3,164 research outputs found

    An efficient surrogate model for emulation and physics extraction of large eddy simulations

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    In the quest for advanced propulsion and power-generation systems, high-fidelity simulations are too computationally expensive to survey the desired design space, and a new design methodology is needed that combines engineering physics, computer simulations and statistical modeling. In this paper, we propose a new surrogate model that provides efficient prediction and uncertainty quantification of turbulent flows in swirl injectors with varying geometries, devices commonly used in many engineering applications. The novelty of the proposed method lies in the incorporation of known physical properties of the fluid flow as {simplifying assumptions} for the statistical model. In view of the massive simulation data at hand, which is on the order of hundreds of gigabytes, these assumptions allow for accurate flow predictions in around an hour of computation time. To contrast, existing flow emulators which forgo such simplications may require more computation time for training and prediction than is needed for conducting the simulation itself. Moreover, by accounting for coupling mechanisms between flow variables, the proposed model can jointly reduce prediction uncertainty and extract useful flow physics, which can then be used to guide further investigations.Comment: Submitted to JASA A&C

    Computational Study of the Injection Process in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engines

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    [ES] La creciente preocupación por los problemas medioambientales, la disponibilidad de combustibles fósiles unido a la gran demanda de vehículos, han llevado a los gobiernos a regular las emisiones emitidas a la atmósfera. Existen propuestas de adoptar fuentes de energía renovables. Sin embargo, la sustitución de los combustibles derivados del petróleo no será fácil, rápida o rentable, y el transporte propulsado por motores de combustión interna (ICE) seguirá destacando en los próximos años. La eficiencia de la combustión y el rendimiento del motor están influenciados por el complejo proceso de inyección. La inyección directa de gasolina (GDI) aumenta el ahorro de combustible y cumple los requisitos de emisiones contaminantes, aunque queda potencial por descubrir. Por ello, ha sido objeto de estudio en los últimos años y, en consecuencia, de la presente Tesis. Este trabajo tiene como motivación mejorar el entendimiento en el campo del GDI. La compleja naturaleza transitoria del proceso de inyección hace que el estudio experimental sea un desafío. La Mecánica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) surge como una potente alternativa a los experimentos y ha sido adoptada para esta investigación. Bajo este contexto, el objetivo de la presente Tesis es desarrollar una metodología predictiva para la caracterización hidráulica del inyector, capaz de ser aplicada a las actuales y futuras generaciones de inyectores GDI, independientemente de las características del inyector y del software de estudio. Una vez validada, el objetivo posterior es utilizar los resultados para analizar el comportamiento del chorro. Este enfoque busca seguir los pasos de la comunidad científica sustituyendo la práctica experimental. La validación de la metodología se lleva a cabo mediante su aplicación en dos inyectores GDI solenoides multi-orificio diferentes. Además, se han utilizado dos códigos CFD comerciales: CONVERGE y StarCCM+. La metodología predictiva se centra en el estudio del flujo interno y el campo cercano para caracterizar hidráulicamente el inyector. El problema a tratar se define como un sistema multifásico en un marco Euleriano y considerando un único fluido. El tratamiento del flujo multifásico se realiza mediante el enfoque Volume-of-Fluid (VOF). Además, se emplea el Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) para considerar el intercambio de masa entre las fases líquida y vapor debido a cavitación y flash boiling. La turbulencia se ha tratado a partir de los enfoques Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) y Large Eddy Simulations (LES). Por otro lado, en cuanto al estudio del flujo externo, se ha adoptado el Discrete Droplet Model (DDM). La atomización y el chorro están influenciados por la geometría de la tobera, por lo que la estrategia de acoplamiento del flujo interno y externo complementa los análisis. Se han adoptado enfoques de acoplamiento unidireccional y mapeado, utilizando como parámetros de entrada los datos de flujo interno de la validada metodología. Esta Tesis aporta una nueva y valiosa metodología predictiva con una elevada precisión a la hora de caracterizar el proceso de inyección en comparativa con datos