1,692 research outputs found

    Visualization of Agents and Their Interaction within Dynamic Environments

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    Many new technical systems are distributed systems that involve complex interaction between humans and machines, which notably reduces their usability. The properties of Agent Based Simulation make it especially suitable for simulating this kind of system. However, it is necessary to define new middleware solutions that allow the connection of simulation and visualization software. This paper describes the results achieved from a multiagent-based middleware for the behavior simulation and visualization of agents. The middleware modules presented in this study allow a complete integration of technologies for the development of Multiagent Systems and Agent Based Simulation, the construction of virtual organizations of agents, and the connection to external modules that represent the entities of the agents

    Simulation and Analysis of Virtual Organizations of Agents

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    Nowadays there is a clear trend towards using methods and tools that can help to develop multiagent systems (MAS). Thanks to the contribution from agent based computing to the field of computer simulation mediated by ABS (Agent Based Simulation) is obtained benefits like methods for evaluation and visualization of multi agent systems or for training future users of a system. This study presents a multiagent based middleware for the agents behavior simulation. The main challenge of this work is the design and development of a new infrastructure that can act as a middleware to communicate the current technology in charge of the development of the multiagent system and the technology in charge of the simulation, visualization and analysis of the behavior of the agents. The proposed middleware infrastructure makes it possible to visualize the emergent agent behaviour and the entity agent in a 3D environment. It also allows to design multi-agent systems considering organizational aspects of agent societies

    MISIA: Middleware Infrastructure to Simulate Intelligent Agents

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    Nowadays there is a clear trend towards using methods and tools that can help to develop multiagent systems (MAS). This study presents a multiagent based middleware for the agents behavior simulation. The main challenge of this work is the design and development of a new infrastructure that can act as a middleware to communicate the current technology in charge of the development of the multiagent system and the technology in charge of the simulation, visualization and analysis of the behavior of the agents. It is a key element when considering that MAS are autonomous, adaptive and complex systems and provides advances abilities for visualization. The proposed middleware infrastructure makes it possible to visualize the emergent agent behaviour and the entity agent. It also allows visualization of the interaction between the agent and the environment

    The Simulation Model Partitioning Problem: an Adaptive Solution Based on Self-Clustering (Extended Version)

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    This paper is about partitioning in parallel and distributed simulation. That means decomposing the simulation model into a numberof components and to properly allocate them on the execution units. An adaptive solution based on self-clustering, that considers both communication reduction and computational load-balancing, is proposed. The implementation of the proposed mechanism is tested using a simulation model that is challenging both in terms of structure and dynamicity. Various configurations of the simulation model and the execution environment have been considered. The obtained performance results are analyzed using a reference cost model. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is promising and that it can reduce the simulation execution time in both parallel and distributed architectures

    Separating Agent-Functioning and Inter-Agent Coordination by Activated Modules: The DECOMAS Architecture

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    The embedding of self-organizing inter-agent processes in distributed software applications enables the decentralized coordination system elements, solely based on concerted, localized interactions. The separation and encapsulation of the activities that are conceptually related to the coordination, is a crucial concern for systematic development practices in order to prepare the reuse and systematic integration of coordination processes in software systems. Here, we discuss a programming model that is based on the externalization of processes prescriptions and their embedding in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). One fundamental design concern for a corresponding execution middleware is the minimal-invasive augmentation of the activities that affect coordination. This design challenge is approached by the activation of agent modules. Modules are converted to software elements that reason about and modify their host agent. We discuss and formalize this extension within the context of a generic coordination architecture and exemplify the proposed programming model with the decentralized management of (web) service infrastructures

    Multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems: an extendible framework with example cooperation strategies

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    This paper proposes the use of multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems through the introduction of a new multiagent environment, MANGO. The strength of the environment lays in itsflexible structure based on communicating software agents that attempt to solve a problem cooperatively. This structure allows the execution of a wide range of global optimization algorithms described as a set of interacting operations. At one extreme, MANGO welcomes an individual non-cooperating agent, which is basically the traditional way of solving a global optimization problem. At the other extreme, autonomous agents existing in the environment cooperate as they see fit during run time. We explain the development and communication tools provided in the environment as well as examples of agent realizations and cooperation scenarios. We also show how the multiagent structure is more effective than having a single nonlinear optimization algorithm with randomly selected initial points

    Towards adaptive multi-robot systems: self-organization and self-adaptation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The development of complex systems ensembles that operate in uncertain environments is a major challenge. The reason for this is that system designers are not able to fully specify the system during specification and development and before it is being deployed. Natural swarm systems enjoy similar characteristics, yet, being self-adaptive and being able to self-organize, these systems show beneficial emergent behaviour. Similar concepts can be extremely helpful for artificial systems, especially when it comes to multi-robot scenarios, which require such solution in order to be applicable to highly uncertain real world application. In this article, we present a comprehensive overview over state-of-the-art solutions in emergent systems, self-organization, self-adaptation, and robotics. We discuss these approaches in the light of a framework for multi-robot systems and identify similarities, differences missing links and open gaps that have to be addressed in order to make this framework possible

    Infrastructure to Simulate Intelligent Agents in Cloud Environments

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    Nowadays there is a clear trend towards using methods and tools that can help the development of Simulation Systems. In this regard, Multiagent System (MAS) is a key technology that allows simulating user behavior. When the user is the focus of the simulation, Ambient Intelligent (AmI) increases in importance. AmI is an emerging multidisciplinary area based on ubiquitous computing that aims to adapt the environment to the needs of the user. Moreover, Cloud Computing is revolutionizing the services provided through the Internet, continually adapting itself in order to maintain the quality of its services. This study presents a multiagent based middleware for the simulation of agent behavior in cloud environments, and uses this information to adapt to the environment as AmI proposed. The main challenge of this work is the design and development of a new middleware that makes possible the communication between the technology in charge of the development of MAS and the technology in charge of the simulation, visualization and analysis of the behavior of the agents using the potential of cloud computing. The platform makes the computation and communication possible by following the principles proposed by AmI

    Design of an intelligent waterway ambient infrastructure based on Multiagent Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Lately Maritime research areas have moved their interests from traditional ship studies and traffic systems to new areas that confer a more general character to them as, for example, environmental monitoring. BOYAS project is proposed including these new perspectives as well as more classical ones. Trying to get this integral character for the waterway ambient and its activities management, the confluence between two recent research areas is studied. The convergence of Multiagent Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks constitutes a good framework and scenario in which this new research activities may be studied and develop.Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio FIT-340000-2006-2

    An Approach to Agent-Based Service Composition and Its Application to Mobile

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    This paper describes an architecture model for multiagent systems that was developed in the European project LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform). Its main feature is a set of generic services that are implemented independently of the agents and can be installed into the agents by the application developer in a flexible way. Moreover, two applications using this architecture model are described that were also developed within the LEAP project. The application domain is the support of mobile, virtual teams for the German automobile club ADAC and for British Telecommunications