465 research outputs found

    On the Use of Fuzzy and Permutation Entropy in Hand Gesture Characterization from EMG Signals: Parameters Selection and Comparison

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    The surface electromyography signal (sEMG) is widely used for gesture characterization; its reliability is strongly connected to the features extracted from sEMG recordings. This study aimed to investigate the use of two complexity measures, i.e., fuzzy entropy (FEn) and permutation entropy (PEn) for hand gesture characterization. Fourteen upper limb movements, sorted into three sets, were collected on ten subjects and the performances of FEn and PEn for gesture descriptions were analyzed for different computational parameters. FEn and PEn were able to properly cluster the expected numbers of gestures, but computational parameters were crucial for ensuring clusters' separability and proper gesture characterization. FEn and PEn were also compared with other eighteen classical time and frequency domain features through the minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm and showed the best predictive importance scores in two gesture sets; they also had scores within the subset of the best five features in the remaining one. Further, the classification accuracies of four different feature sets presented remarkable increases when FEn and PEn are included as additional features. Outcomes support the use of FEn and PEn for hand gesture description when computational parameters are properly selected, and they could be useful in supporting the development of robotic arms and prostheses myoelectric control

    sEMG Signal Acquisition Strategy towards Hand FES Control

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    Multiple Instance Learning for Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals

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    The problem of continuous emotion recognition has been the subject of several studies. The proposed affective computing approaches employ sequential machine learning algorithms for improving the classification stage, accounting for the time ambiguity of emotional responses. Modeling and predicting the affective state over time is not a trivial problem because continuous data labeling is costly and not always feasible. This is a crucial issue in real-life applications, where data labeling is sparse and possibly captures only the most important events rather than the typical continuous subtle affective changes that occur. In this work, we introduce a framework from the machine learning literature called Multiple Instance Learning, which is able to model time intervals by capturing the presence or absence of relevant states, without the need to label the affective responses continuously (as required by standard sequential learning approaches). This choice offers a viable and natural solution for learning in a weakly supervised setting, taking into account the ambiguity of affective responses. We demonstrate the reliability of the proposed approach in a gold-standard scenario and towards real-world usage by employing an existing dataset (DEAP) and a purposely built one (Consumer). We also outline the advantages of this method with respect to standard supervised machine learning algorithms

    Pain Analysis using Adaptive Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Dynamic Imaging

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    Automatic pain intensity estimation plays a pivotal role in healthcare and medical fields. While many methods have been developed to gauge human pain using behavioral or physiological indicators, facial expressions have emerged as a prominent tool for this purpose. Nevertheless, the dependence on labeled data for these techniques often renders them expensive and time-consuming. To tackle this, we introduce the Adaptive Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Dynamic Image (AHDI) technique. AHDI encodes spatiotemporal changes in facial videos into a singular RGB image, permitting the application of simpler 2D deep models for video representation. Within this framework, we employ a residual network to derive generalized facial representations. These representations are optimized for two tasks: estimating pain intensity and differentiating between genuine and simulated pain expressions. For the former, a regression model is trained using the extracted representations, while for the latter, a binary classifier identifies genuine versus feigned pain displays. Testing our method on two widely-used pain datasets, we observed encouraging results for both tasks. On the UNBC database, we achieved an MSE of 0.27 outperforming the SOTA which had an MSE of 0.40. On the BioVid dataset, our model achieved an accuracy of 89.76%, which is an improvement of 5.37% over the SOTA accuracy. Most notably, for distinguishing genuine from simulated pain, our accuracy stands at 94.03%, marking a substantial improvement of 8.98%. Our methodology not only minimizes the need for extensive labeled data but also augments the precision of pain evaluations, facilitating superior pain management

    A sequential learning model with GNN for EEG-EMG-based stroke rehabilitation BCI

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    IntroductionBrain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential in providing neurofeedback for stroke patients to improve motor rehabilitation. However, current BCIs often only detect general motor intentions and lack the precise information needed for complex movement execution, mainly due to insufficient movement execution features in EEG signals.MethodsThis paper presents a sequential learning model incorporating a Graph Isomorphic Network (GIN) that processes a sequence of graph-structured data derived from EEG and EMG signals. Movement data are divided into sub-actions and predicted separately by the model, generating a sequential motor encoding that reflects the sequential features of the movements. Through time-based ensemble learning, the proposed method achieves more accurate prediction results and execution quality scores for each movement.ResultsA classification accuracy of 88.89% is achieved on an EEG-EMG synchronized dataset for push and pull movements, significantly outperforming the benchmark method's performance of 73.23%.DiscussionThis approach can be used to develop a hybrid EEG-EMG brain-computer interface to provide patients with more accurate neural feedback to aid their recovery