experimentales. Por otro lado, es directamente trasferible a distintos códigos de cálculo así como aplicable a inyectores con características dispares sin perjudicar las exigencias del modelo. La correcta caracterización del flujo interno ha permitido emplear los datos obtenidos para analizar el comportamiento del chorro eliminando la necesidad de usar datos experimentales. Los resultados obtenidos capturan el comportamiento macroscópico del chorro con una precisión comparable a los experimentos. Aunque todavía hay muchos retos que afrontar, la presente Tesis supone un gran avance en el campo del GDI. El remarcable progreso se debe al desarrollo y uso de una metodología totalmente predictiva, que permite prescindir de la mayoría de los experimentos para contribuir a una mayor y más amplia visión de la física del proceso de inyección.[CA] La creixent preocupació pels problemes ambientals, la limitada disponibilitat de combustibles fòssils, acompanyat a la gran demanda de vehicles, ha portat el govern a regular els nivells d'emissions emesos a l'atmosfera. Existeixen propostes d'adoptar fonts d'energia renovables. Tanmateix, la substitució dels combustibles líquids derivats del petroli no es durà a terme de forma fàcil, ràpida o rentable, i el transport propulsat per motors de combustió interna (ICE) continuarà destacant en els pròxims anys. L'eficiència de la combustió i el rendiment del motor són fortament influenciats pel complex procés d'injecció. La injecció directa de gasolina (GDI) augmenta l'estalvi de combustible i complix amb els requisits d'emissions, encara que queda molt potencial per descobrir. Per això, aquest ha sigut objecte d'investigació en els últims anys i, com a conseqüència, d'aquesta Tesi. Aquest treball té com a motivació millorar l'enteniment en el camp del GDI. La complexa natura transitòria de la injecció fa que l'estudi experimental siga força complex. La Mecànica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) sorgeix com una potent alternativa als experiments, i ha sigut adoptada per aquesta investigació. Baix aquest mateix context, es proposa com a objectiu principal d'aquesta Tesi el desenvolupament d'una metodologia predictiva per a la caracterització hidràulica de l'injector, capaç de ser aplicada a les actuals i futures generacions d'injectors GDI (independentment de les característiques de l'injector i del software d'estudi). Una vegada validada, el posterior objectiu és analitzar el comportament de l'esprai. Aquest enfocament busca seguir els passos de la comunitat científica substituint la pràctica experimental. La validació de la metodologia ha sigut duta a terme mitjançant la seva aplicació en dos injectors GDI solenoides multi-orifici. A més, s'han utilitzat dos software CFD comercials: CONVERGE i StarCCM+. La metodologia predictiva se centra en l'estudi del flux intern i el camp proper per tal de caracteritzar hidràulicament l'injector. El problema a tractar es defineix en base a un sistema multi-fàsic en un marc Eulerià i considerant un únic fluid. El tractament del fluid multi-fàsic es realitza mitjançant l'aproximació Volume-of-Fluid (VOF). A més, s'utilitza el Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) per tal de considerar l'intercambi de massa entre les fases líquida i vapor degut als fenòmens de cavitació i flash boiling. La turbulència s'ha tractac a través dels enfocaments Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) i Large Eddy Simulations (LES). Pel que fa a l'estudi del fluix extern, s'ha adoptat el Discrete Droplet Model (DDM). Sent conscients que el comportament l'atomització i l'esprai estan influenciats per la geometria de la tovera, l'estratègia d'acoblament del flux intern i extern complementa les anàlisis. S'han adoptat els enfocaments d'acoblament unidireccional i mapejat, utilitzant com a paràmetres d'entrada les dades del flux intern obtingudes amb la validada metodologia. Aquesta Tesi aporta una nova i valuosa metodologia predictiva amb una elevada precisió a l'hora de caracteritzar el procés d'injecció en comparativa amb dades experimentals. És directament transferible a diversos codis de càlcul així com aplicable a injectors amb característiques dispars sense perjudicar les exigències del model. La correcta caracterització del flux intern ha permès utilitzar les dades obtingudes per tal d'analitzar el comportament de l'esprai, eliminant la necessitat d'emprar dades experimentals. Els resultats obtinguts d'aquest estudi capturen el comportament macroscòpic de l'esprai amb una precisió comparable als experiments. Encara que queden molts reptes per afrontar, aquesta Tesi aporta un important avanç al camp del GDI. La ruptura prové del desenvolupament i ús d'una metodologia completament predictiva, que substitueix els experiments requerits i així contribueix a una millor i més ampla visió de la física del procés d'injecció.