123 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the first workshop on Peripheral Machine Interfaces: going beyond traditional surface electromyography

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    abstract: One of the hottest topics in rehabilitation robotics is that of proper control of prosthetic devices. Despite decades of research, the state of the art is dramatically behind the expectations. To shed light on this issue, in June, 2013 the first international workshop on Present and future of non-invasive peripheral nervous system (PNS)–Machine Interfaces (MI; PMI) was convened, hosted by the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. The keyword PMI has been selected to denote human–machine interfaces targeted at the limb-deficient, mainly upper-limb amputees, dealing with signals gathered from the PNS in a non-invasive way, that is, from the surface of the residuum. The workshop was intended to provide an overview of the state of the art and future perspectives of such interfaces; this paper represents is a collection of opinions expressed by each and every researcher/group involved in it

    Myoelectric Control Systems for Hand Rehabilitation Device: A Review

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    One of the challenges of the hand rehabilitation device is to create a smooth interaction between the device and user. The smooth interaction can be achieved by considering myoelectric signal generated by human's muscle. Therefore, the so-called myoelectric control system (MCS) has been developed since the 1940s. Various MCS's has been proposed, developed, tested, and implemented in various hand rehabilitation devices for different purposes. This article presents a review of MCS in the existing hand rehabilitation devices. The MCS can be grouped into main groups, the non-pattern recognition and pattern recognition ones. In term of implementation, it can be classified as MCS for prosthetic and exoskeleton hand. Main challenges for MCS today is the robustness issue that hampers the implementation of MCS on the clinical application

    Noninvasive Neuroprosthetic Control of Grasping by Amputees

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    Smooth coordination and fine temporal control of muscles by the brain allows us to effortlessly pre-shape our hand to grasp different objects. Correlates of motor control for grasping have been found across wide-spread cortical areas, with diverse signal features. These signals have been harnessed by implanting intracortical electrodes and used to control the motion of robotic hands by tetraplegics, using algorithms called brain-machine interfaces (BMIs). Signatures of motor control signal encoding mechanisms of the brain in macro-scale signals such as electroencephalography (EEG) are unknown, and could potentially be used to develop noninvasive brain-machine interfaces. Here we show that a) low frequency (0.1 – 1 Hz) time domain EEG contains information about grasp pre-shaping in able-bodies individuals, and b) This information can be used to control pre-shaping motion of a robotic hand by amputees. In the first study, we recorded simultaneous EEG and hand kinematics as 5 able-bodies individuals grasped various objects. Linear decoders using low delta band EEG amplitudes accurately predicted hand pre-shaping kinematics during grasping. Correlation coefficient between predicted and actual kinematics was r = 0.59 ± 0.04, 0.47 ± 0.06 and 0.32 ± 0.05 for the first 3 synergies. In the second study, two transradial amputees (A1 and A2) controlled a prosthetic hand to grasp two objects using a closed-loop BMI with low delta band EEG. This study was conducted longitudinally in 12 sessions spread over 38 days. A1 achieved a 63% success rate, with 11 sessions significantly above chance. A2 achieved a 32% success rate, with 2 sessions significantly above chance. Previous methods of EEG-based BMIs used frequency domain features, and were thought to have a low signal-to-noise ratio making them unsuitable for control of dexterous tasks like grasping. Our results demonstrate that time-domain EEG contains information about grasp pre-shaping, which can be harnessed for neuroprosthetic control.Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department o

