82 research outputs found

    Internet of Things in urban waste collection

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    Nowadays, the waste collection management has an important role in urban areas. This paper faces this issue and proposes the application of a metaheuristic for the optimization of a weekly schedule and routing of the waste collection activities in an urban area. Differently to several contributions in literature, fixed periodic routes are not imposed. The results significantly improve the performance of the company involved, both in terms of resources used and costs saving

    Meta-heuristic Solution Methods for Rich Vehicle Routing Problems

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    Le problème de tournées de véhicules (VRP), introduit par Dantzig and Ramser en 1959, est devenu l'un des problèmes les plus étudiés en recherche opérationnelle, et ce, en raison de son intérêt méthodologique et de ses retombées pratiques dans de nombreux domaines tels que le transport, la logistique, les télécommunications et la production. L'objectif général du VRP est d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources de transport afin de répondre aux besoins des clients tout en respectant les contraintes découlant des exigences du contexte d’application. Les applications réelles du VRP doivent tenir compte d’une grande variété de contraintes et plus ces contraintes sont nombreuse, plus le problème est difficile à résoudre. Les VRPs qui tiennent compte de l’ensemble de ces contraintes rencontrées en pratique et qui se rapprochent des applications réelles forment la classe des problèmes ‘riches’ de tournées de véhicules. Résoudre ces problèmes de manière efficiente pose des défis considérables pour la communauté de chercheurs qui se penchent sur les VRPs. Cette thèse, composée de deux parties, explore certaines extensions du VRP vers ces problèmes. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur le VRP périodique avec des contraintes de fenêtres de temps (PVRPTW). Celui-ci est une extension du VRP classique avec fenêtres de temps (VRPTW) puisqu’il considère un horizon de planification de plusieurs jours pendant lesquels les clients n'ont généralement pas besoin d’être desservi à tous les jours, mais plutôt peuvent être visités selon un certain nombre de combinaisons possibles de jours de livraison. Cette généralisation étend l'éventail d'applications de ce problème à diverses activités de distributions commerciales, telle la collecte des déchets, le balayage des rues, la distribution de produits alimentaires, la livraison du courrier, etc. La principale contribution scientifique de la première partie de cette thèse est le développement d'une méta-heuristique hybride dans la quelle un ensemble de procédures de recherche locales et de méta-heuristiques basées sur les principes de voisinages coopèrent avec un algorithme génétique afin d’améliorer la qualité des solutions et de promouvoir la diversité de la population. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la méthode proposée est très performante et donne de nouvelles meilleures solutions pour certains grands exemplaires du problème. La deuxième partie de cette étude a pour but de présenter, modéliser et résoudre deux problèmes riches de tournées de véhicules, qui sont des extensions du VRPTW en ce sens qu'ils incluent des demandes dépendantes du temps de ramassage et de livraison avec des restrictions au niveau de la synchronization temporelle. Ces problèmes sont connus respectivement sous le nom de Time-dependent Multi-zone Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (TMZT-VRPTW) et de Multi-zone Mult-Trip Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Synchronization (MZT-PDTWS). Ces deux problèmes proviennent de la planification des opérations de systèmes logistiques urbains à deux niveaux. La difficulté de ces problèmes réside dans la manipulation de deux ensembles entrelacés de décisions: la composante des tournées de véhicules qui vise à déterminer les séquences de clients visités par chaque véhicule, et la composante de planification qui vise à faciliter l'arrivée des véhicules selon des restrictions au niveau de la synchronisation temporelle. Auparavant, ces questions ont été abordées séparément. La combinaison de ces types de décisions dans une seule formulation mathématique et dans une même méthode de résolution devrait donc donner de meilleurs résultats que de considérer ces