1,144 research outputs found

    Multimodal Biometrics for Person Authentication

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    Unimodal biometric systems have limited effectiveness in identifying people, mainly due to their susceptibility to changes in individual biometric features and presentation attacks. The identification of people using multimodal biometric systems attracts the attention of researchers due to their advantages, such as greater recognition efficiency and greater security compared to the unimodal biometric system. To break into the biometric multimodal system, the intruder would have to break into more than one unimodal biometric system. In multimodal biometric systems: The availability of many features means that the multimodal system becomes more reliable. A multimodal biometric system increases security and ensures confidentiality of user data. A multimodal biometric system realizes the merger of decisions taken under individual modalities. If one of the modalities is eliminated, the system can still ensure security, using the remaining. Multimodal systems provide information on the “liveness” of the sample being introduced. In a multimodal system, a fusion of feature vectors and/or decisions developed by each subsystem is carried out, and then the final decision on identification is made on the basis of the vector of features thus obtained. In this chapter, we consider a multimodal biometric system that uses three modalities: dorsal vein, palm print, and periocular

    A Wearable Wrist Band-Type System for Multimodal Biometrics Integrated with Multispectral Skin Photomatrix and Electrocardiogram Sensors

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    Multimodal biometrics are promising for providing a strong security level for personal authentication, yet the implementation of a multimodal biometric system for practical usage need to meet such criteria that multimodal biometric signals should be easy to acquire but not easily compromised. We developed a wearable wrist band integrated with multispectral skin photomatrix (MSP) and electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors to improve the issues of collectability, performance and circumvention of multimodal biometric authentication. The band was designed to ensure collectability by sensing both MSP and ECG easily and to achieve high authentication performance with low computation, efficient memory usage, and relatively fast response. Acquisition of MSP and ECG using contact-based sensors could also prevent remote access to personal data. Personal authentication with multimodal biometrics using the integrated wearable wrist band was evaluated in 150 subjects and resulted in 0.2% equal error rate ( EER ) and 100% detection probability at 1% FAR (false acceptance rate) ( PD.1 ), which is comparable to other state-of-the-art multimodal biometrics. An additional investigation with a separate MSP sensor, which enhanced contact with the skin, along with ECG reached 0.1% EER and 100% PD.1 , showing a great potential of our in-house wearable band for practical applications. The results of this study demonstrate that our newly developed wearable wrist band may provide a reliable and easy-to-use multimodal biometric solution for personal authentication

    Feature-level fusion in multimodal biometrics

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    Multimodal biometric systems utilize the evidence presented by multiple biometric modalities (e.g., face and fingerprint, multiple fingers of a user, multiple impressions of a single finger, etc.) in order to determine or verify the identity of an individual. Information from multiple sources can be consolidated in three distinct levels [1]: (i) feature set level; (ii) match score level; and (iii) decision level. While fusion at the match score and decision levels have been extensively studied in the literature, fusion at the feature level is a relatively understudied problem. A novel technique to perform fusion at the feature level by considering two biometric modalities---face and hand geometry, is presented in this paper. Also, a new distance metric conscripted as the Thresholded Absolute Distance (TAD) is used to help reinforce the system\u27s robustness towards noise. Finally, two techniques are proposed to consolidate information available after match score fusion, with that obtained after feature set fusion. These techniques further enhance the performance of the multimodal biometric system and help find an approximate upper bound on its performance. Results indicate that the proposed techniques can lead to substantial improvement in multimodal matching abilities

    Multimodal Biometrics Enhancement Recognition System based on Fusion of Fingerprint and PalmPrint: A Review

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    This article is an overview of a current multimodal biometrics research based on fingerprint and palm-print. It explains the pervious study for each modal separately and its fusion technique with another biometric modal. The basic biometric system consists of four stages: firstly, the sensor which is used for enrolmen

    Predictive models for multibiometric systems

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    Recognizing a subject given a set of biometrics is a fundamental pattern recognition problem. This paper builds novel statistical models for multibiometric systems using geometric and multinomial distributions. These models are generic as they are only based on the similarity scores produced by a recognition system. They predict the bounds on the range of indices within which a test subject is likely to be present in a sorted set of similarity scores. These bounds are then used in the multibiometric recognition system to predict a smaller subset of subjects from the database as probable candidates for a given test subject. Experimental results show that the proposed models enhance the recognition rate beyond the underlying matching algorithms for multiple face views, fingerprints, palm prints, irises and their combinations

    Authentication Login E-Library with Multimodal Biometrics System

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    Previous studies with the title of the login authentication e-library with method of CBIR for matching face, have proved reaching the level of accuracy about 75%. This multiple verification of QR-code/QR-CMBS this process data among other things the identity ID, fingerprint patterns and pattern signatures. Each user can have a QR-CMBS, which is used to login to the e-library. This research-oriented system development with application authentication login with QR code/QR-QR, Data of the CMBS will store data from bineri identity ID, fingerprint patterns and pattern signatures.The advantage of Retrieval CBIR is the popularity and test result with a high degree of accuracy and time parameters. The results obtained from QR-CMBS every training, i.e. classify and determine the value of fingerprint patterns and signatures for each label. Feature extraction results are temporarily stored in the session database and compare the features that are stored in the database image classification. The most similar classification results will be displayed, i.e. QR-CMBS, fingerprints and signatures, as well as verification of login. The application login authentication system of e-library uses to calculate the similarity of this research, will be able to extract the feature of colour, texture and edge of a multiple verification of QR-code/ QR-CMBS, fingerprint and signature by using the Prewitt gradient. The result of the extraction process feature is then used by the software in the learning process and calculates the similarity. Learning image contained in 3 classes features a picture that is stored in the database query 100 png images and the image of the sample test with the size 400 x 400. The results showed that the combination of the Prewitt filter extraction gradient magnitude. Verification data classification compared to the three classes, namely QR-CMBS, fingerprints and signatures contained in the database. Response time to find the most CMBS-QR is similar to 10 sample data, giving the effect of a higher degree of accuracy that is 97%