49,178 research outputs found

    Grammar-based distance in progressive multiple sequence alignment

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    Background: We propose a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithm and compare the alignment-quality and execution-time of the proposed algorithm with that of existing algorithms. The proposed progressive alignment algorithm uses a grammar-based distance metric to determine the order in which biological sequences are to be pairwise aligned. The progressive alignment occurs via pairwise aligning new sequences with an ensemble of the sequences previously aligned. Results: The performance of the proposed algorithm is validated via comparison to popular progressive multiple alignment approaches, ClustalW and T-Coffee, and to the more recently developed algorithms MAFFT, MUSCLE, Kalign, and PSAlign using the BAliBASE 3.0 database of amino acid alignment files and a set of longer sequences generated by Rose software. The proposed algorithm has successfully built multiple alignments comparable to other programs with significant improvements in running time. The results are especially striking for large datasets. Conclusion: We introduce a computationally efficient progressive alignment algorithm using a grammar based sequence distance particularly useful in aligning large datasets

    A novel approach to remote homology detection: jumping alignments

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    Spang R, Rehmsmeier M, Stoye J. A novel approach to remote homology detection: jumping alignments. Journal of Computational Biology. 2002;9(5):747-760.We describe a new algorithm for protein classification and the detection of remote homologs. The rationale is to exploit both vertical and horizontal information of a multiple alignment in a well-balanced manner. This is in contrast to established methods such as profiles and profile hidden Markov models which focus on vertical information as they model the columns of the alignment independently and to family pairwise search which focuses on horizontal information as it treats given sequences separately. In our setting, we want to select from a given database of "candidate sequences" those proteins that belong to a given superfamily. In order to do so, each candidate sequence is separately tested against a multiple alignment of the known members of the superfamily by means of a new jumping alignment algorithm. This algorithm is an extension of the Smith-Waterman algorithm and computes a local alignment of a single sequence and a multiple alignment. In contrast to traditional methods, however, this alignment is not based on a summary of the individual columns of the multiple alignment. Rather, the candidate sequence is at each position aligned to one sequence of the multiple alignment, called the "reference sequence". In addition, the reference sequence may change within the alignment, while each such jump is penalized. To evaluate the discriminative quality of the jumping alignment algorithm, we compare it to profiles, profile hidden Markov models, and family pairwise search on a subset of the SCOP database of protein domains. The discriminative quality is assessed by median false positive counts (med-FP-counts). For moderate med-FP-counts, the number of successful searches with our method is considerably higher than with the competing methods

    MISHIMA - a new method for high speed multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences of bacterial genome scale data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large nucleotide sequence datasets are becoming increasingly common objects of comparison. Complete bacterial genomes are reported almost everyday. This creates challenges for developing new multiple sequence alignment methods. Conventional multiple alignment methods are based on pairwise alignment and/or progressive alignment techniques. These approaches have performance problems when the number of sequences is large and when dealing with genome scale sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a new method of multiple sequence alignment, called MISHIMA (Method for Inferring Sequence History In terms of Multiple Alignment), that does not depend on pairwise sequence comparison. A new algorithm is used to quickly find rare oligonucleotide sequences shared by all sequences. Divide and conquer approach is then applied to break the sequences into fragments that can be aligned independently by an external alignment program. These partial alignments are assembled together to form a complete alignment of the original sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MISHIMA provides improved performance compared to the commonly used multiple alignment methods. As an example, six complete genome sequences of bacteria species <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>(about 1.7 Mb each) were successfully aligned in about 6 hours using a single PC.</p