décisions séparément. Dans cette étude, nous proposons des solutions heuristiques qui tiennent compte de ces deux types de décisions simultanément, et ce, d'une manière complète et efficace. Les résultats de tests expérimentaux confirment la performance de la méthode proposée lorsqu’on la compare aux autres méthodes présentées dans la littérature. En effet, la méthode développée propose des solutions nécessitant moins de véhicules et engendrant de moindres frais de déplacement pour effectuer efficacement la même quantité de travail. Dans le contexte des systèmes logistiques urbains, nos résultats impliquent une réduction de la présence de véhicules dans les rues de la ville et, par conséquent, de leur impact négatif sur la congestion et sur l’environnement.For more than half of century, since the paper of Dantzig and Ramser (1959) was introduced, the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has been one of the most extensively studied problems in operations research due to its methodological interest and practical relevance in many fields such as transportation, logistics, telecommunications, and production. The general goal of the VRP is to optimize the use of transportation resources to service customers with respect to side-constraints deriving from real-world applications. The practical applications of the VRP may have a variety of constraints, and obviously, the larger the set of constraints that need to be considered, i.e., corresponding to `richer' VRPs, the more difficult the task of problem solving. The needs to study closer representations of actual applications and methodologies producing high-quality solutions quickly to larger-sized application problems have increased steadily, providing significant challenges for the VRP research community. This dissertation explores these extensional issues of the VRP. The first part of the dissertation addresses the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (PVRPTW) which generalizes the classical Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) by extending the planning horizon to several days where customers generally do not require delivery on every day, but rather according to one of a limited number of possible combinations of visit days. This generalization extends the scope of applications to many commercial distribution activities such as waste collection, street sweeping, grocery distribution, mail delivery, etc. The major contribution of this part is the development of a population-based hybrid meta-heuristic in which a set of local search procedures and neighborhood-based meta-heuristics cooperate with the genetic algorithm population evolution mechanism to enhance the solution quality as well as to promote diversity of the genetic algorithm population. The results show that the proposed methodology is highly competitive, providing new best solutions in some large instances. The second part of the dissertation aims to present, model and solve two rich vehicle routing problems which further extend the VRPTW with time-dependent demands of pickup and delivery, and hard time synchronization restrictions. They are called Time-dependent Multi-zone Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (TMZT-VRPTW), and Multi-zone Mult-Trip Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Synchronization (MZT-PDTWS), respectively. These two problems originate from planning the operations of two-tiered City Logistics systems. The difficulty of these problems lies in handling two intertwined sets of decisions: the routing component which aims to determine the sequences of customers visited by each vehicle, and the scheduling component which consists in planning arrivals of vehicles at facilities within hard time synchronization restrictions. Previously, these issues have been addressed separately. Combining these decisions into one formulation and solution method should yield better results. In this dissertation we propose meta-heuristics that address the two decisions simultaneously, in a comprehensive and efficient way. Experiments confirm the good performance of the proposed methodology compared to the literature, providing system managers with solution requiring less vehicles and travel costs to perform efficiently the same amount of work. In the context of City Logistics systems, our results indicate a reduction in the presence of vehicles on the streets of the city and, thus, in their negative impact on congestion and environment

