29,036 research outputs found

    How people with diabetes integrate self-monitoring of blood glucose into their self-management strategies

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    Background The benefit of self-monitoring of blood glucose by patients has been questioned, and UK policy is generally not to support this, although it is identified that there may be unidentified subgroups of people who would benefit from being supported to self-monitor. The purpose of this paper is to explore the self-management approaches of people with diabetes, and how self-testing of blood glucose contributes to self-management strategies. Methods This qualitative study of patients’ experiences drew data from contributors to online discussion boards for people living with diabetes. The principles of qualitative content analysis were used on posts from a sample of four Internet discussion boards. Results Contributors described how they were using self-testing within their self-management strategies. Most saw it as a way of actively maintaining control of their condition. The amount of testing carried varied over time; more testing was done in the early days, when people were still learning how to stay in control of their diabetes. Some people had experienced a lack of support for self-testing from healthcare professionals, or had been expected to change their self-management to fit national policy changes. This was seen as unhelpful, demotivating, stressful, and harmful to the doctor–patient relationship. Conclusions The Internet is a valuable source of information about peoples’ self-management behaviours. Patients who are using, or who wish to use, self-testing as part of their self-management strategy are one of the subgroups for whom self testing is beneficial and who should be supported to do so

    Expressive phenomenology and critical approaches in the classroom: process and risks for students of health sciences

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    This article explores the use of expressive phenomenological and critical approaches to the teaching of health policy to a large class of first year health professional students studying both internally and through distance education. The phenomenological approach to classroom teaching attempts to provide students with opportunities to immerse themselves in the lived experiences of populations and individuals who are ill and in need of care. The critical approach brings the political, social and cultural realities of professional practice into the classroom discussion and reflection. The transition from the expressive phenomenological to critical analysis requires careful management by the teacher when reacting to the mood, responses and capacities of students. Managing these processes online for students studying at a distance presents additional pedagogical issues. These are: the problem of capturing ‘real time’ mood, managing the chaos of multiple student narratives, allowing time to dwell on the phenomena and dealing with the impact of violent films

    School Safety in North Carolina: Realities, Recommendations & Resources

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    The primary mission of North Carolina schools is to provide students an excellent education. To fully achieve this mission, schools must not only be safe, but also developmentally appropriate, fair, and just.Unfortunately, many so-called "school safety" proposals in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut have been shortsighted measures inspired by political expediency but unsupported by data. We aim to provide a more thoughtful approach informed by decades of research and centered on the mission of public schools.This issue brief responds to the newly established N.C. Center for Safer Schools, which has requested public input on "local concerns and challenges related to school safety" and has made available the opportunity to submit written comments.The first section of the brief debunks common myths and provides essential facts that must provide the backdrop for the school safety debate. The second section offers proven methods of striving for safe, developmentally appropriate, fair, and just public schools. It also provides examples of reforms from other cities and states. The third section makes note of resources that we encourage Center staff to study carefully.This brief rests on several key premises. First, "school safety" includes both physical security of students as well as their emotional and psychological well-being. Many of the proposals following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School have had an overly narrow focus on physical security at the expense of this broader picture of holistic student well-being. Second, public education in this state needs more funding in order for schools to even have a chance of achieving their core mission. North Carolina consistently ranks among the worst states in the country for funding of public education.Schools need more resources to implement measures that can truly ensure student safety. Third, student well-being depends on a coordinated effort by all the systems that serve youth. For example, school safety will be helped by laws that keep guns off school property and by full funding of the child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. Finally, this issue brief is not intended to be a comprehensive set of suggestions. Instead, our focus is on providing the Center important context that we view as missing from the current debate

    Eat Y’Self Fitter: Orthorexia, Health, and Gender

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    Orthorexia is a condition in which the subject becomes obsessed with identifying and maintaining the ideal diet, rigidly avoiding foods perceived as unhealthy or harmful. In this paper, I examine widespread cultural factors that provide particularly fertile ground for the development of orthorexia, drawing out social and historical connections between religion and orthorexia (which literally means “righteous eating”), and also addressing how ambiguities in the concept of “health” make it particularly prone to take on quasi-religious significance. I argue that what makes this sort of disordered eating destructive to both men and women is ultimately a common urge to transcend rather than to embrace the realities of embodiment. In sum, I believe that orthorexia is best understood as a manifestation of age-old anxieties about human nitude and mortality—anxieties which current dominant sociocultural forces prime us to experi- ence and express in unhealthy attitudes toward healthy eating

