524 research outputs found

    Nokia acquires alcatel lucent: academic case

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    En 2015, Nokia anunció la adquisición de su competidor francés AlcatelLucent en un acuerdo de acciones. A finales de 2015, Nokia anunció la estructura organizativa compuesta por cuatro grupos empresariales: redes móviles, redes fijas, Aplicaciones y análisis, y redes IP / ópticas. Tras la adquisición, Nokia ha ido evolucionando su estructura operativa, con cambios como la creación de nuevos grupos empresariales y cambios en las funciones de soporte, entre otros. Pero a pesar de la evolución natural del diseño organizativo de una gran corporación, el modelo de grupo empresarial seguido de la adquisición de Alcatel-Lucent no solo se mantuvo sino que también se fortaleció con la creación de nuevos BG. Sin embargo, en octubre de 2019, Nokia anunció que la política de pago de acciones se pausaría hasta nuevo aviso, debido a un retraso en la carrera de la última tecnología de banda ancha móvil llamada 5G frente a sus principales competidores.Introduction ; Telecom equipment industry ; Nokia Company background ; Alcatel Lucent Company background ; The acquisition of Alcatel Lucent ; Organizational design in a post merger integration process ; The organizational structure of Nokia after the acquisition ; Looking forwardMagíster en Administración de Empresas, CESA.In 2015, Nokia announced the acquisition of its French-based competitor AlcatelLucent in an all-stock agreement. By the end of 2015, Nokia announced the organizational structure composed of four business groups: Mobile Networks, Fixed Networks, Applications & Analytics, and IP/Optical Networks. After the acquisition, Nokia has been evolving its operational structure, with changes such as creation of new business groups and changes in the support functions, among others. But despite the natural evolution of the organizational design of a large corporation, the business group model followed the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent was not only maintained but also strengthened with the creation of new BGs. In October 2019, however, Nokia announced the share payment policy to be paused until new notice, due to a lag in the race of the latest mobile broadband technology called 5G against its main competitors.Maestrí

    EOS Data and Information System (EOSDIS)

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    In the past decade, science and technology have reached levels that permit assessments of global environmental change. Scientific success in understanding global environmental change depends on integration and management of numerous data sources. The Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS) must provide for the management of data, information dissemination, and technology transfer. The Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is NASA's portion of this global change information system

    A Context-Driven Model for the Flat Roofs Construction Process through Sensing Systems, Internet-of-Things and Last Planner System

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    The main causes of building defects are errors in the design and the construction phases. These causes related to construction are mainly due to the general lack of control of construction work and represent approximately 75% of the anomalies. In particular, one of the main causes of such anomalies, which end in building defects, is the lack of control over the physical variables of the work environment during the execution of tasks. Therefore, the high percentage of defects detected in buildings that have the root cause in the construction phase could be avoidable with a more accurate and efficient control of the process. The present work proposes a novel integration model based on information and communications technologies for the automation of both construction work and its management at the execution phase, specifically focused on the flat roof construction process. Roofs represent the second area where more defects are claimed. The proposed model is based on a Web system, supported by a service oriented architecture, for the integral management of tasks through the Last Planner System methodology, but incorporating the management of task restrictions from the physical environment variables by designing specific sensing systems. Likewise, all workers are integrated into the management process by Internet-of-Things solutions that guide them throughout the execution process in a non-intrusive and transparent way

    Architecture and Operation Algorithms of Mobile Core Network with Virtualization

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    The analysis of the current situation in the wireless communication market shows an increase in the workload, which leads to an increase in the need in additional resources. However, the uneven loading of the infrastructure nodes leads to their loss of use; so, there is a need in introducing technologies that both do not lead to downtime of equipment and ensure the quality of load service during the day. An overview of the NFV virtualization technology has shown that it is appropriate to build wireless networks, since it provides the necessary flexibility and scalability. The method for determining the location and capacity of reserved computer resources of virtual network functions in the data centers of the mobile communication operator, method for determining the size of computing resources constant configuration time interval, and distributed method of local reconfiguration of the virtual network computing resources in the case of a failure or overload are proposed. Thus, configuration, operation, and reconfiguration processes in mobile core network with virtualized functions are described