[EN] Concerns about climate change, availability of fuel resources and the high demand for vehicles, have led governments to regulate the level of pollution emitted by engines into the atmosphere. There is a strong desire to adopt renewable and sustainable energy sources. However, the substitution of liquid fuels derived from petroleum will not emerge easily, quickly or economically, and Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) will continue to excel for the next few years. Combustion efficiency and engine performance are strongly influenced by the complex fuel injection process. Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) strategies increase fuel economy and meet emission requirements, although many challenges remain, which has therefore been one of the main research objectives in recent years and of this Thesis. The present research aims to provide a better understanding in the field of GDI. The transient and complex nature of the injection process makes the experimental study of GDI quite challenging. Therefore, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) emerges as a powerful alternative adopted for this research. In this context, the main objective of the present Thesis is to develop a predictive methodology capable of being applied to current and future generations of GDI injectors, regardless of the injector features and the software employed, for the hydraulic characterization of the injector. Once validated, the subsequent goal is to employ the obtained results to analyze the behavior of the spray downstream of the injector. The approach attempts to follow the footsteps of the research community to avoid experimental practice. The predictive methodology has been validated through its application to two multi-hole solenoid GDI injectors with different features. In addition, the mentioned methodology has been evaluated using diverse commercial software: CONVERGE and StarCCM+. The methodology focuses on the study of the internal and near-field flow to hydraulically characterize the injector. So the problem to be addressed is a multi-phase system, performed in an Eulerian framework, modeled through a single-fluid approach. The multi-phase flow is treated by means of the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) approach. Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) is employed to consider the mass exchange between liquid and vapor fuel phases, due to cavitation and flash boiling. The turbulence treatment has been performed from both Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) approaches. Regarding the external flow study, the Discrete Droplet Model (DDM) has been adopted. In addition, being aware that atomization and spray behavior is greatly influenced by the nozzle geometry, the coupling strategy of the internal and external flow complements the analyses. One-way coupling and mapping approaches have been adopted, using as input parameters the internal flow data obtained from the already validated methodology. Accordingly, this Thesis provides a new and valuable predictive methodology, which has demonstrated a high accuracy in characterizing the flow behavior during the injection process through comparison with experimental data. It has also proven to be directly transferable to different CFD software and applicable to injectors with dissimilar characteristics without compromising the requirements of the model. The correct internal flow characterization has made it possible to employ the obtained data to analyze the spray patterns, which eliminates the need to consider experimental data. The outcomes of this study macroscopically capture the jet behavior with an accuracy comparable to experiments under different operating conditions. Although there are still many challenges to face, the present Thesis brings a breakthrough in the field of GDI. The quantum leap arises from the development and use of a fully predictive methodology, allowing to avoid most experiments to contribute to a greater and broader vision of the injection process physics.María Martínez García has been founded through a grant from the Government of Generalitat Valenciana with reference ACIF/2018/118 and financial support from the European Union. These same institutions, Government of Generalitat Valenciana and the European Union, supported through a grant for pre-doctoral stays out of the Comunitat Valenciana with reference BEFPI/2020/057 the research carried out during the stay at Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Special gratitude from the author to both institutions, Government of Generalitat Valenciana and the European Union, for making this dream possibleMartínez García, M. (2022). Computational Study of the Injection Process in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185180TESI