    ‘Super disabilities’ vs ‘Disabilities’?:Theorizing the role of ableism in (mis)representational mythology of disability in the marketplace

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    People with disabilities (PWD) constitute one of the largest minority groups with one in five people worldwide having a disability. While recognition and inclusion of this group in the marketplace has seen improvement, the effects of (mis)representation of PWD in shaping the discourse on fostering marketplace inclusion of socially marginalized consumers remain little understood. Although effects of misrepresentation (e.g., idealized, exoticized or selective representation) on inclusion/exclusion perceptions and cognitions has received attention in the context of ethnic/racial groups, the world of disability has been largely neglected. By extending the theory of ableism into the context of PWD representation and applying it to the analysis of the We’re the Superhumans advertisement developed for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, this paper examines the relationship between the (mis)representation and the inclusion/exclusion discourse. By uncovering that PWD misrepresentations can partially mask and/or redress the root causes of exclusion experienced by PWD in their lived realities, it contributes to the research agenda on the transformative role of consumption cultures perpetuating harmful, exclusionary social perceptions of marginalized groups versus contributing to advancement of their inclusion

    Behavior Pathology on Gender Issues in Nigeria Banks Employment: Myths and Realities

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    The paper examined the myths and realities on gender issues in Nigeria banks employment. The study collected data from a sample of 648 employees of deposit money bank headquarters in Port Harcourt. The research data were treated to primary analysis involving descriptive statistics of respondents’ demographics and workplace factors concerning workers outcomes. The demographics were presented in pie charts, while the workplace factors were presented in their mean scores. The study perceived that the discrimination in banks employment, which is in favour of young unmarried girls, is a mere response to societal sex-role creation in feminism and masculinism, clothed in corporate immorality. This is perceived to be strong in generating sex appeal, coquetry, flattery, and pandering to male egoism. The paper thus suggested a three phase model to reduce the expanding margin in the gender dichotomy in banks employment. Keywords: Gender Issues, Bank Employment, Sex Roles, Feminism, Masculinism, Behaviour Pathology and Corporate Immorality. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-8-05 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Learning about America's Best: Resources on Educating, Training, and Hiring Returning Veterans and Service Members

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    This document provides a quick list of some of the many books, articles, and web sites that offer information for educators, trainers, employers, service members, veterans, and family members. It is part of a series of materials written to address the growing need for information and ideas that can help our nation's schools, training organizations, and workplaces make a welcoming, productive, and satisfying place for returning veterans and transitioning service members

    The Delphi and GRADE methodology used in the PSOGI 2018 consensus statement on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei and Peritoneal Mesothelioma

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    Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP) and Peritoneal Mesothelioma (PM) are both rare peritoneal malignancies. Currently, affected patients may be treated with Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy offering long-term survival or even cure in selected patients. However, many issues regarding the optimal treatment strategy are currently under debate. To aid physicians involved in the treatment of these patients in clinical decision making, the PSOGI executive committee proposed to create a consensus statement on PMP and PM. This manuscript describes the methodology of the consensus process. The Delphi technique is a reliable method for attaining consensus on a topic that lacks scientific evidence through multiple voting rounds which feeds back responses to the participants in between rounds. The GRADE system provides a structured framework for presenting and grading the available evidence. Separate questionnaires were created for PMP and PM and sent during two voting rounds to 80 and 38 experts, respectively. A consensus threshold of 51.0% was chosen. After the second round, consensus was reached on 92.9%–100.0% of the questions. The results were presented and discussed in the plenary session at the PSOGI 2018 international meeting in Paris. A third round for the remaining issues is currently in progress. In conclusion, using the Delphi technique and GRADE methodology, consensus was reached in many issues regarding the treatment of PM and PMP amongst an international panel of experts. The main results will be published in the near future
