12 research outputs found

    Secure and Robust Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Medical Images

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    Over the past decade advances in computer-based communication and health services, the need for image security becomes urgent to address the requirements of both safety and non-safety in medical applications. This paper proposes a new fragile watermarking based scheme for image authentication and self-recovery for medical applications. The proposed scheme locates image tampering as well as recovers the original image. A host image is broken into 4×4 blocks and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is applied by inserting the traces of block wise SVD into the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the image pixels to figure out the transformation in the original image. Two authentication bits namely block authentication and self-recovery bits were used to survive the vector quantization attack. The insertion of self-recovery bits is determined with Arnold transformation, which recovers the original image even after a high tampering rate. SVD-based watermarking information improves the image authentication and provides a way to detect different attacked area. The proposed scheme is tested against different types of attacks such are text removal attack, text insertion attack, and copy and paste attack

    Motion capture sensing techniques used in human upper limb motion: a review

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    Purpose Motion capture system (MoCap) has been used in measuring the human body segments in several applications including film special effects, health care, outer-space and under-water navigation systems, sea-water exploration pursuits, human machine interaction and learning software to help teachers of sign language. The purpose of this paper is to help the researchers to select specific MoCap system for various applications and the development of new algorithms related to upper limb motion. Design/methodology/approach This paper provides an overview of different sensors used in MoCap and techniques used for estimating human upper limb motion. Findings The existing MoCaps suffer from several issues depending on the type of MoCap used. These issues include drifting and placement of Inertial sensors, occlusion and jitters in Kinect, noise in electromyography signals and the requirement of a well-structured, calibrated environment and time-consuming task of placing markers in multiple camera systems. Originality/value This paper outlines the issues and challenges in MoCaps for measuring human upper limb motion and provides an overview on the techniques to overcome these issues and challenges

    An Approach to Improve the Live Migration Using Asynchronized Cache and Prioritized IP Packets

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    The live migration of a virtual machine is a method of moving virtual machines across hosts within a virtualized data center. Two main parameters should be considered for evaluation of live migration; total duration, and downtime of migration. This paper focuses on optimization of live migration in Xen environment where memory pages are dirtied rapidly. An approach is proposed to manage dirty pages during migration in the cache and prioritize the packets at the network level. According to the evaluations, when the system is under heavy workload or it is running within a stress tool, the virtual machines are intensively writing. The proposed approach outperforms the default method in terms of number of transferred pages, total migration time, and downtime. Experimental results showed that by increasing workload, the proposed approach reduced the number of sent pages by 47.4%, total migration time by 10%, and the downtime by 27.7% in live migration

    Pilvipalveluiden käyttö paikantamiseen perustuvissa AR-sovelluksissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimus perustui paikantamiseen perustuvan AR-sovelluksen (Augmented Reality, AR) kehittämiseen mobiililaitteelle. Tällaisen sovelluksen toiminta perustuu laitteen sijaintiin sekä sitä ympäröivästä alueesta saatavilla olevan tiedon vertaamiseen toisiinsa. Paikannukseen perustuvan sovelluksen täytyy saada informaatio käyttäjän sijainnista sekä sovelluksen haluaman informaation liittyen käyttäjän sijaintiin. Kerättyään tarvittavan informaation, AR-sovellus osaa näyttää käyttäjälleen ympäriltä kerätyn tiedon lisättynä todellisuutena reaalikuvan päälle. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn sovelluksen alustana päätettiin käyttää Android-käyttöjärjestelmää, jolle mobiilisovelluksen kehittäminen onnistuu helpoiten sekä tähän työhön sopivimmin. Sovelluksen kehittämiseen käytettiin Android Studio -kehitystyökalua, jonka käyttöön löytyy ohjeita developer.android.com nettisivustolta. Työssä hyödynnettiin pilvipalvelu Google Servicen kategorioittain tarjoamaa informaatiota eri paikoista. Sovelluksessa käytettävä informaatio rajattiin yhteen Google Places-API:n kategoriaan, jossa arvioitiin olevan sopiva määrä kohteita sovelluksen kehittämistä varten. Informaation piirtäminen mobiililaitteen näytölle toteutettiin vertaamalla osuuko laitteen ja kohteen koordinaattien välinen suora linja kamerakuvan rajaamalle sektorille. Tässä työssä onnistuttiin kehittämään AR-sovellus, joka paikantaa laitteen käyttäjää ympäröivät kohteet sekä esittää niiden sijainnin mobiililaitteen näytölle kameran luoman reaalikuvan päälle. Sovelluksen kehitys onnistui Android-alustalle vaivattomasti Googlen tarjoamien palveluiden avulla. Mobiililaitteet sopivat hyvin AR-tyyppisten sovellusten käyttämiseen niiden käytettävyyden ja riittävän tehokkuuden ansiosta.Using cloud services in a location based augmented reality application. Abstract. This research is based on developing a location-based AR-application (Augmented Reality, AR) for mobile devices. This type of application requires information about the device’s location, orientation and it must be aware of its surroundings. A location-based application must get information about the user’s location and necessary information relative to that position. After gathering this data, the AR-app can display the surrounding’s information on top of the real-time camera picture as an augmented reality. Android-operating system was used as a platform for the application. It is an easy development platform and it was appropriate for this study. AndroidStudio was used as the application development environment. It has a full online documentation in the following internet page: developer.android.com. Categorial information about nearby places from Google Services was used in this project. Data used in the application was limited to one of Google Places API category, that was estimated to produce an appropriate amount of results to develop the application. Drawing the information to the mobile device’s screen was accomplished by comparing if the line between the device and the place is on the camera’s current view. This paper includes a successfully developed application that can fetch the nearby places for the user and show their location in the camera’s real-time view. The development of the application for the Android-platform was an ease with the services offered by Google. Mobile devices are suitable for using ARtype applications because of their usability and adequate performance

    The Schulze Method of Voting

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    We propose a new single-winner election method ("Schulze method") and prove that it satisfies many academic criteria (e.g. monotonicity, reversal symmetry, resolvability, independence of clones, Condorcet criterion, k-consistency, polynomial runtime). We then generalize this method to proportional representation by the single transferable vote ("Schulze STV") and to methods to calculate a proportional ranking ("Schulze proportional ranking"). Furthermore, we propose a generalization of the Condorcet criterion to multi-winner elections. This paper contains a large number of examples to illustrate the proposed methods