1,052 research outputs found

    WUI state of the art and regulatory needs in Europe

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    The document summarizes the state of the art of the regulationsrelevant to WUI in Europe, providing an organized set of references to the specific regulatory documents. It is focused on three main relevant topics: i) fuel-reduced fringes; ii) Building codes and standards; iii)Wildland-Industrial Interface. Current regulations are analysed and compared, leading to the identification of important needs and limitations of the current European regulatory frameworkPreprin

    Analisis Penanggulangan Bencana Alam dan Natech Guna Membangun Ketangguhan Bencana dan Masyarakat Berkelanjutan di Jepang

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    Jepang adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki catatan panjang mengenai bencana, mulai dari gempa bumi, topan, tanah longsor, hingga tsunami. Hal ini dikarenakan Jepang terletak di area Circum Pasific Mobile Zone. Adapun puncak bencana tersebut yaitu kejadian gempabumi dan tsunami Tohoku 2011 yang berkekuatan 9.0 SR sehingga mengakibatkan gelombang tsunami setinggi 10 meter (33 kaki). Gempa tersebut juga menyebabkan kerusakan pada reaktor nuklir yang berada di Prefekur Fukushima. Melihat kondisi seperti itu, perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk: (a) menganalisis penanggulangan bencana alam di Jepang untuk membangun ketangguhan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan melalui kontribusi IRIDeS Tohoku University; dan (b) menganalisis penanganan bencana natech di Jepang serta implikasinya bagi Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun temuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (a) dalam menanggulangi bencana alam, Jepang mendirikan International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) di Tohoku University untuk melakukan penelitian yang berorientasi pada aksi, dan mengejar manajemen bencana yang efektif untuk membangun masyarakat yang berkelanjutan dan tangguh serta didukung oleh tujuh divisi sehingga dapat melakukan berbagai kegiatan guna mewujudkan tujuan tersebut; dan (b) upaya penanggulangan bencana Natech di Jepang semakin diperkuat setelah terjadinya gempa besar di Tohoku pada tahun 2011.  Implikasinya bagi Indonesia, tepatnya di Cilegon, keberadaan IRIDeS dan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia memulai proyek kolaborasi sejak 2017 yang bertujuan untuk meminimalisir adanya bahaya Natech di Cilegon, Indonesia

    An innovative framework for chemical and process facilities to support a comprehensive Natech risk assessment

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    The interaction between natural hazards and technological installations handling hazardous materials can produce complex cascading accidents termed as Natech events. Climate change and increasing vulnerability of industrial facilities caused a growing concern towards Natech hazards in recent years. Current methodologies addressing the identification and quantification of Natech scenarios mostly consider only the possibility of direct damage of process and storage equipment caused by natural hazards as earthquakes and floods. Nevertheless, recent severe Natech events as the Arkema accident (2017) demonstrated that the direct failure of equipment is not the sole possible accident trigger. Indeed, in these events the accident sequence was initiated by the impairment of auxiliary systems and utilities induced by the natural event. The present contribution proposes an innovative comprehensive framework to the identification of Natech scenarios and to the quantitative assessment of Natech risk. The new framework presented addresses the identification of both direct and indirect Natech scenarios and considers the possible failure of utilities in the evolution of the accident chain and in the escalation of accident consequences. Specific strategies for the identification of alternative routes leading to Natech events are suggested, considering loss of containment events caused either by the direct damage of equipment or by the failure of utilities or safety barriers. A test-case was defined to show the application of the framework. The results demonstrated the importance of the indirect route in determining the overall hazard due to Natech events when specific categories of hazardous substances are present on the site

    Fires at the wildland-industrial interface. Is there an emerging problem?

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    Over the past years, wildfires have raged with unprecedented intensity across the world, becoming a growing problem, as weather conditions conductive to wildfire ignition and spread will increase in frequency and severity worldwide. This, coupled with a growing human expansion, leads to an increase in wildfire risk and in the threat to wildland-urban interface (WUI) communities. Commonly, definitions for WUI areas consider homes, commercial facilities, office and public buildings. This excludes industrial installations, where wildfires can trigger accidents or cascading events leading to extremely dangerous situations for the population causing enormous economic losses. In this paper, the problem associated to the wildland-industrial interface (WII) is analyzed. A methodology to obtain a global WII map is described, and the first WII maps for Europe and Asia are provided. Results show that, in Europe, 2.5% of the land and 6% of vegetated areas are WII, while in Asia these are respectively 0.24% and 0.5%. An analysis of how wildfire triggered industrial accidents can be considered when performing quantitative risk assessments (QRA) in industrial sites is also performed, identifying the current state of the art and research gaps, with the aim of helping industry, public authorities and policy makers, for better accident prevention, preparedness and response.This research is funded by the project PID2020-114766RB-100 of MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the project 2021_SGR_00251 of Generalitat de Catalunya. A. Àgueda is a Serra Hunter fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Risk Assessment for Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Chemical Installations: Workshop Outcome Report