    Preferential concentration of inertial sub-kolmogorov particles. The roles of mass loading of particles, Stokes and Reynolds numbers

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    Turbulent flows laden with inertial particles present multiple open questions and are a subject of great interest in current research. Due to their higher density compared to the carrier fluid, inertial particles tend to form high concentration regions, i.e. clusters, and low concentration regions, i.e. voids, due to the interaction with the turbulence. In this work, we present an experimental investigation of the clustering phenomenon of heavy sub-Kolmogorov particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows. Three control parameters have been varied over significant ranges: Reλ[170450]Re_{\lambda} \in [170 - 450], St[0.15]St\in [0.1 - 5] and volume fraction ϕv[2×1062×105]\phi_v\in [2\times 10^{-6} - 2\times 10^{-5}]. The scaling of clustering characteristics, such as the distribution of Vorono\"i areas and the dimensions of cluster and void regions, with the three parameters are discussed. In particular, for the polydispersed size distributions considered here, clustering is found to be enhanced strongly (quasi-linearly) by ReλRe_{\lambda} and noticeably (with a square-root dependency) with ϕv\phi_v, while the cluster and void sizes, scaled with the Kolmogorov lengthscale η\eta, are driven primarily by ReλRe_{\lambda}. Cluster length Ac\sqrt{\langle A_c \rangle} scales up to 100η\approx 100 {\eta}, measured at the highest ReλRe_{\lambda}, while void length Av\sqrt{\langle A_v \rangle} scaled also with η\eta is typically two times larger (200η\approx 200 {\eta}). The lack of sensitivity of the above characteristics to the Stokes number lends support to the "sweep-stick" particle accumulation scenario. The non-negligible influence of the volume fraction, however, is not considered by that model and can be connected with collective effects


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    Concurrent simulations and experiments are used to study combustion instabilities in a multiple injector element combustion chamber. The experiments employ a linear array of seven coaxial injector elements positioned atop a rectangular chamber. Different levels of instability are driven in the combustor by varying the operating and geometry parameters of the outer driving injector elements located near the chamber end-walls. The objectives of the study are to apply a reduced three-injector model to generate a computational test bed for the evaluation of injector response to transverse instability, to apply a full seven-injector model to investigate the inter-element coupling between injectors in response to transverse instability, and to further develop this integrated approach as a key element in a predictive methodology that relies heavily on subscale test and simulation. To measure the effects of the transverse wave on a central study injector element two opposing windows are placed in the chamber to allow optical access. The chamber is extensively instrumented with high-frequency pressure transducers. High-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations are used to model the experiment. Specifically three-dimensional, detached eddy simulations (DES) are used. Two computational approaches are investigated. The first approach models the combustor with three center injectors and forces transverse waves in the chamber with a wall velocity function at the chamber side walls. Different levels of pressure oscillation amplitudes are possible by varying the amplitude of the forcing function. The purpose of this method is to focus on the combustion response of the study element. In the second approach, all seven injectors are modeled and self-excited combustion instability is achieved. This realistic model of the chamber allows the study of inter-element flow dynamics, e.g., how the resonant motions in the injector tubes are coupled through the transverse pressure waves in the chamber. The computational results are analyzed and compared with experiment results in the time, frequency and modal domains. Results from the three injector model show how applying different velocity forcing amplitudes change the amplitude and spatial location of heat release from the center injector. The instability amplitudes in the simulation are able to be tuned to experiments and produce similar modal combustion responses of the center injector. The reaction model applied was found to play an important role in the spatial and temporal heat release response. Only when the model was calibrated to ignition delay measurements did the heat release response reflect measurements in the experiment. While insightful the simulations are not truly predictive because the driving frequency and forcing function amplitude are input into the simulation. However, the use of this approach as a tool to investigate combustion response is demonstrated. Results from the seven injector simulations provide an insightful look at the mechanisms driving the instability in the combustor. The instability was studied over a range of pressure fluctuations, up to 70% of mean chamber pressure produced in the self-exited simulation. At low amplitudes the transverse instability was found to be supported by both flame impingement with the side wall as well as vortex shedding at the primary acoustic frequency. As instability level grew the primary supporting mechanism shifted to just vortex impingement on the side walls and the greatest growth was seen as additional vortices began impinging between injector elements at the primary acoustic frequency. This research reveals the advantages and limitations of applying these two modeling techniques to simulate multiple injector experiments. The advantage of the three injector model is a simplified geometry which results in faster model development and the ability to more rapidly study the injector response under varying velocity amplitudes. The possibly faster run time is offset though by the need to run multiple cases to calibrate the model to the experiment. The model is also limited to studying the central injector effect and lacks heat release sources from the outer injectors and additional vortex interactions as shown in the seven injector simulation. The advantage of the seven injector model is that the whole domain can be explored to provide a better understanding about influential processes but does require longer development and run time due to the extensive gridding requirement. Both simulations have proven useful in exploring transverse combustion instability and show the need to further develop subscale experiments and companions simulations in developing a full-scale combustion instability prediction capability

