159 research outputs found

    Web-based Multi-dimensional Medical Image Collaborative Annotation System

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    Medical image annotation is playing an increasingly important role in clinical diagnosis and medical research. Existing medical image annotation is faced with many demands and challenges. 1) The emergence and sharp increasing speed of multi-dimensional medical images. 2) Image annotation includes not only text annotation, but also graphical annotation, clinical diagnostic information and image content features information. 3) Uneven distribution of medical resources, which makes difficult to aggregate group intelligence from a much larger scale of distributed experts. Most of the present study is texted based within hospitals on single images annotation. It is difficult to organize and manage unstructured medi-cal image annotation and collaborative sharing information. This paper dedicated to the research on collaborative web-based multi-dimensional medical image an-notation and retrieval in order to address these problems, overcome the shortcom-ing of traditional thin client and facilitate medical experts in different locations to exchange views and comments,. It proposed 1) a system architecture that provides authoring, storing, querying, and exchanging of annotations, and supports web-based collaboration. 2) 2D multi-frame and 3D medical image collaborative anno-tation data model. 3) Collaborative annotation mechanisms

    BioMeRSA: The Biology media repository with semantic augmentation

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    With computers now capable of easily handling all kinds of multimedia files in vast quantity, and with the Internet now well-suited to exchange these files, we are faced with the challenge of organizing this data in such a way so as to make the information most useful and accessible. This holds true as well for media pertaining to the field of biology, where multimedia is particularly useful in education, as well as in research. To help address this, a software system with a Web-based interface has been developed for improving the accuracy and specificity of multimedia searching and browsing by integrating semantic data pertaining to the field of biology from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Using the Biology Media Repository with Semantic Augmentation (BioMeRSA) system, users who are considered to be `experts\u27 can associate concepts from UMLS with multimedia files submitted by other users to provide semantic context for the files. These annotations are used to retrieve relevant files in the searching and browsing interfaces. A wide variety of image files are currently supported, with some limited support for video and audio files

    Web-based Stereoscopic Collaboration for Medical Visualization

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    Medizinische Volumenvisualisierung ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug zur Betrachtung von Volumen- daten in der medizinischen Praxis und Lehre. Eine interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative Darstellung in Echtzeit ist notwendig, um die Daten vollständig und im Detail verstehen zu können. Solche Visualisierung von hochauflösenden Daten ist jedoch wegen hoher Hardware- Anforderungen fast nur an speziellen Visualisierungssystemen möglich. Remote-Visualisierung wird verwendet, um solche Visualisierung peripher nutzen zu können. Dies benötigt jedoch fast immer komplexe Software-Deployments, wodurch eine universelle ad-hoc Nutzbarkeit erschwert wird. Aus diesem Sachverhalt ergibt sich folgende Hypothese: Ein hoch performantes Remote- Visualisierungssystem, welches für Stereoskopie und einfache Benutzbarkeit spezialisiert ist, kann für interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative medizinische Volumenvisualisierung genutzt werden. Die neueste Literatur über Remote-Visualisierung beschreibt Anwendungen, welche nur reine Webbrowser benötigen. Allerdings wird bei diesen kein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die perfor- mante Nutzbarkeit von jedem Teilnehmer gesetzt, noch die notwendige Funktion bereitgestellt, um mehrere stereoskopische Präsentationssysteme zu bedienen. Durch die Bekanntheit von Web- browsern, deren einfach Nutzbarkeit und weite Verbreitung hat sich folgende spezifische Frage ergeben: Können wir ein System entwickeln, welches alle Aspekte unterstützt, aber nur einen reinen Webbrowser ohne zusätzliche Software als Client benötigt? Ein Proof of Concept wurde durchgeführt um die Hypothese zu verifizieren. Dazu gehörte eine Prototyp-Entwicklung, deren praktische Anwendung, deren Performanzmessung und -vergleich. Der resultierende Prototyp (CoWebViz) ist eines der ersten Webbrowser basierten Systeme, welches flüssige und interaktive Remote-Visualisierung in Realzeit und ohne zusätzliche Soft- ware ermöglicht. Tests und Vergleiche zeigen, dass der Ansatz eine bessere Performanz hat als andere ähnliche getestete Systeme. Die simultane Nutzung verschiedener stereoskopischer Präsen- tationssysteme mit so einem einfachen Remote-Visualisierungssystem ist zur Zeit einzigartig. Die Nutzung für die normalerweise sehr ressourcen-intensive stereoskopische und kollaborative Anatomieausbildung, gemeinsam mit interkontinentalen Teilnehmern, zeigt die Machbarkeit und den vereinfachenden Charakter des Ansatzes. Die Machbarkeit des Ansatzes wurde auch durch die erfolgreiche Nutzung für andere Anwendungsfälle gezeigt, wie z.B. im Grid-computing und in der Chirurgie

