254 research outputs found

    Validation and Data Repairing of Document Image using Steganography Method

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    This paper attempts to propose a novel technique of blind authentication based on the method of secret in addition to data repair capability for grayscale document images through the use of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. For every block of a grayscale document image, an authentication signal is generated, which, along with the block content in binary, is transformed into numerous shares using the Shamir secret sharing scheme. The parameters involved are carefully selected so that as many shares as possible can be generated and embedded into an alpha channel plane. After this, the alpha channel plane is combined with the original grayscale image to yield a PNG image. During this process, the computed share values are recorded as a range of alpha channel values near their maximum value of 255 to return a transparent stego-image with a disguised effect. In the image authentication process, marking of an image block is done as tampered, if the authentication signal computed from the current block content does not match the one extracted from the shares embedded in the alpha channel plane. Each tampered block is then subjected to data repairing by a reverse Shamir scheme after collecting two shares from unmarked blocks. Procedures to protect the safety of the data that lies concealed in the alpha channel have been proposed. Decent experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method

    Geometric Invariant Semi-fragile Image Watermarking Using Real Symmetric Matrix

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    [[abstract]]In order to improve the detection of malicious tampering of images, it is necessary to decrease the fragility of hidden watermarks, even for digital images which have been distorted incidentally. However, watermarks are sensitive to geometric distortions. In this paper, we propose a new invariant semi-fragile digital watermarking technique based on eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix generated by the four pixel-pair. And the multi-rings Zernike transform (MRZT) is proposed to achieve geometric invariance. A signature bit for detecting malicious tampering of an image is generated using the dominant eigenvector. The MRZT method is against the geometric distortions even when the image is under malicious attacks. The experimental results show that this algorithm can resist high quality JPEG compression, and improve the detection performance of various malicious tampering.[[notice]]補正完

    Multiple Content Adaptive Intelligent Watermarking Schemes for the Protection of Blocks of a Document Image

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    Most of the documents contain different types of information such as white space, static information and dynamic information or mix of static and dynamic information. In this paper, multiple watermarking schemes are proposed for protection of the information content. The proposed approach comprises of three phases. In Phase-1, the edges of the source document image are extracted and the edge image is decomposed into blocks of uniform size. In Phase-2, GLCM features like energy, homogeneity, contrast and correlation are extracted from each block and the blocks are classified as no-information, static, dynamic and mix of static and dynamic information content blocks. The adjacent blocks of same type are merged together into a single block. Each block is watermarked in Phase-3. The type and amount of watermarking applied is decided intelligently and adaptively based on the classification of the blocks which results in improving embedding capacity and reducing time complexity incurred during watermarking. Experiments are conducted exhaustively on all the images in the corpus. The experimental evaluations exhibit better classification of segments based on information content in the block. The proposed technique also outperforms the existing watermarking schemes on document images in terms of robustness, accuracy of tamper detection and recovery


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    The need to provide a copy right protection on digital watermarking to multimedia data like speech, image or video is rapidly increasing with an intensification in the application in these areas. Digital watermarking has received a lot of attention in the past few years. A hardware system based solely on DSP processors are fast but may require more area, cost or power if the target application requires a large amount of parallel processing. An FPGA co-processor can provide as many as 550 parallel multiply and accumulate operations on a single device, but FPGAs excel at processing large amounts of data in parallel, as they are not optimized as processors for tasks such as periodic coefficient updates, decision- making control tasks. Combination of both the FPGA and DSP processor delivers an attractive solution for a wide range of applications. A hardware implementation of digital speech watermarking combined with speech compression, encryption on heterogeneous platform is made in this paper. It is observed that the proposed architecture is able to attain high speed while utilizing optimal resources in terms of area

    Identification of Sparse Audio Tampering Using Distributed Source Coding and Compressive Sensing Techniques

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    In the past few years, a large amount of techniques have been proposed to identify whether a multimedia content has been illegally tampered or not. Nevertheless, very few efforts have been devoted to identifying which kind of attack has been carried out, especially due to the large data required for this task. We propose a novel hashing scheme which exploits the paradigms of compressive sensing and distributed source coding to generate a compact hash signature, and we apply it to the case of audio content protection. The audio content provider produces a small hash signature by computing a limited number of random projections of a perceptual, time-frequency representation of the original audio stream; the audio hash is given by the syndrome bits of an LDPC code applied to the projections. At the content user side, the hash is decoded using distributed source coding tools. If the tampering is sparsifiable or compressible in some orthonormal basis or redundant dictionary, it is possible to identify the time-frequency position of the attack, with a hash size as small as 200 bits/second; the bit saving obtained by introducing distributed source coding ranges between 20% to 70%

    Robust Multiple Image Watermarking Based on Spread Transform

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    A novel multipurpose watermarking scheme capable of protecting and authenticating images with tamper detection and localisation abilities

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    Technologies that fall under the umbrella of Industry 4.0 can be classified into one of its four significant components: cyber-physical systems, the internet of things (IoT), on-demand availability of computer system resources, and cognitive computing. The success of this industrial revolution lies in how well these components can communicate with each other, and work together in finding the most optimised solution for an assigned task. It is achieved by sharing data collected from a network of sensors. This data is communicated via images, videos, and a variety of other signals, attracting unwanted attention of hackers. The protection of such data is therefore pivotal, as is maintaining its integrity. To this end, this paper proposes a novel image watermarking scheme with potential applications in Industry 4.0. The strategy presented is multipurpose; one such purpose is authenticating the transmitted image, another is curtailing the illegal distribution of the image by providing copyright protection. To this end, two new watermarking methods are introduced, one of which is for embedding the robust watermark, and the other is related to the fragile watermark. The robust watermark's embedding is achieved in the frequency domain, wherein the frequency coefficients are selected using a novel mean-based coefficient selection procedure. Subsequently, the selected coefficients are manipulated in equal proportion to embed the robust watermark. The fragile watermark's embedding is achieved in the spatial domain, wherein self-generated fragile watermark(s) is embedded by directly altering the pixel bits of the host image. The effective combination of two domains results in a hybrid scheme and attains the vital balance between the watermarking requirements of imperceptibility, security and capacity. Moreover, in the case of tampering, the proposed scheme not only authenticates and provides copyright protection to images but can also detect tampering and localise the tampered regions. An extensive evaluation of the proposed scheme on typical images has proven its superiority over existing state-of-the-art methods