58 research outputs found

    Self Designing Pattern Recognition System Employing Multistage Classification

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    Recently, pattern recognition/classification has received a considerable attention in diverse engineering fields such as biomedical imaging, speaker identification, fingerprint recognition, etc. In most of these applications, it is desirable to maintain the classification accuracy in the presence of corrupted and/or incomplete data. The quality of a given classification technique is measured by the computational complexity, execution time of algorithms, and the number of patterns that can be classified correctly despite any distortion. Some classification techniques that are introduced in the literature are described in Chapter one. In this dissertation, a pattern recognition approach that can be designed to have evolutionary learning by developing the features and selecting the criteria that are best suited for the recognition problem under consideration is proposed. Chapter two presents some of the features used in developing the set of criteria employed by the system to recognize different types of signals. It also presents some of the preprocessing techniques used by the system. The system operates in two modes, namely, the learning (training) mode, and the running mode. In the learning mode, the original and preprocessed signals are projected into different transform domains. The technique automatically tests many criteria over the range of parameters for each criterion. A large number of criteria are developed from the features extracted from these domains. The optimum set of criteria, satisfying specific conditions, is selected. This set of criteria is employed by the system to recognize the original or noisy signals in the running mode. The modes of operation and the classification structures employed by the system are described in details in Chapter three. The proposed pattern recognition system is capable of recognizing an enormously large number of patterns by virtue of the fact that it analyzes the signal in different domains and explores the distinguishing characteristics in each of these domains. In other words, this approach uses available information and extracts more characteristics from the signals, for classification purposes, by projecting the signal in different domains. Some experimental results are given in Chapter four showing the effect of using mathematical transforms in conjunction with preprocessing techniques on the classification accuracy. A comparison between some of the classification approaches, in terms of classification rate in case of distortion, is also given. A sample of experimental implementations is presented in chapter 5 and chapter 6 to illustrate the performance of the proposed pattern recognition system. Preliminary results given confirm the superior performance of the proposed technique relative to the single transform neural network and multi-input neural network approaches for image classification in the presence of additive noise

    Subword Recognition in Historical Arabic Documents using C-GRUs

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    The recent years have witnessed an increased tendency to digitize historical manuscripts that not only ensures the preservation of these collections but also allows researchers and end-users’ direct access to these images. Recognition of Arabic handwriting is challenging due to the highly cursive nature of the script and other challenges associated with historical documents (degradation etc.). This paper presents an end-to-end system to recognize Arabic handwritten sub words in historical documents. More specifically, we introduce a hybrid CNN-GRU model where the shallow convolutional network learns robust feature representations while the GRU layers carry out the sequence modelling and generate the transcription of the text. The proposed system is evaluated on two different datasets, IBN SINA and VML-HD reporting recognition rates of 96.10% and 98.60% respectively. A comparison with existing techniques evaluated on the same datasets validates the effectiveness of our proposed model in characterizing Arabic subwords

    Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition

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    Adaptive combinations of classifiers with application to on-line handwritten character recognition

