31 research outputs found

    Multithreading Aware Hardware Prefetching for Chip Multiprocessors

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    To take advantage of the processing power in the Chip Multiprocessors design, applications must be divided into semi-independent processes that can run concur- rently on multiple cores within a system. Therefore, programmers must insert thread synchronization semantics (i.e. locks, barriers, and condition variables) to synchro- nize data access between processes. Indeed, threads spend long time waiting to acquire the lock of a critical section. In addition, a processor has to stall execution to wait for load data accesses to complete. Furthermore, there are often independent instructions which include load instructions beyond synchronization semantics that could be executed in parallel while a thread waits on the synchronization semantics. The conveniences of the cache memories come with some extra cost in Chip Multiprocessors. Cache Coherence mechanisms address the Memory Consistency problem. However, Cache Coherence adds considerable overhead to memory accesses. Having aggressive prefetcher on different cores of a Chip Multiprocessor can definitely lead to significant system performance degradation when running multi-threaded applications. This result of prefetch-demand interference when a prefetcher in one core ends up pulling shared data from a producing core before it has been written, the cache block will end up transitioning back and forth between the cores and result in useless prefetch, saturating the memory bandwidth and substantially increase the latency to critical shared data. We present a hardware prefetcher that enables large performance improvements from prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors by significantly reducing prefetch-demand interference. Furthermore, it will utilize the time that a thread spends waiting on syn- chronization semantics to run ahead of the critical section to speculate and prefetch independent load instruction data beyond the synchronization semantics

    Improving prefetching mechanisms for tiled CMP platforms

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    Recently, high performance processor designs have evolved toward Chip-Multiprocessor (CMP) architectures to deal with instruction level parallelism limitations and, more important, to manage the power consumption that is becoming unaffordable due to the increased transistor count and clock frequency. At the present moment, this architecture, which implements multiple processing cores on a single die, is commercially available with up to twenty four processors on a single chip and there are roadmaps and research trends that suggest that number of cores will increase in the near future. The increasing on number of cores has converted the interconnection network in a key issue that will have significant impact on performance. Moreover, as the number of cores increases, tiled architectures are foreseen to provide a scalable solution to handle design complexity. Network-on-Chip (NoC) emerges as a solution to deal with growing on-chip wire delays. On the other hand, CMP designs are likely to be equipped with latency hiding techniques like prefetching in order to reduce the negative impact on performance that, otherwise, high cache miss rates would lead to. Unfortunately, the extra number of network messages that prefetching entails can drastically increase power consumption and the latency in the NoC. In this thesis, we do not develop a new prefetching technique for CMPs but propose improvements applicable to any of them. Specifically, we analyze the behavior of the prefetching in the CMPs and its impact to the interconnect. We propose several dynamic management techniques to improve the performance of the prefetching mechanism in the system. Furthermore, we identify the main problems when implementing prefetching in distributed memory systems like tiled architectures and propose directions to solve them. Finally, we propose several research lines to continue the work done in this thesis.Recentment l'arquitectura dels processadors d'altes prestacions ha evolucionat cap a processadors amb diversos nuclis per a concordar amb les limitacions del paral·lelisme a nivell d'instrucció i, mes important encara, per tractar el consum d'energia que ha esdevingut insostenible degut a l'increment de transistors i la freqüència de rellotge. Ara mateix, aquestes arquitectures, que implementes varis nuclis en un sol xip, estan a la venta amb mes de vint-i-quatre processadors en un sol xip i hi ha previsions que suggereixen que aquest nombre de nuclis creixerà en un futur pròxim. Aquest increment del nombre de nuclis, ha convertit la xarxa que els connecta en un punt clau que tindrà un impacte important en el seu rendiment. Una topologia de xarxa que sembla que serà capaç de proveir una solució escalable per aquestes arquitectures ha estat la topologia tile. Les xarxes en el xip (NoC) es presenten com la solució del increment de la latència dels cables del xip. Per altre banda, els dissenys de multiprocessadors seguiran disposant de tècniques de reducció de latència de memòria com el prefetch per tal de reduir l'impacte negatiu en rendiment que, altrament, tindríem degut als elevats temps de latència en fallades a memòria cache. Desafortunadament, el gran nombre de peticions destinades a prefetch, pot augmentar dràsticament la congestió a la xarxa i el consum d'energia. En aquesta tesi, no desenvolupem cap tècnica nova de prefetching, però proposem millores aplicables a qualsevol d'ells. Concretament analitzem el comportament del prefetching en multiprocessadors i el seu impacte a la xarxa. Proposem diverses tècniques de control dinàmic per millor el rendiment del prefetcher al sistema. A més, identifiquem els problemes principals d'implementar el prefetching en els sistemes de memòria distribuïts com els de les arquitectures tile i proposem línies d'investigació per solucionar-los. Finalment, també proposem diverses línies d'investigació per continuar amb el treball fet en aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version