    Simheuristics to support efficient and sustainable freight transportation in smart city logistics

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    La logística urbana intel·ligent constitueix un factor crucial en la creació de sistemes de transport urbà eficients i sostenibles. Entre altres factors, aquests sistemes es centren en la incorporació de dades en temps real i en la creació de models de negoci col·laboratius en el transport urbà de mercaderies, considerant l’augment dels habitants en les ciutats, la creixent complexitat de les demandes dels clients i els mercats altament competitius. Això permet als que planifiquen el transport minimitzar els costos monetaris i ambientals del transport de mercaderies a les àrees metropolitanes. Molts problemes de presa de decisions en aquest context es poden formular com a problemes d’optimació combinatòria. Tot i que hi ha diferents enfocaments de resolució exacta per a trobar solucions òptimes a aquests problemes, la seva complexitat i grandària, a més de la necessitat de prendre decisions instantànies pel que fa a l’encaminament de vehicles, la programació o la situació d’instal·lacions, fa que aquestes metodologies no s’apliquin a la pràctica. A causa de la seva capacitat per a trobar solucions pseudoòptimes en gairebé temps real, els algorismes metaheurístics reben una atenció creixent dels investigadors i professionals com a alternatives eficients i fiables per a resoldre nombrosos problemes d’optimació en la creació de la logística de les ciutats intel·ligents. Malgrat el seu èxit, les tècniques metaheurístiques tradicionals no representen plenament la complexitat dels sistemes més realistes. En assumir entrades (inputs) i restriccions de problemes deterministes, la incertesa i el dinamisme experimentats en els escenaris de transport urbà queden sense explicar. Els algorismes simheurístics persegueixen superar aquests inconvenients mitjançant la integració de qualsevol tipus de simulació en processos metaheurístics per a explicar la incertesa inherent a la majoria de les aplicacions de la vida real. Aquesta tesi defineix i investiga l’ús d’algorismes simheurístics com el mètode més adequat per a resoldre problemes d’optimació derivats de la logística de les ciutats. Alguns algorismes simheurístics s’apliquen a una sèrie de problemes complexos, com la recollida de residus urbans, els problemes de disseny de la cadena de subministrament integrada i els models de transport innovadors relacionats amb la col·laboració horitzontal entre els socis de la cadena de subministrament. A més de les discussions metodològiques i la comparació d’algorismes desenvolupats amb els referents de la bibliografia acadèmica, es mostra l’aplicabilitat i l’eficiència dels algorismes simheurístics en diferents casos de gran escala.Las actividades de logística en ciudades inteligentes constituyen un factor crucial en la creación de sistemas de transporte urbano eficientes y sostenibles. Entre otros factores, estos sistemas se centran en la incorporación de datos en tiempo real y la creación de modelos empresariales colaborativos en el transporte urbano de mercancías, al tiempo que consideran el aumento del número de habitantes en las ciudades, la creciente complejidad de las demandas de los clientes y los mercados altamente competitivos. Esto permite minimizar los costes monetarios y ambientales del transporte de mercancías en las áreas metropolitanas. Muchos de los problemas de toma de decisiones en este contexto se pueden formular como problemas de optimización combinatoria. Si bien existen diferentes enfoques de resolución exacta para encontrar soluciones óptimas a tales problemas, su complejidad y tamaño, además de la necesidad de tomar decisiones instantáneas con respecto al enrutamiento, la programación o la ubicación de las instalaciones, hacen que dichas metodologías sean inaplicables en la práctica. Debido a su capacidad para encontrar soluciones pseudoóptimas casi en tiempo real, los algoritmos metaheurísticos reciben cada vez más atención por parte de investigadores y profesionales como alternativas eficientes y fiables para resolver numerosos problemas de optimización en la creación de la logística de ciudades inteligentes. A pesar de su éxito, las técnicas metaheurísticas tradicionales no representan completamente la complejidad de los sistemas más realistas. Al asumir insumos y restricciones de problemas deterministas, se ignora la incertidumbre y el dinamismo experimentados en los escenarios de transporte urbano. Los algoritmos simheurísticos persiguen superar estos inconvenientes integrando cualquier tipo de simulación en procesos metaheurísticos con el fin de considerar la incertidumbre inherente en la mayoría de las aplicaciones de la vida real. Esta tesis define e investiga el uso de algoritmos simheurísticos como método adecuado para resolver problemas de optimización que surgen en la logística de ciudades inteligentes. Se aplican algoritmos simheurísticos a una variedad de problemas complejos, incluyendo la recolección de residuos urbanos, problemas de diseño de la cadena de suministro integrada y modelos de transporte innovadores relacionados con la colaboración horizontal entre los socios de la cadena de suministro. Además de las discusiones metodológicas y la comparación de los algoritmos desarrollados con los de referencia de la bibliografía académica, se muestra la aplicabilidad y la eficiencia de los algoritmos simheurísticos en diferentes estudios de casos a gran escala.Smart city logistics are a crucial factor in the creation of efficient and sustainable urban transportation systems. Among other factors, they focus on incorporating real-time data and creating collaborative business models in urban freight transportation concepts, whilst also considering rising urban population numbers, increasingly complex customer demands, and highly competitive markets. This allows transportation planners to minimize the monetary and environmental costs of freight transportation in metropolitan areas. Many decision-making problems faced in this context can be formulated as combinatorial optimization problems. While different exact solving approaches exist to find optimal solutions to such problems, their complexity and size, in addition to the need for instantaneous decision-making regarding vehicle routing, scheduling, or facility location, make such methodologies inapplicable in practice. Due to their ability to find pseudo-optimal solutions in almost real time, metaheuristic algorithms have received increasing attention from researchers and practitioners as efficient and reliable alternatives in solving numerous optimization problems in the creation of smart city logistics. Despite their success, traditional metaheuristic techniques fail to fully represent the complexity of most realistic systems. By assuming deterministic problem inputs and constraints, the uncertainty and dynamism experienced in urban transportation scenarios are left unaccounted for. Simheuristic frameworks try to overcome these drawbacks by integrating any type of simulation into metaheuristic-driven processes to account for the inherent uncertainty in most real-life applications. This thesis defines and investigates the use of simheuristics as a method of first resort for solving optimization problems arising in smart city logistics concepts. Simheuristic algorithms are applied to a range of complex problem settings including urban waste collection, integrated supply chain design, and innovative transportation models related to horizontal collaboration among supply chain partners. In addition to methodological discussions and the comparison of developed algorithms to state-of-the-art benchmarks found in the academic literature, the applicability and efficiency of simheuristic frameworks in different large-scaled case studies are shown