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    Classifier combining is an effective way of improving classification performance. User adaptation is clearly another valid approach for improving performance in a user-dependent system, and even though adaptation is usually performed on the classifier level, also adaptive committees can be very effective. Adaptive committees have the distinct ability of performing adaptation without detailed knowledge of the classifiers. Adaptation can therefore be used even with classification systems that intrinsically are not suited for adaptation, whether that be due to lack of access to the workings of the classifier or simply a classification scheme not suitable for continuous learning. This thesis proposes methods for adaptive combination of classifiers in the setting of on-line handwritten character recognition. The focal part of the work introduces adaptive classifier combination schemes, of which the two most prominent ones are the Dynamically Expanding Context (DEC) committee and the Class-Confidence Critic Combining (CCCC) committee. Both have been shown to be capable of successful adaptation to the user in the task of on-line handwritten character recognition. Particularly the highly modular CCCC framework has shown impressive performance also in a doubly-adaptive setting of combining adaptive classifiers by using an adaptive committee. In support of this main topic of the thesis, some discussion on a methodology for deducing correct character labeling from user actions is presented. Proper labeling is paramount for effective adaptation, and deducing the labels from the user's actions is necessary to perform adaptation transparently to the user. In that way, the user does not need to give explicit feedback on the correctness of the recognition results. Also, an overview is presented of adaptive classification methods for single-classifier adaptation in handwritten character recognition developed at the Laboratory of Computer and Information Science of the Helsinki University of Technology, CIS-HCR. Classifiers based on the CIS-HCR system have been used in the adaptive committee experiments as both member classifiers and to provide a reference level. Finally, two distinct approaches for improving the performance of committee classifiers further are discussed. Firstly, methods for committee rejection are presented and evaluated. Secondly, measures of classifier diversity for classifier selection, based on the concept of diversity of errors, are presented and evaluated. The topic of this thesis hence covers three important aspects of pattern recognition: on-line adaptation, combining classifiers, and a practical evaluation setting of handwritten character recognition. A novel approach combining these three core ideas has been developed and is presented in the introductory text and the included publications. To reiterate, the main contributions of this thesis are: 1) introduction of novel adaptive committee classification methods, 2) introduction of novel methods for measuring classifier diversity, 3) presentation of some methods for implementing committee rejection, 4) discussion and introduction of a method for effective label deduction from on-line user actions, and as a side-product, 5) an overview of the CIS-HCR adaptive on-line handwritten character recognition system.Luokittimien yhdistäminen komitealuokittimella on tehokas keino luokitustarkkuuden parantamiseen. Laskentatehon jatkuva kasvu tekee myös useiden luokittimien yhtäaikaisesta käytöstä yhä varteenotettavamman vaihtoehdon. Järjestelmän adaptoituminen (mukautuminen) käyttäjään on toinen hyvä keino käyttäjäriippumattoman järjestelmän tarkkuuden parantantamiseksi. Vaikka adaptaatio yleensä toteutetaan luokittimen tasolla, myös adaptiiviset komitealuokittimet voivat olla hyvin tehokkaita. Adaptiiviset komiteat voivat adaptoitua ilman yksityiskohtaista tietoa jäsenluokittimista. Adaptaatiota voidaan näin käyttää myös luokittelujärjestelmissä, jotka eivät ole itsessään sopivia adaptaatioon. Adaptaatioon sopimattomuus voi johtua esimerkiksi siitä, että luokittimen totetutusta ei voida muuttaa, tai siitä, että käytetään luokittelumenetelmää, joka ei sovellu jatkuvaan oppimiseen. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee menetelmiä luokittimien adaptiiviseen yhdistämiseen käyttäen sovelluskohteena käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien on-line-tunnistusta. Keskeisin osa työtä esittelee uusia adaptiivisia luokittimien yhdistämismenetelmiä, joista kaksi huomattavinta ovat Dynamically Expanding Context (DEC) -komitea sekä Class-Confidence Critic Combining (CCCC) -komitea. Molemmat näistä ovat osoittautuneet kykeneviksi tehokkaaseen käyttäjä-adaptaatioon käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien on-line-tunnistuksessa. Erityisesti hyvin modulaarisella CCCC järjestelmällä on saatu hyviä tuloksia myös kaksinkertaisesti adaptiivisessa asetelmassa, jossa yhdistetään adaptiivisia jäsenluokittimia adaptiivisen komitean avulla. Väitöskirjan pääteeman tukena esitetään myös malli ja käytännön esimerkki siitä, miten käyttäjän toimista merkeille voidaan päätellä oikeat luokat. Merkkien todellisen luokan onnistunut päättely on elintärkeää tehokkaalle adaptaatiolle. Jotta adaptaatio voitaisiin suorittaa käyttäjälle läpinäkyvästi, merkkien todelliset luokat on kyettävä päättelemään käyttäjän toimista. Tällä tavalla käyttäjän ei tarvitse antaa suoraa palautetta tunnistustuloksen oikeellisuudesta. Työssä esitetään myös yleiskatsaus Teknillisen korkeakoulun Informaatiotekniikan laboratoriossa kehitettyyn adaptiiviseen käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistusjärjestelmään. Tähän järjestelmään perustuvia luokittimia on käytetty adaptiivisten komitealuokittimien kokeissa sekä jäsenluokittimina että vertailutasona. Lopuksi esitellään kaksi erillistä menetelmää komitealuokittimen tarkkuuden edelleen parantamiseksi. Näistä ensimmäinen on joukko menetelmiä komitealuokittimen rejektion (hylkäyksen) toteuttamiseksi. Toinen esiteltävä menetelmä on käyttää luokittimien erilaisuuden mittoja jäsenluokittimien valintaa varten. Ehdotetut uudet erilaisuusmitat perustuvat käsitteeseen, jota kutsumme virheiden erilaisuudeksi. Väitöskirjan aihe kattaa kolme hahmontunnistuksen tärkeää osa-aluetta: online-adaptaation, luokittimien yhdistämisen ja käytännön sovellusalana käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistuksen. Näistä kolmesta lähtökohdasta on kehitetty uudenlainen synteesi, joka esitetään johdantotekstissä sekä liitteenä olevissa julkaisuissa. Tämän väitöskirjan oleellisimmat kontribuutiot ovat siten: 1) uusien adaptiivisten komitealuokittimien esittely, 2) uudenlaisten menetelmien esittely luokittimien erilaisuuden mittaamiseksi, 3) joidenkin komitearejektiomenetelmien esittely, 4) pohdinnan ja erään toteutustavan esittely syötettyjen merkkien todellisen luokan päättelemiseksi käyttäjän toimista, sekä sivutuotteena 5) kattava yleiskatsaus CIS-HCR adaptiiviseen on-line käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistusjärjestelmään.reviewe

    Incorporation of relational information in feature representation for online handwriting recognition of Arabic characters

