755 research outputs found

    An Overview of Remote Sensing in Russian Forestry

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    The Russian Federation possesses vast forested areas, containing about 23% of the world's closed forests. A significant part of these forestlands is neither managed nor regularly monitored. This is due in part to the absence of developed infrastructure in the remote northern regions, which hampers the collection of data on forest inventory and monitoring in all areas by precise and expensive on-ground methods. As a result, the monitoring in all areas by precise and expensive on-ground methods. As a result, the former Soviet Union conducted intensive research on remote sensing during the last few decades, resulting in significant achievements. However, there has been a noticeable decline in remote sensing research and applications in the Russian forest sector from 1990-1998. Russia needs a new system of forest inventory and monitoring capable of providing reliable, practical information for sustainable forest management. Such a system should take into account current national demands on the Russian forest sector as well as the international obligations of the country. Remote sensing methods are an indispensable part of such a system. These methods will play a crucial role in critical applications such as ensuring the sustainability of forest management, protecting threatened forests, fulfilling the countrys Kyoto Protocol obligations, and others. This paper presents an overview of past and current remote sensing methods in the Russian forest sector, including both practical and scientific applications. Based on this overview, relevant applications of remote sensing methods in the Russian forest sector are discussed. This discussion considers current Russian economic conditions and the direction of political and social development of the country

    Satellite based methane emission estimation for flaring activities in oil and gas industry: A data-driven approach(SMEEF-OGI)