    Machine learning-based dexterous control of hand prostheses

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    Upper-limb myoelectric prostheses are controlled by muscle activity information recorded on the skin surface using electromyography (EMG). Intuitive prosthetic control can be achieved by deploying statistical and machine learning (ML) tools to decipher the user’s movement intent from EMG signals. This thesis proposes various means of advancing the capabilities of non-invasive, ML-based control of myoelectric hand prostheses. Two main directions are explored, namely classification-based hand grip selection and proportional finger position control using regression methods. Several practical aspects are considered with the aim of maximising the clinical impact of the proposed methodologies, which are evaluated with offline analyses as well as real-time experiments involving both able-bodied and transradial amputee participants. It has been generally accepted that the EMG signal may not always be a reliable source of control information for prostheses, mainly due to its stochastic and non-stationary properties. One particular issue associated with the use of surface EMG signals for upper-extremity myoelectric control is the limb position effect, which is related to the lack of decoding generalisation under novel arm postures. To address this challenge, it is proposed to make concurrent use of EMG sensors and inertial measurement units (IMUs). It is demonstrated this can lead to a significant improvement in both classification accuracy (CA) and real-time prosthetic control performance. Additionally, the relationship between surface EMG and inertial measurements is investigated and it is found that these modalities are partially related due to reflecting different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon, that is, the muscular activity. In the field of upper-limb myoelectric control, the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier has arguably been the most popular choice for movement intent decoding. This is mainly attributable to its ease of implementation, low computational requirements, and acceptable decoding performance. Nevertheless, this particular method makes a strong fundamental assumption, that is, data observations from different classes share a common covariance structure. Although this assumption may often be violated in practice, it has been found that the performance of the method is comparable to that of more sophisticated algorithms. In this thesis, it is proposed to remove this assumption by making use of general class-conditional Gaussian models and appropriate regularisation to avoid overfitting issues. By performing an exhaustive analysis on benchmark datasets, it is demonstrated that the proposed approach based on regularised discriminant analysis (RDA) can offer an impressive increase in decoding accuracy. By combining the use of RDA classification with a novel confidence-based rejection policy that intends to minimise the rate of unintended hand motions, it is shown that it is feasible to attain robust myoelectric grip control of a prosthetic hand by making use of a single pair of surface EMG-IMU sensors. Most present-day commercial prosthetic hands offer the mechanical abilities to support individual digit control; however, classification-based methods can only produce pre-defined grip patterns, a feature which results in prosthesis under-actuation. Although classification-based grip control can provide a great advantage over conventional strategies, it is far from being intuitive and natural to the user. A potential way of approaching the level of dexterity enjoyed by the human hand is via continuous and individual control of multiple joints. To this end, an exhaustive analysis is performed on the feasibility of reconstructing multidimensional hand joint angles from surface EMG signals. A supervised method based on the eigenvalue formulation of multiple linear regression (MLR) is then proposed to simultaneously reduce the dimensionality of input and output variables and its performance is compared to that of typically used unsupervised methods, which may produce suboptimal results in this context. An experimental paradigm is finally designed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed finger position control scheme during real-time prosthesis use. This thesis provides insight into the capacity of deploying a range of computational methods for non-invasive myoelectric control. It contributes towards developing intuitive interfaces for dexterous control of multi-articulated prosthetic hands by transradial amputees

    Extra-neural signals from severed nerves enable intrinsic hand movements in transhumeral amputations

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    Robotic prostheses controlled by myoelectric signals can restore limited but important hand function in individuals with upper limb amputation. The lack of individual finger control highlights the yet insurmountable gap to fully replacing a biological hand. Implanted electrodes around severed nerves have been used to elicit sensations perceived as arising from the missing limb, but using such extra-neural electrodes to record motor signals that allow for the decoding of phantom movements has remained elusive. Here, we showed the feasibility of using signals from non-penetrating neural electrodes to decode intrinsic hand and finger movements in individuals with above-elbow amputations. We found that information recorded with extra-neural electrodes alone was enough to decode phantom hand and individual finger movements, and as expected, the addition of myoelectric signals reduced classification errors both in offline and in real-time decoding

    Synergy-Based Human Grasp Representations and Semi-Autonomous Control of Prosthetic Hands

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    Das sichere und stabile Greifen mit humanoiden Roboterhänden stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Dissertation befasst sich daher mit der Ableitung von Greifstrategien für Roboterhände aus der Beobachtung menschlichen Greifens. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Betrachtung des gesamten Greifvorgangs. Dieser umfasst zum einen die Hand- und Fingertrajektorien während des Greifprozesses und zum anderen die Kontaktpunkte sowie den Kraftverlauf zwischen Hand und Objekt vom ersten Kontakt bis zum statisch stabilen Griff. Es werden nichtlineare posturale Synergien und Kraftsynergien menschlicher Griffe vorgestellt, die die Generierung menschenähnlicher Griffposen und Griffkräfte erlauben. Weiterhin werden Synergieprimitive als adaptierbare Repräsentation menschlicher Greifbewegungen entwickelt. Die beschriebenen, vom Menschen gelernten Greifstrategien werden für die Steuerung robotischer Prothesenhände angewendet. Im Rahmen einer semi-autonomen Steuerung werden menschenähnliche Greifbewegungen situationsgerecht vorgeschlagen und vom Nutzenden der Prothese überwacht
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