36,437 research outputs found

    The coupling of action and perception in musical meaning formation

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    The embodied perspective on music cognition has stressed the central role of the body and body move- ments in musical meaning formation processes. In the present study, we investigate by means of a behavioral experiment how free body movements in response to music (i.e., action) can be linked to specific linguistic, metaphorical descriptions people use to describe the expressive qualities they perceive in the music (i.e., per- ception). We introduce a dimensional model based on the Effort/Shape theory of Laban in order to target musical expressivity from an embodied perspective. Also, we investigate whether a coupling between action and perception is dependent on the musical background of the participants (i.e., trained versus untrained). The results show that the physical appearance of the free body movements that participants perform in response to music are reliably linked to the linguistic descriptions of musical expressiveness in terms of the underlying quality. Moreover, this result is found to be independent of the participants’ musical background

    Deep Cross-Modal Correlation Learning for Audio and Lyrics in Music Retrieval

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    Deep cross-modal learning has successfully demonstrated excellent performance in cross-modal multimedia retrieval, with the aim of learning joint representations between different data modalities. Unfortunately, little research focuses on cross-modal correlation learning where temporal structures of different data modalities such as audio and lyrics should be taken into account. Stemming from the characteristic of temporal structures of music in nature, we are motivated to learn the deep sequential correlation between audio and lyrics. In this work, we propose a deep cross-modal correlation learning architecture involving two-branch deep neural networks for audio modality and text modality (lyrics). Data in different modalities are converted to the same canonical space where inter modal canonical correlation analysis is utilized as an objective function to calculate the similarity of temporal structures. This is the first study that uses deep architectures for learning the temporal correlation between audio and lyrics. A pre-trained Doc2Vec model followed by fully-connected layers is used to represent lyrics. Two significant contributions are made in the audio branch, as follows: i) We propose an end-to-end network to learn cross-modal correlation between audio and lyrics, where feature extraction and correlation learning are simultaneously performed and joint representation is learned by considering temporal structures. ii) As for feature extraction, we further represent an audio signal by a short sequence of local summaries (VGG16 features) and apply a recurrent neural network to compute a compact feature that better learns temporal structures of music audio. Experimental results, using audio to retrieve lyrics or using lyrics to retrieve audio, verify the effectiveness of the proposed deep correlation learning architectures in cross-modal music retrieval

    Neural Architecture for Question Answering Using a Knowledge Graph and Web Corpus

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    In Web search, entity-seeking queries often trigger a special Question Answering (QA) system. It may use a parser to interpret the question to a structured query, execute that on a knowledge graph (KG), and return direct entity responses. QA systems based on precise parsing tend to be brittle: minor syntax variations may dramatically change the response. Moreover, KG coverage is patchy. At the other extreme, a large corpus may provide broader coverage, but in an unstructured, unreliable form. We present AQQUCN, a QA system that gracefully combines KG and corpus evidence. AQQUCN accepts a broad spectrum of query syntax, between well-formed questions to short `telegraphic' keyword sequences. In the face of inherent query ambiguities, AQQUCN aggregates signals from KGs and large corpora to directly rank KG entities, rather than commit to one semantic interpretation of the query. AQQUCN models the ideal interpretation as an unobservable or latent variable. Interpretations and candidate entity responses are scored as pairs, by combining signals from multiple convolutional networks that operate collectively on the query, KG and corpus. On four public query workloads, amounting to over 8,000 queries with diverse query syntax, we see 5--16% absolute improvement in mean average precision (MAP), compared to the entity ranking performance of recent systems. Our system is also competitive at entity set retrieval, almost doubling F1 scores for challenging short queries.Comment: Accepted to Information Retrieval Journa
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