    A Study of the Static Bicycle Reposition Problem with a Single Vehicle

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    The Bicycle Sharing System (BSS), a public service system operated by the government or a private company, provides the convenient use of a bicycle as a temporary method of transportation. More specifically, this system allows people to rent a bike from one location, use it for a short time period and then return it to either to the same or a different location for an inexpensive fee. With the development of IT technology in the 1990s, it became possible to balance the bicycle inventory among the various destinations. In fact, a critical aspect to maintaining a satisfactory BSS is effectively rebalancing bicycle inventory across the various stations. In this research, we focus on the static bicycle repositioning problem with a single vehicle which is abstracted from the operation issue in the bicycle sharing system. The mathematical model for the static bicycle reposition problem had been created and several variations had been analyzed. This research starts to solve the problem from a very restrictive and constrained model and relaxes the constraints step by step to approach the real world case scenario. Several realistic assumptions have been considered in our research, such as a limited working time horizon, multiple visit limitation for the same station, multiple trips used for the vehicle, etc. In this research, we use the variable neighborhood search heuristic algorithm as the basic structure to find the solution for the static bicycle reposition problem. The numeric results indicate that our algorithms can provide good quality result within short solving time. By solving such a problem well, in comparison to benchmark algorithms, this research provides a starting place for dynamic bicycle repositioning and multiple vehicle repositioning

    Metaheuristic Approaches For Estimating In-Kind Food Donations Availability And Scheduling Food Bank Vehicles

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    Food banks provide services that allow households facing food insecurity to receive nutritious food items. Food banks, however, experience operational challenges as a result of constrained and uncertain supply and complex routing challenges. The goal of this research is to explore opportunities to enhance food bank operations through metaheuristic forecasting and scheduling practices. Knowledge discovery methods and supervised machine learning are used to forecast food availability at supermarkets. In particular, a quasi-greedy algorithm which selects multi-layer perceptron models to represent food availability is introduced. In addition, a new classification of the vehicle routing problem is proposed to manage the distribution and collection of food items. In particular, variants of the periodic vehicle routing problem backhauls are introduced. In addition to discussing model formulations for the routing problems, a hybrid genetic algorithm is introduced which finds good solutions for larger problem instances in a reasonable computation time

    Approches générales de résolution pour les problèmes multi-attributs de tournées de véhicules et confection d'horaires

