76 research outputs found

    Control Plane Strategies for Elastic Optical Networks

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    Agile management and interoperability testing of SDN/NFV-enriched 5G core networks

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    In the fifth generation (5G) era, the radio internet protocol capacity is expected to reach 20Gb/s per sector, and ultralarge content traffic will travel across a faster wireless/wireline access network and packet core network. Moreover, the massive and mission-critical Internet of Things is the main differentiator of 5G services. These types of real-time and large-bandwidth-consuming services require a radio latency of less than 1 ms and an end-to-end latency of less than a few milliseconds. By distributing 5G core nodes closer to cell sites, the backhaul traffic volume and latency can be significantly reduced by having mobile devices download content immediately from a closer content server. In this paper, we propose a novel solution based on software-defined network and network function virtualization technologies in order to achieve agile management of 5G core network functionalities with a proof-of-concept implementation targeted for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and describe the results of interoperability testing experiences between two core networks

    Connected and disconnected: ICTs, peacebuilding and aesthetic practices of peripheral communities in Colombia

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    This thesis analyzes how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) have been introduced in rural regions of Colombia for peacebuilding purposes and strengthening democracy, and how these have had an impact on the aesthetic practices of local communities. This research discusses theories about the relationship between technology and society, and it provides a critical perspective from the idea that technology solves social problems. Case studies of ICTs projects from the Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Finland, Chile and Paraguay are introduced and examined, to give an account of how similar processes took place in different contexts. Two case studies from Colombia are analyzed (Vive Digital and Linternet), and suggestions that can improve future projects are shared.Master's Thesis in Digital CultureMAHF-DIKULDIKULT35

    iesnews; Esprit Information Exchange System Issue No. 15 April 1988

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    PRIMA — Privacy research through the perspective of a multidisciplinary mash up

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    Based on a summary description of privacy protection research within three fields of inquiry, viz. social sciences, legal science, and computer and systems sciences, we discuss multidisciplinary approaches with regard to the difficulties and the risks that they entail as well as their possible advantages. The latter include the identification of relevant perspectives of privacy, increased expressiveness in the formulation of research goals, opportunities for improved research methods, and a boost in the utility of invested research efforts

    Requirements and Solutions for a Research Network in Aalto University

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    Tämä diplomityö on tehty HSE:n, TaiKin ja TKK:n IT-palvelukeskukselle pohjaksi tutkimuskäyttöön tarkoitetun tietoverkon perustamista varten yliopistojen yhdistyttyä Aalto-yliopistoksi. Taustatietoa ja tutkimusverkkoihin liittyviä hyviä käytäntöjä kerättiin alan asiantuntijoiden haastatteluilla ja WWW-kyselyllä. Lisäksi kerättiin tietoja Aalto-yliopiston muodostavien yliopistojen nykyisistä verkkoratkaisuista. Näiden tietojen pohjalta muodostetaan ehdotukset tutkimusverkon toteutuksen ratkaisuiksi vaatimustenhallinan menetelmiä käyttäen. Työssä selvitetään aluksi tutkimusverkon käsitettä ja käyttötapoja. Taustaa ja esimerkkejä tarkastellaan yliopistojen ja tutkimusverkko-organisaatioiden kokemusten pohjalta kansallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla. Esimerkkeinä käsitellään erilaisia käytössä olevia tutkimuksen verkkoympäristöjä. Seuraavaksi käydään läpi tutkijoiden tarvitsemia palveluita ja tekniikoita, joiden varaan tutkimusverkko voidaan rakentaa. Samalla kuvataan Aalto-yliopiston verkon nykytilaa. Lyhyessä katsauksessa tarkastellaan tekniikoita ja ratkaisuja, joita voidaan odottaa toteutettavan verkkoympäristöissä lähitulevaisuudessa. Aalto-yliopiston IT-toimintojen hallinnolliset järjestelyt ja verkon suhde niihin kuvataan omassa kappaleessaan. Lopuksi kuvataan ratkaisut, joihin on päädytty kerättyjen tietojen ja vaatimusten pohjalta.This master's thesis is the basis for the implementation of a data network for research purposes. The work was made for HSE, TaiK and TKK before their merger to form Aalto University. Background information and good practices related to research networks were collected by interviewing experts of the field and by a WWW questionnaire. Information about the current state of the three universities' networks was also collected. A set of solutions is suggested based on the gathered information. The concept of research networking and ways of using research networks are described. The subject and some examples are discussed on national and international levels. The examples consist of research network environments currently used by various research organizations. Services and techniques necessary for implementing a research network are also discussed together with the current networks in the Aalto University campuses and some future network technologies. Furthermore, Aalto University's IT governance is described. Finally, a set of solutions is suggested based on the background information and requirements