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    Interest in online handwriting recognition is increasing due to market demand for both improved performance and for extended supporting scripts for digital devices. Robust handwriting recognition of complex patterns of arbitrary scale, orientation and location is elusive to date because reaching a target recognition rate is not trivial for most of the applications in this field. Cursive scripts such as Arabic and Persian with complex character shapes make the recognition task even more difficult. Challenges in the discrimination capability of handwriting recognition systems depend heavily on the effectiveness of the features used to represent the data, the types of classifiers deployed and inclusive databases used for learning and recognition which cover variations in writing styles that introduce natural deformations in character shapes. This thesis aims to improve the efficiency of online recognition systems for Persian and Arabic characters by presenting new formal feature representations, algorithms, and a comprehensive database for online Arabic characters. The thesis contains the development of the first public collection of online handwritten data for the Arabic complete-shape character set. New ideas for incorporating relational information in a feature representation for this type of data are presented. The proposed techniques are computationally efficient and provide compact, yet representative, feature vectors. For the first time, a hybrid classifier is used for recognition of online Arabic complete-shape characters based on the idea of decomposing the input data into variables representing factors of the complete-shape characters and the combined use of the Bayesian network inference and support vector machines. We advocate the usefulness and practicality of the features and recognition methods with respect to the recognition of conventional metrics, such as accuracy and timeliness, as well as unconventional metrics. In particular, we evaluate a feature representation for different character class instances by its level of separation in the feature space. Our evaluation results for the available databases and for our own database of the characters' main shapes confirm a higher efficiency than previously reported techniques with respect to all metrics analyzed. For the complete-shape characters, our techniques resulted in a unique recognition efficiency comparable with the state-of-the-art results for main shape characters

    Handshape recognition using principal component analysis and convolutional neural networks applied to sign language

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    Handshape recognition is an important problem in computer vision with significant societal impact. However, it is not an easy task, since hands are naturally deformable objects. Handshape recognition contains open problems, such as low accuracy or low speed, and despite a large number of proposed approaches, no solution has been found to solve these open problems. In this thesis, a new image dataset for Irish Sign Language (ISL) recognition is introduced. A deeper study using only 2D images is presented on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in two stages. A comparison between approaches that do not need features (known as end-to-end) and feature-based approaches is carried out. The dataset was collected by filming six human subjects performing ISL handshapes and movements. Frames from the videos were extracted. Afterwards the redundant images were filtered with an iterative image selection process that selects the images which keep the dataset diverse. The accuracy of PCA can be improved using blurred images and interpolation. Interpolation is only feasible with a small number of points. For this reason two-stage PCA is proposed. In other words, PCA is applied to another PCA space. This makes the interpolation possible and improves the accuracy in recognising a shape at a translation and rotation unknown in the training stage. Finally classification is done with two different approaches: (1) End-to-end approaches and (2) feature-based approaches. For (1) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and other classifiers are tested directly over raw pixels, whereas for (2) PCA is mostly used to extract features and again different algorithms are tested for classification. Finally, results are presented showing accuracy and speed for (1) and (2) and how blurring affects the accuracy

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Dynamic optimization of classification systems for adaptive incremental learning.

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    Tese de Doutorado, defendida na Université Du Québec, Canadian. 2010An incremental learning system updates itself in response to incoming data without reexamining all the old data. Since classification systems capable of incrementally storing, filtering, and classifying data are economical, in terms of both space and time, which makes them immensely useful for industrial, military, and commercial purposes, interest in designing them is growing. However, the challenge with incremental learning is that classification tasks can no longer be seen as unvarying, since they can actually change with the evolution of the data. These changes in turn cause dynamic changes to occur in the classification system’s parameters If such variations are neglected, the overall performance of these systems will be compromised in the future. In this thesis, on the development of a system capable of incrementally accommodating new data and dynamically tracking new optimum system parameters for self-adaptation, we first address the optimum selection of classifiers over time. We propose a framework which combines the power of Swarm Intelligence Theory and the conventional grid-search method to progressively identify potential solutions for gradually updating training datasets. The key here is to consider the adjustment of classifier parameters as a dynamic optimization problem that depends on the data available. Specifically, it has been shown that, if the intention is to build efficient Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from sources that provide data gradually and serially, then the best way to do this is to consider model selection as a dynamic process which can evolve and change over time. This means that a number of solutions are required, depending on the knowledge available about the problem and uncertainties in the data. We also investigate measures for evaluating and selecting classifier ensembles composed of SVM classifiers. The measures employed are based on two different theories (diversity and margin) commonly used to understand the success of ensembles. This study has given us valuable insights and helped us to establish confidence-based measures as a tool for the selection of classifier ensembles. The main contribution of this thesis is a dynamic optimization approach that performs incremental learning in an adaptive fashion by tracking, evolving, and combining optimum hypotheses over time. The approach incorporates various theories, such as dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization, incremental Support Vector Machine classifiers, change detection, and dynamic ensemble selection based on classifier confidence levels. Experiments carried out on synthetic and real-world databases demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the classification methods often used in incremental learning scenarios