254 research outputs found

    Multilanguage Semantic Interoperability in Distributed Applications

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    JOSI is a software framework that tries to simplify the development of such kinds of applications both by providing the possibility of working on models for representing such semantic information and by offering some implementations of such models that can be easily used by software developers without any knowledge about semantic models and languages. This software library allows the representation of domain models through Java interfaces and annotations and then to use such a representation for automatically generating an implementation of domain models in different programming languages (currently Java and C++). Moreover, JOSI supports the interoperability with other applications both by automatically mapping the domain model representations into ontologies and by providing an automatic translation of each object obtained from the domain model representations in an OWL string representation

    EOSC Synergy WP6: Initial review of systems, initiatives and development of selection criteria of the online learning/training platforms and initiatives

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    This report describes a review of possible learning platforms and tools, and relevant previous and current projects and initiatives in the area of Open Science and EOSC training and education. It also includes reflections on the criteria we will use to select the platform and tools for the EOSC-Synergy project.European Commission. The report is a deliverable of EOSC-synergy project (INFRAEOSC-05(b)), Grant agreement ID: 857647.Peer reviewe

    Lightweight Multilingual Software Analysis

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    Developer preferences, language capabilities and the persistence of older languages contribute to the trend that large software codebases are often multilingual, that is, written in more than one computer language. While developers can leverage monolingual software development tools to build software components, companies are faced with the problem of managing the resultant large, multilingual codebases to address issues with security, efficiency, and quality metrics. The key challenge is to address the opaque nature of the language interoperability interface: one language calling procedures in a second (which may call a third, or even back to the first), resulting in a potentially tangled, inefficient and insecure codebase. An architecture is proposed for lightweight static analysis of large multilingual codebases: the MLSA architecture. Its modular and table-oriented structure addresses the open-ended nature of multiple languages and language interoperability APIs. We focus here as an application on the construction of call-graphs that capture both inter-language and intra-language calls. The algorithms for extracting multilingual call-graphs from codebases are presented, and several examples of multilingual software engineering analysis are discussed. The state of the implementation and testing of MLSA is presented, and the implications for future work are discussed.Comment: 15 page


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    The paper presents an approach of researches effective organization in sphere of operational IT risk governance. For this purpose, the application of digital multilanguage research area is advised, which can simplify discussion processes for users/researchers from different countries. The concept of multilanguage website is developed based on performed analysis of following modern IT application trends of website development: Web 2.0., social networks, blogs, wiki, etc. Then, practical solutions of advised concept realization are discussed. The presented concept is developed within the project, which is devoted to the research of operational IT risk governance in monetary and financial institutions. Still, the advised concept can be easily adapted for other research area

    The Annodex platform

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    PARADISEC (Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures), Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Ethnographic E-Research Project and Sydney Object Repositories for Research and Teaching

    The Annodex platform

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    PARADISEC (Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures), Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Ethnographic E-Research Project and Sydney Object Repositories for Research and Teaching

    The digital platform for the Unite! alliance: the metacampus

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    Nine European technology universities constitute the Unite! Alliance, a network that creates a new model for a virtual and physical European interuniversity campus through close cooperation, physical and virtual mobility of members, joint programmes, communities that support teaching innovation, and open and entrepreneurial innovation networks. The Metacampus virtual campus platform is an important aspect of this framework. All participants in the Unite! Community can join at the Metacampus, which coexists alongside other universities' virtual campuses. It must become a valuable and useful tool for a wide range of users who are used to very different tools and processes, which is only one of the many difficulties it faces. The Moodle platform was chosen as the base for the work, and it was decided to maximise its features while minimising the amount of new innovations required to achieve the goals. After four years, the number of users who have registered and taken part in the activities that have been suggested enables us to draw the conclusion that the path is the right one for handling a challenge like the design and execution of a multi-university virtual campus.This work has been supported by Unite! Alliance that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017408, and Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La Conceptualització del Metacampus d'Unite!

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    Aquesta publicació s’ha realitzat en el marc del projecte: / Esta publicación se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto: / This publication has been made with the framework of the project: ACEDIM: Avaluació i certificació de la competència digital docent en la formació inicial de mestres: una proposta de model per al sistema universitari català. (ref. 2017ARMIF00031).L’Aliança Unite!, formada per set universitats tecnològiques europees, és una xarxa que estableix un nou model per a un campus interuniversitari europeu virtual i físic, de col·laboració estreta, mitjançant mobilitat física i virtual dels seus membres, programes conjunts, comunitats promotores d’innovació docent i xarxes d’innovació oberta i emprenedoria. Una peça clau d’aquest entramat és la plataforma de campus virtual Metacampus. Convivint amb els campus virtuals de les altres universitats, el Metacampus té com a funció ser un punt de trobada comuna de tot membre de l’ecosistema Unite! amb reptes importants, com ara esdevenir una eina útil i usable per un conjunt heterogeni d’usuaris, acostumats a formes i processos força diferents. S’ha optat per utilitzar com a base la plataforma Moodle i maximitzar l’ús de les seves funcionalitats, mentre que es redueix al màxim el nombre de nous desenvolupaments que ajudin a aconseguir els objectius establerts. Després de tres mesos en la fase beta, el número d’usuaris registrats i participants en les activitats proposades fins ara permeten concloure que el camí iniciat ara fa mig any és l’adequat per abordar un repte com ara el disseny i la implantació d’un campus virtual multi universitari.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.3 - Per a 2030, assegurar l’accés en condicions d’igualtat per a tots els homes i dones a una formació tècnica, professional i superior de qualitat, inclòs l’ensenyament universitariObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.4 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el nombre de joves i persones adultes que tenen les competències necessàries, en particular tècniques i professionals, per a accedir a l’ocupació, el treball digne i l’emprenedoriaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.5 - Per a 2030, eliminar les disparitats de gènere en l’educació i garantir l’accés en condicions d’igualtat a les persones vulnerables, incloses les persones amb discapacitat, els pobles indígenes i els nens i nenes en situacions de vulnerabilitat, a tots els nivells de l’ensenyament i la formació professionalObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.7 - Per a 2030, garantir que tot l’alumnat adquireixi els coneixements teòrics i pràctics necessaris per a pro­moure el desenvolupament sostenible, a través, entre d’altres, de l’educació per al desenvolupament sostenible i l’adopció d’estils de vida sostenibles, els drets humans, la igualtat de gènere, la promoció d’una cultura de pau i no-violència, la ciutadania mundial i la valoració de la diversitat cultural i de la contribució de la cultura al desenvolupament sosteniblePostprint (published version

    大学における情報セキュリティ教育のオンライン化 : その功罪と今後の展望

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