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    Klimaendringer, delvis utløst av klimagassutslipp, utgjør en kritisk global utfordring. Metan, en svært potent drivhusgass med et globalt oppvarmings potensial på 80 ganger karbondioksid, er en betydelig bidragsyter til denne krisen. Kilder til metanutslipp inkluderer olje- og gassindustrien, landbruket og avfallshåndteringen, med fakling i olje- og gassindustrien som en betydelig utslippskilde. Fakling, en standard prosess i olje- og gassindustrien, antas ofte å være 98 % effektiv ved omdannelse av metan til mindre skadelig karbondioksid. Nyere forskning fra University of Michigan, Stanford, Environmental Defense Fund og Scientific Aviation indikerer imidlertid at den allment aksepterte effektiviteten på 98 % av fakling ved konvertering av metan til karbondioksid, en mindre skadelig klimagass, kan være unøyaktig. Denne undersøkelsen revurderer fakkelprosessens effektivitet og dens rolle i metankonvertering. Dette arbeidet fokuserer på å lage en metode for uavhengig å beregne metanutslipp fra olje- og gassvirksomhet for å løse dette problemet. Satellittdata, som er et nyttig verktøy for å beregne klimagassutslipp fra ulike kilder, er inkludert i den foreslåtte metodikken. I tillegg til standard overvåkingsteknikker, tilbyr satellittdata en uavhengig, ikke-påtrengende, rimelig og kontinuerlig overvåkingstilnærming. På bakgrunn av dette er problemstillingen for dette arbeidet følgende "Hvordan kan en datadrevet tilnærming utvikles for å forbedre nøyaktigheten og kvaliteten på estimering av metanutslipp fra faklingsaktiviteter i olje- og gassindustrien, ved å bruke satellittdata fra utvalgte plattformer for å oppdage og kvantifisere fremtidige utslipp basert på maskinlæring mer effektivt?" For å oppnå dette ble følgende mål og aktiviteter utført. * Teoretisk rammeverk og sentrale begreper * Teknisk gjennomgang av dagens toppmoderne satellittplattformer og eksisterende litteratur. * Utvikling av et Proof of Concept * Foreslå en evaluering av metoden * Anbefalinger og videre arbeid Dette arbeidet har tatt i bruk en systematisk tilnærming, som starter med et omfattende teoretisk rammeverk for å forstå bruken av fakling, de miljømessige implikasjonene av metan, den nåværende «state-of-the-art» av forskning, og «state-of-the-art» i felt for fjernmåling via satellitter. Basert på rammeverket utviklet i de innledende fasene av dette arbeidet, ble det formulert en datadrevet metodikk, som benytter VIIRS-datasettet for å få geografiske områder av interesse. Hyperspektrale data og metandata ble samlet fra Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P satellittdatasettet. Denne informasjonen ble behandlet via en foreslått rørledning, med innledende justering og forbedring. I dette arbeidet ble bildene forbedret ved å beregne den normaliserte brennindeksen. Resultatet var et datasett som inneholdt plasseringen av kjente fakkelsteder, med data fra både Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P-satellitten. Resultatene understreker forskjellene i dekningen mellom Sentinel-2- og Sentinel-5P-data, en faktor som potensielt kan påvirke nøyaktigheten av metanutslippsestimater. De anvendte forbehandlingsteknikkene forbedret dataklarheten og brukervennligheten markant, men deres effektivitet kan avhenge av fakkelstedenes spesifikke egenskaper og rådatakvaliteten. Dessuten, til tross for visse begrensninger, ga kombinasjonen av Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P-data effektivt et omfattende datasett egnet for videre analyse. Avslutningsvis introduserer dette prosjektet en oppmuntrende metodikk for å estimere metanutslipp fra fakling i olje- og gassindustrien. Den legger et grunnleggende springbrett for fremtidig forskning, og forbedrer kontinuerlig presisjonen og kvaliteten på data for å bekjempe klimaendringer. Denne metodikken kan sees i flytskjemaet nedenfor. Basert på arbeidet som er gjort i dette prosjektet, kan fremtidig arbeid fokusere på å innlemme alternative kilder til metan data, utvide interesseområdene gjennom industrisamarbeid og forsøke å trekke ut ytterligere detaljer gjennom bildesegmenteringsmetoder. Dette prosjektet legger et grunnlag, og baner vei for påfølgende utforskninger å bygge videre på.Climate change, precipitated in part by greenhouse gas emissions, presents a critical global challenge. Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 80 times that of carbon dioxide, is a significant contributor to this crisis. Sources of methane emissions include the oil and gas industry, agriculture, and waste management, with flaring in the oil and gas industry constituting a significant emission source. Flaring, a standard process in the Oil and gas industry is often assumed to be 98% efficient when converting methane to less harmful carbon dioxide. However, recent research from the University of Michigan, Stanford, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Scientific Aviation indicates that the widely accepted 98% efficiency of flaring in converting methane to carbon dioxide, a less harmful greenhouse gas, may be inaccurate. This investigation reevaluates the flaring process's efficiency and its role in methane conversion. This work focuses on creating a method to independently calculate methane emissions from oil and gas activities to solve this issue. Satellite data, which is a helpful tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, is included in the suggested methodology. In addition to standard monitoring techniques, satellite data offers an independent, non-intrusive, affordable, and continuous monitoring approach. Based on this, the problem statement for this work is the following “How can a data-driven approach be developed to enhance the accuracy and quality of methane emission estimation from flaring activities in the Oil and Gas industry, using satellite data from selected platforms to detect and quantify future emissions based on Machine learning more effectively?" To achieve this, the following objectives and activities were performed. * Theoretical Framework and key concepts * Technical review of the current state-of-the-art satellite platforms and existing literature. * Development of a Proof of Concept * Proposing an evaluation of the method * Recommendations and further work This work has adopted a systematic approach, starting with