3,693 research outputs found

    Frequency Modulated Continuous Waveform Radar for Collision Prevention in Large Vehicles

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    The drivers of large vehicles can have very limited visibility, which contributes to poor situation awareness and an increased risk of collision with other agents. This thesis is focused on the development of reliable sensing for this close proximity problem in large vehicles operating in harsh environmental conditions. It emphasises the use of in-depth knowledge of a sensor’s physics and performance characteristics to develop effective mathematical models for use in different mapping algorithms. An analysis of the close proximity problem and the demands it poses on sensing technologies is presented. This guides the design and modelling process for a frequency modulated continuous waveform (FMCW) radar sensor for use in solving the close proximity problem. Radar offers better all-weather performance than other sensing modalities, but its measurement structure is more complex and often degraded by noise and clutter. The commonly used constant false alarm rate (CFAR) threshold approach performs poorly in applications with frequent extended targets and a short measurement vector, as is the case here. Therefore, a static detection threshold is calculated using measurements of clutter made using the radar, allowing clutter measurements to be filtered out in known environments. The detection threshold is used to develop a heuristic sensor model for occupancy grid mapping. This results in a more reliable representation of the environment than is achieved using the detection threshold alone. A Gaussian mixture extended Kalman probability hypothesis density filter (GM-EK-PHD) is implemented to allow mapping in dynamic environments using the FMCW radar. These methods are used to produce maps of the environment that can be displayed to the driver of a large vehicle to better avoid collisions. The concepts developed in this thesis are validated using simulated and real data from a low-cost 24GHz FMCW radar developed at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney

    Gaussian Mixture Reduction of Tracking Multiple Maneuvering Targets in Clutter

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    The problem of tracking multiple maneuvering targets in clutter naturally leads to a Gaussian mixture representation of the Provability Density Function (PDF) of the target state vector. State-of-the-art Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) techniques maintain the mean, covariance and probability weight corresponding to each hypothesis, yet they rely on ad hoc merging and pruning rules to control the growth of hypotheses

    Practical classification of different moving targets using automotive radar and deep neural networks

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    In this work, the authors present results for classification of different classes of targets (car, single and multiple people, bicycle) using automotive radar data and different neural networks. A fast implementation of radar algorithms for detection, tracking, and micro-Doppler extraction is proposed in conjunction with the automotive radar transceiver TEF810X and microcontroller unit SR32R274 manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. Three different types of neural networks are considered, namely a classic convolutional network, a residual network, and a combination of convolutional and recurrent network, for different classification problems across the four classes of targets recorded. Considerable accuracy (close to 100% in some cases) and low latency of the radar pre-processing prior to classification (∼0.55 s to produce a 0.5 s long spectrogram) are demonstrated in this study, and possible shortcomings and outstanding issues are discussed

    Advanced Sensor and Dynamics Models with an Application to Sensor Management

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    Cooperative multi-sensor tracking of vulnerable road users in the presence of missing detections

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    This paper presents a vulnerable road user (VRU) tracking algorithm capable of handling noisy and missing detections from heterogeneous sensors. We propose a cooperative fusion algorithm for matching and reinforcing of radar and camera detections using their proximity and positional uncertainty. The belief in the existence and position of objects is then maximized by temporal integration of fused detections by a multi-object tracker. By switching between observation models, the tracker adapts to the detection noise characteristics making it robust to individual sensor failures. The main novelty of this paper is an improved imputation sampling function for updating the state when detections are missing. The proposed function uses a likelihood without association that is conditioned on the sensor information instead of the sensor model. The benefits of the proposed solution are two-fold: firstly, particle updates become computationally tractable and secondly, the problem of imputing samples from a state which is predicted without an associated detection is bypassed. Experimental evaluation shows a significant improvement in both detection and tracking performance over multiple control algorithms. In low light situations, the cooperative fusion outperforms intermediate fusion by as much as 30%, while increases in tracking performance are most significant in complex traffic scenes

    Object detection with radar : present and future automotive technology

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    Radar-based object detection in cars is an integral part of autonomous driving systems. Radar sensors benefit from their excellent robustness in adverse weather conditions such as snow, fog or heavy rain. Although machine learning-based object detection is traditionally a camera-based domain, great progress has been made in lidar sensors, and radar is also catching up. Radar has been a key element of advanced automotive driver assistance systems for more than two decades. As an inexpensive, all-weather, long-range sensor that simultaneously provides speed measurements, radar is expected to be indispensable for the future of autonomous driving. Traditional radar signal processing techniques are often unable to distinguish reflections from objects of interest and are generally limited to detecting the peaks of the received signal. These peak detection methods convert the radar signal as an image into a sparse point cloud. Fully autonomous vehicles and the need to improve road safety have increased the reliability requirements of various advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Automotive radar is a key component of ADAS, as it adds safety and comfort features to vehicles. One of the main challenges in developing automotive radar is to demonstrate its reliability, especially in the most difficult cases. Building and testing radar systems for specific cases is time- consuming, costly and impractical. Simulation is the only practical way to investigate the countless practical cases of automotive radar. One interesting case is the reduction of radar returns due to sharp road curves. In particular, crucial targets with low radar cross sections (RCS), such as pedestrians, can become invisible to radar when driving on sharp curves. This paper will implement a radar system for the simulation of object detection of a vehicle, and aims to show and analyse how reliable such systems can be, as well as their problems and more.Outgoin