    Semantic annotation services for 3D models of cultural heritage artefacts

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    Comunicação em tempo real para plataforma multimídia colaborativa baseada em web

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncia da Computação, FlorianĂłpolis, 2014.Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta que integra funcionalidadesde visualização de imagens mĂ©dicas de forma colaborativa com comunicaçãomultimĂ­dia, vĂ­deo chamadas, completamente baseada empadrĂ”es web (sem uso de plugin auxiliar). O objetivo deste trabalhoĂ© o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma web com usabilidade correspondentea plataformas desktop tradicionais. Os componentes necessĂĄriossĂŁo discutidos individualmente e tambĂ©m os problemas de integraçãocom a plataforma web. É utilizada uma estratĂ©gia para comparara qualidade da plataforma apresentada com softwares baseadosem desktop, a validação de usabilidade com usuĂĄrios atravĂ©s da Escalade Usabilidade de Sistema (do inglĂȘs, System Usability Scale, SUS).AtravĂ©s desta validação Ă© possĂ­vel inferir que a plataforma web-basedconsegue cumprir os mesmos objetivos que uma versĂŁo do softwareem desktop.Abstract : This work presents a tool that integrates collaborative medical imagesvisualization functionalities with multimedia communication, videocalls, fully based on web standards (without the use of auxiliaryplugins). The objective of this project is the development of a webplatform with usability matching traditional desktop?s. The requiredcomponents are discussed individually and also the the problems thatarise with the integration in the web platform. A strategy to comparethe quality of the presented platform with desktop based softwares ispresented, the evaluation with users through System Usability Scale(SUS). Through this evaluation it is possible to infer that the webbasedplatform can achieve the same objectives than a dekstop versionof the software

    HTML5 Case Studies:Case studies illustrating development approaches to use of HTML5 and related Open Web Platform standards in the UK Higher Education sector

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    This document provides an introduction to a series of HTML5 case studies which were commissioned by the JISC. The document gives an introduction to HTML5 and related standards developed by the W3C and explains why these developments represent a significant development to Web standards, which is of more significance than previous incremental developments to HTML and CSS


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    Increasingly organizations require their members to act not only as end users but also as developers of their tools, i.e. to create, shape and adapt the software artifacts they use without becoming computer experts. In this way, they move from being mere consumers to active producers of knowledge and developers of software artifacts. This leads to an evolution of the work environment and the organization and force the designers to adapt the software artifacts to meet the needs of the end users and to manage this co-evolution of users and software. Moreover, the achievements of social media, Web 2.0 and the advanced information technologies lead to an upward diffusion of global communities, geographically distributed, that collaborate asynchronously on the same design projects. The members of global communities belong to different cultures, therefore cultural boundaries need to be transcended. The mantra "making all voices heard" has to be evolved into "making all voices heard and understood" to allow the proper participation of end users to knowledge and software artifacts creation, sharing and evolution. To respond to these challenges, the thesis presents a semiotic model for end-user development and a Web architecture that supports 1) an interaction localized to end user\u2019s culture, domain of activity and digital platform in use, and 2) the collaborative creation and evolution of knowledge and software artifacts. The architecture is Ajax-like, component-based, Web service-based, and underpins re-use and evolution of software

    Internet based molecular collaborative and publishing tools

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    The scientific electronic publishing model has hitherto been an Internet based delivery of electronic articles that are essentially replicas of their paper counterparts. They contain little in the way of added semantics that may better expose the science, assist the peer review process and facilitate follow on collaborations, even though the enabling technologies have been around for some time and are mature. This thesis will examine the evolution of chemical electronic publishing over the past 15 years. It will illustrate, which the help of two frameworks, how publishers should be exploiting technologies to improve the semantics of chemical journal articles, namely their value added features and relationships with other chemical resources on the Web. The first framework is an early exemplar of structured and scalable electronic publishing where a Web content management system and a molecular database are integrated. It employs a test bed of articles from several RSC journals and supporting molecular coordinate and connectivity information. The value of converting 3D molecular expressions in chemical file formats, such as the MOL file, into more generic 3D graphics formats, such as Web3D, is assessed. This exemplar highlights the use of metadata management for bidirectional hyperlink maintenance in electronic publishing. The second framework repurposes this metadata management concept into a Semantic Web application called SemanticEye. SemanticEye demonstrates how relationships between chemical electronic articles and other chemical resources are established. It adapts the successful semantic model used for digital music metadata management by popular applications such as iTunes. Globally unique identifiers enable relationships to be established between articles and other resources on the Web and SemanticEye implements two: the Document Object Identifier (DOI) for articles and the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) for molecules. SemanticEye’s potential as a framework for seeding collaborations between researchers, who have hitherto never met, is explored using FOAF, the friend-of-a-friend Semantic Web standard for social networks
