feixos de Bessel d'ordre superior mitjançant estructures en espiral. En l'última part, estudiem la competició entre no linealitat i l'atenuació i dispersió observable en medis biològics en el context de les aplicacions biomèdiques dels ultrasons. En primer lloc desenvolupem un nou mètode computacional per a la dependència freqüencial en forma de llei de potència de l'absorció característica dels teixits biològics. Aquest mètode en domini temporal és usat posteriorment per a revisar els processos bàsics no lineals prestant especial interés en el paper de la dispersió del teixit. Per últim, la resolució de les equacions constitutives ens permet abordar la descripció no lineal de la força de radiació acústica produïda en teixits biològics, i les implicacions existents amb la deposició d'energia i transferència de moment per a ones ultrasòniques d'alta intensitat. L'ampli ventall de processos no lineals analitzats en aquesta tesi contribueix a una millor comprensió de la dinàmica de les ones acústiques d'alta intensitat en medis complexos, on les implicacions existents quant a la millora de les seues aplicacions practiques són posades de manifest.Jiménez González, N. (2015). Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Complex Media [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53237TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Error Resilient Video Coding Using Bitstream Syntax And Iterative Microscopy Image Segmentation

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    There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of video traffic over the Internet in past several years. For applications like real-time video streaming and video conferencing, retransmission of lost packets is often not permitted. Popular video coding standards such as H.26x and VPx make use of spatial-temporal correlations for compression, typically making compressed bitstreams vulnerable to errors. We propose several adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment approaches for subsampling-based multiple description video coding. These adaptive methods are based on motion and mode information extracted from the H.26x video bitstreams. We also present an error resilience method using data duplication in VPx video bitstreams. A recent challenge in image processing is the analysis of biomedical images acquired using optical microscopy. Due to the size and complexity of the images, automated segmentation methods are required to obtain quantitative, objective and reproducible measurements of biological entities. In this thesis, we present two techniques for microscopy image analysis. Our first method, “Jelly Filling” is intended to provide 3D segmentation of biological images that contain incompleteness in dye labeling. Intuitively, this method is based on filling disjoint regions of an image with jelly-like fluids to iteratively refine segments that represent separable biological entities. Our second method selectively uses a shape-based function optimization approach and a 2D marked point process simulation, to quantify nuclei by their locations and sizes. Experimental results exhibit that our proposed methods are effective in addressing the aforementioned challenges

    Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications

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    Machine learning is revolutionizing the way multimedia information is processed and transmitted to users. After intensive and powerful training, some impressive efficiency/accuracy improvements have been made all over the transmission pipeline. For example, the high model capacity of the learning-based architectures enables us to accurately model the image and video behavior such that tremendous compression gains can be achieved. Similarly, error concealment, streaming strategy or even user perception modeling have widely benefited from the recent learningoriented developments. However, learning-based algorithms often imply drastic changes to the way data are represented or consumed, meaning that the overall pipeline can be affected even though a subpart of it is optimized. In this paper, we review the recent major advances that have been proposed all across the transmission chain, and we discuss their potential impact and the research challenges that they raise