2,497 research outputs found

    Investigation into voltage and process variation-aware manufacturing test

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    Increasing integration and complexity in IC design provides challenges for manufacturing testing. This thesis studies how process and supply voltage variation influence defect behaviour to determine the impact on manufacturing test cost and quality. The focus is on logic testing of static CMOS designs with respect to two important defect types in deep submicron CMOS: resistive bridges and full opens. The first part of the thesis addresses testing for resistive bridge defects in designs with multiple supply voltage settings. To enable analysis, a fault simulator is developed using a supply voltage-aware model for bridge defect behaviour. The analysis shows that for high defect coverage it is necessary to perform test for more than one supply voltage setting, due to supply voltage-dependent behaviour. A low-cost and effective test method is presented consisting of multi-voltage test generation that achieves high defect coverage and test set size reduction without compromise to defect coverage. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks with realistic bridge locations validate the proposed method.The second part focuses on the behaviour of full open defects under supply voltage variation. The aim is to determine the appropriate value of supply voltage to use when testing. Two models are considered for the behaviour of full open defects with and without gate tunnelling leakage influence. Analysis of the supply voltage-dependent behaviour of full open defects is performed to determine if it is required to test using more than one supply voltage to detect all full open defects. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks using an extended version of the fault simulator tool mentioned above, measure the quantitative impact of supply voltage variation on defect coverage.The final part studies the impact of process variation on the behaviour of bridge defects. Detailed analysis using synthesised ISCAS benchmarks and realistic bridge model shows that process variation leads to additional faults. If process variation is not considered in test generation, the test will fail to detect some of these faults, which leads to test escapes. A novel metric to quantify the impact of process variation on test quality is employed in the development of a new test generation tool, which achieves high bridge defect coverage. The method achieves a user-specified test quality with test sets which are smaller than test sets generated without consideration of process variation

    Fault modelling and accelerated simulation of integrated circuits manufacturing defects under process variation

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    As silicon manufacturing process scales to and beyond the 65-nm node, process variation can no longer be ignored. The impact of process variation on integrated circuit performance and power has received significant research input. Variation-aware test, on the other hand, is a relatively new research area that is currently receiving attention worldwide.Research has shown that test without considering process variation may lead to loss of test quality. Fault modelling and simulation serve as a backbone of manufacturing test. This thesis is concerned with developing efficient fault modelling techniques and simulation methodologies that take into account the effect of process variation on manufacturing defects with particular emphasis on resistive bridges and resistive opens.The first contribution of this thesis addresses the problem of long computation time required to generate logic fault of resistive bridges under process variation by developing a fast and accurate modelling technique to model logic fault behaviour of resistive bridges.The new technique is implemented by employing two efficient voltage calculation algorithms to calculate the logic threshold voltage of driven gates and critical resistance of a fault-site to enable the computation of bridge logic faults without using SPICE. Simulation results show that the technique is fast (on average 53 times faster) and accurate (worst case is 2.64% error) when compared with HSPICE. The second contribution analyses the complexity of delay fault simulation of resistive bridges to reduce the computation time of delay fault when considering process variation. An accelerated delay fault simulation methodology of resistive bridges is developed by employing a three-step strategy to speed up the calculation of transient gate output voltage which is needed to accurately compute delay faults. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average 17.4 times faster, with 5.2% error in accuracy, when compared with HSPICE. The final contribution presents an accelerated simulation methodology of resistive opens to address the problem of long simulation time of delay fault when considering process variation. The methodology is implemented by using two efficient algorithms to accelerate the computation of transient gate output voltage and timing critical resistance of an open fault-site. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average up to 52 times faster than HSPICE, with 4.2% error in accuracy

    Comparing the impact of power supply voltage on CMOS-and FinFET-based SRAMs in the presence of resistive defects

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    CMOS technology scaling has reached its limit at the 22 nm technology node due to several factors including Process Variations (PV), increased leakage current, Random Dopant Fluctuation (RDF), and mainly the Short-Channel Effect (SCE). In order to continue the miniaturization process via technology down-scaling while preserving system reliability and performance, Fin Field-Effect Transistors (FinFETs) arise as an alternative to CMOS transistors. In parallel, Static Random-Access Memories (SRAMs) increasingly occupy great part of Systems-on-Chips’ (SoCs) silicon area, making their reliability an important issue. SRAMs are designed to reach densities at the limit of the manufacturing process, making this component susceptible to manufacturing defects, including the resistive ones. Such defects may cause dynamic faults during the circuits’ lifetime, an important cause of test escape. Thus, the identification of the proper faulty behavior taking different operating conditions into account is considered crucial to guarantee the development of more suitable test methodologies. In this context, a comparison between the behavior of a 22 nm CMOS-based and a 20 nm FinFET-based SRAM in the presence of resistive defects is carried out considering different power supply voltages. In more detail, the behavior of defective cells operating under different power supply voltages has been investigated performing SPICE simulations. Results show that the power supply voltage plays an important role in the faulty behavior of both CMOS- and FinFET-based SRAM cells in the presence of resistive defects but demonstrate to be more expressive when considering the FinFET-based memories. Studying different operating temperatures, the results show an expressively higher occurrence of dynamic faults in FinFET-based SRAMs when compared to CMOS technology

    Delay test for diagnosis of power switches

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    Power switches are used as part of power-gating technique to reduce leakage power of a design. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in open-literature to show a systematic diagnosis method for accurately diagnosingpower switches. The proposed diagnosis method utilizes recently proposed DFT solution for efficient testing of power switches in the presence of PVT variation. It divides power switches into segments such that any faulty power switch is detectable thereby achieving high diagnosis accuracy. The proposed diagnosis method has been validated through SPICE simulation using a number of ISCAS benchmarks synthesized with a 90-nm gate library. Simulation results show that when considering the influence of process variation, the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 4.5%; and the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 12% when considering VT (Voltage and Temperature) variations

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM.Postprint (published version

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Variation Analysis, Fault Modeling and Yield Improvement of Emerging Spintronic Memories

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    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    Using Effective Generator Impedance for Forced Oscillation Source Location

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    Locating the sources of forced low-frequency oscillations in power systems is an important problem. A number of proposed methods demonstrate their practical usefulness, but many of them rely on strong modeling assumptions and provide poor performance in certain cases for reasons still not well understood. This paper proposes a systematic method for locating the source of a forced oscillation by considering a generator's response to fluctuations of its terminal voltages and currents. It is shown that a generator can be represented as an effective admittance matrix with respect to low-frequency oscillations, and an explicit form for this matrix, for various generator models, is derived. Furthermore, it is shown that a source generator, in addition to its effective admittance, is characterized by the presence of an effective current source thus giving a natural qualitative distinction between source and nonsource generators. Detailed descriptions are given of a source detection procedure based on this developed representation, and the method's effectiveness is confirmed by simulations on the recommended testbeds (eg. WECC 179-bus system). This method is free of strong modeling assumptions and is also shown to be robust in the presence of measurement noise and generator parameter uncertainty.Comment: 13 page