a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand the utilization of flaring, the environmental implications of methane, the current state-of-the-art of research, and the state-of-the-art in the field of remote sensing via satellites. Based upon the framework developed during the initial phases of this work, a data-driven methodology was formulated, utilizing the VIIRS dataset to get geographical areas of interest. Hyperspectral and methane data were aggregated from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P satellite dataset. This information was processed via a proposed pipeline, with initial alignment and enhancement. In this work, the images were enhanced by calculating the Normalized Burn Index. The result was a dataset containing the location of known flare sites, with data from both the Sentinel-2, and the Sentinel-5P satellite. The results underscore the disparities in coverage between Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data, a factor that could potentially influence the precision of methane emission estimates. The applied preprocessing techniques markedly enhanced data clarity and usability, but their efficacy may hinge on the flaring sites' specific characteristics and the raw data quality. Moreover, despite certain limitations, the combination of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data effectively yielded a comprehensive dataset suitable for further analysis. In conclusion, this project introduces an encouraging methodology for estimating methane emissions from flaring activities within the oil and gas industry. It lays a foundational steppingstone for future research, continually enhancing the precision and quality of data in combating climate change. This methodology can be seen in the flow chart below. Based on the work done in this project, future work could focus on incorporating alternative sources of methane data, broadening the areas of interest through industry collaboration, and attempting to extract further features through image segmentation methods. This project signifies a start, paving the way for subsequent explorations to build upon. Climate change, precipitated in part by greenhouse gas emissions, presents a critical global challenge. Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 80 times that of carbon dioxide, is a significant contributor to this crisis. Sources of methane emissions include the oil and gas industry, agriculture, and waste management, with flaring in the oil and gas industry constituting a significant emission source. Flaring, a standard process in the Oil and gas industry is often assumed to be 98% efficient when converting methane to less harmful carbon dioxide. However, recent research from the University of Michigan, Stanford, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Scientific Aviation indicates that the widely accepted 98% efficiency of flaring in converting methane to carbon dioxide, a less harmful greenhouse gas, may be inaccurate. This investigation reevaluates the flaring process's efficiency and its role in methane conversion. This work focuses on creating a method to independently calculate methane emissions from oil and gas activities to solve this issue. Satellite data, which is a helpful tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, is included in the suggested methodology. In addition to standard monitoring techniques, satellite data offers an independent, non-intrusive, affordable, and continuous monitoring approach. Based on this, the problem statement for this work is the following “How can a data-driven approach be developed to enhance the accuracy and quality of methane emission estimation from flaring activities in the Oil and Gas industry, using satellite data from selected platforms to detect and quantify future emissions based on Machine learning more effectively?" To achieve this, the following objectives and activities were performed. * Theoretical Framework and key concepts * Technical review of the current state-of-the-art satellite platforms and existing literature. * Development of a Proof of Concept * Proposing an evaluation of the method * Recommendations and further work This work has adopted a systematic approach, starting with a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand the utilization of flaring, the environmental implications of methane, the current state-of-the-art of research, and the state-of-the-art in the field of remote sensing via satellites. Based upon the framework developed during the initial phases of this work, a data-driven methodology was formulated, utilizing the VIIRS dataset to get geographical areas of interest. Hyperspectral and methane data were aggregated from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P satellite dataset. This information was processed via a proposed pipeline, with initial alignment and enhancement. In this work, the images were enhanced by calculating the Normalized Burn Index. The result was a dataset containing the location of known flare sites, with data from both the Sentinel-2, and the Sentinel-5P satellite. The results underscore the disparities in coverage between Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data, a factor that could potentially influence the precision of methane emission estimates. The applied preprocessing techniques markedly enhanced data clarity and usability, but their efficacy may hinge on the flaring sites' specific characteristics and the raw data quality. Moreover, despite certain limitations, the combination of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data effectively yielded a comprehensive dataset suitable for further analysis. In conclusion, this project introduces an encouraging methodology for estimating methane emissions from flaring activities within the oil and gas industry. It lays a foundational steppingstone for future research, continually enhancing the precision and quality of data in combating climate change. This methodology can be seen in the flow chart below. Based on the work done in this project, future work could focus on incorporating alternative sources of methane data, broadening the areas of interest through industry collaboration, and attempting to extract further features through image segmentation methods. This project signifies a start, paving the way for subsequent explorations to build upon

