118 research outputs found

    ATM interworking unit with ISDN and ethernet interfaces

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    The convergence of telecommunications and computer communication technologies requires the development of Interworking Units to convert different data formats, protocols and control procedures. This paper describes the architecture of an electronic device, which is able to perform interworking functionalities between ATM, ISDN and Ethernet networks and presents several scenarios for interconnection environments

    ISDN at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    An expository investigation of the potential impact of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) at NASA Lewis Research Center is described. To properly frame the subject, the paper contains a detailed survey of the components of Narrowband ISDN. The principles and objectives are presented as decreed by the Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT). The various channel types are delineated and their associated service combinations are described. The subscriber-access network functions are explained pictorially via the ISDN reference configuration. A section on switching techniques is presented to enable the reader to understand the emergence of the concept of fast packet switching. This new technology is designed to operate over the high bandwidth, low error rate transmission media that characterizes the LeRC environment. A brief introduction to the next generation of networks is covered with sections on Broadband ISDM (B-ISDN), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), and Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET). Applications at LeRC are presented, first in terms of targets of opportunity, then in light of compatibility constraints. In-place pilot projects and testing are described that demonstrate actual usage at LeRC

    IP and ATM integration: A New paradigm in multi-service internetworking

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    ATM is a widespread technology adopted by many to support advanced data communication, in particular efficient Internet services provision. The expected challenges of multimedia communication together with the increasing massive utilization of IP-based applications urgently require redesign of networking solutions in terms of both new functionalities and enhanced performance. However, the networking context is affected by so many changes, and to some extent chaotic growth, that any approach based on a structured and complex top-down architecture is unlikely to be applicable. Instead, an approach based on finding out the best match between realistic service requirements and the pragmatic, intelligent use of technical opportunities made available by the product market seems more appropriate. By following this approach, innovations and improvements can be introduced at different times, not necessarily complying with each other according to a coherent overall design. With the aim of pursuing feasible innovations in the different networking aspects, we look at both IP and ATM internetworking in order to investigating a few of the most crucial topics/ issues related to the IP and ATM integration perspective. This research would also address various means of internetworking the Internet Protocol (IP) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) with an objective of identifying the best possible means of delivering Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for multi-service applications, exploiting the meritorious features that IP and ATM have to offer. Although IP and ATM often have been viewed as competitors, their complementary strengths and limitations from a natural alliance that combines the best aspects of both the technologies. For instance, one limitation of ATM networks has been the relatively large gap between the speed of the network paths and the control operations needed to configure those data paths to meet changing user needs. IP\u27s greatest strength, on the other hand, is the inherent flexibility and its capacity to adapt rapidly to changing conditions. These complementary strengths and limitations make it natural to combine IP with ATM to obtain the best that each has to offer. Over time many models and architectures have evolved for IP/ATM internetworking and they have impacted the fundamental thinking in internetworking IP and ATM. These technologies, architectures, models and implementations will be reviewed in greater detail in addressing possible issues in integrating these architectures s in a multi-service, enterprise network. The objective being to make recommendations as to the best means of interworking the two in exploiting the salient features of one another to provide a faster, reliable, scalable, robust, QoS aware network in the most economical manner. How IP will be carried over ATM when a commercial worldwide ATM network is deployed is not addressed and the details of such a network still remain in a state of flux to specify anything concrete. Our research findings culminated with a strong recommendation that the best model to adopt, in light of the impending integrated service requirements of future multi-service environments, is an ATM core with IP at the edges to realize the best of both technologies in delivering QoS guarantees in a seamless manner to any node in the enterprise

    Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay

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    IP and ATM - a position paper

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    This paper gives a technical overview of different networking technologies, such as the Internet, ATM. It describes different approaches of how to run IP on top of an ATM network, and assesses their potential to be used as an integrated services network

    DSL-based triple-play services

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    This research examines the triple play service based on the ADSL technology. The voice over IP will be checked and combined with the internet data by two monitoring programs in order to examine the performance that this service offers and then will be compared with the usual method of internet connection.This research examines the triple play service based on the ADSL technology. The voice over IP will be checked and combined with the internet data by two monitoring programs in order to examine the performance that this service offers and then will be compared with the usual method of internet connection.