    An Experimental Investigation of Self-Excited Combustion Dynamics in a Single Element Lean Direct Injection (LDI) Combustor

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    The management of combustion dynamics in gas turbine combustors has become more challenging as strict NOx/CO emission standards have led to engine operation in a narrow, lean regime. While premixed or partially premixed combustor configurations such as the Lean Premixed Pre-vaporized (LPP), Rich Quench Lean burn (RQL), and Lean Direct Injection (LDI) have shown a potential for reduced NOx emissions, they promote a coupling between acoustics, hydrodynamics and combustion that can lead to combustion instabilities. These couplings can be quite complex, and their detailed understanding is a pre-requisite to any engine development program and for the development of predictive capability for combustion instabilities through high-fidelity models. The overarching goal of this project is to assess the capability of high-fidelity simulation to predict combustion dynamics in low-emissions gas turbine combustors. A prototypical lean-direct-inject combustor was designed in a modular configuration so that a suitable geometry could be found by test. The combustor comprised a variable length air plenum and combustion chamber, air swirler, and fuel nozzle located inside a subsonic venturi. The venturi cross section and the fuel nozzle were consistent with previous studies. Test pressure was 1 MPa and variables included geometry and acoustic resonance, inlet temperatures, equivalence ratio, and type of liquid fuel. High-frequency pressure measurements in a well-instrumented metal chamber yielded frequencies and mode shapes as a function of inlet air temperature, equivalence ratio, fuel nozzle placement, and combustor acoustic resonances. The parametric survey was a significant effort, with over 105 tests on eight geometric configurations. A good dataset was obtained that could be used for both operating-point-dependent quantitative comparisons, and testing the ability of the simulation to predict more global trends. Results showed a very strong dependence of instability amplitude on the geometric configuration of the combustor, i.e., its acoustic resonance characteristics, with measured pressure fluctuation amplitudes ranged from 5 kPa (0.5% of mean pressure) to 200 kPa (~20% of mean pressure) depending on combustor geometry. The stability behavior also showed a consistent and pronounced dependence on equivalence ratio and inlet air temperature. Instability amplitude increased with higher equivalence ratio and with lower inlet air temperature. A pronounced effect of fuel nozzle location on the combustion dynamics was also observed. Combustion instabilities with the fuel nozzle at the throat of the venturi throat were stronger than in the configuration with fuel nozzle 2.6 mm upstream of the nozzle. A second set of dynamics data was based on high-response-rate laser-based combustion diagnostics using an optically accessible combustor section. High-frequency measurements of OH*-chemiluminescence and OH-PLIF and velocity fields using PIV were obtained at a relatively stable, low equivalence ratio case and a less stable case at higher equivalence ratio. PIV measurements were performed at 5 kHz for non-reacting flow but glare from the cylindrical quartz chamber limited the field of view to a small region in the combustor. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons were made for five different combinations of geometry and operating condition that yielded discriminating stability behavior in the experiment with simulations that were carried out concurrently. Comparisons were made on the basis of trends and pressure mode data as well as with OH-PLIF measurements for the baseline geometry at equivalence ratios of 0.44 and 0.6. Overall, the ability of the simulation to match experimental data and trends was encouraging. Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) analysis was performed on two sets of computations - a global 2-step chemistry mechanism and an 18-step chemistry mechanism - and the OH-PLIF images to allow comparison of dynamic patterns of heat release and OH distribution in the combustion zone. The DMD analysis was able to identify similar dominant unstable modes in the combustor. Recommendations for future work are based on the continued requirement for quantitative and spatio-temporally resolved data for direct comparison with computational efforts to develop predictive capabilities for combustion instabilities at relevant operating conditions. Discriminating instability behavior for the prototypical combustor demonstrated in this study is critical for any robust validation effort Unit physics based scaling of the current effort to multi-element combustors along with improvement in diagnostic techniques and analysis efforts are recommended for advancement in understanding of the complex physics in the multi-phase, three dimensional and turbulent combustion processes in the LDI combustor