    Time Protection: the Missing OS Abstraction

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    Timing channels enable data leakage that threatens the security of computer systems, from cloud platforms to smartphones and browsers executing untrusted third-party code. Preventing unauthorised information flow is a core duty of the operating system, however, present OSes are unable to prevent timing channels. We argue that OSes must provide time protection in addition to the established memory protection. We examine the requirements of time protection, present a design and its implementation in the seL4 microkernel, and evaluate its efficacy as well as performance overhead on Arm and x86 processors

    Real-Time Prefetching on Shared-Memory Multi-Core Systems

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    In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using multi-core processors in real-time systems to cope with the rising computation requirements of real-time tasks. Coupled with this, the rising memory requirements of these tasks pushes demand beyond what can be provided by small, private on-chip caches, requiring the use of larger, slower off-chip memories such as DRAM. Due to the cost, power requirements and complexity of these memories, they are typically shared between all of the tasks within the system. In order for the execution time of these tasks to be bounded, the response time of the memory and the interference from other tasks also needs to be bounded. While there is a great amount of current research on bounding this interference, one popular method is to effectively partition the available memory bandwidth between the processors in the system. Of course, as the number of processors increases, so does the worst-case blocking, and worst-case blocking times quickly increase with the number of processors. It is difficult to further optimise the arbitration scheme; instead, this scaling problem needs to be approached from another angle. Prefetching has previously been shown to improve the execution time of tasks by speculatively issuing memory accesses ahead of time for items which may be useful in the near future, although these prefetchers are typically not used in real-time systems due to their unpredictable nature. Instead, this work presents a framework by which a prefetcher can be safely used alongside a composable memory arbiter, a predictable prefetching scheme, and finally a method by which this predictable prefetcher can be used to improve the worst-case execution time of a running task

    Architecting Secure Processor Caches

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    Caches in modern processors enable fast access to data and help alleviate the performance overheads from slow access to DRAM main-memory. While sharing of cache resources between multiple cores, especially the last-level cache, boosts cache utilization and improves system performance, it has been shown to cause serious security vulnerabilities in the form cache side-channel attacks. Different cores of a system can simultaneously run sensitive and malicious applications which can contend for the shared cache space. As a result, accesses of a sensitive application can influence the cache utilization and the execution time of a malicious application, introducing a side-channel of information leakage. Such cache interactions between a sensitive victim and a malicious spy have been shown to allow leakage of encryption keys, user-sensitive data such as files or browsing histories, confidential intellectual property such as machine-learning models, etc. Similarly, such cache interactions can also be used as a channel for covert communication be- tween two colluding malicious applications, when direct communication via network ports is disabled. The focus of this thesis is to develop principled and practical mitigation for such cache side channel and covert channel attacks. To develop principled defenses, it is necessary to develop a deep understanding of attacks. So, first, this thesis investigates the capabilities of attackers and in the process develops a new cache covert channel attack called Streamline, which is considerably faster than current state-of-the-art attacks, with fewer requirements. With an asynchronous and flushless information transmission protocol, Streamline reaches bit-rates of more than 1 MB/s while being applicable to all ISAs and micro-architectures. This demonstrates the need for effective defenses against cache attacks across all platforms. Second, this thesis develops new principled and practical defenses utilizing cache lo- cation randomization. Randomized caches obfuscate the mappings of addresses to cache locations to prevent malicious programs from inferring contention patterns on shared last- level caches with victim programs. However, successive defenses relying on randomization have been broken by recent attacks. To end the arms race in randomized caches, this thesis proposes a principled defense, MIRAGE, which provides the security of a fully-associative design in a practical manner for randomized caches. This eliminates set-conflicts and set- conflict based cache attacks in a future-proof manner. Third, this thesis explores cache-partitioning based defenses to eliminate all potential cache side channels through shared last-level caches. Such defenses map mistrusting applications to isolated cache partitions, thus preventing any information leakage across applications through cache state changes. However, existing solutions are not scalable or do not allow flexible usage of DRAM and cache resources. To address these problems, this thesis provides a scalable and flexible cache-isolation framework, Bespoke Cache Enclaves, supporting hundreds of partitions independent of memory utilization. This work enables practical adoption of cache-isolation defenses against cache side-channel attacks. Lastly, this thesis develops techniques to secure caches against exploitation in transient execution attacks. Attacks like Spectre and Meltdown exploit processor speculation to illegally access secrets and leak these out through cache covert channels, i.e., making transient changes to processor caches. This thesis enables CleanupSpec, one of the first defenses against such attacks, which reverses speculative modifications to caches on mis- speculations, to limit such transient information leakage via caches. This solution prevents caches from being exploited by attacks like Spectre with minimal overheads. Overall, this thesis enables several techniques that provide principled yet practical security for processor caches against side channels and covert channels. These techniques can potentially enable the wide adoption of secure cache designs in future processors and support efforts to enable confidential computing in systems.Ph.D