    Alignment Metric Accuracy

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    We propose a metric for the space of multiple sequence alignments that can be used to compare two alignments to each other. In the case where one of the alignments is a reference alignment, the resulting accuracy measure improves upon previous approaches, and provides a balanced assessment of the fidelity of both matches and gaps. Furthermore, in the case where a reference alignment is not available, we provide empirical evidence that the distance from an alignment produced by one program to predicted alignments from other programs can be used as a control for multiple alignment experiments. In particular, we show that low accuracy alignments can be effectively identified and discarded. We also show that in the case of pairwise sequence alignment, it is possible to find an alignment that maximizes the expected value of our accuracy measure. Unlike previous approaches based on expected accuracy alignment that tend to maximize sensitivity at the expense of specificity, our method is able to identify unalignable sequence, thereby increasing overall accuracy. In addition, the algorithm allows for control of the sensitivity/specificity tradeoff via the adjustment of a single parameter. These results are confirmed with simulation studies that show that unalignable regions can be distinguished from homologous, conserved sequences. Finally, we propose an extension of the pairwise alignment method to multiple alignment. Our method, which we call AMAP, outperforms existing protein sequence multiple alignment programs on benchmark datasets. A webserver and software downloads are available at http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/amap/

    Improved accuracy of multiple ncRNA alignment by incorporating structural information into a MAFFT-based framework

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Structural alignment of RNAs is becoming important, since the discovery of functional non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Recent studies, mainly based on various approximations of the Sankoff algorithm, have resulted in considerable improvement in the accuracy of pairwise structural alignment. In contrast, for the cases with more than two sequences, the practical merit of structural alignment remains unclear as compared to traditional sequence-based methods, although the importance of multiple structural alignment is widely recognized.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We took a different approach from a straightforward extension of the Sankoff algorithm to the multiple alignments from the viewpoints of accuracy and time complexity. As a new option of the MAFFT alignment program, we developed a multiple RNA alignment framework, X-INS-i, which builds a multiple alignment with an iterative method incorporating structural information through two components: (1) pairwise structural alignments by an external pairwise alignment method such as SCARNA or LaRA and (2) a new objective function, Four-way Consistency, derived from the base-pairing probability of every sub-aligned group at every multiple alignment stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The BRAliBASE benchmark showed that X-INS-i outperforms other methods currently available in the sum-of-pairs score (SPS) criterion. As a basis for predicting common secondary structure, the accuracy of the present method is comparable to or rather higher than those of the current leading methods such as RNA Sampler. The X-INS-i framework can be used for building a multiple RNA alignment from any combination of algorithms for pairwise RNA alignment and base-pairing probability. The source code is available at the webpage found in the Availability and requirements section.</p

    Can Clustal-style progressive pairwise alignment of multiple sequences be used in RNA secondary structure prediction?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules whose function depends on their final, folded three-dimensional shape (such as those in ribosomes or spliceosome complexes), the secondary structure, defined by the set of internal basepair interactions, is more consistently conserved than the primary structure, defined by the sequence of nucleotides.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The research presented here investigates the possibility of applying a progressive, pairwise approach to the alignment of multiple RNA sequences by simultaneously predicting an energy-optimized consensus secondary structure. We take an existing algorithm for finding the secondary structure common to two RNA sequences, Dynalign, and alter it to align profiles of multiple sequences. We then explore the relative successes of different approaches to designing the tree that will guide progressive alignments of sequence profiles to create a multiple alignment and prediction of conserved structure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have found that applying a progressive, pairwise approach to the alignment of multiple ribonucleic acid sequences produces highly reliable predictions of conserved basepairs, and we have shown how these predictions can be used as constraints to improve the results of a single-sequence structure prediction algorithm. However, we have also discovered that the amount of detail included in a consensus structure prediction is highly dependent on the order in which sequences are added to the alignment (the guide tree), and that if a consensus structure does not have sufficient detail, it is less likely to provide useful constraints for the single-sequence method.</p

