11 research outputs found

    Secretive Data Transactions Using Quantum Key in Wireless Networks

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    Currently uses of wireless devices are increased rapidly. In real time environment, secret communication between two wireless devices plays a major role. Generally in wireless network evaluation of private key extraction, involves to extract d bits having very low entropy in Received Signal Strength (RSS). But it is not suitable for moving devices. In an existing system use an adaptive secret key generation scheme for providing a secret communication between two wireless devices. The security of this scheme mainly follows reciprocity principle. It state that the process of identifying the channel fluctuation using adaptive lossy quantizer concurrent with Cascade-based information reconciliation and privacy amplification. In the proposed system, the Delay-bounded sink mobility problem of WSNs used to avoid the delay of data delivery. WSNs are arranged to monitor the adjacent environment and the data generation rate of sensors can be estimated accurately.to avoid the delay of data delivery. WSNs are arranged to monitor the adjacent environment and the data generation rate of sensors can be estimated accurately. The benefits of involving a mobile sink and the impact of network parameters are increased. Mainly the number of sensors used is reduced.

    Suitability of the rgb Channels for a Pixel Manipulation in a Spatial Domain Data Hiding Techniques

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    The aim of this research was to determine which channel in rgb color space is the most suitable (regarding perceptibility) for a pixel manipulation in a spatial domain data hiding techniques. For this purpose three custom test targets were generated. The research also shows the behavior of two closely related colors in the ps (Print-Scan) process. The results are interpreted using both a quantitative method (statistical comparison) and a qualitative method (visual comparison)

    Embedding Error Based Data Hiding in Color Images for Distortion Tolerance

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    In this paper, a data hiding scheme with distortion tolerance for color image is proposed. Data hiding is used to embed secret information into the cover image for secure transmission and protecting copyright. The secret information feasibly a text or an image. To protect the copyright of a true color image, a signature (a watermark), which is represented by a sequence of binary data, is embedded in the color image. In this proposed scheme, we first calculate the embedding error between the cover image and the secret information. Based on this embedding error, the stego image is computed then the embedded data are extracted by the extraction procedure. This scheme can tolerate some distortion such us salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, uniform noise, and JPEG lossy compression when transmitting a stego image through any network. Experimental results and discussions reveal that the proposed scheme tolerates those distortions with acceptable image quality

    JSP Custom Tag for Pagination, Sorting and Filtering ā€“ A Case Study

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    Tag libraries have the power of reducing complex functionalities to one liners by separating out implementation part from tag declarations. Tags do hide the implementation specific tasks from the end user by making the code more readable. The frequently and widely used functionality in any application is database operations which involve lot of code repetition. Such a repeated code can be hidden behind a couple of custom tags where the end user can be concerned only with the tag usage which renders the application bug free and also aids in rapid application development. Majority of automation softwares at the minimal incorporate functionalities for interaction with repository of data . The need for quick searching of required data and retrieving subsets of data demand sorting, pagination, and filtering capabilities to be an integral part of any application. With the exponential growth in data these functionalities become mandatory to be incorporated in any application irrespective of its type and size. Further, Rich Internet Application (RIA) demands an attractive graphical user interface providing visual clues on the type of data to be entered or to be displayed. In order to cater a solution to this issue, in the current paper, the authors have designed and implemented a JSP custom tag for displaying a database table data in columns of different types such as check boxes, images, hyperlinks etc. Boolean attributes are added to the tag for enabling one or more of the features corresponding to pagination, sorting and filtering

    Robust Image Watermarking Based on Psychovisual Threshold

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    Because of the facility of accessing and sharing digital images through the internet, digital images are often copied, edited and reused. Digital image watermarking is an approach to protect and manage digital images as intellectual property. The embedding of a natural watermark based on the properties of the human eye can be utilized to effectively hide a watermark image. This paper proposes a watermark embedding scheme based on the psychovisual threshold and edge entropy. The sensitivity of minor changes in DCT coefficients against JPEG quantization tables was investigated. A watermark embedding scheme was designed that offers good resistance against JPEG image compression. The proposed scheme was tested under different types of attacks. The experimental results indicated that the proposed scheme can achieve high imperceptibility and robustness against attacks. The watermark recovery process is also robust against attacks

    Contourlet Domain Image Modeling and its Applications in Watermarking and Denoising

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    Statistical image modeling in sparse domain has recently attracted a great deal of research interest. Contourlet transform as a two-dimensional transform with multiscale and multi-directional properties is known to effectively capture the smooth contours and geometrical structures in images. The objective of this thesis is to study the statistical properties of the contourlet coefficients of images and develop statistically-based image denoising and watermarking schemes. Through an experimental investigation, it is first established that the distributions of the contourlet subband coefficients of natural images are significantly non-Gaussian with heavy-tails and they can be best described by the heavy-tailed statistical distributions, such as the alpha-stable family of distributions. It is shown that the univariate members of this family are capable of accurately fitting the marginal distributions of the empirical data and that the bivariate members can accurately characterize the inter-scale dependencies of the contourlet coefficients of an image. Based on the modeling results, a new method in image denoising in the contourlet domain is proposed. The Bayesian maximum a posteriori and minimum mean absolute error estimators are developed to determine the noise-free contourlet coefficients of grayscale and color images. Extensive experiments are conducted using a wide variety of images from a number of databases to evaluate the performance of the proposed image denoising scheme and to compare it with that of other existing schemes. It is shown that the proposed denoising scheme based on the alpha-stable distributions outperforms these other methods in terms of the peak signal-to-noise ratio and mean structural similarity index, as well as in terms of visual quality of the denoised images. The alpha-stable model is also used in developing new multiplicative watermark schemes for grayscale and color images. Closed-form expressions are derived for the log-likelihood-based multiplicative watermark detection algorithm for grayscale images using the univariate and bivariate Cauchy members of the alpha-stable family. A multiplicative multichannel watermark detector is also designed for color images using the multivariate Cauchy distribution. Simulation results demonstrate not only the effectiveness of the proposed image watermarking schemes in terms of the invisibility of the watermark, but also the superiority of the watermark detectors in providing detection rates higher than that of the state-of-the-art schemes even for the watermarked images undergone various kinds of attacks