    Deciphering the functional role of spatial and temporal muscle synergies in whole-body movements

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    International audienceVoluntary movement is hypothesized to rely on a limited number of muscle synergies, the recruitment of which translates task goals into effective muscle activity. In this study, we investigated how to analytically characterize the functional role of different types of muscle synergies in task performance. To this end, we recorded a comprehensive dataset of muscle activity during a variety of whole-body pointing movements. We decomposed the electromyographic (EMG) signals using a space-by-time modularity model which encompasses the main types of synergies. We then used a task decoding and information theoretic analysis to probe the role of each synergy by mapping it to specific task features. We found that the temporal and spatial aspects of the movements were encoded by different temporal and spatial muscle synergies, respectively, consistent with the intuition that there should a correspondence between major attributes of movement and major features of synergies. This approach led to the development of a novel computational method for comparing muscle synergies from different participants according to their functional role. This functional similarity analysis yielded a small set of temporal and spatial synergies that describes the main features of whole-body reaching movements

    Assessment of Dispersion and Bubble Entropy Measures for Enhancing Preterm Birth Prediction Based on Electrohysterographic Signals

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    [EN] One of the remaining challenges for the scientific-technical community is predicting preterm births, for which electrohysterography (EHG) has emerged as a highly sensitive prediction technique. Sample and fuzzy entropy have been used to characterize EHG signals, although they require optimizing many internal parameters. Both bubble entropy, which only requires one internal parameter, and dispersion entropy, which can detect any changes in frequency and amplitude, have been proposed to characterize biomedical signals. In this work, we attempted to determine the clinical value of these entropy measures for predicting preterm birth by analyzing their discriminatory capacity as an individual feature and their complementarity to other EHG characteristics by developing six prediction models using obstetrical data, linear and non-linear EHG features, and linear discriminant analysis using a genetic algorithm to select the features. Both dispersion and bubble entropy better discriminated between the preterm and term groups than sample, spectral, and fuzzy entropy. Entropy metrics provided complementary information to linear features, and indeed, the improvement in model performance by including other non-linear features was negligible. The best model performance obtained an F1-score of 90.1 ± 2% for testing the dataset. This model can easily be adapted to real-time applications, thereby contributing to the transferability of the EHG technique to clinical practice.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the European Regional Development Fund (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE RTI2018-094449-A-I00-AR), and by the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2019/220)Nieto Del-Amor, F.; Beskhani, R.; Ye Lin, Y.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Díaz-Martínez, MDA.; Monfort-Ortiz, R.; Diago-Almela, VJ.... (2021). Assessment of Dispersion and Bubble Entropy Measures for Enhancing Preterm Birth Prediction Based on Electrohysterographic Signals. Sensors. 21(18):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21186071S117211

    Empathic processes and conscious perception: intersubjectivity at the basis of consciousness

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    L’intersoggettività definisce la natura dell’essere umano, il quale è prima di tutto un essere sociale, che nasce e si sviluppa nella relazione con l’altro. Partendo da questo presupposto, anche la coscienza e la consapevolezza di sé possono essere considerate di natura intersoggettiva, dal momento che si plasmano a partire dalla relazione con l’altro significativo. Nella presente tesi si è cercato di indagare tale relazione anche ad un livello più profondamente neurale e cognitivo, tramite tecniche psicofisiologiche e comportamentali.Intersubjectivity defines the nature of the human being, that first of all is a social being, that is born and develops in the relationship with the other person. Starting from this assumption, even consciousness and the Self can be considered as having an intersubjective nature, since they are formed from the relationship with the significant Other. In the present thesis, it has been tried to investigate this relationship between empathy and consciousness, even at a deeper neural and cognitive level, through psychophysiological and behavioural tecnhiques
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