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    Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de TroyesLe problème de tournées de véhicules (VRP) implique de planifier les itinéraires d'une flotte de véhicules afin de desservir un ensemble de clients à moindre coût. Ce problème d'optimisation combinatoire NP-difficile apparait dans de nombreux domaines d'application, notamment en logistique, télécommunications, robotique ou gestion de crise dans des contextes militaires et humanitaires. Ces applications amènent différents contraintes, objectifs et décisions supplémentaires ; des "attributs" qui viennent compléter les formulations classiques du problème. Les nombreux VRP Multi-Attributs (MAVRP) qui s'ensuivent sont le support d'une littérature considérable, mais qui manque de méthodes généralistes capables de traiter efficacement un éventail significatif de variantes. Par ailleurs, la résolution de problèmes "riches", combinant de nombreux attributs, pose d'importantes difficultés méthodologiques. Cette thèse contribue à relever ces défis par le biais d'analyses structurelles des problèmes, de développements de stratégies métaheuristiques, et de méthodes unifiées. Nous présentons tout d'abord une étude transversale des concepts à succès de 64 méta-heuristiques pour 15 MAVRP afin d'en cerner les "stratégies gagnantes". Puis, nous analysons les problèmes et algorithmes d'ajustement d'horaires en présence d'une séquence de tâches fixée, appelés problèmes de "timing". Ces méthodes, développées indépendamment dans différents domaines de recherche liés au transport, ordonnancement, allocation de ressource et même régression isotonique, sont unifiés dans une revue multidisciplinaire. Un algorithme génétique hybride efficace est ensuite proposé, combinant l'exploration large des méthodes évolutionnaires, les capacités d'amélioration agressive des métaheuristiques à voisinage, et une évaluation bi-critère des solutions considérant coût et contribution à la diversité de la population. Les meilleures solutions connues de la littérature sont retrouvées ou améliorées pour le VRP classique ainsi que des variantes avec multiples dépôts et périodes. La méthode est étendue aux VRP avec contraintes de fenêtres de temps, durée de route, et horaires de conducteurs. Ces applications mettent en jeu de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation efficaces de contraintes temporelles relaxées, des phases de décomposition, et des recherches arborescentes pour l'insertion des pauses des conducteurs. Un algorithme de gestion implicite du placement des dépôts au cours de recherches locales, par programmation dynamique, est aussi proposé. Des études expérimentales approfondies démontrent la contribution notable des nouvelles stratégies au sein de plusieurs cadres méta-heuristiques. Afin de traiter la variété des attributs, un cadre de résolution heuristique modulaire est présenté ainsi qu'un algorithme génétique hybride unifié (UHGS). Les attributs sont gérés par des composants élémentaires adaptatifs. Des expérimentations sur 26 variantes du VRP et 39 groupes d'instances démontrent la performance remarquable de UHGS qui, avec une unique implémentation et paramétrage, égalise ou surpasse les nombreux algorithmes dédiés, issus de plus de 180 articles, révélant ainsi que la généralité ne s'obtient pas forcément aux dépends de l'efficacité pour cette classe de problèmes. Enfin, pour traiter les problèmes riches, UHGS est étendu au sein d'un cadre de résolution parallèle coopératif à base de décomposition, d'intégration de solutions partielles, et de recherche guidée. L'ensemble de ces travaux permet de jeter un nouveau regard sur les MAVRP et les problèmes de timing, leur résolution par des méthodes méta-heuristiques, ainsi que les méthodes généralistes pour l'optimisation combinatoire.The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) involves designing least cost delivery routes to service a geographically-dispersed set of customers while taking into account vehicle-capacity constraints. This NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem is linked with multiple applications in logistics, telecommunications, robotics, crisis management in military and humanitarian frameworks, among others. Practical routing applications are usually quite distinct from the academic cases, encompassing additional sets of specific constraints, objectives and decisions which breed further new problem variants. The resulting "Multi-Attribute" Vehicle Routing Problems (MAVRP) are the support of a vast literature which, however, lacks unified methods capable of addressing multiple MAVRP. In addition, some "rich" VRPs, i.e. those that involve several attributes, may be difficult to address because of the wide array of combined and possibly antagonistic decisions they require. This thesis contributes to address these challenges by means of problem structure analysis, new metaheuristics and unified method developments. The "winning strategies" of 64 state-of-the-art algorithms for 15 different MAVRP are scrutinized in a unifying review. Another analysis is targeted on "timing" problems and algorithms for adjusting the execution dates of a given sequence of tasks. Such methods, independently studied in different research domains related to routing, scheduling, resource allocation, and even isotonic regression are here surveyed in a multidisciplinary review. A Hybrid Genetic Search with Advanced Diversity Control (HGSADC) is then introduced, which combines the exploration breadth of population-based evolutionary search, the aggressive-improvement capabilities of neighborhood-based metaheuristics, and a bi-criteria evaluation of solutions based on cost and diversity measures. Results of remarkable quality are achieved on classic benchmark instances of the capacitated VRP, the multi-depot VRP, and the periodic VRP. Further extensions of the method to VRP variants with constraints on time windows, limited route duration, and truck drivers' statutory pauses are also proposed. New route and neighborhood evaluation procedures are introduced to manage penalized infeasible solutions w.r.t. to time-window and duration constraints. Tree-search procedures are used for drivers' rest scheduling, as well as advanced search limitation strategies, memories and decomposition phases. A dynamic programming-based neighborhood search is introduced to optimally select the depot, vehicle type, and first customer visited in the route during local searches. The notable contribution of these new methodological elements is assessed within two different metaheuristic frameworks. To further advance general-purpose MAVRP methods, we introduce a new component-based heuristic resolution framework and a Unified Hybrid Genetic Search (UHGS), which relies on modular self-adaptive components for addressing problem specifics. Computational experiments demonstrate the groundbreaking performance of UHGS. With a single implementation, unique parameter setting and termination criterion, this algorithm matches or outperforms all current problem-tailored methods from more than 180 articles, on 26 vehicle routing variants and 39 benchmark sets. To address rich problems, UHGS was included in a new parallel cooperative solution framework called "Integrative Cooperative Search (ICS)", based on problem decompositions, partial solutions integration, and global search guidance. This compendium of results provides a novel view on a wide range of MAVRP and timing problems, on efficient heuristic searches, and on general-purpose solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems

    Applications of simheuristics and horizontal cooperation concepts in rich vehicle routing problems

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    En una economia globalitzada, les companyies s’enfronten a nombrosos reptes associats a les complexes tasques de logística i distribució. Gràcies al desenvolupament de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, els clients es troben en qualsevol part del món, però també els competidors. Per tant, les companyies necessiten ser més competitives, cosa que implica eficiència econòmica i sostenibilitat. Una estratègia que les firmes poden seguir per a ser més competitives és la cooperació horitzontal, que genera economies d’escala, increment en la utilització de recursos i reducció de costos. Molts d’aquests reptes en logística i transport, així com algunes estratègies de cooperació horitzontal, es poden abordar mitjançant diferents variants del conegut problema d’encaminament de vehicles (VRP). Malgrat que el VRP ha estat àmpliament estudiat, la majoria dels treballs publicats corresponen a versions massa simplificades de la realitat. Per a omplir aquest buit entre la teoria i les aplicacions de la vida real, fa poc que ha sorgit el concepte de problemes «enriquits» d’encaminament de vehicles (RVRP). Per tant, es necessiten nous mètodes de solució per a resoldre eficientment nous RVRP, així com per a quantificar els beneficis generats per la implementació d’estratègies de cooperació horitzontal en aplicacions reals, de manera que es puguin fer servir com a suport per a la presa de decisions. Per a abordar aquesta varietat de problemes es proposen diferents metaheurístiques basades en aleatorització esbiaixada. Aquests mètodes es combinen amb simulació (fet que es coneix com simheurístiques) per a resoldre situacions en les quals apareix la incertesa. Els mètodes proposats han estat avaluats utilitzant instàncies de prova tant teòriques com de la vida real.En una economía globalizada, las compañías se enfrentan a numerosos retos asociados a las complejas tareas de logística y distribución. Gracias al desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, los clientes se encuentran en cualquier lugar del mundo, pero también los competidores. Por lo tanto, las compañías necesitan ser más competitivas, lo que implica eficiencia económica y sostenibilidad. Una estrategia que las firmas pueden seguir para ser más competitivas es la cooperación horizontal, generando así economías de escala, incremento en la utilización de recursos y reducción de costes. Muchos de estos retos en logística y transporte, así como algunas estrategias de cooperación horizontal, pueden abordarse mediante diferentes variantes del conocido problema de enrutamiento de vehículos (VRP). Pese a que el VRP ha sido ampliamente estudiado, la mayoría de los trabajos publicados corresponden a versiones simplificadas de la realidad. Para llenar este vacío entre la teoría y las aplicaciones de la vida real, recientemente ha surgido el concepto de problemas «enriquecidos» de enrutamiento de vehículos (RVRP). Por lo tanto, se necesitan nuevos métodos de solución para resolver de forma eficiente nuevos RVRP, así como para cuantificar los beneficios generados por la implementación de estrategias de cooperación horizontal en aplicaciones reales, de modo que puedan usarse como apoyo para la toma de decisiones. Para abordar tal variedad de problemas se proponen diferentes metaheurísticas basadas en aleatorización sesgada. Estos métodos se combinan con simulación (lo que se conoce como simheurísticas) para resolver situaciones en las que aparece la incertidumbre. Los métodos propuestos han sido evaluados utilizando instancias de prueba tanto teóricas como de la vida real.In a globalized economy, companies have to face different challenges related to the complexity of logistics and distribution strategies. Due to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), customers and competitors may be located anywhere in the world. Thus, companies need to be more competitive, which entails efficiency from both an economic and a sustainability point of view. One strategy that companies can follow to become more competitive is to cooperate with other firms, a strategy known as horizontal cooperation (HC), allowing the use of economies of scale, increased resource utilization levels, and reduced costs. Many of these logistics and transport challenges, as well as certain HC strategies, may be addressed using variants of the vehicle routing problem (VRP). Even though VRP has been widely studied, the majority of research published corresponds to oversimplified versions of the reality. To fill the existing gap between the academic literature and real-life applications, the concept of rich VRPs (RVRPs) has emerged in the past few years in order to provide a closer representation of real-life situations. Accordingly, new approaches are required to solve new RVRPs efficiently and to quantify the benefits generated through the use of HC strategies in real applications. Thus, they can be used to support decision-making processes regarding different degrees of implementation of HC. Several metaheuristic methods based on biased randomization techniques are proposed. Additionally, these methods are hybridized with simulation (ie simheuristics) to tackle the presence of uncertainty. The proposed approaches are tested using a large set of theoretical and real-life benchmarks