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Multi-source Remote Sensing for Forest Characterization and Monitoring

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    As a dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the Earth, forest environments play profound roles in ecology, biodiversity, resource utilization, and management, which highlights the significance of forest characterization and monitoring. Some forest parameters can help track climate change and quantify the global carbon cycle and therefore attract growing attention from various research communities. Compared with traditional in-situ methods with expensive and time-consuming field works involved, airborne and spaceborne remote sensors collect cost-efficient and consistent observations at global or regional scales and have been proven to be an effective way for forest monitoring. With the looming paradigm shift toward data-intensive science and the development of remote sensors, remote sensing data with higher resolution and diversity have been the mainstream in data analysis and processing. However, significant heterogeneities in the multi-source remote sensing data largely restrain its forest applications urging the research community to come up with effective synergistic strategies. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the field by exploring the potential of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Polarimetry (PolSAR), SAR Interferometry (InSAR), Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and multispectral remote sensing in forest characterization and monitoring from three main aspects including forest height estimation, active fire detection, and burned area mapping. First, the forest height inversion is demonstrated using airborne L-band dual-baseline repeat-pass PolInSAR data based on modified versions of the Random Motion over Ground (RMoG) model, where the scattering attenuation and wind-derived random motion are described in conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous volume layer, respectively. A boreal and a tropical forest test site are involved in the experiment to explore the flexibility of different models over different forest types and based on that, a leveraging strategy is proposed to boost the accuracy of forest height estimation. The accuracy of the model-based forest height inversion is limited by the discrepancy between the theoretical models and actual scenarios and exhibits a strong dependency on the system and scenario parameters. Hence, high vertical accuracy LiDAR samples are employed to assist the PolInSAR-based forest height estimation. This multi-source forest height estimation is reformulated as a pan-sharpening task aiming to generate forest heights with high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy based on the synergy of the sparse LiDAR-derived heights and the information embedded in the PolInSAR data. This process is realized by a specifically designed generative adversarial network (GAN) allowing high accuracy forest height estimation less limited by theoretical models and system parameters. Related experiments are carried out over a boreal and a tropical forest to validate the flexibility of the method. An automated active fire detection framework is proposed for the medium resolution multispectral remote sensing data. The basic part of this framework is a deep-learning-based semantic segmentation model specifically designed for active fire detection. A dataset is constructed with open-access Sentinel-2 imagery for the training and testing of the deep-learning model. The developed framework allows an automated Sentinel-2 data download, processing, and generation of the active fire detection results through time and location information provided by the user. Related performance is evaluated in terms of detection accuracy and processing efficiency. The last part of this thesis explored whether the coarse burned area products can be further improved through the synergy of multispectral, SAR, and InSAR features with higher spatial resolutions. A Siamese Self-Attention (SSA) classification is proposed for the multi-sensor burned area mapping and a multi-source dataset is constructed at the object level for the training and testing. Results are analyzed by different test sites, feature sources, and classification methods to assess the improvements achieved by the proposed method. All developed methods are validated with extensive processing of multi-source data acquired by Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), PolSARproSim+, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2. I hope these studies constitute a substantial contribution to the forest applications of multi-source remote sensing

    An investigation in the use of advanced remote sensing and geographic information system techniques for post-fire impact assessment on vegetation.

