33 research outputs found

    Advanced Control and Estimation Concepts, and New Hardware Topologies for Future Mobility

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    According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies

    Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines

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    “Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines” considers the main concepts and the state-of-the-art, as well as advances and case studies on this topic. Maintenance is a critical variable in industry in order to reach competitiveness. It is the most important variable, together with operations, in the wind energy industry. Therefore, the correct management of corrective, predictive and preventive politics in any wind turbine is required. The content also considers original research works that focus on content that is complementary to other sub-disciplines, such as economics, finance, marketing, decision and risk analysis, engineering, etc., in the maintenance management of wind turbines. This book focuses on real case studies. These case studies concern topics such as failure detection and diagnosis, fault trees and subdisciplines (e.g., FMECA, FMEA, etc.) Most of them link these topics with financial, schedule, resources, downtimes, etc., in order to increase productivity, profitability, maintainability, reliability, safety, availability, and reduce costs and downtime, etc., in a wind turbine. Advances in mathematics, models, computational techniques, dynamic analysis, etc., are employed in analytics in maintenance management in this book. Finally, the book considers computational techniques, dynamic analysis, probabilistic methods, and mathematical optimization techniques that are expertly blended to support the analysis of multi-criteria decision-making problems with defined constraints and requirements

    The Probabilistic Active Shape Model: From Model Construction to Flexible Medical Image Segmentation

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    Automatic processing of three-dimensional image data acquired with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging plays an increasingly important role in medicine. For example, the automatic segmentation of anatomical structures in tomographic images allows to generate three-dimensional visualizations of a patient’s anatomy and thereby supports surgeons during planning of various kinds of surgeries. Because organs in medical images often exhibit a low contrast to adjacent structures, and because the image quality may be hampered by noise or other image acquisition artifacts, the development of segmentation algorithms that are both robust and accurate is very challenging. In order to increase the robustness, the use of model-based algorithms is mandatory, as for example algorithms that incorporate prior knowledge about an organ’s shape into the segmentation process. Recent research has proven that Statistical Shape Models are especially appropriate for robust medical image segmentation. In these models, the typical shape of an organ is learned from a set of training examples. However, Statistical Shape Models have two major disadvantages: The construction of the models is relatively difficult, and the models are often used too restrictively, such that the resulting segmentation does not delineate the organ exactly. This thesis addresses both problems: The first part of the thesis introduces new methods for establishing correspondence between training shapes, which is a necessary prerequisite for shape model learning. The developed methods include consistent parameterization algorithms for organs with spherical and genus 1 topology, as well as a nonrigid mesh registration algorithm for shapes with arbitrary topology. The second part of the thesis presents a new shape model-based segmentation algorithm that allows for an accurate delineation of organs. In contrast to existing approaches, it is possible to integrate not only linear shape models into the algorithm, but also nonlinear shape models, which allow for a more specific description of an organ’s shape variation. The proposed segmentation algorithm is evaluated in three applications to medical image data: Liver and vertebra segmentation in contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans, and prostate segmentation in magnetic resonance images

    Multiscale fuzzy reasoning (MFR) for automatic object extraction

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    A new Multiscale Fuzzy Reasoning (MFR) based image-processing technique for automatic object extraction is described. MFR utilizes skewed versions of an input frame wherein each skewed frame is processed independently using fuzzy reasoning. MFR achieves optimal edge detection using the wavelet decomposition followed by a novel fuzzy based decision technique. The processed frames are de-skewed and combined using a fuzzy union operation to extract the objects

    Non-communicable Diseases, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

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    This reprint includes 15 articles in the field of non-communicable Diseases, big data, and artificial intelligence, overviewing the most recent advances in the field of AI and their application potential in 3P medicine

    Proceedings of the 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress

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    Mechanical engineering is a field that is continuously evolving as a profession to provide sustainable design, products and technologies for society. Mechanical engineering products, in conjunction with technological advances in other sectors, contribute to noise, water and air pollution, and the degradation of land and landscape. The rate of production, both energy and products, is increasing at such a rapid rate that natural regeneration can no longer sustain. Emission control is a fast-growing topic for mechanical engineers and others, encompassing the development of machines and processes that produce fewer pollutants as well as new materials and processes that can decrease or eliminate pollution that has already been generated. And, in an increasingly environmentally conscious world, the concept of sustainability is also intrinsically important to the success or failure of any engineering product or processes. Mechanical engineers thus play a central role in applying a truly modern approach for enabling the global transition to green energy and sustainable prac-tices. To address climate change, researchers are progressively looking into a wide range of novel solutions for energy conversion, engine efficiency, alternative fuels, nature-inspired materials, enhanced manufacturing processes and so on. In this context, this book presents part of the proceedings of the Mechanical and Materials track of the 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress (ESChE 2021) as presented by the academics, researchers and postgraduate students. The book provides insights into different aspects of mechanical processes, nanoma-terials and alternate fuels that set the stage for development of sustainable techno-logical solutions. The content of this book will be useful for students, researchers and professionals working in the areas of mechanical engineering, materials, energy technologies, optimization and allied fields

    Actas de la XIII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información RECSI XIII : Alicante, 2-5 de septiembre de 2014

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    Si tuviéramos que elegir un conjunto de palabras clave para definir la sociedad actual, sin duda el término información sería uno de los más representativos. Vivimos en un mundo caracterizado por un continuo flujo de información en el que las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) y las Redes Sociales desempeñan un papel relevante. En la Sociedad de la Información se generan gran variedad de datos en formato digital, siendo la protección de los mismos frente a accesos y usos no autorizados el objetivo principal de lo que conocemos como Seguridad de la Información. Si bien la Criptología es una herramienta tecnológica básica, dedicada al desarrollo y análisis de sistemas y protocolos que garanticen la seguridad de los datos, el espectro de tecnologías que intervienen en la protección de la información es amplio y abarca diferentes disciplinas. Una de las características de esta ciencia es su rápida y constante evolución, motivada en parte por los continuos avances que se producen en el terreno de la computación, especialmente en las últimas décadas. Sistemas, protocolos y herramientas en general considerados seguros en la actualidad dejarán de serlo en un futuro más o menos cercano, lo que hace imprescindible el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas que garanticen, de forma eficiente, los necesarios niveles de seguridad. La Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información (RECSI) es el congreso científico español de referencia en el ámbito de la Criptología y la Seguridad en las TIC, en el que se dan cita periódicamente los principales investigadores españoles y de otras nacionalidades en esta disciplina, con el fin de compartir los resultados más recientes de su investigación. Del 2 al 5 de septiembre de 2014 se celebrará la decimotercera edición en la ciudad de Alicante, organizada por el grupo de Criptología y Seguridad Computacional de la Universidad de Alicante. Las anteriores ediciones tuvieron lugar en Palma de Mallorca (1991), Madrid (1992), Barcelona (1994), Valladolid (1996), Torremolinos (1998), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2000), Oviedo (2002), Leganés (2004), Barcelona (2006), Salamanca (2008), Tarragona (2010) y San Sebastián (2012)

    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2017

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