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    Most of the operating vessel traffic management systems experience problems, such as track loss and track swap, which may cause confusion to the traffic regulators and lead to potential hazards in the harbour operation. The reason is mainly due to the limited adaptive capabilities of the algorithms used in the detection process. The decision on whether a target is present is usually based on the magnitude of the returning echoes. Such a method has a low efficiency in discriminating between the target and clutter, especially when the signal to noise ratio is low. The performance of radar target detection depends on the features, which can be used to discriminate between clutter and targets. To have a significant improvement in the detection of weak targets, more obvious discriminating features must be identified and extracted. This research investigates conventional Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithms and introduces the approach of applying ar1ificial intelligence methods to the target detection problems. Previous research has been unde11aken to improve the detection capability of the radar system in the heavy clutter environment and many new CFAR algorithms, which are based on amplitude information only, have been developed. This research studies these algorithms and proposes that it is feasible to design and develop an advanced target detection system that is capable of discriminating targets from clutters by learning the .different features extracted from radar returns. The approach adopted for this further work into target detection was the use of neural networks. Results presented show that such a network is able to learn particular features of specific radar return signals, e.g. rain clutter, sea clutter, target, and to decide if a target is present in a finite window of data. The work includes a study of the characteristics of radar signals and identification of the features that can be used in the process of effective detection. The use of a general purpose marine radar has allowed the collection of live signals from the Plymouth harbour for analysis, training and validation. The approach of using data from the real environment has enabled the developed detection system to be exposed to real clutter conditions that cannot be obtained when using simulated data. The performance of the neural network detection system is evaluated with further recorded data and the results obtained are compared with the conventional CFAR algorithms. It is shown that the neural system can learn the features of specific radar signals and provide a superior performance in detecting targets from clutters. Areas for further research and development arc presented; these include the use of a sophisticated recording system, high speed processors and the potential for target classification

    Beam-Space MIMO Radar for Joint Communication and Sensing with OTFS Modulation

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    Motivated by automotive applications, we consider joint radar sensing and data communication for a system operating at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands, where a Base Station (BS) is equipped with a co-located radar receiver and sends data using the Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) modulation format. We consider two distinct modes of operation. In Discovery mode, a single common data stream is broadcast over a wide angular sector. The radar receiver must detect the presence of not yet acquired targets and perform coarse estimation of their parameters (angle of arrival, range, and velocity). In Tracking mode, the BS transmits multiple individual data streams to already acquired users via beamforming, while the radar receiver performs accurate estimation of the aforementioned parameters. Due to hardware complexity and power consumption constraints, we consider a hybrid digital-analog architecture where the number of RF chains and A/D converters is significantly smaller than the number of antenna array elements. In this case, a direct application of the conventional MIMO radar approach is not possible. Consequently, we advocate a beam-space approach where the vector observation at the radar receiver is obtained through a RF-domain beamforming matrix operating the dimensionality reduction from antennas to RF chains. Under this setup, we propose a likelihood function-based scheme to perform joint target detection and parameter estimation in Discovery, and high-resolution parameter estimation in Tracking mode, respectively. Our numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to reliably detect multiple targets while closely approaching the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) of the corresponding parameter estimation problem.Comment: 33 Page

    A Comprehensive Mapping and Real-World Evaluation of Multi-Object Tracking on Automated Vehicles

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    Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) is a field critical to Automated Vehicle (AV) perception systems. However, it is large, complex, spans research fields, and lacks resources for integration with real sensors and implementation on AVs. Factors such those make it difficult for new researchers and practitioners to enter the field. This thesis presents two main contributions: 1) a comprehensive mapping for the field of Multi-Object Trackers (MOTs) with a specific focus towards Automated Vehicles (AVs) and 2) a real-world evaluation of an MOT developed and tuned using COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) software toolsets. The first contribution aims to give a comprehensive overview of MOTs and various MOT subfields for AVs that have not been presented as wholistically in other papers. The second contribution aims to illustrate some of the benefits of using a COTS MOT toolset and some of the difficulties associated with using real-world data. This MOT performed accurate state estimation of a target vehicle through the tracking and fusion of data from a radar and vision sensor using a Central-Level Track Processing approach and a Global Nearest Neighbors assignment algorithm. It had an 0.44 m positional Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) over a 40 m approach test. It is the authors\u27 hope that this work provides an overview of the MOT field that will help new researchers and practitioners enter the field. Additionally, the author hopes that the evaluation section illustrates some difficulties of using real-world data and provides a good pathway for developing and deploying MOTs from software toolsets to Automated Vehicles
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