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    2006/2007Gli incendi boschivi rappresentano uno dei maggiori problemi ambientali nella regione Mediterranea con vaste superfici colpite ogni estate. Una stima dell’impatto ambientale degli incendi (a breve e a lungo termine) richiede la raccolta di informazioni accurate post-incendio relative al tipo di incendio, all’intensità, alla rigenerazione forestale ed al ripristino della vegetazione. L’utilizzo di tecniche avanzate di telerilevamento può fornire un valido strumento per lo studio di questi fenomeni. L’importanza di queste ricerche è stata più volte sottolineata dalla Commissione Europea che si è concentrata sullo studio degli incendi boschivi ed il loro effetto sulla vegetazione attraverso lo sviluppo di adeguati metodi di stima dell’impatto e di mitigazione. Scopo di questo lavoro è la stima dell’impatto post-incendio sulla vegetazione in ambiente Mediterraneo per mezzo di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione, di rilievi a terra e mediante tecniche avanzate di analisi dei dati. Il lavoro ha riguardato lo sviluppo di un sistema per l’integrazione di dati telerilevati ad altissima risoluzione spaziale e spettrale. Per la stima dell’impatto a breve termine, un modello di classificazione ad oggetti è stato sviluppato utilizzando immagini Ikonos ad altissima risoluzione spaziale per cartografare il tipo di incendio, differenziando l’incendio radente dall’incendio di chioma. I risultati mostrano che la classificazione ad oggetti potrebbe essere utilizzata per distinguere con elevata accuratezza (87% di accuratezza complessiva) le due tipologie di incendio, in particolare nei boschi Mediterranei aperti. È stata inoltre valutata la capacità della classificazione ad oggetti di distinguere e cartografare tre livelli di intensità del fuoco utilizzando le immagini Ikonos e l’accuratezza del risultato è stimata all’ 83%. Per la stima dell’impatto a lungo termine, la mappatura della rigenerazione post-incendio (pino) e la ripresa della vegetazione arbustiva sono state valutate mediante tre approcci: 1) la classificazione ad oggetti di immagini ad altissima risoluzione QuickBird che ha permesso di mappare la ripresa della vegetazione e l’impatto sulla copertura a seguito dell’incendio distinguendo due livelli di intensità dell’incendio (accuratezza della classificazione 86%). 2) l’analisi statistica di dati iperspettrali rilevati in campo che ha permesso una riduzione del 97% del volume di dati e la selezione delle migliori 14 bande per discriminare l’età e le specie di pino e le 18 migliori bande per la caratterizzazione delle specie arbustive. Successivamente, i dati iperspettrali Hyperion sono stati utlizzati per mappare la rigenerazione forestale e la ripresa della vegetazione. L’accuratezza complessiva della classificazione è stata del 75.1% considerando due diverse specie di pino ed altre specie vegetali. 3) una classificazione ad oggetti che ha combinato l’analisi dei dati QuickBird ed Hyperion. Si è registrato un aumento dell’accuratezza della classificazione pari all’8.06% rispetto all’utilizzo dei soli dati Hyperion. Complessivamente, si osserva che strumenti avanzati di telerilevamento consentono di raccogliere le informazioni relative alle aree incendiate, la rigenerazione forestale e la ripresa della vegetazione in modo accurato e vantaggioso in termini di costi e tempi.Forest fires are a major environmental problem in the Mediterranean region, where large areas are affected each summer. An assessment of the environmental impact of forest fires (in the short-term and in the long-term) requires the collection of accurate and detailed post-fire information related to fire type, fire severity, forest regeneration and vegetation recovery. Advanced tools in remote sensing provide a powerful tool for the study of this phenomenon. The importance of this work was often emphasized by the European Commission, which focused on the studying of forest fires and their effect on vegetation through the development of appropriate impact assessment and mitigation methods. The aim of this study was to assess the post-fire impact on vegetation in a Mediterranean environment by employing high quality satellite and field data and by using advanced data processing techniques. The work entailed the development of a whole system integrating very high spatial and spectral resolution remotely sensed data. For short-term impact assessment, an object-oriented model was developed using very high spatial resolution Ikonos imagery to map the type of fire, namely, canopy fire and surface fire. The results showed that object-oriented classification could be used to accurately distinguish and map areas of surface and crown fire spread (overall accuracy of 87%), especially that occurring in open Mediterranean forests. Also, the performance of object-based classification in mapping three levels of fire severity by employing high spatial resolution Ikonos imagery was evaluated, and accuracy of the obtained results was estimated to be 83%. As for long-term impact assessment, the mapping of post-fire forest regeneration (pine) and vegetation recovery (shrub) was performed by following three different approaches. First, the developed object-based classification of QuickBird (very high spatial resolution) allowed post-fire vegetation recovery and survival mapping of canopy within two different fire severity levels (86% of classification accuracy). The main effect of fire has been to create a more homogeneous landscape. Second, statistical analysis of field hyperspectral data allowed a 97% reduction in data volume and recommended 14 best narrowbands to discriminate among pine trees (age and species) and 18 bands that best characterize the different shrub species. Then, hyperspectral Hyperion was employed for mapping post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery. The overall classification accuracy was found to be 75.81% when mapping two different regenerated pine species and other species of vegetation recovery. Third, an object-oriented combined analysis of QuickBird and Hyperion was investigated for the same objective. An improvement in classification accuracy of 8.06% was recorded when combining both Hyperion and QuickBird imageries than by using only the Hyperion image. Overall, it was observed that advanced tools in remote sensing provided the necessary means for gathering information about the burned areas, the regenerated forests and the recovered vegetations in a successful and a timely/cost effective manner.XX Ciclo197

