45 research outputs found

    Multimodal classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    Effective and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as its prodromal stage (i.e., mild cognitive impairment (MCI)), has attracted more and more attentions recently. So far, multiple biomarkers have been shown sensitive to the diagnosis of AD and MCI, i.e., structural MR imaging (MRI) for brain atrophy measurement, functional imaging (e.g., FDG-PET) for hypometabolism quantification, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for quantification of specific proteins. However, most existing research focuses on only a single modality of biomarkers for diagnosis of AD and MCI, although recent studies have shown that different biomarkers may provide complementary information for diagnosis of AD and MCI. In this paper, we propose to combine three modalities of biomarkers, i.e., MRI, FDG-PET, and CSF biomarkers, to discriminate between AD (or MCI) and healthy controls, using a kernel combination method. Specifically, ADNI baseline MRI, FDG-PET, and CSF data from 51 AD patients, 99 MCI patients (including 43 MCI converters who had converted to AD within 18 months and 56 MCI non-converters who had not converted to AD within 18 months), and 52 healthy controls are used for development and validation of our proposed multimodal classification method. In particular, for each MR or FDG-PET image, 93 volumetric features are extracted from the 93 regions of interest (ROIs), automatically labeled by an atlas warping algorithm. For CSF biomarkers, their original values are directly used as features. Then, a linear support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to evaluate the classification accuracy, using a 10-fold cross-validation. As a result, for classifying AD from healthy controls, we achieve a classification accuracy of 93.2% (with a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 93.3%) when combining all three modalities of biomarkers, and only 86.5% when using even the best individual modality of biomarkers. Similarly, for classifying MCI from healthy controls, we achieve a classification accuracy of 76.4% (with a sensitivity of 81.8% and a specificity of 66%) for our combined method, and only 72% even using the best individual modality of biomarkers. Further analysis on MCI sensitivity of our combined method indicates that 91.5% of MCI converters and 73.4% of MCI non-converters are correctly classified. Moreover, we also evaluate the classification performance when employing a feature selection method to select the most discriminative MR and FDG-PET features. Again, our combined method shows considerably better performance, compared to the case of using an individual modality of biomarkers

    Improved probabilistic distance based locality preserving projections method to reduce dimensionality in large datasets

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    In this paper, a dimensionality reduction is achieved in large datasets using the proposed distance based Non-integer Matrix Factorization (NMF) technique, which is intended to solve the data dimensionality problem. Here, NMF and distance measurement aim to resolve the non-orthogonality problem due to increased dataset dimensionality. It initially partitions the datasets, organizes them into a defined geometric structure and it avoids capturing the dataset structure through a distance based similarity measurement. The proposed method is designed to fit the dynamic datasets and it includes the intrinsic structure using data geometry. Therefore, the complexity of data is further avoided using an Improved Distance based Locality Preserving Projection. The proposed method is evaluated against existing methods in terms of accuracy, average accuracy, mutual information and average mutual information

    Progression Modeling of Cognitive Disease Using Temporal Data Mining: Research Landscape, Gaps and Solution Design

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    Dementia is a cognitive disorder whose diagnosis and progression monitoring is very difficult due to a very slow onset and progression. It is difficult to detect whether cognitive decline is due to ageing process or due to some form of dementia as MRI scans of the brain cannot reliably differentiate between ageing related volume loss and pathological changes. Laboratory tests on blood or CSF samples have also not proved very useful. Alzheimer�s disease (AD) is recognized as the most common cause of dementia. Development of sensitive and reliable tool for evaluation in terms of early diagnosis and progression monitoring of AD is required. Since there is an absence of specific markers for predicting AD progression, there is a need to learn more about specific attributes and their temporal relationships that lead to this disease and determine progression from mild cognitive impairment to full blown AD. Various stages of disease and transitions from one stage to the have be modelled based on longitudinal patient data. This paper provides a critical review of the methods to understand disease progression modelling and determine factors leading to progression of AD from initial to final stages. Then the design of a machine learning based solution is proposed to handle the gaps in current research

    Early identification of mild cognitive impairment using incomplete random forest-robust support vector machine and FDG-PET imaging

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia and will be an increasing health problem in society as the population ages. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is considered to be a prodromal stage of AD. The ability to identify subjects with MCI will be increasingly important as disease modifying therapies for AD are developed. We propose a semi-supervised learning method based on robust optimization for the identification of MCI from [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose PET scans. We extracted three groups of spatial features from the cortical and subcortical regions of each FDG-PET image volume. We measured the statistical uncertainty related to these spatial features via transformation using an incomplete random forest and formulated the MCI identification problem under a robust optimization framework. We compared our approach to other state-of-the-art methods in different learning schemas. Our method outperformed the other techniques in the ability to separate MCI from normal controls

    A machine learning approach towards detecting dementia based on its modifiable risk factors

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    Dementia is considered one of the greatest global health and social care challenges in the 21st century. Fortunately, dementia can be delayed or possibly prevented by changes in lifestyle as dictated through known modifiable risk factors. These risk factors include low education, hypertension, obesity, hearing loss, depression, diabetes, physical inactivity, smoking, and social isolation. Other risk factors are non- modifiable and include aging and genetics. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate how machine learning methods can help predict dementia based on an individual’s modifiable risk factors profile. We use publicly available datasets for training algorithms to predict participant’ s cognitive state diagnosis, as cognitive normal or mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Several approaches were implemented using data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) longitudinal study. The best classification results were obtained using both the Lancet and the Libra risk factor lists via longitudinal datasets, which outperformed cross-sectional baseline datasets. Moreover, using only data of the most recent visits provided even better results than using the complete longitudinal set. A binary classification (dementia vs non- dementia) yielded approximately 92% accuracy, while the full multi-class prediction performance yielded to a 77% accuracy using logistic regression, followed by random forest with 92% and 70% respectively. The results demonstrate the utility of machine learning in the prediction of cognitive impairment based on modifiable risk factors and may encourage interventions to reduce the prevalence or severity of the condition in large populations

    Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Medical Imaging: A Review From a Machine Learning Approach Perspective

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in aged adults, affecting up to 70% of the dementia patients, and posing a serious public health hazard in the twenty-first century. AD is a progressive, irreversible and neuro-degenerative disease with a long pre-clinical period, affecting brain cells leading to memory loss, misperception, learning problems, and improper decisions. Given its significance, presently no treatment options are available, although disease advancement can be retarded through medication. Unfortunately, AD is diagnosed at a very later stage, after irreversible damages to the brain cells have occurred, when there is no scope to prevent further cognitive decline. The use of non-invasive neuroimaging procedures capable of detecting AD at preliminary stages is crucial for providing treatment retarding disease progression, and has stood as a promising area of research. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of papers employing machine learning to predict AD using neuroimaging data. Most of the studies employed brain images from Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) dataset, consisting of magnetic resonance image (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) images. The most widely used method, the support vector machine (SVM), has a mean accuracy of 75.4 percent, whereas convolutional neural networks(CNN) have a mean accuracy of 78.5 percent. Better classification accuracy has been achieved by combining MRI and PET, rather using single neuroimaging technique. Overall, more complicated models, like deep learning, paired with multimodal and multidimensional data (neuroimaging, cognitive, clinical, behavioral and genetic) produced superlative results. However, promising results have been achieved, still there is a room for performance improvement of the proposed methods, providing assistance to healthcare professionals and clinician

    Label-aligned multi-task feature learning for multimodal classification of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    Multimodal classification methods using different modalities of imaging and non-imaging data have recently shown great advantages over traditional single-modality-based ones for diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as its prodromal stage, i.e., mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing methods focus on mining the relationship across multiple modalities of the same subjects, while ignoring the potentially useful relationship across different subjects. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel learning method for multimodal classification of AD/MCI, by fully exploring the relationships across both modalities and subjects. Specifically, our proposed method includes two subsequent components, i.e., label-aligned multi-task feature selection and multimodal classification. In the first step, the feature selection learning from multiple modalities are treated as different learning tasks and a group sparsity regularizer is imposed to jointly select a subset of relevant features. Furthermore, to utilize the discriminative information among labeled subjects, a new label-aligned regularization term is added into the objective function of standard multi-task feature selection, where label-alignment means that all multi-modality subjects with the same class labels should be closer in the new feature-reduced space. In the second step, a multi-kernel support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to fuse the selected features from multi-modality data for final classification. To validate our method, we perform experiments on the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database using baseline MRI and FDG-PET imaging data. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves better classification performance compared with several state-of-the-art methods for multimodal classification of AD/MCI