    IP and ATM - current evolution for integrated services

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    Current and future applications make use of different technologies as voice, data, and video. Consequently network technologies need to support them. For many years, the ATM based Broadband-ISDN has generally been regarded as the ultimate networking technology, which can integrate voice, data, and video services. With the recent tremendous growth of the Internet and the reluctant deployment of public ATM networks, the future development of ATM seems to be less clear than it used to be. In the past IP provided (and was though to provide) only best effort services, thus, despite its world wide diffution, was not considered as a network solution for multimedia application. Currently many of the IETF working groups work on areas related to integrated services, and IP is also proposing itself as networking technology for supporting voice, data, and video services. This paper give a technical overview on the competing integrated services network solutions, such as IP, ATM and the different available and emerging technologies on how to run IP over ATM, and tries to identify their potential and shortcomings

    A high speed fault-tolerant multimedia network and connectionless gateway for ATM networks.

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    by Patrick Lam Sze Fan.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 163-[170]).Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 2 --- Fault-tolerant CUM LAUDE NET --- p.7Chapter 2.1 --- Overview of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.7Chapter 2.2 --- Network architecture of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.8Chapter 2.3 --- Design of Router-node --- p.10Chapter 2.3.1 --- Architecture of the Router-node --- p.10Chapter 2.3.2 --- Buffers Arrangement of the Router-node --- p.12Chapter 2.3.3 --- Buffer transmission policies --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Protocols of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.14Chapter 2.5 --- Frame Format of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.15Chapter 2.6 --- Fault-tolerant (FT) and Auto-healing (AH) algorithms --- p.16Chapter 2.6.1 --- Overview of the algorithms --- p.16Chapter 2.6.2 --- Network Failure Scenarios --- p.18Chapter 2.6.3 --- Design and Implementation of the Fault Tolerant Algorithm --- p.19Chapter 2.6.4 --- Design and Implementation of the Auto Healing Algorithm --- p.26Chapter 2.6.5 --- Network Management Signals and Restoration Times --- p.27Chapter 2.6.6 --- Comparison of fault-tolerance features of other networks with the CUM LAUDE NET --- p.31Chapter 2.7 --- Chapter Summary --- p.31Chapter 3 --- Overview of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) --- p.33Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.33Chapter 3.2 --- ATM Network Interfaces --- p.34Chapter 3.3 --- ATM Virtual Connections --- p.35Chapter 3.4 --- ATM Cell Format --- p.36Chapter 3.5 --- ATM Address Formats --- p.36Chapter 3.6 --- ATM Protocol Reference Model --- p.38Chapter 3.6.1 --- The ATM Layer --- p.39Chapter 3.6.2 --- The ATM Adaptation Layer --- p.39Chapter 3.7 --- ATM Signalling --- p.44Chapter 3.7.1 --- ATM Signalling Messages and Call Setup Procedures --- p.45Chapter 3.8 --- Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) --- p.47Chapter 4 --- Issues of Connectionless Gateway --- p.49Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.49Chapter 4.2 --- The Issues --- p.50Chapter 4.3 --- ATM Internetworking --- p.51Chapter 4.3.1 --- LAN Emulation --- p.52Chapter 4.3.2 --- IP over ATM --- p.53Chapter 4.3.3 --- Comparing IP over ATM and LAN Emulation --- p.59Chapter 4.4 --- Connection Management --- p.61Chapter 4.4.1 --- The Indirect Approach --- p.62Chapter 4.4.2 --- The Direct Approach --- p.63Chapter 4.4.3 --- Comparing the two approaches --- p.64Chapter 4.5 --- Protocol Conversion --- p.65Chapter 4.5.1 --- Selection of Protocol Converter --- p.68Chapter 4.6 --- Packet Forwarding Modes --- p.68Chapter 4.7 --- Bandwidth Assignment --- p.70Chapter 4.7.1 --- Bandwidth Reservation --- p.71Chapter 4.7.2 --- Fast Bandwidth Reservation --- p.72Chapter 4.7.3 --- Bandwidth Advertising --- p.72Chapter 4.7.4 --- Bandwidth Advertising with Cell Drop Detection --- p.73Chapter 4.7.5 --- Bandwidth Allocation on Source Demand --- p.73Chapter 4.7.6 --- The Common Problems --- p.74Chapter 5 --- Design and Implementation of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.77Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.77Chapter 5.1.1 --- Functions Definition of Connectionless Gateway --- p.79Chapter 5.2 --- Hardware Architecture of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.79Chapter 5.2.1 --- Imposed Limitations --- p.82Chapter 5.3 --- Software Architecture of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.83Chapter 5.3.1 --- TCP/IP Internals --- p.84Chapter 5.3.2 --- ATM on Linux --- p.85Chapter 5.4 --- Network Architecture --- p.88Chapter 5.4.1 --- IP Addresses Assignment --- p.90Chapter 5.5 --- Internal Structure of Connectionless Gateway --- p.90Chapter 5.5.1 --- Protocol Stacks of the Gateway --- p.90Chapter 5.5.2 --- Gateway Operation by Example --- p.93Chapter 5.5.3 --- Routing Table Maintenance --- p.97Chapter 5.6 --- Additional Features --- p.105Chapter 5.6.1 --- Priority Output Queues System --- p.105Chapter 5.6.2 --- Gateway Performance Monitor --- p.112Chapter 5.7 --- Setup an Operational ATM LAN --- p.117Chapter 5.7.1 --- SVC Connections --- p.117Chapter 5.7.2 --- PVC Connections --- p.119Chapter 5.8 --- Application of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.120Chapter 6 --- Performance Measurement of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.121Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.121Chapter 6.2 --- Experimental Setup --- p.121Chapter 6.3 --- Measurement Tools of the Experiments --- p.123Chapter 6.4 --- Descriptions of the Experiments --- p.124Chapter 6.4.1 --- Log Files --- p.125Chapter 6.5 --- UDP Control Rate Test --- p.126Chapter 6.5.1 --- Results and analysis of the UDP Control Rate Test --- p.127Chapter 6.6 --- UDP Maximum Rate Test --- p.138Chapter 6.6.1 --- Results and analysis of the UDP Maximum Rate Test --- p.138Chapter 6.7 --- TCP Maximum Rate Test --- p.140Chapter 6.7.1 --- Results and analysis of the TCP Maximum Rate Test --- p.140Chapter 6.8 --- Request/Response Test --- p.144Chapter 6.8.1 --- Results and analysis of the Request/Response Test --- p.144Chapter 6.9 --- Priority Queue System Verification Test --- p.149Chapter 6.9.1 --- Results and analysis of the Priority Queue System Verifi- cation Test --- p.150Chapter 6.10 --- Other Observations --- p.153Chapter 6.11 --- Solutions to Improve the Performance --- p.154Chapter 6.12 --- Future Development --- p.157Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.158Bibliography --- p.163A List of Publications --- p.17

    Захищена корпоративна мережа на базі технології MPLS

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    Русило Ю.М. Захищена корпоративна мережа на базі технології MPLS. НТУУ «КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського», Київ, 2019. У даному дипломному проекту наведено огляд підходів до побудови корпоративної мережі. Проведено аналіз існуючого обладнання та обґрунтований вибір для реалізації проекту. У якості демонстраційної частини розроблено модель корпоративної мережі на базі протокола MPLS, виконані потрібні налаштування та перевірена її працездатність. Проект містить 62 с. тексту, 18 рисунків, 1 таблицю, 16 літературних джерел.Rusilo Yu.M. Secured corporate network based on MPLS technology. NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute", Kyiv, 2019. This graduation project gives an overview of approaches to building a corporate network. An analysis of the existing equipment and a reasonable choice for the project implementation have been carried out. As a demonstration part, a corporate network model based on the MPLS protocol was developed, the necessary settings were made and its performance tested. The work contains 62 p. of text, 18 pictures, 1 table, 16 references