    Affordable kilo-instruction processors

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    Diversos motius expliquen l'estancament en el que es troba el desenvolupament del processador tradicional dissenyat per maximitzar el rendiment d'un únic fil d'execució. Per una banda, técniques agressives com la supersegmentacó del camí de dades o l'execució fora d'ordre tenen un impacte molt negatiu sobre el consum de potència i la complexitat del disseny. Altrament, l'increment en la freqüència del processador augmenta la discrepància entre la velocitat del processador i el temps d'accés a memòria principal. Tot i que les memòries cau redueixen considerablement el nombre d'accessos a memòria principal, aquests accessos introdueixen latencies prou grans per reduir considerablement el rendiment. Tècniques convencionals com l'execució fora d'ordre, útils per ocultar accessos a les memòries cau de 2on nivell, no estan pensades per ocultar latències tan grans. Caldrien cues amb mides de centenars d'instruccions i milers de registres per tal de no interrompre l'execució en el moment de produir-se un accés a memòria principal. Desafortunadament, la tecnologia disponible no és eficient per implementar aquestes estructures monolíticament, doncs resultaria un temps d'accés molt elevat, un consum de potència igualment elevat i un àrea no menyspreable. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat tècniques que permeten l'implementació d'un processador amb capacitat per continuar processant instruccions en el cas de que es produeixin accessos a memòria principal. Les condicions per a que aquest processador sigui implementable són que estigui basat en estructures de mida convencional i que tingui una unitat de control senzilla. El repte es troba en conciliar un model de processador distribuït amb un control senzill. El problema del disseny del processador s'ha enfocat observant el comportament d'un processador de recursos infinits. S'ha observat que l'execució segueix uns patrons molt interessants, basats en la localitat d'execució. En aplicacions numèriques s'observa que més del 70% de les instruccions no depenen de accessos a memòria principal. Aixó és molt important doncs mostra que sempre hi ha una porció important d'instruccions executables poc després de la decodificació. Aixó permet proposar un nou tipus de processador amb dues unitats d'execució. La primera unitat (el "Cache Processor") processa a alta velocitat instruccions independents de memòria principal. La segona unitat ("Memory Processor") processa les instruccions dependents de accessos a memòria principal, pero de forma molt més relaxada, cosa que li permet mantenir milers de instruccions en vol. Aquesta proposta rep el nom de Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP) i té forces avantatges: per un costat permet la construcció d'un kilo-instruction processor basat en estructures convencionals i per l'altre simplifica el disseny ja que minimitza les interaccions entre ambdos unitats d'execució.En aquesta tesi es proposen dos implementacions de processadors desacoblats: el D-KIP original, i el Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). Sobre aquestes propostes s'analitza el rendiment i es compara amb altres tècniques que incrementan el parallelisme de memoria, com el prefetching o l'execució "runahead". D'aquesta avaluació es desprén que el processador FMC té un rendiment similar al de un processador convencional amb una finestra de 1500 instruccions en vol. Posteriorment s'analitza l'integració del FMC en entorns multicore/multiprogrammats. La tesi es completa amb la proposta d'una cua de loads i stores (LSQ) per a aquest tipus de processador.Several motives explain the slowdown of high-performance single-thread processor development. On the one hand, aggressive techniques such as superpipelining or out-of-order execution have a considerable impact on power consumption and design complexity. On the other hand, the increment in processor frequencies has led to a large disparity between processor speed and memory access time. Although cache memories considerably reduce the number of accesses to main memory, the remaining accesses introduce latencies large enough to considerably decrease performance. Conventional techniques such as out-of-order execution, while effective in hiding L2 cache accesses, cannot hide latencies this large. Queues of hundreds of entries and thousands of registers would be necessary in order to prevent execution from stalling in the event of a L2 cache miss. Unfortunately, current technology cannot efficiently implement such structures monolithically, as access latencies would considerably increase, as would power consumption and area consumption.In this thesis we studied techniques that allow the processor to continue processing instructions in the event of main memory accesses. The conditions for such a processor to be implementable are that it should be based on structures of conventional size and that it should feature simple control logic. The challenge lies in being able to design a distributed processor with simple control. The design of this processor has been approached by analyzing the behavior of a processor with infinite resources. We have observed that execution follows a very interesting pattern based on execution locality. In numerical codes we observed that over 70% of all instructions do not depend on memory accesses. This is interesting since it shows that there is always a large portion of instructions that can be executed shortly after decode. This allows us to propose a new kind of processor with two execution units. The first unit, the Cache Processor, processes memory-independent instructions at high speed. The second unit, the Memory Processor, processes instructions that depend on main memory accesses, but using relaxed scheduling logic, which allows it to scale to thousands of in-flight instructions. This proposal, which receives the name of Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP), has several advantages. On the one hand it allows the construction of a kilo-instruction processor based on conventional structures and, on the other hand, it simplifies the design as the interaction between both execution units is minimal. In this thesis two implementations for this kind of processor are presented: the original D-KIP and the Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). The performance of these proposals is analyzed and compared to other proposals that increase memory-level parallelism, such as prefetching or runahead execution. It is observed that the FMC processor performs at the same level of a conventional processor with a window of around 1500 instructions. Further, the integration of the FMC processor into a multicore/multiprogrammed environment is studied. This thesis concludes with the proposal of a two-level Load/Store Queue for this kind of processor