    Multispectral Indices for Wildfire Management

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    This paper highlights and summarizes the most important multispectral indices and associated methodologies for fire management. Various fields of study are examined where multispectral indices align with wildfire prevention and management, including vegetation and soil attribute extraction, water feature mapping, artificial structure identification, and post-fire burnt area estimation. The versatility and effectiveness of multispectral indices in addressing specific issues in wildfire management are emphasized. Fundamental insights for optimizing data extraction are presented. Concrete indices for each task, including the NDVI and the NDWI, are suggested. Moreover, to enhance accuracy and address inherent limitations of individual index applications, the integration of complementary processing solutions and additional data sources like high-resolution imagery and ground-based measurements is recommended. This paper aims to be an immediate and comprehensive reference for researchers and stakeholders working on multispectral indices related to the prevention and management of fires

    Third ERTS Symposium: Abstracts

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    Abstracts are provided for the 112 papers presented at the Earth Resources Program Symposium held at Washington, D.C., 10-14 December, 1973

    A Deep Learning Framework in Selected Remote Sensing Applications

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    The main research topic is designing and implementing a deep learning framework applied to remote sensing. Remote sensing techniques and applications play a crucial role in observing the Earth evolution, especially nowadays, where the effects of climate change on our life is more and more evident. A considerable amount of data are daily acquired all over the Earth. Effective exploitation of this information requires the robustness, velocity and accuracy of deep learning. This emerging need inspired the choice of this topic. The conducted studies mainly focus on two European Space Agency (ESA) missions: Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2. Images provided by the ESA Sentinel-2 mission are rapidly becoming the main source of information for the entire remote sensing community, thanks to their unprecedented combination of spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, as well as their open access policy. The increasing interest gained by these satellites in the research laboratory and applicative scenarios pushed us to utilize them in the considered framework. The combined use of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 is crucial and very prominent in different contexts and different kinds of monitoring when the growing (or changing) dynamics are very rapid. Starting from this general framework, two specific research activities were identified and investigated, leading to the results presented in this dissertation. Both these studies can be placed in the context of data fusion. The first activity deals with a super-resolution framework to improve Sentinel 2 bands supplied at 20 meters up to 10 meters. Increasing the spatial resolution of these bands is of great interest in many remote sensing applications, particularly in monitoring vegetation, rivers, forests, and so on. The second topic of the deep learning framework has been applied to the multispectral Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) extraction, and the semantic segmentation obtained fusing Sentinel 1 and S2 data. The S1 SAR data is of great importance for the quantity of information extracted in the context of monitoring wetlands, rivers and forests, and many other contexts. In both cases, the problem was addressed with deep learning techniques, and in both cases, very lean architectures were used, demonstrating that even without the availability of computing power, it is possible to obtain high-level results. The core of this framework is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). {CNNs have been successfully applied to many image processing problems, like super-resolution, pansharpening, classification, and others, because of several advantages such as (i) the capability to approximate complex non-linear functions, (ii) the ease of training that allows to avoid time-consuming handcraft filter design, (iii) the parallel computational architecture. Even if a large amount of "labelled" data is required for training, the CNN performances pushed me to this architectural choice.} In our S1 and S2 integration task, we have faced and overcome the problem of manually labelled data with an approach based on integrating these two different sensors. Therefore, apart from the investigation in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 integration, the main contribution in both cases of these works is, in particular, the possibility of designing a CNN-based solution that can be distinguished by its lightness from a computational point of view and consequent substantial saving of time compared to more complex deep learning state-of-the-art solutions