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    Various studies have indicated that the collection phase of solid wastes, which comprises of the initial col- lection at the source of generation and the transportation to the disposal sites, is by far the most expensive. Two fundamental issues of concern in solid waste collection are the locations of initial collection and the period of collection by the dedicated vehicles. However, considering the prevailing conditions of adhoc lo- cation of waste containers and the faulty roads in many developing countries, this research was conducted to develop two e�ective models for solid waste collection and disposal such that new parameters measuring the capacity of waste ow from each source unit and road accessibility were introduced and incorporated in the mathematical formulations of the models. To formulate the problems, two classes of integer pro- gramming problems namely, Facility Location Problem (FLP) and the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), were used for the collection and disposal respectively. The clustering process involved in the model for the collection phase was based on the Euclidean distance relationship among the various entities within the study area. In this model, the study area was considered as a universal set and simply partitioned with each element representing a cluster. At this stage, a threshold distance was de�ned as the maximum allowable distance between a cluster and the potential collection sites. In the VRP formulation of the disposal model, two new parameters, called the accessibility ratio and road attribute, were introduced and included in the formulation. The inclusion of these parameters ensure that a waste collection vehicle uses only roads with high attributes. The solution to the model on the collection phase was based on the Lagrangian re- laxation of the set of constraints where decision variables are linked, while in the model on waste vehicle routing, the assignment constraints were relaxed. Both resulting Lagrangian dual problems were solved using sub-gradient optimization algorithm. It was shown that the resulting Lagrangian dual functions were non-di�erentiable concave functions and thus the application of the sub-gradient optimization method was justi�ed. By applying these techniques, strong lower bounds on the optimal values of the decision variables were obtained. All model implementations were based on randomly generated data that mimic real-life experience of the study area (Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria), as well as large-scale standard benchmark data instances in literature. These computational experiments were carried out using the CPLEX and MINOS optimization solvers on AIMMS and AMPL modeling environments. Results from the computational experiments revealed that the models are capable of addressing the challenge of solid waste collection and disposal. For instance, more than 60% reductions were obtained for the number of collection points to be activated and the container allocations for the different wastes considered. Numerical results from the disposal model showed that there is a general reduction in the total distance covered by a vehicle and a slight improvement in the number of customers visited. Result comparison with those found in literature suggested that our models are very efficient

    New approaches for determining greenest paths and efficient vehicle routes on transportation networks

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    Road transportation has hazardous and threatening impacts on the environment. However, the traditional logistics models and approaches used in transportation planning have mainly focused on minimizing the internal costs and lack the environmental aspect. Therefore, new planning techniques and approaches are needed in road transport by explicitly accounting for these negative impacts. In this thesis, we address these issues by first concentrating on solution methods for the Greenest Path Problem (GPP) where fuel consumption and GHG emission objectives are incorporated to find the least GHG generating path, namely the greenest path, and propose a fast and effective heuristic. Taking the strong relation between the speed and the GHG emission into account, we also address the speed embedded minimum cost path problem in the most general case where the speed is also a decision variable as well as the departure time Within this context, we develop a new networkconsistent (which implies spatially and temporally consistent speeds) time-dependent speed and travel time layer generation scheme since real data is difficult to acquire. In the second part, we mainly focus on Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP). First, we propose an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) approach for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). Then, we adapt this method to solve the environment friendly VRP, namely the Green VRP, where the greenest paths between all customer pairs are used as input. Finally, we extend the ACO algorithm to a parallel matheuristic approach for solving a class of VRP variants

    Model-Based Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization

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    Many problems arising in several and different areas of human knowledge share the characteristic of being intractable in real cases. The relevance of the solution of these problems, linked to their domain of action, has given birth to many frameworks of algorithms for solving them. Traditional solution paradigms are represented by exact and heuristic algorithms. In order to overcome limitations of both approaches and obtain better performances, tailored combinations of exact and heuristic methods have been studied, giving birth to a new paradigm for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, constituted by model-based metaheuristics. In the present thesis, we deepen the issue of model-based metaheuristics, and present some methods, belonging to this class, applied to the solution of combinatorial optimization problems