65,525 research outputs found

    SVS-JOIN : efficient spatial visual similarity join for geo-multimedia

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    In the big data era, massive amount of multimedia data with geo-tags has been generated and collected by smart devices equipped with mobile communications module and position sensor module. This trend has put forward higher request on large-scale geo-multimedia retrieval. Spatial similarity join is one of the significant problems in the area of spatial database. Previous works focused on spatial textual document search problem, rather than geo-multimedia retrieval. In this paper, we investigate a novel geo-multimedia retrieval paradigm named spatial visual similarity join (SVS-JOIN for short), which aims to search similar geo-image pairs in both aspects of geo-location and visual content. Firstly, the definition of SVS-JOIN is proposed and then we present the geographical similarity and visual similarity measurement. Inspired by the approach for textual similarity join, we develop an algorithm named SVS-JOIN B by combining the PPJOIN algorithm and visual similarity. Besides, an extension of it named SVS-JOIN G is developed, which utilizes spatial grid strategy to improve the search efficiency. To further speed up the search, a novel approach called SVS-JOIN Q is carefully designed, in which a quadtree and a global inverted index are employed. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two geo-image datasets and the results demonstrate that our solution can address the SVS-JOIN problem effectively and efficiently

    LESIM: A Novel Lexical Similarity Measure Technique for Multimedia Information Retrieval

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    Metadata-based similarity measurement is far from obsolete in our days, despite research’s focus on content and context. It allows for aggregating information from textual references, measuring similarity when content is not available, traditional keyword search in search engines, merging results in meta-search engines and many more research and industry interesting activities. Existing similarity measures do not take into consideration neither the unique nature of multimedia’s metadata nor the requirements of metadata-based information retrieval of multimedia. This work proposes a customised for the commonly available author-title multimedia metadata hybrid similarity measure that is shown through experimentation to be significantly more effective than baseline measures

    Efficient similarity search on multimedia databases

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    Manipulating and retrieving multimedia data has received increasing attention with the advent of cloud storage facilities. The ability of querying by similarity over large data collections is mandatory to improve storage and user interfaces. But, all of them are expensive operations to solve only in CPU; thus, it is convenient to take into account High Performance Computing (HPC) techniques in their solutions. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as an alternative HPC device has been increasingly used to speedup certain computing processes. This work introduces a pure GPU architecture to build the Permutation Index and to solve approximate similarity queries on multimedia databases. The empirical results of each implementation have achieved different level of speedup which are related with characteristics of GPU and the particular database used.Eje: Workshop Bases de datos y minería de datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Efficient similarity search on multimedia databases

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    Manipulating and retrieving multimedia data has received increasing attention with the advent of cloud storage facilities. The ability of querying by similarity over large data collections is mandatory to improve storage and user interfaces. But, all of them are expensive operations to solve only in CPU; thus, it is convenient to take into account High Performance Computing (HPC) techniques in their solutions. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as an alternative HPC device has been increasingly used to speedup certain computing processes. This work introduces a pure GPU architecture to build the Permutation Index and to solve approximate similarity queries on multimedia databases. The empirical results of each implementation have achieved different level of speedup which are related with characteristics of GPU and the particular database used.Eje: Workshop Bases de datos y minería de datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    ADAMpro: Database Support for Big Multimedia Retrieval

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    For supporting retrieval tasks within large multimedia collections, not only the sheer size of data but also the complexity of data and their associated metadata pose a challenge. Applications that have to deal with big multimedia collections need to manage the volume of data and to effectively and efficiently search within these data. When providing similarity search, a multimedia retrieval system has to consider the actual multimedia content, the corresponding structured metadata (e.g., content author, creation date, etc.) and—for providing similarity queries—the extracted low-level features stored as densely populated high-dimensional feature vectors. In this paper, we present ADAM pro , a combined database and information retrieval system that is particularly tailored to big multimedia collections. ADAM pro follows a modular architecture for storing structured metadata, as well as the extracted feature vectors and it provides various index structures, i.e., Locality-Sensitive Hashing, Spectral Hashing, and the VA-File, for a fast retrieval in the context of a similarity search. Since similarity queries are often long-running, ADAM pro supports progressive queries that provide the user with streaming result lists by returning (possibly imprecise) results as soon as they become available. We provide the results of an evaluation of ADAM pro on the basis of several collection sizes up to 50 million entries and feature vectors with different numbers of dimensions

    An Efficient Approach for Geo-Multimedia Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    Due to the rapid development of mobile Internet techniques, such as online social networking and location-based services, massive amount of multimedia data with geographical information is generated and uploaded to the Internet. In this paper, we propose a novel type of cross-modal multimedia retrieval, called geo-multimedia cross-modal retrieval, which aims to find a set of geo-multimedia objects according to geographical distance proximity and semantic concept similarity. Previous studies for cross-modal retrieval and spatial keyword search cannot address this problem effectively because they do not consider multimedia data with geo-tags (geo-multimedia). Firstly, we present the definition of k NN geo-multimedia cross-modal query and introduce relevant concepts such as spatial distance and semantic similarity measurement. As the key notion of this work, cross-modal semantic representation space is formulated at the first time. A novel framework for geo-multimedia cross-modal retrieval is proposed, which includes multi-modal feature extraction, cross-modal semantic space mapping, geo-multimedia spatial index and cross-modal semantic similarity measurement. To bridge the semantic gap between different modalities, we also propose a method named cross-modal semantic matching (CoSMat for shot) which contains two important components, i.e., CorrProj and LogsTran, which aims to build a common semantic representation space for cross-modal semantic similarity measurement. In addition, to implement semantic similarity measurement, we employ deep learning based method to learn multi-modal features that contains more high level semantic information. Moreover, a novel hybrid index, GMR-Tree is carefully designed, which combines signatures of semantic representations and R-Tree. An efficient GMR-Tree based k NN search algorithm called k GMCMS is developed. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on real and synthetic datasets clearly demonstrate that our approach outperforms the-state-of-the-art methods

    Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System

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    The growth of multimedia collections - in terms of size, heterogeneity, and variety of media types - necessitates systems that are able to conjointly deal with several forms of media, especially when it comes to searching for particular objects. However, existing retrieval systems are organized in silos and treat different media types separately. As a consequence, retrieval across media types is either not supported at all or subject to major limitations. In this paper, we present vitrivr, a content-based multimedia information retrieval stack. As opposed to the keyword search approach implemented by most media management systems, vitrivr makes direct use of the object's content to facilitate different types of similarity search, such as Query-by-Example or Query-by-Sketch, for and, most importantly, across different media types - namely, images, audio, videos, and 3D models. Furthermore, we introduce a new web-based user interface that enables easy-to-use, multimodal retrieval from and browsing in mixed media collections. The effectiveness of vitrivr is shown on the basis of a user study that involves different query and media types. To the best of our knowledge, the full vitrivr stack is unique in that it is the first multimedia retrieval system that seamlessly integrates support for four different types of media. As such, it paves the way towards an all-purpose, content-based multimedia information retrieval system

    The AXES research video search system

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    We will demonstrate a multimedia content information retrieval engine developed for audiovisual digital libraries targeted at academic researchers and journalists. It is the second of three multimedia IR systems being developed by the AXES project1. The system brings together traditional text IR and state-of-the-art content indexing and retrieval technologies to allow users to search and browse digital libraries in novel ways. Key features include: metadata and ASR search and filtering, on-the-fly visual concept classification (categories, faces, places, and logos), and similarity search (instances and faces)