2,513,764 research outputs found

    Investigating the generality of time-local master equations

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    Time-local master equations are more generally applicable than is often recognised, but at first sight it would seem that they can only safely be used in time intervals where the time evolution is invertible. Using the Jaynes-Cummings model, we here construct an explicit example where two different Hamiltonians, corresponding to two different non-invertible and non-Markovian time evolutions, will lead to arbitrarily similar time-local master equations. This illustrates how the time-local master equation on its own in this case does not uniquely determine the time evolution. The example is nevertheless artificial in the sense that a rapid change in (at least) one of the Hamiltonians is needed. The change must also occur at a very specific instance in time. If a Hamiltonian is known not to have such very specific behaviour, but is "physically well-behaved", then one may conjecture that a time-local master equation also determines the time evolution when it is not invertible.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Compositing and Rotopainting in a Short Film

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    The purpose of the present project was to use visual effects to enhance a film and save production finances and resources. Using visual effects, digital compositing, and rotopainting impacts the real-world challenges in the filmmaking process as it saves the company money by not having to purchase props, costumes, and hire extras on set. Also, they can film in minimum locations by employing the use of green screens. Traveling fees would be lower, and in a low budget film like this project is presenting, saving money is the most important aspect in finishing and releasing it. FisherFilms directed two films: one a music video for a local Columbia band called Cherrycase, and the other a short film that was nominated in the Expecting Goodness film festival in Spartanburg, SC. After the brainstorming stage, the company found a story arc that fit the song message and explored a historic event in South Carolina\u27s long history. The project was ambitious and, in order to pull it off, they would have to attain many extras, costumes, props, and ideal locations. The company knew that this would take the low budget film over a price they could afford. Once the problems were addressed, several meetings occurred to discuss the best process to solve them. One approach was to bring in a visual effects artist or team to use technology to overcome the monetary challenges of the film. Using Digital Composition to compose visual effects (VFX) elements into the film became the goal of the project. Rotopainting is a highly effective tool that was used in both FisherFilms projects. With the use of green screens and matte paintings, the locations of the actors and sets could be composited into anything. An interesting trick was to duplicate the extras and props in order to fill the backgrounds of scenes

    Plano Estratégico 2010-2014

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    A Mundo a Sorrir é uma Organização Não Governamental para o Desenvolvimento que realiza Projectos de assistência, prevenção e sensibilização de doenças orais na População Portuguesa, e em alguns Países pertencentes à comunidade de expressão de língua Portuguesa, mais especificamente em (Cabo-Verde e na República da Guiné-Bissau). Pretende fazer chegar a mensagem a toda a população desfavorecida, que um dos factores sanitários básicos que mais têm contribuido para o aumento da esperança e qualidade de vida, são os cuidados de saúde oral, concretamente na reposição de dentes perdidos e redução de focos infecciosos. A Associação Mundo a Sorrir é a primeira Associação Portuguesa de Solidariedade dedicada à temática da Saúde Oral. O seu principal objectivo é a promoção da valorização do princípio da equidade do direito à Saúde Oral, assim como a sensibilização, divulgação e promoção de cuidados de Saúde Oral em Portugal e no Mundo. Desde 2006 que lhe foi atribuido o estatuto de ONGD

    Adherencia al tratamiento en la prevención secundaria en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo

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    Objetivos: Conocer el grado de adherencia al tratamiento en la prevención secundaria de los pacientes que sufren un síndrome coronario agudo. Como objetivos secundarios, averiguar las razones por las cuales hay pacientes que no se adhieren al tratamiento, y conocer qué intervenciones de enfermería podrían mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento en estos pacientes. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica, consultando las siguientes bases de datos: Medline de PubMed, LILACS, IBECS, CUIDEN y Scielo España. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 artículos. 5 evidenciaron una baja adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico, 4 demostraron una baja adherencia a estilos de vida saludables, siendo el tabaquismo el factor más persistente, 3 encontraron que el propio olvido del paciente y la complejidad del régimen terapéutico son, entre otras, causas frecuentes de baja adherencia, y 3 evaluaron ciertas intervenciones para mejorar la adherencia, siendo intervenciones eficaces el recordatorio de la toma de medicación, la educación para la salud y la integración del paciente en su cuidado mediante entrevistas motivadoras. Discusión: Se ha evidenciado que la adherencia al tratamiento es subóptima. La adherencia a la terapia farmacológica es menor cuanto más complejo es el régimen terapéutico, y esto sugiere que la simplificación del régimen podría ser una medida eficaz. El tabaquismo sigue siendo el hábito más difícil de abandonar en este tipo de pacientes. Las causas de la baja adherencia son muy variadas, y por tanto las intervenciones para mejorar la adherencia deben ser siempre multifactoriales. Conclusiones: En general, la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo es baja. Enfermería tiene un gran potencial para mejorar este problema dada la variedad de intervenciones que han resultado ser eficaces, pero necesita recursos. La eficacia de una consulta de enfermería que integre todas las intervenciones planteadas en estos estudios debería ser evaluada

    Software Architecture Document

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    Es tracta d'un document de l'arquitectura del sistema que hem dissenyat i s'està desenvolupant

    Features of Rashba-coupled Fermi gases, master equations and memory effects

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    The first part of this thesis studies interactions in Rashba-coupled Fermi gases. The main objective of this part of the thesis consists of proposing a model to describe dilute Fermi gases. Recent theoretical works propose to use Rashba spin-orbit-coupled systems by means to enhance superconductivity, topologically protected insulators, or quantum computing. The richness and potential of Rashba-coupled Fermi systems has been proved with currently ongoing experiments with cold atoms and synthetic gauge fields, which allow to simulate neutral particles using laser fields. In this part of the thesis, we conclude that it is possible to describe dilute Rashba-coupled Fermi gases with a model that has meaningful predictive power. In the second part of the thesis we analyse the validity of the master equation approach to describe open quantum systems. Using a Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian we show that under certain circumstances, the master equation approach does not fully describe the effect of the environment onto the system, hence additional tools are needed

    Trade Off Analysis of Pulse Compression for a Satellite Radar Altimeter

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    The Trade off Analyses of Pulse Compression for satellite radar altimeters conclude that when 10 cm accuracy in altitude measurement is sought, pulse compression results in increased instrument life and greater power efficiency. When accuracy requirements exceed two meters, it is no longer required

    Plan para corrección de la cuenca de La Picacha ya cuenta con recursos

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    "Las obras de corrección de la cuenca de la quebrada La Picacha todavía no tienen una fecha fija de inicio. Mientras tanto, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá informó que con tres mil millones de pesos apoyará la intervención de esta cuenca que tiene en riesgo a las familias de Belén Las Mercedes por las obras de canalización que hacen que el agua rompa en sus casas ante las crecientes. La docente y abogada de la Universidad de Medellín, Erika Castro Buitrago, explicó que ""cuando la quebrada, que es avenida torrencial, viene con mucha agua la curva le permite más velocidad y toda el agua se va encima de la gente, que está en el retiro permitido y tiene escritura pública"".