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    The impact of natural hazards on hazardous installations can cause major chemical accidents. This so-called “Natech” risk is increasing due to industrialisation and climate change. Capacity building in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EU Neighbourhood Countries on Natech risk required for Natech risk reduction. This report summarises the findings of a training workshop on risk assessment for natural-hazard impact on hazardous chemical installations which the JRC organised in the frame of the JRC's Enlargement & Integration Action Programme in March 2016. It gives an overview of the presented materials and summarises the Natech risk management situation in new EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Neighbourhood countries.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    The ResTO-TerRiN Project: Contribution to the Systemic Modeling of Technical and Organizational Issues of a Territory Exposed to Natech Risk

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    International audienceThis paper presents a brief summary of work being carried out under the Franco-Japanese research project ResTO TerRiN. The main goal of the project is to produce relevant knowledge and effective methods and tools to improve the resilience of a territory against Natech accidents (chemical accidents triggered by natural hazards) especially those due to flood / tsunami. The work is based on a posteriori (in Japan and France) and a priori analysis of the industrial as well as the local governments' emergency management to the Natech accidents during the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami (GEJET) and during severe flooding events in France. Survey questionnaires in Japan and France are being applied to chemical facilities, to government agencies, and to citizens in France and Japan The data collected are used to model the impact of the natural hazard events on the facilities and the safety barriers, as well as the community and overall social impacts. These results are then used to understand societal and territorial resilience to these complex disasters and propose a Natech resilience model. In this paper we present the preliminary results of the ongoing work in Japan

    Investigations on natural hazards which trigger technological disasters in Romania

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    Romania faces the challenges of a developing country preparing to cope with disasters, be they natural or technological. The paper entails comprehensive research on technological accidents triggered by natural hazards (so-called Natech accidents). The research is based on a survey conducted by the competent authorities on the Seveso II Directive in 2009. This survey enabled the identification of Natech hazards and their correlation with the vulnerability of local communities and infrastructures. The Natech hazards were analyzed also in terms of their inclusion in the emergency planning process, starting from the current legislation. The results indicate that the number of incidents (including Natech events) has significantly decreased subsequent to the appropriate implementation of emergency plans and safety reports

    Rapid Natech Risk Assessment and Mapping Tool for Earthquakes: RAPID-N

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    Natural-hazard triggered accidents at industrial facilities (natechs) are recognized as an emerging risk with possibly serious consequences. Risk maps are helpful to identify natech hot spots. However, recent surveys showed that hardly any natech risk maps exist in the OECD and EU. A probabilistic natech risk mapping methodology for earthquakes was developed to fill this gap. It was implemented as a web-based software tool called RAPID-N. This tool allows rapid natech risk assessment and mapping by using fragility curves for damage estimation and simple models for consequence assessment with minimum data input. The tool includes a property estimation framework that can be used to calculate hazard parameters and site, process equipment, and substance properties. RAPID-N comes with a basic set of fragility curves for the damage assessment. If needed, custom damage states and fragility curves can also be defined for different process equipment types. Conditional and probabilistic relationships can be specified between damage states and probable natech event scenarios. The consequences of the natech events are assessed using the Risk Management Program (RMP) methodology of the U.S. EPA and the results are presented as summary reports and interactive risk maps. The tool can be used for land-use and emergency planning.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    An approach to the quantitative assessment of risk due to NaTech events

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    External hazard factors as natural events and intentional acts of interference are perceived as important threats affecting the safety of chemical and process plants. The increasing frequency of some natural events having a particularly high severity also raised a growing concern for industrial asset integrity and for the consequences of major accident scenarios that may be triggered by natural events. The specifi c features of technological accidents triggered by natural events were recently recognized, and these scenarios are now indicated as NaTech (Natural-Technological) accidents. The analysis of past accident databases points out that NaTech accidents frequently impacted industrial facilities. Methodologies and tools for the specifi c assessment of the potential consequences of NaTech accidents were only recently developed, and are still missing for a number of specifi c NaTech scenarios. In the present contribution, a framework for the analysis of NaTech accidents is proposed and recent advances in the tools available for the assessment of NaTech events are revised

    Analysis of Natech Risk for Pipelines: A Review

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    Natural events, such as earthquakes and floods, can trigger accidents in oil and gas pipeline with potentially severe consequences to the population and to the environment. These conjoint technological and natural disasters are termed natech accidents. The present literature review focuses on the risk analysis state‐of‐the‐art of seismic and flood events that can impact oil and gas transmission pipelines. The research has focused on methodologies that take into account the characteristics of natech events: for instance, the characterization of the triggering natural hazard and the final accident scenarios, as well as fragility curves for the specific assessment of the potential consequences of natech accidents. The result of this research shows that the literature on seismic risk analysis offers the largest number of examples and methodologies, although most studies focused on structural damage aspects without considering the consequences of a potential loss of containment from the pipelines. Very little work was found on flood risk assessment of natech events in pipelines.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen