1,151 research outputs found

    An Asymmetric Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Java Card

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    A novel fingerprint matching algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is based on the minutiae local structures, that are invariant with respect to global transformations like translation and rotation. Match algorithm has been implemented inside a smartcard over the Java Card? platform, meeting the individual\u27s need for information privacy and the overall authentication procedure security, since the card owner biometric template never leaves the private support device and the match is computed inside a secure environment. The main characteristic of the algorithm is to have an asymmetric behaviour between correct positive matches (between two same fingerprint samples) and correct negative matches (between two different fingerprint images): in the first case, the match procedure stops as it finds that images belong to the same fingerprint, gaining high speed efficiency, while in the second case the verification process lasts longer, exploring all the minutiae pairings. The performances in terms of authentication reliability and speed have been tested on the databases from the Fingerprint Verification Competition 2002 edition (FVC2002) by taking in account the different hardware to run the algorithms. Moreover, our procedure has showed better reliability results when compared on a common database with a related algorithm developed specifically for Java Card?

    Iris Recognition Approach for Preserving Privacy in Cloud Computing

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    Biometric identification systems involve securing biometric traits by encrypting them using an encryption algorithm and storing them in the cloud. In recent decades, iris recognition schemes have been considered one of the most effective biometric models for identifying humans based on iris texture, due to their relevance and distinctiveness. The proposed system focuses on encrypting biometric traits. The user’s iris feature vector is encrypted and stored in the cloud. During the matching process, the user’s iris feature vector is compared with the one stored in the cloud. If it meets the threshold conditions, the user is authenticated. Iris identification in cloud computing involves several steps. First, the iris image is pre-processed to remove noise using the Hough transform. Then, the pixel values are normalized, Gabor filters are applied to extract iris features. The features are then encrypted using the AES 128-bit algorithm. Finally, the features of the test image are matched with the stored features on the cloud to verify authenticity. The process ensures the privacy and security of the iris data in cloud storage by utilizing encryption and efficient image processing techniques. The matching is performed by setting an appropriate threshold for comparison. Overall, the approach offers a significant level of safety, effectiveness, and accuracy

    Perceiving is Believing. Authentication with Behavioural and Cognitive Factors

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    Most computer users have experienced login problems such as, forgetting passwords, loosing token cards and authentication dongles, failing that complicated screen pattern once again, as well as, interaction difficulties in usability. Facing the difficulties of non-flexible strong authentication solutions, users tend to react with poor acceptance or to relax the assumed correct use of authentication procedures and devices, rendering the intended security useless. Biometrics can, sort of, solve some of those problems. However, despite the vast research, there is no perfect solution into designing a secure strong authentication procedure, falling into a trade off between intrusiveness, effectiveness, contextual adequacy and security guarantees. Taking advantage of new technology, recent research onmulti-modal, behavioural and cognitive oriented authentication proposals have sought to optimize trade off towards precision and convenience, reducing intrusiveness for the same amount of security. But these solutions also fall short with respect to different scenarios. Users perform currently multiple authentications everyday, through multiple devices, in panoply of different situations, involving different resources and diverse usage contexts, with no "better authentication solution" for all possible purposes. The proposed framework enhances the recent research in user authentication services with a broader view on the problems involving each solution, towards an usable secure authentication methodology combining and exploring the strengths of each method. It will than be used to prototype instances of new dynamic multifactor models (including novel models of behavioural and cognitive biometrics), materializing the PiB (perceiving is believing) authentication. Ultimately we show how the proposed framework can be smoothly integrated in applications and other authentication services and protocols, namely in the context of SSO Authentication Services and OAuth

    Informatic system for a global tissue–fluid biorepository with a graph theory–oriented graphical user interface