    Principled Elimination of Microarchitectural Timing Channels through Operating-System Enforced Time Protection

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    Microarchitectural timing channels exploit resource contentions on a shared hardware platform to cause information leakage through timing variance. These channels threaten system security by providing unauthorised information flow in violation of the system’s security policy. Present operating systems lack the means for systematic prevention of such channels. To address this problem, we propose time protection as an operating system (OS) abstraction, which provides mandatory temporal isolation analogous to the spatial isolation provided by the established memory protection abstraction. In order to fully understand microarchitectural timing channels, we first study all published microarchitectural timing attacks, their countermeasures and analyse the underlying causes. Then we define two application scenarios, a confinement scenario and a cloud scenario, which between them represent a large class of security-critical use cases, and aim to develop a solution that supports both. Our study identifies competition for limited hardware resources as the underlying cause for microarchitectural timing channels. From this we derive the requirement that proper isolation requires that all shared resources must be partitioned, either spatially or temporally (time-shared). We then analyse a number of recent processors across two instruction-set architectures (ISAs), x86 and Arm, for their support for such partitioning. We discover that all examined processors exhibit hardware state that cannot be partitioned by architected means, meaning that they all have uncloseable channels.We define the requirements hardware must satisfy for timing-channel prevention, and propose an augmented ISA as a new, security-oriented hardware-software contract. Assuming conforming hardware, we then define the requirements that OS-provided time protection must satisfy. We propose a concrete design of time protection, consisting of a set of policy-free mechanisms, and present an implementation in the seL4 microkernel. We evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of the implementation, and show that it is highly effective at closing timing channels, to the degree supported by the underlying hardware. We also find that the performance overheads are small to negligible. We can conclude that principled prevention of timing channels is possible though mandatory, black-box enforcement by the OS, subject to hardware manufacturers providing mechanisms for scrubbing all shared microarchitectural state