    Feasibility of wireless mesh for LTE-Advanced small cell access backhaul

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    Mobiilidatan määrä on muutaman viime vuoden aikana kasvanut voimakkaasti ja nykyiset ennustukset arvioivat eksponentiaalista kasvukäyrää tulevien vuosien aikana. Matkapuhelinjärjestelmät ovat kehittyneet nopeasti tämän trendin ohjaamana. Neljännen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkkostandardien myötä, uudet innovaatiot kuten heterogeeniset verkkoratkaisut tarjoavat ratkaisun nykyisiin skaalautuvuus- ja kapasiteettiongelmiin. Joitain ilmeisiä ongelmakohtiakin kuitenkin esiintyy kuten heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkennän toteuttaminen. Yksi lupaavimmista tavoista toteuttaa heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkentä on langaton ja itseorganisoituva mesh-verkko. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on varmistaa ja testata Nokia Siemens Networksin kehittämän mesh-runkokytkentäverkkokonseptin toteutettavuutta ja toiminnallisuutta soveltuvan validointijärjestelmän avulla. Kaiken kaikkiaan validointijärjestelmä ja sen päälle toteutettu mesh-protokolla toimivat moitteettomasti koko kehitys- ja testausprosessin ajan. Konseptin eri ominaisuudet ja mekanismit todistettiin täysin toteutettaviksi ja toimiviksi. Muutamalla lisäominaisuudella ja konseptiparannuksella mesh-konsepti tarjoaa houkuttelevan ja innovatiivisen ratkaisun heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkentään tulevaisuudessa.Mobile traffic demands and volumes are increasing and will dramatically keep increasing in the future. Along with this, mobile networks have evolved to better match this growth. Fourth generation cellular network standard introduced a set of new innovations for mobile communications, including support for heterogeneous network deployments. Heterogeneous networking is the likely answer for future mobile data capacity shortage but also poses some challenges, the most evident being how to implement the backhauling. One of the most promising heterogeneous network backhaul solutions is a meshed radio system with self-organizing features. The main scope of this master's thesis is the verification of functionality and feasibility of a wireless mesh backhaul concept developed by Nokia Siemens Networks through a proof-of-concept system. All in all, the wireless mesh proof-of-concept system performed strongly throughout the development and testing process. The different functionalities were proven to work successfully together. With further development and enhancement, the system concept displays extreme potential for a state-of-the-art heterogeneous network backhaul technology

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Optimization of the methodology of configuration of mobile communication networks

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    The mobile communication network has been growing quickly, and the mobile network maintenance is becoming more complex, in performance, network coverage, energy, time consuming and expensive. The telecommunication service provider and mobile network telecommunication operator worries to what is the better methodology to optimizing a mobile network configuration and to improve the most efficient operation and functionality, to increase a superior performance in technical aspect (Create, and integrate new network planning in hardware and software level), economic aspect (cost reduction in maintenance) and environmental aspect (use of renewable energy through solar panels or wind power system). The work developed in this dissertation aims to propose an optimization of methodology of configuration of mobile communication network and build an automated configuration system in different technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE) to provide a good quality and improvement in its architecture to meet the requirement for a large number of services or application through distinct means transmission and using technology appropriate with a new generation of hardware to reach certain area in a Base Station Transmition (BTS) and a Radio Network Controller (RNC) that permit configure and integrated hardware and software issues in distinct networks technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE).A rede de comunicação móvel tem crescido rapidamente e ficando cada vez mais complexa, sendo cada vez mais complicado melhorar o desempenho, a cobertura, a eficiência energética e ao mesmo tempo aumentar o numero de utilizadores e serviços. O provedor de serviços de telecomunicações e a operadora de rede móvel têm de se preocupar em optimizar de forma a garantir a melhor configuração de rede móvel tendo em vista melhorar a operação e funcionalidade, a fim de esta ser mais eficiente, no seu desempenho. Relativamente aos aspectos técnicos (Criar novo planeamento e integrar a uma rede ao nível hardware e de software), aspecto econômico (redução de custo na manutenção) e aspecto ambiental (uso de energia renovável, quer através de painéis solares como de sistemas eólicos). O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação visa propor uma otimização da metodologia de configuração das redes de comunicação móveis e construir um sistema de configuração automatizado em diferentes tecnologias (GSM, UMTS e LTE), para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade e atender a exigência de um grande número de serviços ou aplicações através de diferentes meios de transmissão e uso de tecnologia apropriada com uma nova geração de hardware para atingir determinada área em uma Estação de Transmissão de Base (BTS) e numa Rede de Controlador de Rádio (RNC) que permitem configurar e integrar diversos tipos de hardware e software em tecnologia de diferentes redes (GSM, UMTS e LTE)