74 research outputs found

    Identifying Patch Correctness in Test-Based Program Repair

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    Test-based automatic program repair has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. However, the test suites in practice are often too weak to guarantee correctness and existing approaches often generate a large number of incorrect patches. To reduce the number of incorrect patches generated, we propose a novel approach that heuristically determines the correctness of the generated patches. The core idea is to exploit the behavior similarity of test case executions. The passing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave similarly while the failing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave differently. Also, if two tests exhibit similar runtime behavior, the two tests are likely to have the same test results. Based on these observations, we generate new test inputs to enhance the test suites and use their behavior similarity to determine patch correctness. Our approach is evaluated on a dataset consisting of 139 patches generated from existing program repair systems including jGenProg, Nopol, jKali, ACS and HDRepair. Our approach successfully prevented 56.3\% of the incorrect patches to be generated, without blocking any correct patches.Comment: ICSE 201

    Faster Mutation Analysis via Equivalence Modulo States

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    Mutation analysis has many applications, such as asserting the quality of test suites and localizing faults. One important bottleneck of mutation analysis is scalability. The latest work explores the possibility of reducing the redundant execution via split-stream execution. However, split-stream execution is only able to remove redundant execution before the first mutated statement. In this paper we try to also reduce some of the redundant execution after the execution of the first mutated statement. We observe that, although many mutated statements are not equivalent, the execution result of those mutated statements may still be equivalent to the result of the original statement. In other words, the statements are equivalent modulo the current state. In this paper we propose a fast mutation analysis approach, AccMut. AccMut automatically detects the equivalence modulo states among a statement and its mutations, then groups the statements into equivalence classes modulo states, and uses only one process to represent each class. In this way, we can significantly reduce the number of split processes. Our experiments show that our approach can further accelerate mutation analysis on top of split-stream execution with a speedup of 2.56x on average.Comment: Submitted to conferenc

    Survey on Mutation-based Test Data Generation

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    The critical activity of testing is the systematic selection of suitable test cases, which be able to reveal highly the faults. Therefore, mutation coverage is an effective criterion for generating test data. Since the test data generation process is very labor intensive, time-consuming and error-prone when done manually, the automation of this process is highly aspired. The researches about automatic test data generation contributed a set of tools, approaches, development and empirical results. In this paper, we will analyse and conduct a comprehensive survey on generating test data based on mutation. The paper also analyses the trends in this field

    Dynamic Analysis can be Improved with Automatic Test Suite Refactoring

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    Context: Developers design test suites to automatically verify that software meets its expected behaviors. Many dynamic analysis techniques are performed on the exploitation of execution traces from test cases. However, in practice, there is only one trace that results from the execution of one manually-written test case. Objective: In this paper, we propose a new technique of test suite refactoring, called B-Refactoring. The idea behind B-Refactoring is to split a test case into small test fragments, which cover a simpler part of the control flow to provide better support for dynamic analysis. Method: For a given dynamic analysis technique, our test suite refactoring approach monitors the execution of test cases and identifies small test cases without loss of the test ability. We apply B-Refactoring to assist two existing analysis tasks: automatic repair of if-statements bugs and automatic analysis of exception contracts. Results: Experimental results show that test suite refactoring can effectively simplify the execution traces of the test suite. Three real-world bugs that could previously not be fixed with the original test suite are fixed after applying B-Refactoring; meanwhile, exception contracts are better verified via applying B-Refactoring to original test suites. Conclusions: We conclude that applying B-Refactoring can effectively improve the purity of test cases. Existing dynamic analysis tasks can be enhanced by test suite refactoring

    A Fitness Function for Search-based Testing of Java Classes, which is Based on the States Reached by the Object under Test

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    Genetic Algorithms are among the most efficient search-based techniques to automatically generate unit test cases today. The search is guided by a fitness function which evaluates how close an individual is to satisfy a given coverage goal. There exists several coverage criteria but the default criterion today is branch coverage. Nevertheless achieving high or full branch coverage does not imply that the generated test suite has good quality. In object oriented programs the state of the object affects its behavior. Thereupon, test cases that put the object under test, in new states are of interest in the testing context. In this article we propose a new fitness function which takes into consideration three factors for evaluation: the approach level, the branch distance and the new states reached by a test case. The coverage targets are still the branches, but during the search, the state of the object under test evolves with the scope to produce individuals that discover interesting features of the class and as a consequence can discover errors. We implemented this fitness function in the eToc tool. In our experiments the usage of the proposed fitness function towards the original fitness function results in a relative increase of 15.6% in the achieved average mutation score with the cost of a relative increase of 12.6% in the average test suite size

    Test oracle assessment and improvement

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    We introduce a technique for assessing and improving test oracles by reducing the incidence of both false positives and false negatives. We prove that our approach can always result in an increase in the mutual information between the actual and perfect oracles. Our technique combines test case generation to reveal false positives and mutation testing to reveal false negatives. We applied the decision support tool that implements our oracle improvement technique to five real-world subjects. The experimental results show that the fault detection rate of the oracles after improvement increases, on average, by 48.6% (86% over the implicit oracle). Three actual, exposed faults in the studied systems were subsequently confirmed and fixed by the developers

    Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications

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    We introduce Sapienz, an approach to Android testing that uses multi-objective search-based testing to automatically explore and optimise test sequences, minimising length, while simultaneously maximising coverage and fault revelation. Sapienz combines random fuzzing, systematic and search-based exploration, exploiting seeding and multi-level instrumentation. Sapienz significantly outperforms (with large effect size) both the state-of-the-art technique Dynodroid and the widely-used tool, Android Monkey, in 7/10 experiments for coverage, 7/10 for fault detection and 10/10 for fault-revealing sequence length. When applied to the top 1, 000 Google Play apps, Sapienz found 558 unique, previously unknown crashes. So far we have managed to make contact with the developers of 27 crashing apps. Of these, 14 have confirmed that the crashes are caused by real faults. Of those 14, six already have developer-confirmed fixes
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