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    The Richard Floor Biorepository supports collaborative studies of extracellular vesicles (EVs) found in human fluids and tissue specimens. The current emphasis is on biomarkers for central nervous system neoplasms but its structure may serve as a template for collaborative EV translational studies in other fields. The informatic system provides specimen inventory tracking with bar codes assigned to specimens and containers and projects, is hosted on globalized cloud computing resources, and embeds a suite of shared documents, calendars, and video-conferencing features. Clinical data are recorded in relation to molecular EV attributes and may be tagged with terms drawn from a network of externally maintained ontologies thus offering expansion of the system as the field matures. We fashioned the graphical user interface (GUI) around a web-based data visualization package. This system is now in an early stage of deployment, mainly focused on specimen tracking and clinical, laboratory, and imaging data capture in support of studies to optimize detection and analysis of brain tumour–specific mutations. It currently includes 4,392 specimens drawn from 611 subjects, the majority with brain tumours. As EV science evolves, we plan biorepository changes which may reflect multi-institutional collaborations, proteomic interfaces, additional biofluids, changes in operating procedures and kits for specimen handling, novel procedures for detection of tumour-specific EVs, and for RNA extraction and changes in the taxonomy of EVs. We have used an ontology-driven data model and web-based architecture with a graph theory–driven GUI to accommodate and stimulate the semantic web of EV science

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Secure Authentication for Mobile Users

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    RÉSUMÉ :L’authentification biométrique telle que les empreintes digitales et la biométrie faciale a changé la principale méthode d’authentification sur les appareils mobiles. Les gens inscrivent facilement leurs modèles d’empreintes digitales ou de visage dans différents systèmes d’authentification pour profiter de leur accès facile au smartphone sans avoir besoin de se souvenir et de saisir les codes PIN/mots de passe conventionnels. Cependant, ils ne sont pas conscients du fait qu’ils stockent leurs caractéristiques physiologiques ou comportementales durables sur des plates-formes non sécurisées (c’est-à-dire sur des téléphones mobiles ou sur un stockage en nuage), menaçant la confidentialité de leurs modèles biométriques et de leurs identités. Par conséquent, un schéma d’authentification est nécessaire pour préserver la confidentialité des modèles biométriques des utilisateurs et les authentifier en toute sécurité sans compter sur des plates-formes non sécurisées et non fiables.La plupart des études ont envisagé des approches logicielles pour concevoir un système d’authentification sécurisé. Cependant, ces approches ont montré des limites dans les systèmes d’authentification sécurisés. Principalement, ils souffrent d’une faible précision de vérification, en raison des transformations du gabarit (cancelable biometrics), de la fuite d’informations (fuzzy commitment schemes) ou de la réponse de vérification non en temps réel, en raison des calculs coûteux (homomorphic encryption).---------- ABSTRACT: Biometric authentication such as fingerprint and face biometrics has changed the main authentication method on mobile devices. People easily enroll their fingerprint or face template on different authentication systems to take advantage of their easy access to the smartphone with no need to remember and enter the conventional PINs/passwords. However, they are not aware that they store their long-lasting physiological or behavioral characteristics on insecure platforms (i.e., on mobile phones or on cloud storage), threatening the privacy of their biometric templates and their identities. Therefore, an authentication scheme is required to preserve the privacy of users’ biometric templates and securely authenticate them without relying on insecure and untrustworthy platforms. Most studies have considered software-based approaches to design a privacy-reserving authentication system. However, these approaches have shown limitations in secure authentication systems. Mainly, they suffer from low verification accuracy, due to the template transformations (in cancelable biometrics), information leakage (in fuzzy commitment schemes), or non real-time verification response, due to the expensive computations (in homomorphic encryption)

    Privacy-Enhanced Query Processing in a Cloud-Based Encrypted DBaaS (Database as a Service)

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    In this dissertation, we researched techniques to support trustable and privacy enhanced solutions for on-line applications accessing to “always encrypted” data in remote DBaaS (data-base-as-a-service) or Cloud SQL-enabled backend solutions. Although solutions for SQL-querying of encrypted databases have been proposed in recent research, they fail in providing: (i) flexible multimodal query facilities includ ing online image searching and retrieval as extended queries to conventional SQL-based searches, (ii) searchable cryptographic constructions for image-indexing, searching and retrieving operations, (iii) reusable client-appliances for transparent integration of multi modal applications, and (iv) lack of performance and effectiveness validations for Cloud based DBaaS integrated deployments. At the same time, the study of partial homomorphic encryption and multimodal searchable encryption constructions is yet an ongoing research field. In this research direction, the need for a study and practical evaluations of such cryptographic is essential, to evaluate those cryptographic methods and techniques towards the materialization of effective solutions for practical applications. The objective of the dissertation is to design, implement and perform experimental evaluation of a security middleware solution, implementing a client/client-proxy/server appliance software architecture, to support the execution of applications requiring on line multimodal queries on “always encrypted” data maintained in outsourced cloud DBaaS backends. In this objective we include the support for SQL-based text-queries enhanced with searchable encrypted image-retrieval capabilities. We implemented a prototype of the proposed solution and we conducted an experimental benchmarking evaluation, to observe the effectiveness, latency and performance conditions in support ing those queries. The dissertation addressed the envisaged security middleware solution, as an experimental and usable solution that can be extended for future experimental testbench evaluations using different real cloud DBaaS deployments, as offered by well known cloud-providers.Nesta dissertação foram investigadas técnicas para suportar soluções com garantias de privacidade para aplicações que acedem on-line a dados que são mantidos sempre cifrados em nuvens que disponibilizam serviços de armazenamento de dados, nomeadamente soluções do tipo bases de dados interrogáveis por SQL. Embora soluções para suportar interrogações SQL em bases de dados cifradas tenham sido propostas anteriormente, estas falham em providenciar: (i) capacidade de efectuar pesquisas multimodais que possam incluir pesquisa combinada de texto e imagem com obtenção de imagens online, (ii) suporte de privacidade com base em construções criptograficas que permitam operações de indexacao, pesquisa e obtenção de imagens como dados cifrados pesquisáveis, (iii) suporte de integração para aplicações de gestão de dados em contexto multimodal, e (iv) ausência de validações experimentais com benchmarking dobre desempenho e eficiência em soluções DBaaS em que os dados sejam armazenados e manipulados na sua forma cifrada. A pesquisa de soluções de privacidade baseada em primitivas de cifras homomórficas parciais, tem sido vista como uma possível solução prática para interrogação de dados e bases de dados cifradas. No entanto, este é ainda um campo de investigação em desenvolvimento. Nesta direção de investigação, a necessidade de estudar e efectuar avaliações experimentais destas primitivas em bibliotecas de cifras homomórficas, reutilizáveis em diferentes contextos de aplicação e como solução efetiva para uso prático mais generalizado, é um aspeto essencial. O objectivo da dissertação e desenhar, implementar e efectuar avalições experimentais de uma proposta de solução middleware para suportar pesquisas multimodais em bases de dados mantidas cifradas em soluções de nuvens de armazenamento. Esta proposta visa a concepção e implementação de uma arquitectura de software client/client-proxy/server appliance para suportar execução eficiente de interrogações online sobre dados cifrados, suportando operações multimodais sobre dados mantidos protegidos em serviços de nuvens de armazenamento. Neste objectivo incluímos o suporte para interrogações estendidas de SQL, com capacidade para pesquisa e obtenção de dados cifrados que podem incluir texto e pesquisa de imagens por similaridade. Foi implementado um prototipo da solução proposta e foi efectuada uma avaliação experimental do mesmo, para observar as condições de eficiencia, latencia e desempenho do suporte dessas interrogações. Nesta avaliação incluímos a análise experimental da eficiência e impacto de diferentes construções criptográficas para pesquisas cifradas (searchable encryption) e cifras parcialmente homomórficas e que são usadas como componentes da solução proposta. A dissertaçao aborda a soluçao de seguranca projectada, como uma solução experimental que pode ser estendida e utilizavel para futuras aplcações e respetivas avaliações experimentais. Estas podem vir a adoptar soluções do tipo DBaaS, oferecidos como serviços na nuvem, por parte de diversos provedores ou fornecedores
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