    Multiple sequence alignment augmented by expert user constraints

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    Sequence alignment has become one of the most common tasks in bioinformatics. Most of the existing sequence alignment methods use general scoring schemes. But these alignments are sometimes not completely relevant because they do not necessarily provide the desired information. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to include any possible objective into an algorithm. Our goal is to allow a working biologist to augment a given alignment with additional information based on their knowledge and objectives.In this thesis, we will formally define constraints and compatible constraint sets for an alignment which require some positions of the sequences to be aligned together. Using this approach, one can align some specific segments such as domains within protein sequences by inputting constraints (the positions of the segments on the sequences), and the algorithm will automatically find an optimal alignment in which the segments are aligned together.A necessary prerequisite of calculating an alignment is that the constraints inputted be compatible with each other, and we will develop algorithms to check this condition for both pairwise and multiple sequence alignments. The algorithms are based on a depth-first search on a graph that is converted from the constraints and the alignment. We then develop algorithms to perform pairwise and multiple sequence alignments satisfying these compatible constraints.Using straightforward dynamic programming for pairwise sequence alignment satisfying a compatible constraint set, an optimal alignment corresponds to a path going through the dynamic programming matrix, and as we are only using single-position constraints, a constraint can be represented as a point on the matrix, so a compatible constraint set is a set of points. We try to determine a new path, rather than the original path, that achieves the highest score which goes through all the compatible constraint set points. The path is a concatenation of sub-paths, so that only the scores in the sub-matrices need to be calculated. This means the time required to get the new path decreases as the number of constraints increases, and it also varies as the positions of the points change. It can be further reduced by using the information from the original alignment, which can offer a significant speed gain.We then use exact and progressive algorithms to find multiple sequence alignments satisfying a compatible constraint set, which are extensions of pairwise sequence alignments. With exact algorithms for three sequences, where constraints are represented as lines, we discuss a method to force the optimal path to cross the constraint lines. And with progressive algorithms, we use a set of pairwise alignments satisfying compatible constraints to construct multiple sequence alignments progressively. Because they are more complex, we leave some extensions as future work

    A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the multiple sequence alignment problem

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    We present a branch-and-bound (bb) algorithm for the multiple sequence alignment problem (MSA), one of the most important problems in computational biology. The upper bound at each bb node is based on a Lagrangian relaxation of an integer linear programming formulation for MSA. Dualizing certain inequalities, the Lagrangian subproblem becomes a pairwise alignment problem, which can be solved efficiently by a dynamic programming approach. Due to a reformulation w.r.t. additionally introduced variables prior to relaxation we improve the convergence rate dramatically while at the same time being able to solve the Lagrangian problem efficiently. Our experiments show that our implementation, although preliminary, outperforms all exact algorithms for the multiple sequence alignment problem

    A fast algorithm for the constrained multiple sequence alignment problem

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    Given n strings S1, S2, ..., Sn, and a pattern string P, the constrained multiple sequence alignment (CMSA) problem is to find an optimal multiple alignment of S1, S2, ..., Sn such that the alignment contains P, i.e. in the alignment matrix there exists a sequence of columns each entirely composed of symbol P[k] for every k, where P[k] is the kth symbol in P, 1 ≤ k ≤ |P|, and in the sequence, a column containing P[i] appears before the column containing P[j] for all i,j, i < j. The problem is motivated from the problem of comparing multiple sequences that share a common structure, or sequence pattern. There are O(2ns1s2...snr)-time dynamic programming algorithms for the problem, where s1,s2, ...,sn and r are, respectively, the lengths of the input strings and the pattern string. Feasibility of these algorithms in practice is limited when the number of sequences is large, or the sequences are long because of the impractically long time required by these algorithms. We present a new algorithm with worst-case time complexity also O(2ns1s2...snr), but the algorithm avoids redundant computations in existing dynamic programming solutions. Experiments on both randomly generated strings and real data show that this algorithm is much faster than the existing algorithms. We present an analysis that explains the speed-up obtained in our experiments by our algorithm over the naive dynamic programming algorithm for constrained multiple sequence alignment of protein sequences. The speed-up is more significant when pattern is long, or n is large. For example in the case of constrained pairwise sequence alignment (the CMSA problem with n=2) when the pattern is sufficiently long for strings S1 and S2, the asymptotic time complexity is observed to be O(s1s2) instead of O(s1s2r). Main ideas in our algorithm can also be used in other constrained sequence alignment problems
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