131 research outputs found

    Sufficient optimality criteria and duality for multiobjective variational control problems with G-type I objective and constraint functions

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    In the paper, we introduce the concepts of G-type I and generalized G-type I functions for a new class of nonconvex multiobjective variational control problems. For such nonconvex vector optimization problems, we prove sufficient optimality conditions for weakly efficiency, efficiency and properly efficiency under assumptions that the functions constituting them are G-type I and/or generalized G-type I objective and constraint functions. Further, for the considered multiobjective variational control problem, its dual multiobjective variational control problem is given and several duality results are established under (generalized) G-type I objective and constraint functions

    Duality for multiobjective variational control problems with (Φ,ρ)-invexity

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    In this paper, Mond-Weir and Wolfe type duals for multiobjective variational control problems are formulated. Several duality theorems are established relating efficient solutions of the primal and dual multiobjective variational control problems under TeX-invexity. The results generalize a number of duality results previously established for multiobjective variational control problems under other generalized convexity assumptions

    Proper efficiency and duality for a new class of nonconvex multitime multiobjective variational problems

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    In this paper, a new class of generalized of nonconvex multitime multiobjective variational problems is considered. We prove the sufficient optimality conditions for efficiency and proper efficiency in the considered multitime multiobjective variational problems with univex functionals. Further, for such vector variational problems, various duality results in the sense of Mond-Weir and in the sense of Wolfe are established under univexity. The results established in the paper extend and generalize results existing in the literature for such vector variational problems

    Generalized Convexity in Multiobjective Programming

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    AbstractFor the scalar programming problem, some characterizations for optimal solutions are known. In these characterizations convexity properties play a very important role. In this work, we study characterizations for multiobjective programming problem solutions when functions belonging to the problem are differentiable. These characterizations need some conditions of convexity. In differentiable scalar programming problems the concept of invexity is very important. We prove that it is also necessary for the multiobjective programming problem and give some characterizations of multiobjective programming problem solutions under weaker conditions. We define analogous concepts to those of stationary points and to the conditions of Kuhn–Tucker and Fritz–John for the multiobjective programming problem

    Optimality conditions and duality in multiobjective programming with invexity

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    (', ?)-invexity has recently been introduced with the intent of generalizing invex functions in mathematical programming. Using such conditions we obtain new sufficiency results for optimality in multiobjective programming and extend some classical duality properties

    Nonsmooth multiobjective fractional programming with generalized convexity

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    En el artículo estudiamos una clase de problemas fraccionales multiobjetivos no convexos y no diferenciables. Usamos la transformación propuesta por Dinkelbach [2] y Jagannathan [4] y obtenemos condiciones de optimalidad para soluciones débilmente eficientes de dichos problemas. Además, definimos un problema dual y establecemos algunos resultados sobre dualidad. Para lograrlo, utilizamos una noción de convexidad generalizada llamada KT-invexidad. El artículo generaliza los resultados obtenidos por Osuna-Gómez et al. en [6], en donde los autores consideran problemasIn this paper we study a class of nonconvex and nondifferentiable multiobjective fractional problems. We use the transformation proposed by Dinkelbach [2] and Jagannathan [4] and we obtain optimality conditions for weakly efficient solutions for these problems. Furthermore, we define a dual problem and we establish some results on duality. To obtain our results, we use a notion of generalized convexity, called KT-invexity. Our paper generalizes the results given by Osuna-Gómez et al. in [6], where the authors considered smooth problems.    &nbsp

    Optimality and Duality for Nonsmooth Multiobjective Fractional Programming with Generalized Invexity

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider a class of nonsmooth multiobjective fractional programming problems in which functions are locally Lipschitz. We establish generalized Karush–Kuhn–Tucker necessary and sufficient optimality conditions and derive duality theorems for nonsmooth multiobjective fractional programming problems containing V-ρ-invex functions

    Decision analysis: vector optimization theory

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    First published in Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales in 93, 4, 1999, published by the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales